Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Lantern (four K)


Wang Congshan sighed, and got into the cloak.

I saw the lion skin trembling a few times, slowly supporting it, and moving it toward the corridor. From under the lion skin, "Don't step on my foot." "Walk slowly, I can't keep up!" Kind of sound.

The two were noisy and entered the corridor with lion skins.

The lanterns hanging in the atrium glowed, shining on the lion dance,

Most of the light is refracted by the mirror fragments on the surface of the lion dance.

A small amount of light shone, causing those areas not covered by mirror fragments to grow out of shapeless dark shadows visible to the naked eye.

Li Ang and Wang Congshan inside the lion dance can clearly feel that the weight of the lion skin above is growing strangely.

The entire lion skin seemed to come alive gradually, applying pressure from all directions and wrapping it up.

Li Ang was prepared for this. He picked up his heart ape stick and pointed it at the head of the lion and the tail of the lion at the other.

Inject spiritual power into the heart ape, make the club grow slightly, and block the tendency of lion dance to roll in.

Three steps and two steps at the same time, rushed forward, across the entire corridor, rushed to the atrium.

Holding the heart ape club in his hand, he flicked forward and turned the entire lion skin forward, forming a mirror in mid-air, directly aimed at the lantern.

As the distance narrowed, Li Ang was able to see the shape of the lantern in more detail.

I saw that the lantern was oval as a whole, and the skeleton was woven from bamboo strips, and white paper was pasted on the outside. The surface of the paper was painted with pure flower patterns.

This lantern is not unique,

The atrium of the Hiratsuka Mansion is shaped like a "匚" as a whole, with semi-open corridors on three sides, and one side open to the open air leading to the courtyard.

On the other three beams and columns in the "匚"-shaped atrium area, there are also three similar lanterns.

But only this one, the light is extremely bright,

And the shadows cast on the surface of the lantern paper are also a bit strange.

With the help of the [Expanded Vision] ability, Li Ang was able to see the inside of the lantern clearly-instead of a candle, there was a shriveled man's head that was compressed into sugarcane.

Although it’s hard to imagine, what kind of weird power is needed to twist the human body into this shape,

But the skin, muscles and bones of this human head are indeed compressed into candle-like strips.

The facial features on the entire face were compressed into a diamond shape, with two shriveled eyes wide open, one up and down, and a slash-like mouth below.

It's almost like this:


The hair on the head of a shriveled person, like the wick of a candle, continues to burn, with no trace of shortening at all.

Between the sparks and the fire, Li Ang discovered that whether it is direct interference with psychic energy, or psychic energy to create a breeze,

I couldn’t put the candles out, so I immediately changed my strategy.

Continue to flip the lion dance skin bag, cover it on the surface of the lantern, stand on tiptoe, pull with both hands, tie a bow, wrap the lantern round and round without revealing a trace of light.

All of this happened within one breath. Li Ang pulled both ends of the lion skin bow with both hands, holding his breath and waiting for half a minute.

Nothing happened,

Across the lion skin, the two could hear the very slight hair burning sound from the lantern.

Wang Congshan hesitated: "This is... solved?"


Li Ang nodded, lightly held the lantern and pulled it, and found that the lantern was hung firmly on the seemingly unstable beam and column support, and he had to give up.

Originally, he planned to take away this peculiar lantern, but he encountered a ghost in the future. Maybe he could still hold Perseus with Medusa's head.

It might have a miraculous effect if you let the lantern out against the enemy.

"The other three lanterns contained normal candles instead of human heads."

Li Ang scanned the surroundings and found that there were some dim bloodstains on the ground below the beams and pillars where the lanterns were hung.

Inside the atrium is a semi-open tea room, which serves as a place for guests to drink tea.

In the open space in front of the tea room, some decorations are placed.

For example, stone basins filled with water, bamboo tubes that make noises from time to time when connected with water.

Li Ang glanced over, and immediately found the doubt, frowned, strode down the steps, stepped into the courtyard, and came to the front of the seesaw-like bamboo tube.

This device is called "Luwei", (ししおどし)

It usually consists of a water delivery system, and a bamboo tube with a heavy end and a light end.

The water delivery system will continue to pump water from the ground like a fountain,

Pour it on the cut bamboo tube,

When the bamboo tube is full of water, it will tilt to one end due to gravity, fall on the stone, make a "pop" sound, and pour the water out.

Then because of the change in the center of gravity, it reverted to a tilted state, until the water flow was full again, it continued to make a sound, repeating itself again and again.

"Luwei" was originally installed in the farmland by Ridao, and by making noises, it drives away birds and beasts to protect the agricultural tools of the farmland.

It was later used in Japanese gardens as a landscape design, also known as Tianshui.

However, Li Ang's attention was not on adding water, but on the other stones behind the water adding device.

"These stones are called squatting, and they are devices used to wash hands for owners and guests in the Ridao tea room, and they are also a component of the landscape design of the Ridao tea room.

A complete set of squats can be based on the function, shape, and height of the stone.

It is divided into hand water bowl, front stone, hand candle stone, soup bucket stone and water gate. "

In the regular pattering sound of the water refilling device, Li Ang squatted down, pointed to the stone, and introduced to Wang Congshan: "The hand water bowl is the place where guests in the tea room scoop water and wash their hands before drinking tea. Usually, they are hollowed out in the middle.

The front stone is the place to sit and absorb, and the candle stone is the place to put the lights at night.

Tang barrel stone is used to release hot water in winter,

The water gate, also called the sea, is responsible for absorbing water.

The Hiratsuka family is a family of local nobles,

The courtyard design is just one word, exquisite.

Their tea garden not only used the most complete set of squatting, but also added a set of so-called equipment that can further shape the "Zen". "

Li Ang pointed to the pile of rocks under the crouching system, and said: "The pebbles below the crouching system are gray overall.

A vertical bamboo tube is inserted between the pebbles.

This kind of installation is called "Shuiqin Cave"

The lower part is hollow and was dug into the shape of a bell, or a copper pot or a niche lamp.

Internal water storage,

When the water in the bamboo tube flows out, it first flows into the hand water bowl,

If the water in the water bowl is full, the extra water will follow the water gate stone,

Penetrate into the Shuiqin Cave.

Since the water is stored in the hollow inside the Shuiqin Cave, the dripping sound will be amplified, and the frequency is slower than that of the water filling device.

And the above bamboo tube is used to further amplify the sound-in order to further pursue Zen, there are also special studies by Japanese scholars.

What shape should the Shuiqin Cave be molded into? Whether the material inside is stone or pottery, the height of the water and the frequency of the sound are more appropriate. "

"Hey, really, blocked."

Wang Congshan slapped her lips and found the problem, "Um... the stone in this Shuiqin cave seems to have been shaved off?

The bamboo tube that was originally inserted in the water gate stone was also pulled out and left aside. "


Li Ang nodded, and said in a relaxed tone: "The disaster that fell on the Hiratsuka family happened almost instantaneously.

They even had half of the food on the table, too late to run.

In this case, how can there be leisure and leisure, renovate the Shuiqin Cave.

Unless there is a real disaster, someone fled to the bottom of the Shuiqin Cave and went into hiding.

Stand up a bit and cover me. "

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Congshan stood aside holding the pistol,

Li Ang picked up the heart ape club and pushed aside the water gate stone in the pit.

As the pebbles were pushed apart, a large hole was revealed in the pit, revealing the bell-shaped water piano cave.

And in the Shuiqin Cave, a corpse in a squatting position, wearing children's clothing and holding a school bag.

Maybe it’s because of the accumulation of water in the Shuiqin Cave,

The upper part of the corpse was shriveled and withered, while the lower part was swollen and rotting, emitting an unpleasant smell.

Wang Congshan trembled, "Be careful!"

Li Ang waved his hand, indicating not to worry.

Without changing his face, he approached the big hole of Shuiqin Cavern and carefully examined the shape of the corpse in it.

The corpse was probably only seven or eight years old when he died. He was wearing elementary school uniforms with no obvious injuries on his body. He held an orange schoolbag in his arms, and the zipper of the schoolbag was half open.

With a deep groan, Li Ang stretched the heart ape stick into the Shuiqin cave, and put the heart ape through the **** the side of the schoolbag.

With a light pick, the orange schoolbag was picked out of the Shuiqin Cave.

As the schoolbag was picked out, the arms of the corpse fell down, but there was no further change.

Li Ang asked Wang Congshan to aim the gun at the corpse, while gently unzipping the half-open zipper of his schoolbag.

The schoolbag contains items such as elementary school textbooks, test papers, and stationery,

Like other items in the script world, the texts on the textbooks and test papers are more ambiguous. There is only a math test paper with full marks on the surface, and the handwriting is clear and clear. The owner of the test paper is named Hiratsuka Yuo. Class A.

Li Ang skipped the math questions on the test paper and found that the back of the test paper was written with a lot of crooked words in a pencil.

【Who can help me】

[It's so dark here]

[Uncle, aunt, mother, grandpa, brother, they are all dead]

[There is a scary monster crawling out of the well]

[Dad said he will protect me, let me hide here, don’t make any noise, he will find someone to help me]

[I'm so scared, Dad still didn't come back]

[It's cold]

[It's so crowded]

[So uncomfortable, I want to lie down]

[So hungry]

[So hungry]

[So hungry]

"These should be the experience of Hiratsuka before his death."

Li Ang frowned and took a look at the test paper to Wang Congshan, and said, "Do you still remember the character I played, Tetsuya Ogasawara, who carried the memo pads?

There are several pictures on the memo pad, which are samurai wearing armor, holding a sword, and wearing a prajna mask;

A stone well under a twisted dead tree;

A torii built on the hillside;

The samurai corresponds to the legendary story of Yuanke Village, and the torii corresponds to the torii of Yuanke Shrine we saw before.

And the well mentioned by Hiratsuka should correspond to the stone well under the dead tree. "


Wang Congshan nodded slowly, "The paper of this test paper is wrinkled, and there are traces of drying up after being soaked.

It should be a disaster, some monster ran out of the well and attacked the Hiratsuka family.

The Hiratsuka family suffered heavy casualties,

Hiratsuka Yuo's father led him to escape and let him hide in the Suikoto Cave.

As a result, his father probably suffered misfortune, and Hiratsuka Yuo was trapped alive here. "

"It's another tragedy."

Li Ang spread his hands, "Let's go..."

His words suddenly stopped, and with the enhanced blessing of psychic perception, he seemed to hear the burning hair of the human head lantern, and it rang a little.

Could it be...

Li Ang narrowed his eyes, patted his palm, and said to Wang Congshan: "It's very pitiful to put Hiratsuka male here, or let's bury him?"


Wang Congshan froze for a moment. Li Ang is not a kind person who likes to help grandma cross the road for free and give up her seat to grandpa on the bus.

What drives him to do things, except money, is his own interests and tastes.

In such a crisis-ridden world of scripts, any action may trigger unknown consequences.

Why would he suddenly bury the corpse leisurely?

Thinking that way, Wang Congshan had no objection. She also felt that it would not be good to leave the child's body in the water-filled Shuiqin cave.

Li Ang used his apes and sticks to pick out Hiratsuka's corpse from the Shuiqin Cave. He and Wang Congshan found a piece of land in the courtyard, randomly digging a hole, and placed Hiratsuka's corpse with his schoolbag. among them,

After pushing up the soil, I took the bamboo tube used to add water, and carved the name of Hiratsuka Yuo on it, and inserted it in front of the grave as a tombstone.

Almost the moment Li Ang inserted the bamboo tube in front of the grave, the lantern wrapped in the lion dance and lion skin in the courtyard corridor made a slight "click" sound.

Li Ang and Wang Congshan looked at each other, walked to the lantern, and slowly released the lion dance and lion skin.

I found that the light emitted by the lantern had dimmed a lot and was no longer aggressive.

And the human head candle inside the lantern closed his eyes as if staring at it.

"This should be UU reading Hiratsuka Yuo's father."

Li Ang lifted the lantern, and found that the lantern could be removed from the stand, and the light emitted would no longer have the effect of distorting the shadows of the two of them.

"The eyes of the candle in the head were aimed at the position of the Shuiqin Cave. It seems that this man is also thinking of protecting his son after his death.

Now that there is no aggressiveness, it is probably to express our gratitude to us for burying his son's body. "

Li Ang took off the lantern and turned it upside down, not as heavy as he imagined, so he carried it in his hand as a light source.

Wang Congshan looked at Li Ang's habit of being natural, and was silent for a while, and couldn't help but ask: "We... are the script worlds experienced by the players real or are they virtual worlds created by the system?"

"Is this problem important?"

Li Ang carried the lantern, walked into the courtyard, and said casually: "Since you can't tell the truth from the false, you don't have to be entangled. Just follow your heart and do what you should do."

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