Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Fetters


Ogasawara was silent for a moment, nodded very slowly, and said, "Indeed.

In mid-July, Showa 54, Yuanke Village held the Yuanke Festival in accordance with the usual customs.

Everything is executed according to the plan of the Hiratsuka family,

However, when the Mu-hermit chooses the candidate for karma, a deviation occurs.

My brother Ryosuke Fujimura, replaced me. "

Li Ang nodded, "I know,

We investigated the Fujimura’s house,

It was discovered that Ryosuke Fujimura was originally named Matsuoka, which is your mother's surname.

He is your uncle's son. "


Ogasawara took a deep breath and said, "When we were young, we were similar in height and weight, and looked very similar.

On that day, all villagers and foreign tourists need to wear noodles,

I didn’t remember anything before, it was the first time I participated in the Fate Ceremony.

Because I was naughty and playful, I exchanged kimonos with Ryosuke and wanted to see if others could find our difference.

As a result, other people, including my mother, found no abnormalities and watched the shrine performance as usual.

Out of a certain disappointment, I quietly left the shrine by myself in the middle of the performance, that is, before the effect of Guiquan Jiu took effect.

It happened to stagger the time when the Hiratsuka family secretaries entered the shrine,

My mother, and Ryosuke, whom she thought was me, were taken to the Guiquan Well for a karma ceremony.

In the end, the ritual failed, and Huang Quanguo’s grievances could not be calmed down. Instead, it spewed wantonly and slaughtered everyone in Yuanke Village.

Yuanke Village itself was also involved in the inexplicable area at the junction of Changshi and Huangquan.

All this is my responsibility, and now, it is time to correct. "

He lifted one of the twine ropes and slowly said: "I need, and I am destined to die here.

Only when I sink into the abyss can the Karma Sacrifice get back on track. "

He took a deep look at the two of them, and said complicatedly: "When you were eight years old, I went to investigate Yuanke Village, but I fell into it and missed your growth.

I am a selfish, unqualified father.

Take this key, you guys go quickly, before it's too late. "

Mr. Ogasawara took out a strange-shaped key from the black hair on his body. "This key can open the trap door in the backyard of the Fujimura family, and through the trap door, you can pass directly to the outside world.

The other side of the trapdoor was sealed by the strange power lingering above Yuanke Village,

After I finish the Karma Ritual, I should be able to seal the Yellow Spring again so that the other side of the trap door can be opened. "

Following the words of General Ogasawara, the entire underground space began to tremble again, a large amount of yellow sand and dust fell, and the entire space seemed to collapse in the next second.

Under such circumstances, Li Ang did not panic at all. As a result, he waved the key and said, "No hurry.

What I want to know is, didn't you escape from Yuanke Village in a state of amnesia? Do you remember these things yourself? "


Ogasawara said: "I really lost all my childhood memories, I only remember that I was covered with dirt on my body, walking in the forests of Okamori County.

Later adopted by the Ogasawara family,

Because of some kind of secret feelings and the memory fragments that often troubled me, I eventually became a folklorist when I became an adult and came into contact with news from Yuanke Village. you, walked into the forests of Gangsen County and entered the remains of Yuanke Village.

I came into contact with things I was familiar with before, slowly recovered my previous memories, collected a lot of clues, and tried to restore the truth of all events.

However, he was also tightly bound by Yuan Ke Village, unable to escape, and became what it is now, sometimes sober and muddled, losing his reason.

After I found out that you had entered Yuanke Village, I was afraid that I would hurt you, so I went down to Guiquan Well and prepared to take the last step to end all this. "

"Is that so."

Li Ang nodded and said calmly: "I want to know Shuhei Fujimura's role in this incident.

Most villagers and tourists attend the Fate Ceremony, so why didn’t he stay with your mother and son? "

"...Because he is a noodle master."

Ogasawara explained: "The Fujimura family has always been a family that makes Noh noodles in the village.

We are responsible for using special wood, that is, trees irrigated with Guiquan well water, to carve the noodles.

Such a mask itself will be contaminated with the abnormality of the water of the return spring,

When it is worn on the face of a Noh performer, it can cooperate with the dance and singing of the performer to further amplify the hallucinogenic ability of Guiquanjiu and immerse everyone in it.

That day, an actor's Noh face was slightly damaged, so he went backstage for temporary maintenance. "

"At this point, I believe you,"

Li Ang nodded and said: "But I think this is not the whole truth."


Ogasawara was taken aback when he heard it, "What did you say..."

"As you said just now, only two people with strong and inseparable emotional fetters can trigger the Karma Sacrifice correctly and complete the seal of the Yellow Spring."

Li Ang said, "Why can you guarantee that after you sink into the abyss, you can complete the seal?"

"...Because she is still alive."

Ogasawara was silent for a moment, and pointed to the metal box hanging on the edge of the cliff, "Due to the deviation of the ritual, my mother has always been in a state of neither life nor death, and no perception of the outside world.

In the past few years, I wanted to put an end to all of this, but I couldn't bear her and my father beside Guiquanjing.

It has been delayed until now.

If you use me as a sacrifice, then you can reactivate the Karma Sacrifice..."

"and many more."

Wang Congshan raised her hand and said: "Karma sacrifice requires two people with strong and inseparable emotional bonds, right?

This kind of cruel and evil ritual will kill two people every four years.

For a remote and closed village, the manpower consumption is too great, and it is difficult to ensure that it can be enough every four years.

It is for this reason that the Hiratsuka family has to hold a fate celebration with great fanfare, publicize it, invite tourists, and even invite your teacher, the same famous folklorist, to the mansion.

Those foreign tourists are also candidates for the Karma Festival, right?

Because of the peculiar mythology of Yuanshan, every year there are many people who have no interest in life and have aspirations to go up to Yuanshan, and have disappeared since then.

Even if he disappears occasionally, it won't cause much suspicion. "

Seeing Ogasawara nodded and acknowledged, Wang Congshan continued: "Then the fate festival between Fujimura Masumi and Fujimura Ryosuke should not fail.

According to your statement, it is not mandatory to have a blood relationship for a karma ceremony. Brothers and sisters, lovers, and even friends can all be effective.

Fujimura Masumi and Fujimura Ryosuke are the mother and and Fujimura Masumi also regards Ryosuke as you.

How could it fail? "


Ogasawara's words suddenly got stuck and stood silently.

"If I didn't guess wrong, most of what you told us is correct, but you lied on the key issue.

And this kind of lie is not to protect yourself, but to protect another person. "

Wang Congshan said lightly: "The real reason for the failure of the Karma Festival lies in Masumi Fujimura, right?

She clearly knew that the adopted Ryosuke was taken away, not you.

Even after the effect of Guiquan Wine faded and the memory surged, I didn't feel too strong pain and regret.

Even guessing in a darker and narrower direction, it is not impossible that all of this comes from her planning. "

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