Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Scared

The sea was calm again, and the fish under the sea gathered again.

Li Ang pryed open a bottle of potion at will, drank it, and used [Tizyunzong] again to climb to the sky.

In fact, this kind of ultra-long-distance transmission effect can be realized by similar products in the game mall.

For example, the steam arbitrary door-the quality in the mall is epic. It is required to know the detailed address of the destination before opening the door. When opening the door, thinking about the destination, it can only be used in general time and space, and cannot pass through unknown areas. And areas blocked by restrictions such as space anchors.

And the transmission distance is relatively limited.

In this way, the arbitrary door carried by the penguin Akili is more advanced.

There is also the Demon Teleportation Array, which is publicly sold by the Demon Scientists League. It relies on the power of the abyss monsters to transport users from one end of the earth to the other end.

But the negative effects are also very strong,

The entire teleportation process will take five minutes. In these five minutes, the user must pass through some indescribable abyss corridor, suffer the erosion of the will of the abyss, and endure tremendous mental torture.

In order to prevent every user from going crazy on the spot, the Demon Scientist Alliance has made further optimizations-optimization does not mean the removal of mental torture, but a memory cleaning site at the exit.

In this way, after the user comes out of the exit, he can forget the torment he has suffered in the tunnel.

If you can’t solve the problem, you can solve the problem.

Well, it fits their style very well.

In addition to the Demon Scientists Alliance, other large organizations have more or less theoretically similar teleportation technology.

The vast majority of teleportation arrays consume huge amounts of energy, require a wide range of equipment, require a wide space, and have a long cooling period, so they cannot be carried around.

However, the combination of the Eagle Eye Bullet Instant Shot Colt Revolver is easy to carry and easy to use.

It can be used in high-intensity, high-frequency combat, advancing, attacking, retreating and defending, which greatly complements Li Ang's mobility.

"Um... Use bullets to teleport, I've seen it before."

Li Ang drank another bottle of potion, thinking boredly.

Long ago, when the Yin City Underground Prisoner's Demon Cave changed, he and Liu Wuzao undertook a mission called [Moon God Crown]. During the mission, they encountered two senior members from the Tanhua organization, Jijiu and Lordship.

Among them, the former has used the ability to transmit bullets instantly, and the skill carrier is also a Colt revolver, but the model is a python.

"Time has changed."

Li Ang faintly expressed his emotions, and thought casually, one day to dig out the remaining personnel of the Tanhua organization.

His grievances with Tan Hua almost started from contact to the killing game, killing so many low-level members and senior cadres of Tan Hua himself.

Frustrated the other party's conspiracy for a hundred years.

If the other party didn't ask himself to settle the account, then Li Ang had no choice but to find them.

Five hundred meters,

One thousand meters. . .

Li Ang stepped on the invisible stairs, jumped up, and soon flew into the thin air.

Due to the curvature of the earth, the direct viewing distance standing on the surface of the earth is limited.

If you want to see as far as possible, you have to raise the height,

The calculated height is approximately:

The farthest visible distance (unit is the square of k, equal to 16.88 times the current height (unit is.

16. 88 is the curvature of the earth.

Based on this calculation, if you want to directly see the target 500 kilometers away, you must climb more than 15,000 meters.

Exceeding the flight altitude of long-haul aircraft.

However, the peculiarity of the [Eagle Eye View Distance] skill is that it can improve the user’s vision in all directions, and in essence, it further strengthens the user’s visual system.

Optimizing refractive media such as cornea, lens, and vitreous to enhance the ability of retina to distinguish images.

Before firing the bullet, Li will greatly modify the structure of the eyeball itself, so that the eyeball can take in images of more wavelengths like a wide-field camera, and increase the visible spectral range.

Thus, in addition to conventional vision, "see" farther spectral information.

The result of this is to greatly reduce the height required for ultra-long-distance transmission.

At the same time, the scene in the eyes will become weird, the colors will be more vivid and colorful,

It is like some patients who have suffered brain damage and can see ultraviolet rays from now on, or natural four-color viewers (can see more than 90 million colors more than normal people).

Disorganized thoughts rushed through my mind,

Li Ang put the potion bottle he finished drinking into the backpack, aimed at the distance, and pulled the trigger again.


The muzzle burst into flames, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

The target direction is Hishima.


Nishima, Tokyo, Shinjuku district.

Shinjuku is one of the most prosperous business districts in Tokyo, with complete commercial and entertainment facilities. Keio University School of Medicine, Waseda University and other institutions of higher learning, headquarters of large multinational corporations, and commercial streets gather.

In Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, there is an ordinary building.

It is close to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office, which is the official headquarters of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

No more than fifty stories above and below, placed in Nishi-Shinjuku, where skyscrapers gather, completely obscured by everyone.

However, the several heavy tanks parked at the entrance of the tall building, and the two rows of heavily armed soldiers standing upright, demonstrate the uniqueness of this building.

This is the headquarters of the Nichishima Anomaly Investigation Bureau.

At this moment, in the command center on the 30th floor of the headquarters building,

The red warning lights flashed continuously, and the highest-level warning siren sounded throughout the floor.

The head and brain of the Hinoshima Anomaly Investigation Bureau were sweating profusely, or nervously, or forced to look calmly at the shining red dot that flickered in the direction of Hinoshima on the big screen.

As an official organization on the earth, they also have their own information channels and criteria for determining the level of crisis.

It is different from the first, second, and third warning levels set by the Special Affairs Bureau,

The Nichishima Anomaly Affairs Investigation Bureau divides the crisis levels into d, c, b, a, s,

Respectively correspond to dangerous, can cause a lot of casualties, can lead to the destruction of a town, can lead to the destruction of several towns, can lead to the destruction of cities.

(Some of the young insiders use the more fashionable and second-tier terms of wolf, tiger, ghost, dragon, and **** in private)

On the big screen at this moment, the red dot flickered endlessly, emitting a strong red light,

The intensity of the light far exceeded the previous S-level mutation that the Japanese Island Anomaly Investigation Bureau had struggled to resolve with great efforts and sacrifices.

In the noisy voices,

An operator raised his hand and said to the leader at the rear: "Sir, the images of the low-Earth orbit monitoring satellite have been adjusted and can be transmitted."

The leader nodded, "Posted to the screen."

The operator pressed the button, and the picture of the leader in a white coat drawing a gun and shooting toward the sea was immediately projected on the screen.

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