Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Dimensionality reduction

[Renren Novels] Players are fierce

Time, cause and effect, life and death, fate...

The two top transcendents of the first echelon were actually in a weird silence at this moment, looking at the light emitted by the table lamp on the table, they were silent for each other.

"Ha ha,"

Under the hood on the side of truth, there was a husky chuckle, "But these are just my guesses. After all, if my theory is true,

Then in our current era, there should also be players from the future.

Isn't that a mess? "

"Maybe there will be no humans in the future?"

Li Ang smiled casually, "Or, in order to avoid killing games, human beings are vying for extravagance to live, and comparison is becoming a trend."


The side of truth was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking: "Comparison has become a trend, and what is the relationship between the game of avoiding killing field?"

"It's very simple,"

Li Ang rightly said: "As long as everyone is comparing, then everyone is discriminating against each other.

When Kanban reaches the extreme, everyone can achieve dimensionality reduction and become a two-dimensional, thus avoiding the killing game. "

...Why don't you say that because everyone looks up to themselves, the collective ascension becomes a four-dimensional new human being?

The Truth's side resisted the urge to spit, cleared his throat awkwardly, and put away the giant's sword on the table.

He mentioned this to Li Ang, on the one hand, to communicate with the transcendent who is also a natural disaster, and to alleviate the fear hidden deep in his heart.

On the other hand, it radiates goodwill-now on this planet, there are only a few people who can influence the world’s structure.

Whether it’s the war in another world behind the door, or the awakening gods and monsters,

Will be the first to impact their status and threaten their lives.

Multiple friends means multiple retreats.

"Back to the original topic,"

The side of truth gave a light cough, and said: "The method of directly controlling the soul to produce the power of faith is probably not feasible.

Because only a soul that has real memories, true feelings, and changes in the shape of its soul over time, can it, like a converter, continuously transform the energy of the soul around it into the power of faith.

However, there may not be no way to bypass this restriction. "


Li Ang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "If you don't act on the soul itself, it is the carrier of the soul.

That is, believers, make a change? "


The side of truth nodded and said: "Just like Hercules is conducting the twelve trials, Jason goes to Colcas to find the golden fleece, and Perseus kills Medusa and Poseidon's sea beasts.

These demigods and mortals need to go through a series of arduous trials before they can become heroes.

In the process of trial, those who are trapped in poverty will always receive divine help, enlightenment, and guidance, either secretly or explicitly.

I think that although the gods cannot directly distort the soul and efficiently produce the power of faith,

But they can throw the believers into a hard and difficult fate,

Let believers make the most pious prayers to themselves,

So as to collect high-quality power of pure faith.

And, after completing the trial, these believers will also become the most loyal petitioners. "

Li Ang thought for a while and said, "Difficulties, Yuru Yucheng?"

"It's almost what it means."

The side of truth nodded and said: "It's not just Greek mythology.

Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient India...

In the mythology system of almost every place in the world, there is no shortage of stories about believers praying in desperation and finally getting help from gods.

Transcendents of our level are no different from gods in the eyes of mortals.

Setting up obstacles deliberately and playing with the fate of mortals couldn't be easier.

In other words, as long as there are enough potential believers and the total sample size is large enough,

So even if I don’t deliberately play with mortals,

As long as the harvest is made at the right time, a large number of faithful followers can also be harvested. "


Li Ang closed his eyes and thought for a while, before opening his eyes for a long time, he nodded to the side of the truth, "Thank you. This theory has inspired me a lot."

"It's nothing,"

The side of the truth smiled slightly: "If your Excellency can gain something, go further on the long steps of the Conferred God,

So for me, belief in the gods is also a broad road that can be imitated.

Mutual benefit is nothing more. "

The two talked for a while and talked about the connection between soul and psionic energy.

From the side of truth, spiritual energy comes from the soul, and the soul is carried by the soul.

Psionic people, despite their weak and decayed bodies,

But the mind can preview the future, create objects, change itself, and distort the minds of others.

So, where does the energy to achieve these effects come from?

Other power systems, such as internal power, chakra, and spiritual power, all have a certain material basis.

Internal force comes from qi and blood,

Chakra is derived from cellular energy,

Spiritual power comes from the free energy between heaven and earth.

Only psionics are different,

The power derived from the mind is invisible, intangible, and even difficult to observe.

Psionics need to constantly discover the potential of their souls and build their own thought palaces in order to drive conscious energy.

When a psionicist uses psychic powers excessively, his reason will decline, his mind will be abnormal, the shape of his soul will be distorted, and even his own appearance will be changed, making him a deformed monster.

To a certain extent, psionicists, like other types of transcendents, also follow the law of conservation of energy.

"...All things must follow the law of conservation of energy, and the transcendent is no exception.

However, through some special methods, the transcendent can temporarily'borrow' energy. "

The side of truth said: "Just like the giant of the water element in the Special Affairs Xiahou.

As a materialized water element, he can open the door to the plane of water element when necessary, and borrow endless elemental power from it in a short time.

Other innate elements, or element wizards, are the same.

So, do psionicists have similar methods? "

The side of truth paused, and slowly said, "I think it is.

A month ago, when I was summoning a demon in another world, I accidentally summoned a very strange demon.

It looks no different from the common Tanari mad war beasts, but it is equipped with an exceptionally well-made power armor.

And the energy used by the armor turned out to be psychic energy. "

The side of truth shook his head. Devil wearing armor is not uncommon, and devil using psychic energy is not uncommon.

But it was the first time he saw a demon wearing an advanced psionic power armor.

"When the demon was called out, he was seriously injured and covered with abscesses.

Before I could attack me, I was killed by a burst of abscess on my body.

Its corpse and power armor were quickly corroded by pus,

I didn't even have time to wrap it up in an eccentric cocoon. "

The side of the truth spread his hand: "The demon itself has no psionic energy, which means that the armor it wears is driven by the psychic energy spilled from the surrounding space.

In other words, the hometown of the devil is a plane that is extremely full of psychic energy, almost as ubiquitous as air.

If we can get through that plane, we psionicists can obtain a reliable source of energy. "


Li Ang frowned when he heard that, just as he was about to say something, the friend's communication bar shook again.

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