Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Program

The atmosphere in the room was so solemn, Michael strode forward, and calmly glanced across the crowd. A slightly reverberating ethereal voice came from under the silver helmet, "Are you all here?"

"not yet."

Nebula, which also belongs to the Global Occult Coalition, stood up and reported: "The Voodoo Black Witch and the Chicago Ghost are still on the way. There is something wrong with their teleportation array technology."

"It's urgent, we won't wait."

Michael shook his head and said to the others: "The strength of King Shibi is higher than that of a complete wild lion. It is too late to withdraw now."

...Is it okay to suppress morale when you come up?

The expressions of the people present were a little weird. They were also witnesses at the time.

Back in the Lost World, they swarmed up, and at the beginning they were suppressed by the wild lion and retreated. If it weren't for the distortion of the starfish, everyone might have to die somewhere.

Although it has been a few months since the Lost World, everyone has improved, but the complete wild lion is still one of the top expressiveness of the killing game.


Hornheim coughed lightly and asked Michael: "It's all here, you can't even run away without seeing King Shibi.

You should first tell us about the things in the Buddhist kingdom. "


Michael nodded calmly and began to make a statement.

The kingdom of Buddhism has almost all the characteristics of the kingdom of gods in the concept of mysticism-the omnipresent divine power, the soil assimilated by the essence of the gods, and a large number of pious petitioners who constantly produce the power of faith.

A deity is almost invincible in his divine kingdom. Because of the existence of petitioners, the divine power will die and survive.

Ordinary transcendents or other deities who enter the kingdom of God will be greatly suppressed in all directions.

Like being rejected by the whole world,

Can't get external energy supplement,

Every move is under surveillance.

Fortunately, the kingdom of Buddhism is not a complete kingdom

Buddhism still uses temple buildings around the world as its material foundation, and it has not divorced from the real world, and all of them have entered a different plane.

Moreover, there are not a large number of envoys, or apostles, who can move freely in the Buddhist kingdom.

God’s envoys are also devout and faithful people who ascended to the kingdom of God after death.

But they are different from petitioners. In addition to providing the power of faith, they can also move freely in the kingdom of God and have a higher degree of free thinking.

Just like the Valkyrie who led the war dead into Valhalla,

The envoy is responsible for managing the kingdom of God for the gods, handling various daily affairs, and monitoring the borders of the kingdom of God to prevent foreign enemies from invading.

Some reusable envoys will have the opportunity to temporarily leave the kingdom of God and descend into the real world, as the spokesperson of the gods in the world.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Even directly accept the divine power perfusion of the deity and become the avatar of the deity.

The fighting power of the divine envoy depends on personal experience during his lifetime, and the upper and lower limits are very different.

It may be just the level of ordinary transcendents,

It may also be a demigod second only to the deity.

Michael did not see a large number of envoys outside the Buddhist kingdom. This is undoubtedly exciting and good news. At least there was no life-threatening danger when he first entered the outside of the Buddhist kingdom.

However, according to Michael's statement, the Buddha Kingdom is continuously absorbing from mortal believers, that is, ordinary people who are entrapped into the Buddha Kingdom.

The power of faith produced.

It is becoming complete and perfect all the time.

Over time, the functions of the Buddha Kingdom may become more comprehensive and more dangerous.

Michael entered the Buddha country alone last time, used his own power to fight against the erosion of the surrounding Buddha's light, and flew all the way to the Ajanta Grottoes.

After entering the grotto, I found that the grotto itself was constantly changing its shape and path like an active labyrinth.

The grotto itself is deeply immersed in the light of Buddha, and it is indestructible.

And like having self-awareness, it will also make evolutions for Michael-such as making the rock formations resistant to high temperature and pressure, and weakening the destructive power of the long sword of flames.

"I understand,"

After listening to Michael's narration, David groaned: "I want to destroy the kingdom of God, rescue all the ordinary people who are trapped, and stop the spread of the abnormal changes in the real world.

There are only two ways.

First, cut off the power of faith in the Buddha country, so that the Buddha country cannot evolve anymore.

Second, through the labyrinth, find the body of King Shibi and destroy it, thereby disintegrating the kingdom of Buddha at its origin. "

Michael nodded calmly, "Yes."

"Then, is it possible to directly kill the missing persons in the Buddha country?"

On the side of truth hidden in the yellow robe, faintly said: "If all the missing persons are wiped out,

Or suspend his thoughts,

Then it is possible to cut off the channels of the power of faith, right? "


Wang Buliuxing was shocked and stunned, and subconsciously raised his voice, "The total number of missing is now millions!

How dare you..."

"It's only a million,"

The side of truth calmly said: "There are seven billion people on earth.

In order to protect more than seven billion people, sacrifice a million Indians, and hundreds of thousands of civilians in other countries, this sale is a good deal. "

The side of truth has deliberately added to the word India,

The expressions on the faces of everyone present changed slightly, and those with dark skin were obviously from the Indian representative team, their expressions became extremely embarrassing.

Almost stepped out, scolding the **** and cruel side of the truth.


Wang Buliuxing shook his head and said: "The Global Occult Coalition will not allow you to do this, and other organizations will not allow you to do this.

I do not know either..."


The side of truth said hoarsely: "Have you noticed that there are several aircraft carrier warships parked in the ocean port next to this stronghold building?

Is there a missile launch chamber installed on it?

Mortal weapons are useless to gods, but they are incredibly effective to ordinary people who are also mundane.

Guess what those missiles are for? "

After talking about the truth side, the atmosphere in the room became weird again.

The expressions of the Indian representatives changed again and again,

The representatives of the Global Occult Coalition also collectively fell silent.

"The missing persons in the Buddha Kingdom are now bound to the Buddha Kingdom. Previous experiments have proved that if the divine power link is not removed, moving them out of the Kingdom of God will cause the victim's brain to collapse.

The victim's soul will also be extracted at once, turned into a large amount of power of faith, and injected into the Buddha kingdom.

On the contrary, it will further increase the degree of completion of the Buddha Kingdom and increase the variables.

In addition, there are only some missing persons within the Ajanta Grottoes.

There are still many missing persons not found,

Even if the bombing is carried out, it may not be effective, and it may be counterproductive. "

Nebula took a deep breath and said, "Therefore, take the missing people out of the Buddha country.

Or carpet bombing with missiles is the last resort.

Before that, our best solution is to solve the ontology of King Shibi. "

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