Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 98: My love (3)

"Let's observe the surrounding situation first, anyway."

Li Ang scanned the room. In addition to the lampshade, the ceiling also had the grid-shaped air outlet of the central air conditioner, smoke alarms, and sprinklers.

If the smoke detector senses thick smoke, it will sound an alarm, and the lotus-shaped sprinkler extinguisher will start spraying water or extinguishing agent.

"The alarm may disturb the real murderer, and letting the sprinkler start to spray does not seem to help my current situation-this pair of handcuffs is very tight, even if spraying water or fire extinguishing agent, it is unlikely to make my wrists Through lubrication, break free from the handcuffs."

Li Ang glanced across the room, but finally his gaze stayed on the padlock.

This pair of padlocks is the most common straight open padlock in terms of form.

The lock beam is silvery white, and the lock body is copper yellow,

The whole is made of stainless steel,

The keyhole is a straight lock cylinder

It is no different from ordinary locks used to lock bedside tables and wardrobes.

"There are obvious scratches on the side of the lock body. In other words, the label has been deliberately polished off."

Li Ang frowned slightly, using the light to observe the lock in more detail, and silently said, "Do you want me to know the brand of the lock?

But does it make sense? Even in modern times, the use range of this straight open padlock is greatly reduced.

There are still plenty of supermarkets, easy to buy, and many users.

It is difficult to measure the brand of large and small locks, and it is impossible to judge the geographical location of the buyer through the brand.

What's more, the lock cylinder technology used by each brand and model is very different, and you don't know how to open the lock and pick the lock after you see the brand..."

Li Ang shook his head and continued to observe.

Three metal rings with a smaller diameter are sleeved on the lock beam. On each metal ring, a complete or incomplete key is hung.

A key is in good condition,

The B key only has the upper part,

The C key has only the lower part, which is connected to the metal ring through a small hole.

Li Ang thought for a while, slowly stood up against the wall a little, then let go of his hands and let the flashlight fall down.

With a bite in his mouth, he just held the flashlight.

He sat down against the wall, with the flashlight light up,

The hands with slightly unbalanced blood supply took a lot of effort to remove the three keys together with the metal ring.

Li Ang is still very confident in his lockpicking skills. Ordinary mechanical padlocks can be easily opened with small steel wires, small iron pieces, and iron hooks.

Even for the slightly more difficult lock cylinders, there are a variety of lock picking methods that can be used.

Screwdriver, tin foil, chewing gum, mud, matches, pump, lime...nothing can't be unlocked.

The book kiosks that book friends used before have been hung up, and now they are basically using \\mi\\mi\\ to read\\app\\\\.

But the problem is that clever women can’t cook without rice.

The closest thing to the lock picking tool on hand is the metal ring.

The three metal rings are small in diameter and strong in hardness. Li Ang's hands with a slight blood supply imbalance can't straighten them.

Because of the position of the head, the teeth couldn't cooperate with the hands to bite the metal ring apart.

"If you don't give any tools, you can only open the lock normally."

Li Ang pinched the three keys between the thumb of his left hand and the **** of the index finger and observed carefully.

The three keys are made of imitation copper and have key teeth, corresponding to the marble structure in the padlock.


Li Ang put the three keys under the light and carefully compared them and found the problem.

Both the B key and the C key have a broken cross section. From the shape of the cross section, the two can be matched, and the tooth shape can also be matched.

It seems that the BC key should be able to form a key consistent with No. 1.

However, the number of teeth of the A key is six,

And the BC key forms the back tooth shape, there are only five,

And the length of the two is also somewhat different-the total length of the A key is longer than the combined length of B and C.

"Isn't BC the two broken pieces of a complete key? Or do they correspond to this lock? Or, is A the key to another lock?"

Li Ang hesitated for a moment,

Without any auxiliary tools, if the key is inserted into the lock cylinder rashly, it is very likely that the key is wrong.

There is no remedy for stuck or even broken situations.

"Then try the B key first."

Li Ang took a deep breath, inserted the B key with only the upper half into the lock cylinder, and tried to rotate it.

The entrance of the lock cylinder is a bit loose, the B key can be turned back and forth to open a distance of two to three millimeters, but it can't turn to ninety degrees.

"I did hear the sound of marbles moving in the lock cylinder just now. Although the key could not be turned, and I didn't know how many marbles moved, the B key was not stuck inside."

Next, is the A key.

Li Ang inserted the complete A key into the lock cylinder, still unable to turn it.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

The lock cylinder is the heart of the lock,

Generally speaking, mechanical locks can be divided into two types: blades and marbles according to their structure. The former is better than the latter.

In the core of a lock, the more marbles and blades structure, the more complicated it is, and the more difficult it is to pick the lock. This is because the marble blades in the lock core are arranged unevenly in a canine tooth shape. Can move up and down.

When the key is inserted into the lock core, the tooth shape of the key squeezes the blade of the lock core to lift it up.

If it is the correct key, all the blades can be returned to their positions at the same time to complete the unlocking-that is, the so-called one key to open the other lock.

The basic principle of lock picking is to use foreign objects such as iron wire or iron sheet to lift the marble blades in the lock cylinder to return it to its position to complete the unlocking-the same is true for the master key.

"The A key doesn't work, you can only use the C key."

Li Ang took a deep breath and pushed the C key into the lock cylinder bit by bit. He listened carefully and listened to the sound of the marble moving inside. At the same time, he kept turning the C key to try to open the lock cylinder.

Unfortunately, until the C key almost completely entered the lock cylinder, the lock did not open.

"If you push in the C key, you won't be able to get it out. I tried it just now. The other two keys and the metal ring are not magnetic, and the broken C key cannot be sucked out..."

Li Ang hesitated, just about to take out the C key, the shape of the A key flashed in his mind, "Wait, I remembered that when the A key was inserted to the end, a part of the key handle was exposed, and it did not completely match.

The error length is exactly the same as the difference between the length of the A key and the total length of the BC key.

In other words, this is a hint,

The lock cylinder that implies that the A key cannot be completely anastomosed can be combined by the BC key. "

Li Ang lifted his spirits and no longer hesitated to push the C key into it. At the same time, he also inserted the B key.

The handle of the key fits the lock body exactly.


Li Ang grinned, then turned the handle of the B key.

Still not moving.


Li Ang narrowed his eyes and turned back and forth in the front and back directions. After a lot of effort, he couldn't turn the key.

"What am I missing? It shouldn't be. Just now I clearly heard the sound of all the marbles bouncing up, whether it's the lower part or the upper part.

Wait, could it be said..."

Li Ang moved the B key with only the upper part along the side of the lock body and slightly pushed it back.

Just listen to "click",

As if a switch was triggered, the B key could be turned suddenly.

"Sure enough... if the C key has completely entered the back half of the lock cylinder, and all the marbles are turned on, then the problem is with the B key.

The core of this lock should be divided into two composite structures, one in front and one in the back.

The front and rear structures can be opened by B and C, but at the same time, the front and rear composite structures interfere with each other.

The vertical marbles in the structure opened by the B key will lock the rear structure that the C key is responsible for, like a door bolt.

Only by pressing the B key down can the hidden door bolt be opened.

This is also the reason why the key entrance of the lock body is a little loose-it is originally a movable switch. "

Li Ang bit the flashlight, took a deep breath, and turned the B key to the end.

With a "click", the silver lock beam of the padlock bounced upward.

The lock is unlocked.


Li Ang shook his head and slowly rotated the padlock so that the curved lock beam no longer tied the handcuffs.

Break free!

Li Ang took off the padlock, stood up straight, shook his painful hands and wrists, and took off the flashlight on his mouth.

Although the cuff ring has not been completely removed, it is still a bit twisted, but at least he has regained the ability to move freely, and there is no need to worry about the imbalance of blood supply to his hands.


Li Ang took out the B key from the padlock at will.

Probably because the lock cylinder was divided into two parts, the silver lock beam also fell out.

He put the AB key, the padlock beam, and the lock body into his pocket together.

The pockets of high-end suits were empty, cleaner than Li Ang's face, and could not give any information.

He took a flashlight to observe the house, first knocked gently on every floor, then on every wall, tearing off the wallpaper, and found no hidden door.

The metal pipe that Li Ang had just bolted to was firmly fixed to the wall with iron nails, unable to move, and obviously it could not be removed as a self-defense weapon.

"The next thing to search for are... these boxes in the corner."

Li Ang took two steps, squatted down in front of the box, rummaged several times, and found four open cardboard boxes full of Dangdang records, both vinyl records and CDs.

Through the album cover, you can find these songs, mostly from American stars in the real world at the end of the twentieth century.

Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Michael Jackson, etc.

"The records are in good condition. The owner of this house is a music lover who has just moved?"

There is no time limit for the mission objective in the first stage, and there may be other clues in the whole room

Li Ang didn't rush to escape. He first looked through all the records, then took the records out and put them on the ground, looking through the record packaging and cartons.

I searched inside and out, and even tore the carton into small pieces.

Finally, it was confirmed that this was an ordinary box for recording records, and there were no key props such as passwords, keys, and screwdrivers hidden.

"Okay, what about other things?"

Li Ang stood up and looked at the metal pipe on the wall.

He walked forward, supported the wall with his left hand, stepped on the metal pipe with his right foot, slowly pushed his left arm, and shifted his body's center of gravity to the right.

The whole person is against the wall, standing on the metal pipe, and touching the grid-shaped air outlet of the central air conditioner with both hands.

At this angle, he could barely reach the air outlet, and put his finger in about two or three centimeters.

Li Ang fumbled for two minutes and found nothing except his hands full of ashes.

There is nothing near the air outlet,

Moreover, the grid-shaped air outlet is made of metal, and the nut inside needs to be unscrewed with a crank screwdriver, which Li Ang cannot do with his own hands.

Can't find more clues, Li Ang didn't lose much.

He patted the dust off his hands and looked at the only door of the room.

"After searching all, there is only this door left."

Li Ang took out the heavy padlock body from his pocket with his left hand and used it as a weapon, approaching the door very vigilantly.

With the right hand, holding the door handle through the paper packaging of the vinyl record (to prevent a small probability event such as the door handle being poisoned, by the way, it can prevent the palm of the hand from leaving fingerprints on the door handle), and slowly pull it down.

The door handle turned down, unexpectedly smooth,

Without any hindrance, the door opened.


So smoothly, it was a little weird. Li Ang frowned slightly and slowly opened a gap in the wooden door, looking out.

Unlike what he imagined, the scene outside the room was a very ordinary American house corridor.

There are spherical light bulbs hanging from the ceiling,

There are carpets on the ground,

There are several landscape paintings on the wall with beige patterned wallpaper frames of landscape paintings are not high-end, and the paintings themselves are just mass-produced printed products.

Directly across from the room where Li Ang was, was a wooden door of the same shape, which had not been opened.

On the left side of the corridor, there is an L-shaped corner, and the lights at the corner are not bright.

You can vaguely see the half-height stools placed in the corners and the landscape plants placed on them.

On the right side of the corridor, it leads to the open kitchen of the house.

The kitchen light is not bright,

Through the corridor lights, you can vaguely see the operating table in the middle of the open kitchen, as well as the dining table and chairs in the restaurant behind the kitchen.

"Nordic style decoration, economic conditions are not particularly good, but it can be seen that it is relatively warm, the family owner is quite diligent-there is no oily smoke and unwashed dishes on the operating table, tables, chairs and stools are placed in an orderly manner in the corridor The carpets are also very clean and tidy.

The husband and wife live together and may have children. "

Li Ang silently thought about everything he saw, and suddenly,

A dim light lit up on the left side of the restaurant, and the silence of the house was broken by the voice of an adult male.

"...Welcome back, this is Monterey TV..."

The voice was low and magnetic, coming from the left side of the restaurant, sounding like a male host on a TV station.

Someone is watching TV in the room?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and pressed the flashlight button twice-the flashlight is always on when pressed once, and in riot mode when pressed the second time, it will continuously emit strong flashing light, enough to blind people.

Press the third time to close it.

He turned off the flashlight, and quietly walked out of the room, blocking the door with the carton fragments to prevent the door from being completely closed.

Then walked to the left of the restaurant where the light source was not coming,

And walked to the door directly opposite.

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