Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 103: My love (8)


The human-shaped puppet wearing a red skirt, brandishing a utility knife in his hand, split the ceramic flowerpot on his head, together with the heavy object that pressed the flowerpot, into two halves.

The air blade emitted by the utility knife even extended, cutting the sofa with a corner missing in front, exposing the wood and cotton inside.

However, Li Ang’s movement was faster than it, and the flashlight with strobe light mode directly enveloped the humanoid puppet.

The latter waved the blade in his hand extremely unwillingly, and his movements quickly slowed down under the strong light, and finally completely frozen, frozen in place and motionless.


Li Ang continued to shine his flashlight on the opponent for a few seconds, and after confirming that the doll did not move anymore,

Then I switched the flashlight light back to the constant light mode, so as not to burn my glasses, "The previous time, the light passed by and it was frozen directly.

This time, there is a delay in the light, and it will take a while to completely freeze.

According to tattoos, the effective sealing time of the first flashlight light is 20 minutes, the second time is 10 minutes, and the third time is five minutes.

If you come here a few more times, you may have to keep the flashlight shining on the other party..."

There is obviously more than a threat of wooden dolls in the whole room.

The corpse of the rabbit in the bathroom that was opened and eaten up its internal organs is the best proof-the black cat got into the ventilation duct, and the original family members of the house who were responsible for raising the black cat are still there. Never played.

Time is limited, things shouldn’t be too late,

Li Ang climbed the stairs and walked to the second floor, holding the meat cleaver in his right hand, and gently placing his left finger on the flashlight button, ready to switch to the strobe mode at any time.

The expected fatal danger did not appear, and Li Ang successfully climbed the steps and looked around.

The overall structure of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, divided into four rooms, each with anime stickers on the door.

The sticker content is:

A silhouette of a man and a woman holding hands with two children;


A cat playing with a cat climbing frame;

A silhouette of a man holding a woman in a wedding dress;

Judging from the pattern of the sticker,

These four rooms should be the children's bedroom, the study room, the cat's room, and the master bedroom.

Among them, the doors of the children’s bedroom and the cat’s room are open,

A lock is installed on the door of the study room, and the hole in the key cylinder is very small.

An electronic code lock is installed in the master bedroom, which requires a specific code to be opened.

The four rooms are located on both sides of the corridor, and there is a window at each end of the corridor.

Li Ang stood by the window and looked out, and he could see the sky full of stars, the second floor of the house next door, and the tree with a self-made swing in the courtyard.

"The window won't break..."

Li Ang frowned and flicked the steel-hard window glass with his fingernails, and an indestructible system reminder appeared in his sight again.

He picked up the flashlight and pressed it against the window,

The light can penetrate the glass normally and shine into the corridor windows of the neighboring house next door, forming a bright light.

Li Ang stood on the spot, flashing the light of the flashlight back and forth to shine the windows of the neighboring rooms next door,

After waiting for a while, the lights of the neighbor's house did not turn on.

"If there is someone in the neighbor's house, can this kind of disturbing behavior attract him?

Or that there is no neighbor’s house, or this space is not the real world at all..."

Li Ang went to the other side of the corridor again, harassing the neighbor's house on the right side of the house with lights, but also did not respond.

"Um... the neighbor on the right didn't respond either. It seems that I don't need to waste time, go find the tape and put the SOS sign on the window."

He raised his head and glanced at the stars in the sky, "The position of these stars in the sky has changed. Time seems to pass by normally, but it is not completely certain."

There are thousands of literary and artistic works of horror themes in the world. If it is a physical villain like Jason and the Chainsaw Massacre,

And if it’s a ghost, a ghost, or even an irrational curse,

It is difficult to predict the variety of tricks.

From the execution of the script task to this stage, Li Ang only had a few faint guesses in his heart.

Maybe this script task is the box world set up by aliens in order to study abnormal human behavior. At this moment, there are hundreds of alien scientists outside watching the human reality show starring themselves.

Until more information is available, anything is possible.

Li Ang shook his head and walked into the pet room with the door open.

This room occupies a small area, the floor is covered with solid wood planks, the walls are painted with pale green paint, there are floor-to-ceiling windows and a balcony behind the floor-to-ceiling windows. There are also two lounge chairs on the left and right for humans to sunbathe. The sun rests, by the way, throw up the cat.

As for the room, there are a cat climbing frame with a small bed, a cat's pet bed, a cat litter box, and a cat's drinking fountain-which can be imagined as a small fountain.

Because cats like to drink living water instead of stagnant water, some families will buy this pet water dispenser, which can filter impurities by the way, soften the water quality, and facilitate cleaning.

Li Ang carefully searched the room. There were indeed many cat hairs in the cat crawling frame and pet bed.

"This is the black cat's room, right."

Li Ang said to himself: "From the appearance, the black cat should belong to the American shorthair cat.

There is no cat food in the room,

Bags and cans of cat food are in the kitchen on the first floor, including the cat’s food bowl on the first floor.

Hmm... From the pet owner's point of view, it's normal. Putting cat food in the same room as the cat. Isn't this tempting the latter to eat it?

And letting the cat run up and down the stairs more is also conducive to its weight loss and fitness. "

Li Ang also knows a little about raising cats.

Unlike Chai Chai, who prefers dogs, Li Ang is a cat lover.

The main reason for not keeping cats is that the conditions are not allowed, and they are afraid that raising cats will destroy the landlord’s house-another important reason is that Li Angde often "travels".

To make up for the regret, Li Ang kept a modem at home.

It's all cats anyway, it makes no difference.

From this perspective, Chai Chai should be regarded as the third member of the family, and must be ranked behind the modem.

While thinking about it, Li Ang used the small shovel beside the litter box to pick up the contents of the litter box.

"There is nothing but cat litter in the litter box, but these cat litters have not been changed for a long time, and the signs of dampness are obvious.

Judging from how much the owner of the house cherishes the cat, it shouldn't.

Is the black cat already learning to use the toilet to excrete, or is it that the black cat has escaped and left the house for a while? "

Li Ang groaned and put down the litter box.

The bowl is filled with tofu cat litter, the basic ingredient is pea fiber, which looks like a white slender cylinder.

This kind of cat litter has good water absorption, can quickly agglomerate, and can be flushed into the toilet, so it is widely used.

"Judging from the horror in the bathroom on the first floor, the black cat is not simple. Maybe it will be more deadly than the humanoid puppet.

If I bring a spoonful of unused cat litter on my body and throw it out when it attacks, is it possible for it to mistakenly think that it has been attacked by feces and retreat..."

Li Ang thought for a while, and gave up this killing plan, which was comparable to "mops and shit". It's not that he doesn't like playing with cat litter.

It is that the black cat may smell the cat litter, which will expose itself in advance.

"Tsk, it's a pity that I didn't find catnip in the house. Otherwise, give the black cat a slice and let it help me deal with the other weirdness in the house."

Li Ang muttered, stood up, walked out of the pet room and entered the children's bedroom.

The area of ​​a children’s bedroom is a circle larger than that of a pet room.

There are green stickers on the wall of the bedroom, and two children's beds are placed on the floor, located on the left and right sides of the room.

The pillows, sheets, duvet covers and other items on the two beds are pink and blue respectively.

It looks like it was prepared for the two children of this family in the photo.

"At the end of the two beds, there are two sets of desks. Judging from the items on the tables, the two children have different hobbies.

One likes Barbie and HelloKitty, and the other likes Transformers and Lego. "

Li Ang glanced at the decorations on the table. Unlike the wooden doll on the first floor, the toys on the children's desk showed no signs of being alive.

"Um... these toys haven't changed under the light.

It doesn't seem to be the setting of Toy Story-these toys will come alive after they are out of human sight. "

Li Ang picked up two Transformers toys in his hand, pinched the backs of Optimus Prime and Megatron, and let them fly around, gently hitting each other.

At the same time, the dubbing of "咻咻咻" and "bang bang bang" was continuously made in the mouth to simulate a fierce battle.

"Okay, business matters."

Li Ang put down the Transformers and turned to look at the rest of the children's bedroom.

In the corner of the bedroom, there is a huge wardrobe, which looks very similar to the wardrobe in The Chronicles of Narnia in terms of style.

On the blue bed, which is probably the son's bed in the family, there is an astronomical telescope, which is not particularly elaborate, and a popular science book on astronomy falls on the ground. The cover character is Copernicus.

"Astronomical telescope for children."

Li Ang put his eyes in front of the telescope and looked into the sky through the window of the children's bedroom.

I don’t know if it’s the quality of the telescope itself, or the glass is too thick, and the stars cannot be seen clearly through the telescope.

Li Ang put down the astronomical telescope and picked up the book on the ground.

This popular science book on astronomy, like the books in the side hall on the first floor, has only the first half, not the second half.

Under the recommendation, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

But on the front page of the book, a line of words is written in English.

[Robin, I hope you can always look up at the stars and have the courage to explore the future]

"Huh? This handwriting..."

Li Ang carefully recognized the text on the title page, then raised his left arm and took a look.

No, the text on the title page is not the same as the tattoo that appeared on the arm before and has not faded.

"The publication date of this book is January 2017, and the paper quality is relatively new, not inherited.

In other words, this book was given to his son Robin by the male owner of the family. "

Li Ang paused, glanced at the portrait of Copernicus on the cover of the book, and vomited: "Fortunately, it was Copernicus, not Bruno, or the book would be really weird."

In the real world, some public intellectuals and unscrupulous cultural and youth magazines in the East often promoted the Renaissance to make Copernicus, the Polish astronomer Copernicus, who was burned and killed by the church as an enemy heresy because of the heliocentric theory.

However, in fact, although Copernicus was considered by the Holy See that his heliocentric theory violated the Bible, the contradiction between the two parties did not reach an unstoppable level. Copernicus himself was a priest who also studied theology. At the age of seventy An Ran passed away.

It was Giordano Bruno, the successor of Copernicus, who was burned and killed. His attitude was more radical, and he was not a priest himself. He was finally wanted as a heresy and died on the Campo de' Fiori in Rome.

"Well, it looks like this Robin likes astronomy."

Li Ang put down the book and looked at the ceiling.

The ceiling of the children’s bedroom is also decorated,

On the girl’s side, exquisite Disney-style princess paintings are painted on the ceiling,

On the boy's side, there is no painting on the ceiling, instead a chandelier-like installation.

Eight spheres of different sizes are hung from the ceiling through thin lines,

At the bottom of each thin wire, there are chutes connected to each other in circles, which seem to be able to slide with the chutes.

"This family really spoils children."

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, walked into the bedroom, and pressed the light——

Accompanied by the sound of the button, the ceiling chandelier device also lights up-the largest sphere symbolizing the sun, emitting a gentle but not dazzling pale yellow light,

It's really like the sun.

Li Ang stepped forward, stepped directly on the children’s bed, and moved the "sun".

Found that it can be toggled,

The wires attached to the luminous sphere can move forward, backward, left and right along the chute.

"The biggest one is the sun, so the other ones are other planets in the solar system.

Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars..."

Li Ang played with this rather exquisite solar system model for a while, then jumped out of bed and looked at the huge Narnia-style wardrobe in the corner of the room.

He walked forward and opened the closet. The inside of the cabinet was divided into left and right sides. On the left were boys' clothes, pants and socks, and on the right were girls' ones.

Because the cabinet is very large, the two sets of clothes are not crowded.

"There was the smell of mothballs in the cabinet, and I didn't find the secret door when I pressed the back of the cabinet. Well, it's not the wardrobe in the Chronicles of Narnia that can travel to another world.

Ok? Wait, this is..."

Li Ang's palm traversed the inside of the wardrobe door, and he clearly felt a series of neat scratches. Judging from the position, depth and length of the scratches, it looked like a human fingernail.

In his mind, countless possibilities that could cause this situation immediately emerged.

"Neighbor Pharaoh? Perverted serial killer? Alien holding a cat in the closet?"

Li Ang pondered for a moment, and pushed aside the clothes hanger in the closet. As expected, on the pile of clothes under the closet, he saw the sunken marks left by the soles of his feet.

Someone, or something, has been hiding in the closet.

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