Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 105: My love (10)

"Water, gold, fire, wood, earth,

This solar system model is correct.

If it is the closed state of the mechanism, then if you want to open the mechanism, you have to make the model wrong? "

Li Ang groaned and moved the planet model of the chandelier to slide the spheres of different sizes and colors along the slide.

Make it from the order of water, gold, fire, wood, earth, to earth, moon, Mercury, Venus, sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Putting the earth in the center constitutes the model of Ptolemy's "geocentric theory" before Copernicus.

At the moment when Li Ang dragged Saturn to the outermost periphery, the brown-yellow metal sphere representing Venus fell from the ceiling and landed on the bed.

"Did an egg drop?"

Li Ang picked up the golden planet and found that the sphere could be rotated up and down. There was a power switch connected to insulated tweezers in the lower part of the sphere.

When the power is on, the insulated tweezers will always clamp the chandelier cable, and the wire will be loosened when the power is not on.

"Moving the chandelier to the model of the solar system in the center of the earth can power off the chandelier and obtain the golden planet..."

Li Ang fiddled with the small metal ball and found that after taking out the components of the insulated tweezers, a metal piece resembling a knife coin remained in the middle of the ball.

Just like a USB flash drive, it is exposed.

"This shape...should be the key to the study."

Li Ang picked up the metal ball, put on his shoes, and walked out of the children’s bedroom. Instead of rushing to open the study door with the key, he went down to the first floor.

Remove all the obstructions around the doll, including sofa fragments, ceramic flower pots, tables, chairs and benches, leaving only the wooden doll standing in an empty place.

As for Li Ang himself, standing far away, waiting quietly.

He had been mentally calculating the time just now, and after calculating it, it was almost time for the doll to lift the seal.

Li Ang hovered his finger on the flashlight button and silently counted down, ten, nine, eight...


The slight sound of wood rubbing is particularly loud in the silent room,

The unknown doll, almost instantly, twisted its head sharply and stared at Li Ang, who was standing behind him. The utility knife in his hand flashed lightly, again causing deep knife marks on the floor of the living room.

However, Li Ang was prepared for this, and stood in the restaurant where the sword gas could not spread in advance. The beam of the flashlight in his hand enveloped the wooden doll without barriers.

Click, click.

The doll in the dress jumped up unwillingly and approached Li Ang with a utility knife.

But it can only slow down little by little under the light of the flashlight until it freezes completely.


Li Ang raised his eyebrows,

The wooden doll jumped up at the moment when the seal was frozen,

At this moment, the doll was floating in the air, motionless.

"This... can the flashlight freeze the weirdness in the air?"

Li Ang's expression was a little weird. After continuing to shine the flashlight for a while, he stepped forward and used a half-length table lamp pole hanging from the ground to poke the doll floating in the air.

The doll was stabbed by the pole of the desk lamp, like an astronaut in a weightless state, floating lightly, hitting the wall, and a utility knife in his hand made a deep mark on the wall.

"Can simulate weightlessness?"

Li Ang was stunned at first, and then immediately realized something, holding up the frozen doll in mid-air, and rushing towards the side hall.

The first seal, twenty minutes,

Ten minutes for the second time,

Then the effective duration of the third seal is probably only five minutes.

He must act quickly.

Li Angtuo lifted the doll to the side hall, and turned the suspended figure toward the floor-to-ceiling window of the side hall.

Push the doll with both hands and let the utility knife in the latter's hand cut the solid French window.


The sour rubbing sound resounded in the side hall,

On the floor-to-ceiling windows of the side hall, white scratches were visible to the naked eye, and a little glass powder fell.

"Sure enough."

Li Ang's heart moved, since the utility knife in the doll's hand can be effective on the wall that the player can't destroy, 80% of it can also be effective on the glass and door.

"If you manipulate the doll and cut a hole in the French window with a utility knife, you may be able to escape directly from the house..."

Before the last word was spoken, Li Ang felt the burning tingling sensation on his left arm again.

A line of black tattoos appeared on the back of his hand out of thin air.

[Don't do this]

Appeared again.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, instead of heeding the advice of the tattoo, he continued to speed up the slicing action of the utility knife, and said loudly to the air: "You are born arrogant, how can you give up?

My wild horse doesn't know the way home, but you villain I must get rid of it.

Your Excellency, please show up quickly, or I will cut this glass away. "

Since entering the script mission, he has always had the uncomfortable feeling of being spied on.

The source of the tattoo,

Must be spying and monitoring him in secret.

"The title skill of the secret digger can be used. As long as I see the other party, I can discover the secret hidden deep in the other party's heart..."

Li Ang controlled the wooden doll and continued to cut the floor-to-ceiling windows. At the same time, he was vigilant and guarded his surroundings.

Suddenly, his heart quaked and shrank,

Like a roller coaster, it first pauses for four seconds, then beats again and again seven times.

Eyes swayed uncontrollably, feet staggered backward a few steps,


Li Ang stepped on the stool leg of the sofa seat, barely stopping the retreat.

But the consciousness seems to be pulled out of the body, flying lightly,

A hazy illusion appeared before his eyes.


Hospitals, wards, unrecognized ceilings.

The sight was dim and muddy, and the scene squinted.

Li Ang stared at the foreground in amazement. He couldn't feel and couldn't control his body. He could only watch the unfamiliar ceiling.

It took a few seconds to realize that I was watching a certain fragment of memory from the perspective of others.

"Drip, drip, drip..."

The sound of vital signs monitoring equipment came out of sight,

The owner of the sight shook his head slowly and saw more scenes of the ward.

This is a double ward with sterile floor, white wallpaper, and blue curtains.

The curtains were opened, it was night, and the stars and night sky outside could be seen.

The owner of the line of sight, with bandages all over his body,

On the next hospital bed, a woman with long black hair was lying. She was wearing a breathing mask and couldn't see her face clearly.

Through the glass windows of the ward door, one can vaguely see a pair of middle-aged and elderly men and women standing in the corridor, talking with a doctor in a white coat and mask next to him.

"Her situation is very dangerous..."

"We may have to adopt a more radical treatment plan..."

"Need family members to sign..."

The conversation gradually became lighter, and the line of sight gradually blurred and dimmed.

When Li Ang recovered,

He was already lying on his back on the sofa, looking at the ceiling of the living room.


Li Ang straightened up subconsciously, but found three people sitting on the sofa on either side of him.

On the left is an old lady in a brown dress and glasses, who looks kind-hearted, and on the right is an elderly couple with a worried look—it is the middle-aged man and woman who appeared in the hallucination just now.

"Where am I? Are you?"

Li Ang took a deep breath and clenched his fists. He was still wearing that expensive suit uniform, but the left sleeve of the suit was lifted up.

Two lines of words were written on the back of the hand with a black marker,

The content of the handwriting is exactly [using a flashlight],

And [don't do this]

"Calm down, Steven, calm down."

The kind-looking old lady said gently: "You are safe, don't panic, you are with your family."


Li Ang looked at the elderly white couple next to him, frowning deeply.

This is Steven's parents?

What happened to the illusion just now?

Steven was seriously injured and hospitalized?

Did that happen in the past, or is it a visionary illusion that will happen in the future?

Li Ang turned his head and looked around.

The place where he is is undoubtedly the living room of the house at the beginning of the script task. The tables, chairs and benches are all placed normally.

There is no wooden doll or rabbit carcass sitting on a stool,

There is no trace of the floor being cut with a utility knife.

"Yes, family."

The kind-looking old woman with glasses said gently, "They are your parents. Do you remember what happened just now? Steven."

"I woke up in this house and was chased with a knife by a wooden doll that looked like Annabel and Pinocchio married and gave birth.

The reason is that I said it had a strange surname. "

Li Ang grinned and said, "Otherwise, what do you think I should say?

My parents told me just now that our family is actually billionaires. My previous poor life was to exercise my willpower. Can I now be assured of inheriting hundreds of millions of fortunes? "


The old woman glanced at the elderly couple next to her in a daze, and explained embarrassingly: "Walking in the star world will cause loss and memory disorder. After all, it is still too hasty.

Fortunately we have recordings. "

The old woman took out a shiny silver tape recorder from under the table, pressed the play button, and a man's voice was heard immediately inside.

"Steven, this is the recording I gave me.

When I heard this recording, I should have already entered a state of astral walking.

My name is Steven Carter,

My wife's name is Mavis Carter.

Our children are named Robin and Lin.

My wife and I met at the entrance of the community. We grew up in one place and went to school, but we had never seen each other before.

We met, knew each other, loved each other, we all had the same cryptography hobbies, we finally got married, had children, until the accident happened..."


Li Ang held down the pause button of the recorder, frowned deeply, looked at the old woman, and jumped back and forth with the faces of the so-called Steven’s parents, and said in a deep voice, "Well, what's going on?

Why is there a marker on my hand,

Why are you here,

Where are my wife and children? "

"Steven... I am the psychic your parents found."

The old woman took a deep breath and said slowly, "Your wife is dead."


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, "How did you die?"

"Car accident."

The old woman said: "You and your wife, in the beginning, the love is good and the family is harmonious.

However, during a family trip, your wife drove and killed a young motorcycle rider.

Although it was proved after the fact that it was just a simple accident, your wife does not have to take the main responsibility.

But she was still entangled with a deep sense of guilt and fell into a strong depression.

Your wife is an orphan without a father or mother, and her mental condition has not been very stable since she was a child.

The car accident caused her to suffer from a serious mental illness, and she became more frantic and began to have mental disorders.

For example, staying behind closed doors in the bedroom all the year round,

When you are depressed, go on a hunger strike without eating,

When you are anxious, you want to smash things in the room, tables, chairs and benches,

I walked out of the bedroom quietly at night, came to the bedroom of my son and daughter, stood by their bed, staring at them quietly.

When you find out, she has picked up the pillow and is ready to press it on the face of her children at any time.

She realized her problem and cooperated with the treatment, but with little effect.

After one treatment, she even killed your black cat named Hope, buried it under a tree in the courtyard, and lied to you that Hope was lost. "

The old woman who called herself a psychic paused, and said slowly: "After treatments, her madness did not get better, but instead got worse.

Started to self-harm or hurt others The last time, six months ago, she first gave you sleeping pills at night, and then the next morning, she told the children to go to school normally.

After the children left, she dragged you to the swing in the courtyard, cut you with a knife, and finally took sleeping pills.

The neighbor saw and called the police. The police came and sent you to the hospital.

Your injury was just a skin injury, but she died in the end. "


Li Ang was silent when he heard the words, thought for a moment, tilted his head, "My wife has a mental illness, okay, what then?

Judging from the decoration style of this house and the clothes I wear,

Steven should be relatively rich,

You can raise your sons and daughters on your own.

It is not a problem economically.

Considering that you call yourself a psychic, there is a high probability that the plot will develop after my wife's death, and things haven't stopped there.

She is back, in the form of a spirit body. "


The psychic paused. It seemed that Li Ang didn't expect Li Ang to react so quickly, nodded, and slowly said, "You guessed it.

Your wife loves you too much and her children too much.

She returned after her death, came to the house where you lived, and continued to live with you.

In the beginning, it’s just the table and stools in the house that move by themselves, making noise at night,

The piano in the study plays on its own,

Or the newspaper Sudoku placed on the table was filled out inexplicably.

However, with the passage of time, her love for you has become stronger and stronger, and even evolved into a strong and unstoppable possessiveness.

She wants to live with you, whether she lives or dies. "

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