Gamers Are Fierce

Chapter 504: banquet

Two days later, the Annan delegation arrived as scheduled and came to Luzhou City.

The big-bellied king of Shu took the senior officials in the city and the monks of Yongling Temple, waiting outside the city to welcome the delegation into the city.

The people of Luzhou greeted each other in their streets. The devout men and women who worshipped the Buddha had already rushed to buy the flowers in the city, and filled the mission with various petals on the streets.

The fragrance of flowers is tangy, the gongs and drums are noisy, the firecrackers are blasted, the colorful flags are on display, and the crowd is crowded.

It's a pity that the people in the city did not see the high-profile auspicious-the mission team covered a thick curtain outside the auspicious iron cage, plus various decorations, dressed up as a float.

Fortunately, the monk Annan who chants loudly on both sides of the float is worth the fare.

These Annan monks are skinny and skinny, and their skin is coated with a layer of gold paint. They look like the Luohan in the temple, quite magical.

In the welcome of the people in the city, the Annan delegation entered the Yongling Temple,

It’s night, the temple is chanting Buddhist scriptures all night long,

Outside the temple courtyard, knives, lights, swords, gold and iron intertwined, the sound of fighting suddenly started and subsided again.

In the early morning of the next day, in addition to the few invisible blood stains remaining on the bluestone slab, the traces of the few unidentified dead men who attacked Yongling Temple at night have been completely erased from the world.


Shu Palace, dinner.

The king of Shu enjoys a lot of fun, and there are many maiko ladies in the mansion. They are wearing lily skirts, playing the piano and pipa, dancing in the hall.

Two rows of guests sat on either side of the banquet, coveting each other, and chatting happily.

In addition to Luzhou's dignitaries, the most eye-catching is the two silent Annan monks, one old and one young, tasting vegetarian dishes with chopsticks in silence, and occasionally chatting with the eminent monks of Yongling Temple on both sides.

The wine and the dishes changed one after another, but the master of this banquet, the most noble King Shu in Luzhou City, has not yet appeared.

Only the chief steward of the Shu Palace laughed and explained to the guests that the prince drank excessively at noon and is still sobering.

The king of Shu is noble, and the guests present dare not complain and continue the banquet.


Although the courtyard is surrounded by curtains that are as thin as cicada wings, and mosquito repellent incense is lit,

But there are still mosquitoes and flies looking for the candlelight, following the gap in the rolling curtain, into the hall, hovering in the air, making annoying noises.


A guest frowned slightly, pinched the mung bean in the bowl, snapped it at his fingertips, and hit a fly in the air with precision.

Slap, slap, slap,

Mung beans flew horizontally, and when the bowl was empty, the mosquitoes and flies hovering in the air were gone.

"A good way to be honest!"

All four guests laughed and praised.

The Army Counselor of the Shu Dynasty, known as the "Lian Gong", picked up the white cloth with a smile, wiped the water droplets on his fingers, and said modestly: "This is just a trick.

There is a friend below, who can hold the hind legs of the fly with two fingers, and hold the fly into his palm. A few breaths of time will be able to sweep away the sky flies,

When the palm was spread again, the mosquitoes and flies were still alive, but the wings were shattered, and with a shake of the backhand, they all fell on the ground. "

While speaking, a night breeze blew, and raised a silk curtain, letting a few moths fly in.

There were no more mung beans in the bowl in front of Counselor Lu. Just as he wanted to order the servants to bring a new bowl, he heard a scholar in the opposite seat laugh and say, "You don’t have to work and do something. Worms."

If the wealthy businessman Wang Bu of Luzhou was here, he would definitely recognize this young man, who was the scholar who was swiftly ascended by the Vatican monk's ancestor after he had pursued the dragon's beard.

The scholar's surname is Song and his name is light, and his current status is a guest servant of Lu Zhou's distinguished servants.

I saw him borrow a handkerchief silk scarf from the dancing girl to his side, put it in his hand and pointed at the sword.

Without wind, the silk scarf folds automatically into the shape of a white crane. Standing in his palm, he bows his head and pecks the feathers on his body. It is lively and vivid.

"go with."

Song Shu chuckled lightly and squeezed his palms. The silky white crane immediately fluttered its wings and flew straight to the moth.

Open the bird's beak and swallow the moth accurately and quickly.

The white crane is light, almost transparent under the candlelight,

All the guests in the room could clearly see the appearance of moths trapped in the belly of a white crane.

"it is good!"

The four guests cheered,

The scholar smiled slightly, and shook his finger, the white crane immediately rushed to the candlelight, and it turned into ashes along with the moth in its belly.

The dancing girl who was sitting next to the scholar and pouring wine refused to follow her, holding Song Shuqing's arm coquettishly and angering him, asking him to pay for a silk scarf.

The scholar had to beg for mercy again and again, so embarrassed that everyone laughed.

The king of Shu himself liked the magical magic, and there were a lot of guests who knew strange books in his house.

Just as the saying goes, the top officials and the nobles in Luzhou City are not as resistant to fear and hatred as other cities.


An elderly guest in the palace of Shu shook his head. How could the banquet in the palace let outsiders get out of the limelight? He immediately smiled and said: "There is also a trick in the next, please take a look."

He squinted at the disciple beside him, and the latter immediately understood and took a huge yellowed bamboo tube from his waist.

After pleading guilty, he unscrewed the cover of the bamboo tube and pressed one end of the bamboo tube to the ground.

The elder Ke Qing Shi Shiran took a bamboo flute from his arms, took a deep breath, and started blowing slowly.

The sound of the flute is ethereal and long-distance, full and quiet, but what is more noticeable is the yellowed bamboo tube.

I saw one spider after another, crawling out of the bamboo tube,

These spiders are fist-sized feet, decently black, covered with needle-like brown hairs, and have sharp and narrow teeth. They go down with a mouth, almost like a knife.

The timid guests at the banquet exclaimed, and the dancing maids paled with fright.

The elderly Keqing smiled slightly and continued to play the bamboo flute.

Suddenly, more than a dozen tarantulas seemed to have heard some instructions. They moved their sturdy and spiny like soldiers, neatly arranged in three rows.

Facing Keqing, raised his forefoot and shook his body from side to side,

Just like the soldiers on the martial arts field, follow the instructions to make various actions.

The guests present have only heard of snake dancers in Tianzhu, but have not heard of making spiders dance with the sound.

"Good job, good job."

Bai Yongyan, who was sitting not far from the old man dancing spider, chewed the crab claws and clapped vigorously, "Unfortunately, it's not a suona, or else I can send the spider family away with pleasure."

The old man dancing spider looked a little ugly when he heard this.

Both he and Bai Yongyan were guest officials from the Shu Palace. As the so-called colleagues are enemies, and everyone is alchemist, they will inevitably compete with each other on weekdays. Under the open and secret fight, they will accept not big or small hatred.


The old man dancing spider put down the bamboo flute and returned all the tarantulas to the bamboo tube. He looked at Bai Yongyan and said calmly: "I don't know what new thaumaturgy does Brother Bai have, I want to share with you?"

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