Jing Yuan's gaze made Fu Xuan not sure how to speak, should he just say it? This statement is too inelegant. After thinking about it, Fu Xuan suggested: "In this way, general, watch how they fight once, and after you see it, you can decide whether to promote it. But I have confidence in A Guang, his There won’t be much problem in using this method.”

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. The way we deal with the small-scale antimatter army is a good routine that we have been studying for a long time!"

March 7 complained: "The so-called long time is a method that Aguang came up with after seeing a group of anti-matter legions slapping his head. It is easy to use. You...be careful."

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem, as long as it's easy to use!"

Xing: "But here's the problem. It's very empty here. Can't our old routine work?"

Pei Guang's eyes shone with wisdom: "Of course, but don't forget, I just learned two golden skills. I guess these enemies are definitely for me to practice. It's still the old rule. I will taunt the output first. If I If the fire intensity is not enough, it’s up to you. The monsters in front of the boss are basically not strong enough to go through the cutscene. What’s more, we have General Jing Yuan! With this big boss, it’s very stable.”

Xing: "It makes sense, then Aguang! Please!"

Pei Guang: "Wait a minute, let me try how to release this Samadhi True Fire. Don't let it go after a while, and it will be embarrassing if the level of ridicule is not enough."

Pei Guang didn't notice that this skill was called "Wei'er". If it wasn't called "Ambi", it was just one step away.

Pei Guang released the skill. When he used the skill, he felt that the fire was as handy as a part of his body. However, the fire had a disadvantage, that is, the fire was a bit small, but it could also become larger, which was a waste of energy. Pei Guang was too lazy to make it bigger unless necessary.

Pei Guang looked at a ball of fire floating in front of him. This ball of fire danced around Pei Guang when it appeared in this world. He did not feel any temperature around the flame. Let alone him as the releaser, he was eating melons and watching. The actor didn't feel that the flame had any power.

Xing: "Aguang, are you sure this is the Golden Legend? Who can be burned to death by such a big flame? Not even the void soldiers of the Anti-Matter Legion, right?"

Pei Guang pondered: "I don't know? It's my first time to play this kind of completely real and free game. I don't know the specifics of this golden skill, but it's called Samadhi Zhen. It should be very popular, right? I remember Samadhi Zhen." Fire cannot be extinguished by conventional means. According to the general game settings, this kind of fire can cause huge damage at the same level? Maybe I am not proficient enough? Maybe you think it is okay because this fire has no friendly fire damage? There is really no friendly force damage. It is indeed a golden legend!”

When Pei Guang was researching, he found that this skill had some additional descriptions. Originally he could only explore it on his own, but now there is an additional entry of "cannot cause damage to friendly forces", which is really awesome.

Pei Guang: "Wow, wow! I used to wonder why we had to sew up friendly forces that were hurt, but I didn't expect that they were sewed up without any damage. It's because the sew up is advanced skills. If advanced skills are like this in the future, we don't have to worry about accidental injuries!" "

At this time, when Jing Yuan heard these words, there was only the light of envy in his eyes. The friendly troops were not injured. The Death Emperor Gong Siming had this characteristic. He believed that Xianzhou would no longer have the secret of the King of Medicine, even if there were still , it is impossible for these guys to use this kind of thing to attract people to join. It is even conceivable that if Emperor Gong Siming is not harmed by friendly forces, then when God Gong Siming appears on the battlefield, the Xianzhou people will be at their craziest.

March 7 sipped her saliva nervously: "Really or not?"

Pei Guang: "How can I lie to you? But, although it is marked as harmless, I think if we get this kind of skill, don't put it on friendly troops. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. "

Walter was thinking at this time: "Although it won't hurt friendly troops, ordinary passers-by can still hurt it, so it's better to use it carefully. However, this skill also has advantages. It can help us find undercovers when necessary."

March Qi's eyes widened: "That's right! Next time we meet a bad guy like Huanhuang, a fire will make her show her fox tail."

Pei Guang looked at the three-flavored real fire surrounding him: "This is all for later. Come on, let me try the effect of this three-flavored real fire. By the way, I will test the combat BGM. You guys are ready, I will start a group~ "

After speaking, Pei Guang squatted down and lurked towards the virtual soldiers of these anti-matter legions. Looking at Pei Guang's movements, Jing Yuan was a little curious: "Oh? Squatting over? Is this a very powerful move?"

Although Jing Yuan knew about Pei Guang, he didn't know Pei Guang's specific fighting methods yet, so he took advantage of the opportunity to observe him at close range.

Hearing Jing Yuan's curious voice, Xing proudly said: "That's A Guang's famous magic skill, lurking! Anyone with brains can't detect A Guang's lurking as long as his eyes can't see it. No matter what means he uses, No one could detect A Guang’s lurking.”

Jing Yuan: "Hmm... I don't know if you have the brains or not to judge, but according to my understanding, the virtual soldiers of the Anti-Matter Legion have a certain degree of wisdom."

March 7th spread out his hands: "Maybe they are brainless when A Guang is thinking. You don't know that A Guang's thinking is outrageous. Every time he thinks, things can develop in the direction of thinking. I doubt it, A Guang Are you thinking about the Star God? But how can there be such a weak Star God in this world?"

Jingyuan: "Who knows~"

At this time, Pei Guang was already lurking in front of the virtual soldiers of the Anti-Matter Legion. When Pei Guang appeared, the virtual soldiers turned their attention to Pei Guang. However, when Pei Guang crouched forward, they were just like when they were on the space station, watching helplessly and not attacking.

After confirming that the opponent was not attacking, Pei Guang used his three-flavored true fire.

The flame appeared next to Pei Guang again. Under Pei Guang's control, the flame flew towards the virtual soldiers of the Anti-Matter Legion.

The flame ignited the virtual pawn closest to Pei Guang in an instant, but what happened next was completely different from Pei Guang's expectation. In Pei Guang's understanding, Samadhi True Fire is a top skill in any immortal cultivation game. .

And what I and my companions have drawn here are also golden skills. Even if their proficiency is low and they can't kill the opponent for a second, they can still cause a lot of damage to a virtual pawn, right? After all, this virtual pawn can play with his own sword in an unparalleled second. This golden skill can't stretch his hips too much, right?

But then the BGM that played in the scene made Pei Guang's expression gradually become serious.

"This BGM? It's the Little Master of China!!!"

The moment he entered the combat state, the combat bgm passive skill was triggered. At the same time as the bgm was triggered, Pei Guang noticed that there was an additional comment for this skill.

[During the battle, according to the player's situation, the BGM that best meets the player's needs will be automatically played]

And what is the most suitable bmg now? It turned out to be the "Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles" from the Chinese young master's family

At the same time, Pei Guang also noticed that the virtual soldiers of the Anti-Matter Legion who were hit by the Three Flavors True Fire did not die, but blazing flames broke out on their bodies. I don’t know why these words popped into Pei Guang’s mind when he saw this flame. 'Roast slowly over low heat for three minutes. ’

The expression on Pei Guang's face became more solemn. He had already realized that something was wrong, but what happened next made this problem come to a head.

Pei Guang felt the three-flavored true fire. While the virtual soldier was wailing angrily, Pei Guang found that he could control the intensity of the fire? High fire, medium fire, low fire, this is the feedback of this skill.

When using the flame, you need your own strength to maintain it, but after the flame is thrown out to ignite the target, he does not need to maintain it. Only adjusting the fire temperature requires some strength.

"Hiss, this skill is Samadhi True Fire?"

When Pei Guang was confused, the virtual pawns of these anti-matter legions also became furious at this moment. Especially the virtual pawns who were set on fire, they rushed towards Pei Guang with anger and pain.

And Pei Guang waved his hand, and the flames spread from this virtual soldier to the entire anti-matter army's virtual soldiers, up to the tramplers, down to the ordinary virtual soldiers, and even several machines nearby were ignited.

No organic matter can resist the three flavors of true fire, but it does not mean that inorganic matter cannot be ignited.

The moment the flames enveloped the members of the Anti-Material Corps, Pei Guang could feel that instead of weakening these enemies, they had strengthened. All the virtual pawns received an angry buff, and Pei Guang could clearly feel that if he didn't run away, he might be torn apart by these furious virtual pawns.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang turned around and ran away. As he ran, the "Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles" that sounded around him became even more exciting at this moment. The pawn who was first ignited by Pei Guang did not know that he was affected by the power of the music. Influenced by the Three Flavors True Fire, bursts of light emitted from his body.

At the same time, it became more painful and angry, bursting out with powerful power as if life were on the verge of death.

At the same time, the rest of the people waiting not far away heard the roars here and became worried.

March 7: "Is Aguang in danger?"

Xing: "No way? Look at the golden treasures we obtained. Which one is not of great use? The Star Destroyer directly killed Cocolia. My light cone greatly improved my strength. And yours, Without that, it wouldn’t be that easy to deal with.”

March Qi thought: "Yes! Since it is made of golden light, it must be very, very powerful, but why..."

Xi'er: "Hey, let me tell you, your worries are unnecessary. I think it's A Guang who doesn't like these guys who are destroying the world and will torture them for a while longer. Huh? Look! A Guang is running over."

Under Xi'er's reminder, everyone noticed that Pei Guang was running over at a very fast speed. While running, there was music that made people feel appetizing. On March 7, they subconsciously wanted to ask, but they saw Behind Pei Guang, a group of anti-matter void soldiers with burning bodies rushed over.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately prepared to fight. Pei Guang's individual strength is very strong, but everyone has always known that he has a weakness that is not sure whether it is a weakness, that is, he is strong in one-on-one combat. Unless he has unparalleled skills in a group fight, it is not very good. Good at.

Because of this, everyone thought that Pei Guang could not deal with so many enemies and prepared to help.

But just when they were about to take action, everyone present smelled a strong fragrance. At this time, Bai Lian said with a serious face: "This barbecue (╯▽╰) smells so good~~Hmm~ This smell is of salt and sugar. After being marinated for several hours and then slowly roasted over low heat, the aroma is so fragrant that I really want to taste it~”

Jing Yuan also nodded and said: "Yes, few chefs in the whole Luofu can make this fragrance. A Guang's craftsmanship is good. Is he going to make food for the anti-matter army and poison them? If this If this method works, it will be a good thing for many worlds.”

March 7 pointed at the antimatter legions chasing Pei Guang on fire: "Well...if our guess is correct, the fragrance you mentioned is coming from them. Not to mention, it is really fragrant. For the first time I found Antimatter Legion to be so delicious and appetizing.”

This sentence made Bai Lu and Jing Yuan's expressions freeze. Only then did the two of them notice that the scent was really not caused by Pei Guang, but by the antimatter legion covered in flames.

At the same time, they also noticed that there was light coming from these virtual soldiers, which was golden light.

Yes, the BGM and the three flavors of real fire created an inexplicable chemical reaction. Under the amplification of the BGM of the luminous cuisine, the bodies of these burning void soldiers gradually began to glow.

At this moment, everyone hesitated. They were thinking about whether to take action. Because the smell is so fragrant, it's so fragrant that people think it was Pei Guang's intention.

And real fire is not bad at all. After igniting the virtual pawns, these virtual pawns can't extinguish the flames on their bodies no matter what. They try to chase Pei Guang, but this kid runs too fast, and they chase him no matter how hard he chases.

At the same time, some weak and weak soldiers among them felt that their bodies were getting weaker and weaker. The pain of burning flames gradually disappeared, their bodies gradually became numb, and they could no longer pursue them even if they wanted to.

But they can feel their bodies burning until this flame burns their consciousness. The three-flavored true fire burns their consciousness and flexibility, and finally injects it into the roasted body.

In the end, the Xu pawn was completely dead, but what was left in place was not a pile of charcoal, but a 'roasted Xu pawn'

The soul-infused food emitted a golden light at the last moment. This golden light told everyone how terrible the quality of this food was.

Ten minutes passed, and the most powerful trampler also completely lost consciousness under the burning of the flames. As the strongest one, it tried to enter the seawater to extinguish the flames, but after entering the seawater, bursts of fire erupted from its area. Brothy.

At the same time, its power did not make it popular for long. It was just because it was too big that it cooked a little slowly. However, it only took more than ten minutes and a few seconds. In the end, the soul was injected, and the last powerful adult exploded. Golden light emitted, not only were the friends silent, but Pei Guang, who had stopped running, also walked over silently.

These antimatter corps members could not die anymore, but looking at the bursts of golden light, Pei Guang squatted beside the food curiously and determined through the system what these things were.

Cuisine: Fresh grilled pork belly

Note: As a dish, this is an ordinary dish. It has reached the peak of roasted Xuzu. Anyone who tastes this dish will be attracted by its deliciousness. After eating, the spirit is -1, the IQ is -1, and the life limit is -1. Every time Each dish can take effect once and can be stacked without an upper limit.

In addition, there are some notes, such as where the taste is best and where the taste is the freshest. The notes given by the system are very detailed, so detailed that Pei Guang leaned back slightly after seeing it.

At the same time, it was only at this moment that he noticed that his skill was not Samadhi True Fire. There was a horizontal line missing next to the Japanese character for "Ambi".

Pei Guang: "Isn't this the true fire of samadhi, but the true fire of samadhi?"

Pei Guang's expression became extremely complicated. He was still wondering why the output was so low because Samadhi was so popular? This is not an output skill at all, but an auxiliary skill. It is just a golden skill with a little attack effect?

At the same time, he also understood why when he set fire to the virtual soldiers, there would be a feeling of small fire, medium fire, and high fire. Isn't this just cooking? It's not medium fire, high fire, or low fire.

After figuring out the real name of this skill, Pei Guangneng was sure that it should complement the pot. Using this fire to make food can add attributes, taste, and texture to the food, making the food more perfect.

Of course, you can also use it to roast people directly. Burning it directly means making barbecue dishes, and there is no need to marinate it, and it will be delicious directly.


Seeing the golden light on the bodies of the cooked Xu pawns, Pei Guang couldn't find any place to vomit. They were all sewn up, including the animation.

However, Pei Guang's face was full of disgust when he saw that after eating the virtual pawn, his spirit -1 IQ -1 life limit -1.

"As expected of the anti-matter army, they destroy the world when they are alive, and their mental attributes are reduced when they die. You should really give the cooked you to your companions to eat, so that your little brains will become even less."

When Pei Guang complained, his companions gathered around with solemn expressions.

March 7: "Aguang, is this the skill you're talking about? Why does it feel a bit weird?"

Pei Guang looked serious: "No wonder, I used it wrong. Also, don't be curious about eating these guys. Although they smell delicious and taste good, their attributes will be reduced."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone fell silent. Everyone trusted Pei Guang very much. It was because of trust that when Pei Guang said this sentence, everyone's expressions became more solemn.

As Pei Guang's closest accomplice who even wears a pair of pants, Xing looked at Pei Guang with a solemn expression: "Aguang, how do you know the taste of these guys?"

Pei Guang: "Remarks! Notes! Some skills and consumables have notes, and these are the same."

Hearing this sentence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There was no psychological burden on eating the abundant black deer, but the virtual soldiers were more or less humanoids, so if they really ate it, the psychological burden would be a bit heavy.

Pei Guang looked at everyone's relieved expressions and complained: "These guys eat away attributes. If they eat too much, they will become fools. Besides, when my freedom and reality are so real, I actually eat the wise me." I'm also disgusted...but I do have an idea..."

Hearing that Pei Guang had an idea at this time, everyone just looked at Pei Guang in silence. Jing Yuan, who felt Pei Guang's gaze, had a smile on his face: "A Guang, please tell me."

Pei Guang: "After this time, you, the Xianzhou Alliance, are going to fight against the Anti-Material Legion, right? If we start a war on two fronts, I don't think it will be easy for you. Otherwise... you can find a planet with more members of the Anti-Material Legion, and I will Put on a fire and roast them all, and then you can make these into cans and send them to the territory occupied by the fertile beasts, and let them eat them and become crazy? After eating these, their IQ and spirit will be weakened to a certain extent, even if every portion is eaten. The food is only effective once, but different food can be superimposed, and there is no upper limit to the superposition. Yes, the Anti-Material Legion has the King of Death. How about we set a small goal and capture the King of Death to make a virtual pawn production line. Then cook it directly, and then make it into canned hair and send it to the areas where different Fenghuo people are located. When they are all eaten until the health bar of the mentally retarded lunatic reaches 1, then go to efficient harvesting? "

Jing Yuan: “…”

Pei Guang: "Believe me, this is very efficient. Of course, I am not busy in vain, just leave the monster materials of Fertile Evil to me. I am professional in making equipment."

Jing Yuan: “…”

At this moment, Jing Yuan completely understood the meaning of Fu Xuan's previous words. He glanced at Fu Xuan, who looked at Jing Yuan with a helpless expression.

Jing Yuan felt Pei Guang's gaze, took a deep breath and said with a smile: "When all this is over, I need to discuss with the other generals before I can reply to you."

Jing Yuan really admired Pei Guang, but he had just gotten the thing and already thought about what to do next. The viciousness of his methods made even him shudder.

Even in Pei Guang's tone, he could clearly feel that the so-called Anti-Material Legion and the Harvest People were just piles of materials, exchanging one pile of materials for another to finally strengthen themselves.

Forget it, this can be called efficient at most, but what really scares Jing Yuan is that Pei Guang has set his sights on the Great Lord of Extermination. If others set this goal, he would laugh at this person's ignorance and arrogance. But Pei Guang set this goal, and Jing Yuan felt that he could achieve it.

Hearing Jing Yuan's reply, Pei Guang said regretfully: "Tsk, what a pity, it's okay. After this time, you can talk to the other generals and let's talk about the factory. This kind of unlimited stacking of debuffs, It’s okay if we don’t eat it ourselves.”

Jing Yuan: "Ahem, let's talk about it later. Our main goal now is to destroy the extermination king Huan Wu. Now that the Xu soldiers guarding the front have been dealt with, the next step is to open up the passage to Jianmu. Dan Heng, here I am I need to rely on your strength, and only you can do this.”

Jing Yuan turned his attention to Dan Heng and came to Dan Heng's side to explain the situation.

Pei Guang listened to their exchange and asked, "Does that mean Dan Heng is needed for the next plot and not us?"

Jing Yuan: "No need for the moment, you can rest first."

Pei Guang: "Okay~ When the cutscene is over, go directly to fight and kill~"

With nothing to do for the time being, Pei Guang decided to pick up the pot first, and then use the pot and the Three Flavors True Fire to see if he could make something with added attributes.

When Pei Guang was lighting the pot, Xing, March 7, and Bai Lu gathered around and studied with Pei Guang.

But when these guys just sat down and were about to start studying, a Yunqijun came over happily, holding a cigarette and waving to Pei Guang: "Ah ha~ good luck~ Brother, can I borrow one?" Can fire be used?”

Hearing that Brother Luck borrowed the fire, Pei Guang took out his lighter, and the Yunqijun shook his head: "Is it okay if I want your fire? I feel that your fire is very exciting."

Pei Guang snapped his fingers and lit up a cigarette with the three-flavored real fire: "Let me tell you, this fire is very strong, and the three flavors are different. Which three flavors are more important depends on your appearance. Use it as you like, but don't use it to light yourself up~"

Yun Qijun took a deep breath: "It's true that the three flavors are really exciting. Thanks, brother, and I promise not to taste any of my own."

Pei Guang: "You're welcome, just give me a little favor."

Yun Qijun: "I'll give it to you directly. You have been my only belief since I met you!"

Pei Guang: "Just take care of yourself and survive until the finale~"

Yun Qijun gave a thumbs up and left happily.

After that, Yun Qijun took the cigarette and left. For Pei Guang, this was just a small episode, he was so willing to help others. Whether it's in the space station, Beloberg, or Xianzhou, even if he can't afford anything, he will be happy to help him if he wants to increase his favor. It's not often that you can be favorably favored by just setting off a fire.

As for using this fire pit yourself? This fire shows that no teammates are harmed, so there must be no problem.

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