There were not many soldiers, only 149 of them, including Kevin, 150, three remote controllers per person, and some left.

After a series of preparations, 450 golden men were ready to march towards the Doomsday Beast.

Chapter 195 Poor Doomsday Beast, Walter Arrived

The Golden Man Simen, a common robot on the Luofu Immortal Boat, usually treats this thing as a toy for the people of the Industrial Manufacturing Department, but only those who have really fought it know how disgusting it is.

Pei Guang can easily dismantle one or two, but if there are five or more of these things, Pei Guang will have to run away when he encounters them.

What? Three Flavors True Fire? The magic attack judgment of the Three Flavors True Fire is that it can only burn the living. If the screw Gumu comes, it can be burned, but the golden man cannot be burned. The characteristics of the player are so wonderful.

The soldiers from the Fire Chaser Moth are controlling the golden man and marching towards the Doomsday Beast. At the same time, Pei Guang also brought out the Creation Engine.

Using the Creation Engine to fight Doommon is asking for trouble. The Creation Engine is essentially a robot that fights dust. Although it can be used in battle, it is a hard fight to use it to fight against large anti-star weapons.

Pei Guang used the Creation Engine not to fight Doommon, but to grab the golden man and throw it at Doommon.

The thrown golden man turned on the combat mode under the control of the star, and the remaining golden men activated their weapons and flew up under the throwing of the Creation Engine!

As Pei Guang took action, Alicia and Kevin also took the soldiers of the Fire Chaser Moth to start the action. It was a bit difficult for these soldiers to listen to Pei Guang. Pei Guang was just a person who appeared inexplicably, and it was useless even if he was given various titles.

But it doesn't matter. Whether it is Alicia or Kevin, they will unconditionally execute their orders. Since Alicia said it's okay, just go ahead.

After wearing the armor and weapons provided by Pei Guang and controlling these golden men, the confidence of these soldiers increased dramatically. Although the things looked simple, they found that these things were really useful after using them.

As for how to fight? It's very simple. According to Pei Guang's description, it's F2A.

So, Doomsday Beast, who was still looking for a trash can, felt the threat around him, and the appearance of a large number of golden men made it shift its attention.

However, its previous attack was effective. Just when it was about to destroy these golden men and then look for a trash can, it saw the trash can that it had blown out. Half of the body of the trash can was inside and half of the body was outside.

The lid was slightly lifted, revealing the deep crack of the bucket. This is a very perfect trash can. There is no such perfect trash can in the entire universe.

At this moment, Doomsday Beast was attracted by this deep abyss. It couldn't help but think that only garbage could match the charm of this bucket.

Wait? It said I'm garbage?

Trash can't answer Doommon's question, not to mention that Doommon can't speak, and neither can Trash can, but this doesn't prevent them from communicating.

Damn the robot, Doommon is going to kill this Trashcan today.

At this moment, the two extinction lords who were watching the small TV in the Star Destroyer were no longer able to look directly at the situation on the scene. They brought their legions and destroyed so many civilizations. Although Doommon is not the most powerful subordinate, it is easy for him to destroy those low-level civilizations or worlds without destiny.

Although this earth has now become the player's territory due to various accidents, and the death of this Doommon has become a foregone conclusion, at least the last Doommon who fought against the player was killed by the player's completely indestructible wooden sword that blew up the antimatter engine.

Rounding it off, Doommon fought with the player for 800 rounds before he died. Look at this Doommon, who has been fighting wits and courage with Trashcan for a long time. Trashcan didn't lose, Doommon didn't win, there is no need to round it off, and now the information that Doommon is equal to Trashcan is spreading on the Internet.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, just like on a certain website, as long as you dare to post it, someone will seriously analyze it. Although everyone will not take it as true, it does not prevent everyone from watching it for fun.

While the Doomsday Beast was being mocked by the trash can, the first wave of golden men had arrived. The Doomsday Beast never dreamed that it would be hit by the golden men from the Immortal Boat within the coverage of the legion.

Dozens of sticks emitting golden light stabbed into the body of the Doomsday Beast fiercely. This first wave of attacks directly knocked the Doomsday Beast down from the sky. If the Doomsday Beast had a mouth, it would definitely shout that it was not a martial virtue. It was fine to mock it with a trash can, but it actually attacked by surprise?

Pei Guang had the most say in martial virtues. What martial virtues or not? As long as I kill you, who dares to say that I have no martial virtues?

However, during the battle, there was one thing that Pei Guang did not expect. The bucket strengthened the building. According to Pei Guang's understanding, the earth is a building, so the earth was strengthened.

However, according to the understanding of the bucket, since the earth is a building, all non-living things on the earth are part of the building. Just like this golden man, it is Pei Guang's weapon, a weapon to protect this planet, and it is also part of the building. The power of preservation is naturally added to them.

So, preservation and destruction fought again. Although the preservation star god and the destruction star god are only defined by people according to the manifestation of the star god, their ultimate goal cannot be confirmed at all.

But this does not prevent the two forces from fighting.

But the most frustrating thing is probably Doommon. Even though it has given up on looking for the trash can, the trash can still causes trouble for it. What’s even more disgusting is that it doesn’t know that it’s the trash can that’s causing it trouble. , I always thought it was the destiny traveler hiding here.

At the same time as the work started on the earth, Walter, who had a good sleep on the fairy boat and continued to follow the Yunqi Army Manluofu to find the hidden followers of the King of Medicine, looked at the empty public storage space, his whole face There was a serious expression on his face.

He remembered very clearly that before going to bed last night, there were five creation engines in the public storage space. Even before going to bed, he carefully maintained these treasures and equipped them with brand-new weapon systems provided by the Engineering and Construction Department. He was preparing for them today. Have fun, why is it gone?

What about the Creation Engine? What about the great creation engine?

Realizing that something was wrong, Walter opened the mini map and looked for Pei Guang's location, but he couldn't find it on the fairy boat, the train, or Yaliluo.

However, looking at the prompts on the mini map, Walter's expression became more solemn, because Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were pulled directly to the other side of the map, so far away that Walter had to scroll several times to find it.

But when he saw where Pei Guang and the others were, his expression became more solemn.


Solar system, Earth! This is the location information displayed on the mini map, and it even shows on the mini map who the owner of the earth is.

"When did Aguang become the owner of the earth?"

Pei Guang never said that he was from Earth, and Pei Guang always said that he could not go back, so no one asked in detail, why did it only last one day? Pei Guang became the owner of the solar system? What did he miss?

"This earth..."

When Walter saw the word "Earth", he was studying it, but as he studied it, he found something wrong.

Why did Pei Guang and his group seem to be fighting with something? Looking at the Doomsday Beast that Pei Guang casually marked on the small map, Walter thought he had made a mistake.

"How long has it been before they encountered the Doomsday Beast? And it was the Earth?"

After Walter was silent for a moment, he teleported directly to Earth, but as soon as he arrived on Earth, he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling. He did not teleport to Pei Guang because he noticed that Pei Guang was fighting the Doomsday Beast. On the contrary, March Qi and Xing not far away were not in a fighting state, so he came to March Qi's side.

What did he see? Did you see Kevin controlling the golden man to beat the doomsday beast? What kind of weird scene is this?

etc? Kevin? ? ?

Walter looked at Kevin, who was seriously controlling the battle between the golden men. He was afraid that he had seen wrongly, so he took off his glasses, took out the glasses cloth and wiped it before putting it back on.

He put on his glasses calmly, and when he looked at the familiar but very young young man in front of him, Walter's face showed a solemn expression as if he was seeing a Rakshasa.

Walter looked directly at Kevin, and March 7, who was on the side, noticed Walter coming over: "Huh? Uncle Yang? Why are you here? Huh? Why are you... staring at Kevin?"


Walter didn't know what to say at this time. He was now sure that this earth was just the same planet as the one he lived on, but it was definitely not his hometown.

His hometown faced an existence called Honkai. Although when he first arrived in this universe, he thought that Star God and Honkai were similar, in fact the two were completely different.

But I never expected that in two completely different worlds, I would see... this familiar man.

etc? Even Kevin has it? So, will there be Otto on this earth? ? ? ? ?

While he was thinking, the loud noise caused by the battle in the distance interrupted his thinking. Looking into the distance, he saw hundreds of gold men fighting against the Doomsday Beast.

How would you describe this scene?

The fight between the two sides was a lively one. The Doomsday Beast demonstrated its power to the fullest, while the humans, under the command of Pei Guang, controlled the Golden Man to fight against the Doomsday Beast.

The most difficult thing about Doommon is his anti-matter engine. As long as its anti-matter engine is destroyed, Doommon will ravage it at will like a chicken.

But now the problem arises here. It is easy to use these golden men to poke the doomsday beast in the butt, but it will protect its own anti-matter engine tightly.

Looking at this scene, Walter took a deep breath. Although this is not the earth where he lives, it is the earth after all. Kevin, Alicia, and all kinds of familiar and strange people that may appear on this planet in the future flashed in his mind.

Thinking of these, Walter came to the battlefield.

Seeing Walter arriving, Pei Guang looked at him in surprise: "Lao Yang? You're here! How are you? Are you very interested in conducting?"

Walter shook his head: "No, let me help the people on this planet. Don't worry, I won't use power that exceeds the technological level of this planet."

Pei Guang said indifferently: "It doesn't matter what the restrictions are. We are all our own people. We can do whatever we want. It's just a guide for novices in real-time strategy. I've already cheated. It doesn't matter what the restrictions are."

Walter nodded and looked at the Doomsday Beast. Although he had seen the Doomsday Beast many times, when he saw the Doomsday Beast this time, Walter thought of the powerful enemies he faced when he was young.

At that time, I was so powerless in the face of those powerful enemies. I risked my life time and time again to gain the slightest chance.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the base. The humans on this earth are unfortunate and lucky. They encountered existences that were more terrifying and unreasonable than Honkai. But at the same time, they also encountered someone who could completely change the fate of this place. people.

At this moment, Walter remembered what the man said at that time.


"This name...isn't it great?"


“From now on, you are Walter.”

"The core of the Herrscher and the mission of protecting the world..."

"I'll leave it to you, Walter."

Scenes of what had happened flashed in Walter's mind. At this moment, he was very grateful to Pei Guang for giving him another chance to protect the earth.

Although what this earth is facing is not the collapse, but the Legion, he wants to use this power to do something for this earth. At least he didn't want to see tragedies happen again on this earth.

"Oh, I have found the feeling I had back then, the heaviness of this power..."

Walter took off his glasses and walked towards the Doomsday Beast who was fighting with the golden people.

This galaxy can accommodate any possibility. Since they came to this solar system for various reasons, let him, a person from a different earth, help them.

At this moment, two giant mechas named Alahato appeared out of thin air on the battlefield. With the emergence of Arahato, drones from the former Shang Dynasty also appeared on this planet.

If it were something about other planets, Walter would only be a bystander, watching the juniors like Pei Guang save the world.

Walter's mecha troops are also on board. It is impossible to defeat the Doomsday Beast simply by relying on the former business-defying mechas. However, Walter has the consumables made by Pei Guang in Xianzhou. It is amazing that these consumables can fully restore all his attributes. .

It allows him to create these mechas almost unlimitedly. Walter does not expect to kill the Doomsday Beast through these mechas. There is only one thing he has to do. That is to create opportunities for the Jin people controlled by the Fire Chasing Moth to attack, and at the same time, participate in this battle as an Earthling.

Walter had to admit that the consumables Pei Guang made were really useful, but he really couldn't stop eating them! It's not that this thing is delicious, but that the almost unlimited full power is really addictive.

This time, Walter personally experienced how great it felt to have a good logistics team and a group of good teammates. However, while controlling the mecha troops, Walter was also thinking about something.

He secretly glanced at Kevin in the crowd, and he was sure that he knew this man's potential. Because of this, he wanted to wait for the Doomsday Beast to be solved, and then guide Kevin properly as a senior.

For no other reason than to have the opportunity to give Kevin good guidance, Walter felt that this trip to the earth was worth it.

At the same time, Kevin, who was controlling the golden man to stab the doomsday beast's arm, suddenly felt a bad feeling. This feeling was strange, as if it was a debt he owed... and he felt like he had to pay it back.

Chapter 196: Kill kill kill, return to the fairy boat.

"I can't believe that such a powerful enemy... could be defeated in this way... This world is really..."

In the base built by Pei Guang, Alicia couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the defeated Doom Beast and the Doom Beast head that Pei Guang had cooked and brought back. For the earth, the enemy that can only be defeated by fighting to the death is played like a toy in the hands of others.

Although the Doomsday Beast has been solved, for the earth, this is just a moment of breathing. Alicia knew that outside of the earth, there were countless legions of void soldiers throughout the solar system, as well as more doomsday beasts, and even catastrophe pioneers and messengers of destruction.

Humanity is indeed safe now, temporarily...

Seeing Alicia thinking, March Qi patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry~ This is A Guang's territory, and A Guang will never look at these bad guys and destroy this place. "

Alicia nodded, and Walter on the side also said: "Countless civilizations have been destroyed in this galaxy due to various reasons. Compared to these civilizations, this planet is already considered lucky."

Alicia affirmed: "Yes, if Aguang is not here, human beings can survive for another ten years at most..."

The speed of Legion's attack has only slowed down, not stagnated, and Alicia knows that Legion is waiting for the intensity of human resistance to increase, and when humans have hope, they will completely destroy the planet, thus fulfilling its mission. The order he follows engenders a unique aesthetic of destruction.

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. The worst plot I took over was that the world will be destroyed in a few years. Ten years is too much time. What's more, on this planet, I don't have to die in farming. "

Again, Pei Guang doesn't want to get too tired of playing strategy and management. He still prefers to follow the main line, kill and save the world along the way.

March 7: "But having said that, I remember you said, Aguang, that there are all enemies outside, right? So what's next? What are you going to do?"

Hearing what was going to happen next, Pei Guang had already taken out his wooden sword: "Of course it's to cleanse the top brass! I said, I'm going to kill them all!!!"

Pei Guang was very excited at this time. After playing games for so many years, he finally had the opportunity to kill his senior officials who had been disgusted with him all day long.

Although this high-level person who is set as the earth is not the same person as the high-level people on earth who have played all the games before, and even have completely different cultural backgrounds and life experiences, this does not prevent him from offering the skull! ! !

etc? Skull offering skull seat?

Pei Guang suddenly felt something was wrong. If he set up a skull-donating platform on Earth, wouldn't he be giving a lot of heads to himself? Forget it, I'm not interested in this brain thing.

March 7 looked at Pei Guang, who was excited and even extremely excited, and asked worriedly: "Well...isn't this not good? Ahem, although some people did not do well, but they all were killed... "

Before March Qi finished speaking, she felt Pei Guang's eyes as if looking at an idiot: "Qi'er, do you think I'm stupid, impulsive, and reckless? I don't think about things when I do things? Many things rely on instinct. ? Let me tell you, I'm not stupid, I'm even smart!"

March 7 nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head vigorously.

Pei Guang's eyes were full of wisdom and he looked at everyone: "Although I want to kill them all, but there is no reason to kill them all. It will only reduce happiness and increase the sense of panic. This game mode is just a casual play that we unlocked through the branch line. We definitely don’t have to play so hard. Let’s use all the things we get. Look, let’s use Silver Wolf to get all their information, and then use this planet. How perfect it would be to use the law to judge them. If you encounter those who have blood on your hands, kill them immediately, and use them all if you are occupying the toilet. "

However, Pei Guang obviously took the matter lightly. The number of people he would have to deal with in the future would be more than he imagined now.

Xing raised his hands in the air: "That's so strong! Celebrate! Celebrate the idea that our family A Guang is invincible!"

Pei Guang: "Low-key! Low-key!"

Star: "Low-key for what? High-profile! High-profile!!!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing. Why did he feel that Xing was becoming more and more rebellious? What bastard did you learn this from? oh? Own? That's okay.

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