However, Alicia was not in a hurry to change. Instead, she asked Pei Guang and the others: "Well~ there are too many clothes with various beautiful themes. This one looks good, and that one looks good. I don't know which one to change. How about you guys?" How about helping me choose a topic?”

Pei Guang: "Choose clothes?"

Alicia nodded: "Yes, tell me what you want to see, huh~ I have a lot of beautiful clothes in my head. With this equipment, I can change these clothes anytime and anywhere~ Tell me , anything is fine, even~"

Pei Guang said thoughtfully: "I don't choose. If I don't wear it, I'll wear it as a quilt. As long as it looks good, I like it because I'm horny."

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "As expected of A Guang, he can say such remarks so openly."

Pei Guang: "Because I am honest, I deserve praise!"

March 7: "Then you are awesome!"

Pei Guang: "Thank you for the compliment! But if I really had to choose a theme, would it be a maid outfit? If possible~ It would be best to wear white and black, eh! It must be white suspenders and white gloves. Pink girls are most suitable. It’s white, and Ellie’s legs are in great shape. Wear it with white or nothing at all, it’s great.”

March 7: "Hey, when you said that, I suddenly had a picture in my head. I'm so looking forward to it."

Pei Guang: "Are you looking forward to it? Let me tell you, my aesthetics is top-notch."

This is not Pei Guang's bragging. Although he often wears equipment that seems to lose sanity, the problem is that those equipment add attributes. For the sake of attributes, players will naturally dress in inhuman ways in the plot. If nothing else, let’s talk about the hood. After putting it on, the enemy can be attacked mentally. How delicious.

But regardless of the attribute bonus, players are all professional Nuan Nuan. For Pei Guang, whether it is DNF Nuan Nuan, Jiansan Nuan Nuan, Warcraft, Tianya, Ni Shui Han Nuan Nuan, or Love Life 2, hs2 , AI girls, they are all begged for character cards.

Alicia thought: "A maid costume? Yes~ Yeah!"

She snapped her fingers on the spot, and the robe of pure beauty that became her equipment was activated, and the battle uniform on her body turned into a maid outfit in an instant.

The maid outfit is mainly white. Compared with the traditional maid cafe maid outfit, Alicia's maid outfit exposes her waist on both sides, and the corsage hangs on the right chest and left waist. It takes asymmetrical aesthetics to the extreme.

Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi were all staring at Alicia seriously. It looked like an ordinary maid outfit, but it looked so good on Alicia.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Alicia clasped her hands behind her back and tilted her body slightly to look at everyone: "Okay~ How do I look? This dress was made by Eden~ How do you like it? Do you like it?"

While Alicia was showing off her unique beauty, she also thought about Pei Guang and the others for a wink. Pei Guang was someone who had seen big events and resisted the attraction of a pure and beautiful girl.

March 7th also took out her camera: "It's so beautiful, so cute. Such a beautiful scene must be recorded~"

Alicia: "Okay, okay~ If the two of us stand together and take a photo, others will definitely think of us as sisters~"

Seeing March Qi approaching, she stretched out her hand to hook March Qi, and faced the camera with March Qi.

Pei Guang also took out the pink camera given to him on March 7 at this time, because the scene at the scene was indeed very beautiful. Whether it is March 7 or Alicia, they are both beautiful girls. In Pei Guang's opinion, such beautiful girls are very popular characters in any game, and can even be said to be heroines!

After Alicia took a group photo with March Qi, she turned around under the gaze of the three people and said with some curiosity: "This pure and beautiful robe is really magical. I can feel the beauty coming from this dress." Miraculous power, hmm~ I feel like I can fight the Doomsday Beast a few times now.”

This is not the expansion of Alicia. Even if it is something created by the most incompetent Star God, its impact on individuals and even the universe is immeasurable.

It is even said that if Alicia really goes far enough in the path of pure beauty, just this piece of equipment created by the Star God can allow her to reach the level of a powerful being.

However, after receiving the equipment given by Joy and becoming an envoy of pure beauty in the future, going down to the depths of the Pacific Ocean and up to the end of the universe, it makes people feel... dumbfounding.

Of course, if you want to achieve this level of fun, you still have to see whether Alicia can go far enough. It would be very interesting if she could become a pure and beautiful star god.

The pure Alicia does not have the qualifications to become a Star God, but if Pei Guang is added, then no one knows what the future will be like. Even if she cannot become a pure and beautiful Star God, an existence at the level of the Arrival Order is still very interesting. .

Aha said that when he goes out in the future, he will not only be a happy star god, but also a pure and beautiful star god Dangdang. What? Do not believe? did you see! Under his influence, a pure beauty messenger was born. What is he if he is not a pure beauty star god?

Pei Guang: "It is indeed possible. After all, it is golden equipment. If you can't compete with the mini-boss guided by novices, this equipment will be too cheap. But having said that, now that the equipment has adapted, let's continue to search for it."

Alicia: "Huh? Don't you want to continue looking at me?"

Pei Guang took out his wooden sword: "Of course I have to look, but this does not delay my search for resources. Without resources, how can I protect the human civilization of the United Nations on Earth? How can I protect the justice of all intelligent life in the universe? As the solar system or the earth Master, I want our earth’s name to be resounded from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to the edge of the universe!”

Xing was also inspired by Pei Guang's words: "That's right! With more golden props, we can better destroy the legion! Let the legion be our stepping stone!"

Pei Guang said enthusiastically: "That's right! Anyway, since the legion is trying to invade my homeland, let them never come back."

Although it was pleasant to admire the adjutant's extra costumes, Pei Guang did not forget what he wanted to do. But thinking about the passionate future and looking at the poor present, Pei Guang sighed: "But these are things for the future. Let's collect more." Spend some resources, get up to speed on technology, and improve your individual strength. At the very least, we have to have a way to deal with the extermination king."

Alicia asked curiously: "Indeed, just this thing makes me qualified to fight with the virtual pawns in a real sense. If I can get more..."

Alicia wanted to tease Pei Guang and see what kind of expression he would show, but at the same time she also knew what was important.

Teasing Pei Guang can be done while searching, there is no need to waste time here.

Pei Guang: "Then continue to search. Let's set a small goal and strive to search the city in one day."

March 7th looked at the broken buildings around him and thought: "It's impossible, right? This city is much bigger than the small town of Belloberg at that time. We searched that town for a long time. It can't be longer this time? Although I’m very happy to find something, but I feel so tired when I think about searching in such a big city~ Ah Guang, please use your invincible brain to think about it, is there a simpler and more comfortable way?”

March 7th was very interested in searching, but when she thought about the time it would take to search in such a big city, she felt a little headache.

Looking at March Qi's expression, Pei Guang thought seriously. Searching for goods is indeed interesting, but in such a big city, constant searching and no shipments will make the original happy mood disappear.

What is the most important thing about being a player? Of course, you can do whatever you want. Although looting is part of the game, the repetitive and mechanical process will also make players feel happy when harvesting.

However, this is repeated too much, and even if there is a reward in the end, it will make people feel like they are at work.

So in a world with no plot and complete freedom, how else can we obtain resources?

At this moment, Pei Guang's eyes showed a look of thinking, and the blue planet, the human brain and countless mathematical formulas flashed in his mind.

How to obtain resources? At this moment, Pei Guang remembered what he had eaten yesterday, what he had eaten the day before yesterday, and what he had eaten on his first day in this world. Thinking of the happiness along the way, Pei Guang began to think about it and found that in the process of happiness, he had indeed forgotten something.

plunder! It is indeed an efficient way to obtain resources, but in addition to this, as long as there is a certain degree of freedom in the game, almost all have several traditional skills, and one of the skills will be used almost as long as it has this function.

This art is fishing!

At this moment, Pei Guang felt very sad for himself. As a player, in such a real world with full freedom, he actually forgot to fish. He wished he could travel back to the day he just traveled through, and give himself two mouthfuls to remind him of this. thing.

But then Pei Guang thought about it, and it was normal to forget. With the company of a beautiful girl, the main mission that was simple but interesting, and the ability to collect various golden legends, it was normal to forget a few things with so many interesting things. .

At the same time, Pei Guang also warned himself again not to make empiricist mistakes. He just took it as an RPG game for granted. As a result, the plot experience was very good, but he forgot many happy things. How could this be done? Now that everything is sewn, how can we forget so many interesting things?

However, it is normal for the plot to be too exciting and to ignore some game settings. I don’t know how many players were overwhelmed by the plot in the early stage, but only discovered some special mechanisms in the middle and later stages when they were told by others or there were tasks that required special materials.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang's eyes regained their vitality. He looked at March Qi and said excitedly: "Don't tell me yet, I really thought of it!"

Xing said loudly at this time: "Congratulations! Our Aguang has found something useful again!"

Alicia also imitated Xing's movements on the other side and said playfully: "Celebrate~ The great Lord of the Earth has thought of something that can change the universe~"

Pei Guang: "You! And you! How come you learn this kind of thing so quickly?"

Alicia blinked: "Because it's very interesting~ Looking at your serious look just now, did you think of anything?"

Pei Guang: "That's right! As a player, in addition to searching, there are other ways to obtain resources, and that is fishing! Come on! Let's try and see if fishing can bring out what we need!"

Chapter 222: Fishing, time is speeding up! ! !

Fishing, let alone big world games, as long as it is a slightly more open game, it is an inevitable function.

When Pei Guang thought that he could still fish, he immediately used his hands-on skills to make fishing rods.

Making a fishing rod is not difficult. A few sticks and a few threads are combined, and a fishing rod appears in Pei Guang's hand.

Pei Guang didn't know which style of fishing was sewn into his characteristics, because some games require you to use bait in designated waters to catch fish, which emphasizes reality.

There are also games where as long as you have a fishing rod, you can catch fish no matter it is the sea, a lake or a one cubic meter puddle, as long as you throw the fishhook in.

As for what can be caught? It really depends on the characteristics of the game. In some games, you can catch fish from small fish and shrimps to all kinds of top-quality equipment. In other games, you can only catch certain types of fish, which can be eaten, exchanged and used.

Pei Guang didn't know what characteristics he had sewn on since he was completely sewn, but it didn't matter. As long as he tested it a little, wouldn't he know what characteristics he had sewn on?

So Pei Guang took out a trash can, filled it with water, took out a fishing rod and threw the fishhook into the water in the trash can. When the fish floated, Pei Guang's expression gradually changed. The ground is solemn.

Everyone was confused by Pei Guang's actions. March Qi came over and looked curiously at the water in the trash can: "A Guang! Are you fishing?"

Xingze thought: "It must be so. Didn't Aguang just say he wanted to fish?"

Alicia asked in confusion: "Hmm~ Is this? Impersonating fishing movements?"

Pei Guang showed too many things that went against common sense. Under normal circumstances, it is true that fish cannot be caught in a puddle, but who knows what Pei Guang has done?

Everyone just watched, but Pei Guang looked at Sleep seriously for a few minutes. The other three people suddenly widened their eyes. What did they see? See the ripples in the water in this trash can? And the ripples are swirling around the fishhook?

March 7, Xing and Alicia held their breath subconsciously, for fear that their voices would interrupt the scene.

On the contrary, Pei Guang became more serious after seeing the ripples in the water. The ripples in the water circled the fishhook a few times and then directly 'bite' the fishhook. At this moment, Pei Guang pulled hard. , a fish with rice ears on its body was caught by Pei Guang.

The moment he saw this fish, even Xing was silent.

What did Pei Guang do? Fishing in a trash can filled with water, did you really catch a fish?

March 7: " out?"

Xing: "That's so strong! As expected of A Guang, hurry up! Give me a fishing rod, I want to play too!"

Alicia: "...Hey~"

When Pei Guang watched the fish he caught jumping alive, he also showed a solemn expression. He just fished with the mentality of giving it a try, but did it really ship?

And it can be shipped without bait, so what can you catch with bait?

Pei Guangke still remembered that the various functions of suture needed to be explored. Since fish can be caught without bait, what will be caught with bait?

Pei Guang took a look at his storage space. All kinds of things in the space could be used as fishing bait, but after picking for a long time, Pei Guang took out the fragments of Jianmu's root system.

These were the fragments that had not yet been processed. After hanging the fragments on the fishhook, Pei Guang once again threw the fishhook into the water in the trash can. This time the waiting time was not as long as before. As soon as the fishhook was thrown in, he saw There were ripples on the water.

Then Pei Guang pulled hard, and a fish that was more than two meters long, weighed more than 200 kilograms, and exuded the power of fertility was rolling on the ground.

March 7: "Hey! Aguang, you not only caught fish from the trash can, but also... rich and evil things!!!"

Xing looked at March 7th: "What are you surprised about? A Guang didn't say that he caught a rich fish, even if he caught a really rich fish, I think it's normal. After all, it's A Guang. But A Guang, you Are there any fishing rods over there? I want to go fishing too!”

Pei Guang: "Come! Let's play together. Let me tell you, fishing is always fun. Think about how much boring time I spent on fishing when I was playing MC and Terraria?"

March 7: "Okay~ I want to play! I have caught fish before, but I have never caught one as big as this one! But having said that, this fish seems to be a rich creature? Do you think I can get this? Make recovery items?”

Pei Guang thought deeply: "Compared to making it into a recovery item, I actually want to eat it because this fish...increases life span."

Pei Guang explained the characteristics of this fish while looking at the system introduction.

Delicious rice ear fish: This fish from the activated planetary life is called rice ear fish because of the plants that grow on its back like rice ears. This fish is delicious and the rice made from rice ears will have a light fish taste after being made. Fragrance, after consumption, the life span can be increased by 0.1 years, up to 100 times.

Looking at these introductions, Pei Guangchui had only one idea, eat! This is the first time he has obtained a consumable that truly increases the attribute limit. The 0.1-year lifespan is useless to him as a player.

Because Pei Guang doesn't have a lifespan setting, the lifespan gained by eating this thing is useless, but as a qualified player, he can't use it but he can't live without it. Besides, even if you are useless, NPCs are useful too.

Even if the NPC is useless and can be marked as delicious by the system, how delicious is this fish? You must know that the food he makes is only rated as perfect, and this ingredient is delicious when it comes out. How can people tolerate this?

After listening to Pei Guang's description, Xing, March Qi and Alicia all looked at the fish with burning eyes. At this time, the fish was still jumping on the ground. As a creature with a certain degree of fertility, it The fighting ability in the water is not weak, but the problem is that this is land, and at the same time, several people around him can even smash the skull of the demon body, let alone this ordinary fish.

March 7: "I didn't expect it to increase my lifespan? I'm sure I can make a lot of money if I sell this."

0.1 years for a fish seems very small, but let alone 0.1 years, even 01 days would probably make countless people crazy about it.

Pei Guang thought: "There is no rush. According to my many years of experience, fishing will catch different things depending on the environment and bait. The four of us will experiment first and see what we can catch. I will catch something with Tell me, I’m really looking forward to seeing if we can get some props to increase IQ.”

March 7: "What? Ah Guang, do you feel that your IQ is not enough?"

Pei Guang: "Of course not! I was just wondering if if the IQ was raised high enough, the genius club would be able to come and go at will like our family."

March 7: "Huh?"

Pei Guang analyzed seriously: "Look, all the people who enter the Genius Club are geniuses. According to the game settings, if you want to enter the Genius Club, you must first become a genius and be sent an invitation letter. After receiving the invitation letter, you can join according to Bo Shizun's assessment." , If we get consumables that permanently increase intelligence, wouldn’t it be possible to create people who meet the assessment requirements? By then, the genius club will be ours, wouldn’t it be the same as our family?”

March 7: "Then what are you waiting for? Get moving, get moving! Aguang, do you think if my IQ improves, can I enter the genius club?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "I guess it can be done. Let's raise our IQs and join the genius club together!"

March 7: "Okay! I suddenly feel full of motivation!"

Pei Guang: "Then let's get moving! Wait! Aili, you can't come fishing with us because you have other things to do."

Alicia: "Eh~ Just tell me what you need me to do. I am your adjutant anyway, so I must listen to you~"

Pei Guang: "Don't feel bad. I'm working overtime today. After I finish dealing with this Lord of Extermination, I'll give you a long vacation and let you travel to Xianzhou at public expense. That's it. I have an idea here and I need you to bring someone to cooperate." "

Although the game modes are all stitched together, in some places in the real world, even if the game features are stitched in, it is still troublesome to deal with. For example, if you want to command your own troops, you can't just click on the keyboard and click the mouse like a computer game, and control the troops to deal with it according to your own ideas.

He needed someone to convey the order, and he also needed that person to have enough prestige in his team. Because of this, Pei Guang needed Alicia to perform the main operation for what he was going to do next.

Pei Guang: "I need you to bring someone to test how many of the people we bring can extract treasures from various containers. No matter the job agency, as long as they can extract it, they should try their best to upgrade it. But I feel that the ones who can extract it should be There are not many of them. After all, those who can open boxes with players must be important supporting characters at best.”

Alicia: "Huh? In your eyes, am I just a supporting role?"

Pei Guang: "I say the worst~ You are not a supporting role, you are a member of our gang. If a talent like you robs a bank in the future, I will definitely take you with me."

Hearing that the bank was going to be robbed, March Qi had some thoughts: "Ah Guang, when are you going to rob the bank? To be honest, I have never done anything illegal or disciplinary like this, so I am looking forward to it~"

Pei Guang: "An Xin, although it is illegal to rob a bank or something, as a player, how can you not do it once? I remember that Nanook also has a force following him called the Annihilation Gang? When we find the location of the Annihilation Gang, I will lead you from beginning to end and rob them of all their bank deposits. Just prepare your helmets and leave the bank robbery to me."

Alicia discovered that Pei Guang and the others were getting more and more sidetracked in their chat. Just now they were studying fishing and opening boxes, and now they are studying bank robbery? Is this a big span?

Alicia: "Ahem~ Then, after I find someone who can open the box and join, is there anything else I can do?"

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