The representative of the free mineral water named Nan Nan said: "I know you, the famous Pei Guang, the unknown guest who will complete any commission. The day before yesterday, I saw you competing with another girl in Jinren Alley. The food is here.”

When Heathman heard the entourage confirming Pei Guang's identity, a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Can you really complete any commission?"

Pei Guang: "As long as you can pay the corresponding task reward, any task is fine!"

When Beina heard this, she said excitedly: "We really have something to trouble you with!"

Pei Guang: "You want me to help you solve the problem of releasing animals, right?"

Bena: "How do you know?"

Pei Guang: "Because I am the famous Pei Guang! Let me guess, did you release a chain of creatures, but as a result, no one could be released successfully?"

Nan Nan, who released mineral water: "This does not include me. Every time I release animals, they are successful!"

After hearing this, Dongnia looked at Nan Nan angrily: "You fool, if you say one more word, I will slap you."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "Well, don't be angry. Since this gentleman feels that he is successful, it proves that he has no tasks to release. Please get out of the way if there are no tasks to release, and please let those who have tasks to release give priority to them~"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Nan Nan didn't think much and silently closed his mouth. Anyway, he felt that his release was very successful. You must know that there are many microorganisms in a bottle of mineral water. Of course, there is no way of knowing whether he really thinks so or is mocking these people.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shan also came over: "Okay, okay~ Let me guess, you want to solve the food chain problem between you three good people, right?"

Heathman, who released the plants, nodded: "That's right! I wonder what you can do?"

Feeling Heathman's gaze, Pei Guang said calmly: "Of course! But in my opinion, your release efficiency is a bit slow! Whether you are releasing plants, gentle animals or ferocious animals, your release efficiency is It’s all a bit slow, don’t you consider improving the release efficiency first?”

Hearing Pei Guang's words, these people were stunned for a moment, but Zhong Shan said seriously: "That's right! You think, you have worked hard to release animals for so long, but you have never gained the attention of Fengshuo Medicine Master. Isn't it because of you? Is the efficiency too low?”

These people wanted to say something after hearing this, but Pei Guang interrupted directly and said: "Let's not consider what you like to release, let's talk about the purpose of our release."

After hearing the purpose, Beina said: "We are practicing the way of 'abundance' and doing good! As long as we accumulate blessings from the Lord of Abundance, we will be healthy and have good luck in the future."

In Xianzhou, everyone can punish the people of Fengfu, but those who simply believe in Fengfeng and practice the destiny of Fengfeng are very welcome in Xianzhou Alliance. After all, a prosperous people and a prosperous life are two completely different things.

Hearing this sentence, Pei Guang found a familiar feeling: "As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Compared with all actions that can increase merit, saving a life will gain more merit, right?"

Tonya nodded: "Yes! That's why we need to release powerful beasts and let them show their vitality in nature."

Beina shook her head: "No! Weak, pitiful, and helpless lives should be released and allowed to continue to gain real merit."

Watching the quarrel between the two, Pei Guang smiled and said: "You are all right, but you are also wrong. Saving ordinary lives will indeed gain merit, but compared with releasing lives that can truly gain a lot of merit, this is still too slow. "

Zhong Shan said cooperatively: "Oh? I don't know, Wu Mingke, what kind of release do you know to gain more merit?"

Pei Guang nodded and said: "Of course I know that the so-called release means to put those lives in danger into a safe and comfortable environment where they can live safely. And in this process, the more merits the saved lives have. , then the savior can obtain more merit. Judging from the first law of merit, merit will not disappear out of thin air, nor will it be created out of thin air. It will only be transferred from one person to another, or from one form to another. The merit is transformed into another form of merit.”

"The second law of morality, every life has merit. If someone commits an act of killing, his merit will be transferred to the life in danger. But if someone saves this life, then this merit will be transferred to the life that is in danger." The person who is in danger in this process will retain very few merits, while the rescuer will gain a lot of merits.”

"The third law of merit studies, the existence of merit cannot be absolutely zero. Because of this, even if there is no life, there should be merit."

"Based on the three major laws of merit science, we can definitely know a machine with infinite merit. Let the machine complete the creation of dangers and you complete the release behavior. In this way, you can transfer the merits of all things in the world to yourself and accumulate blessings. When merit When you accumulate to a certain level, you will gather three flowers and become immortals."

At this moment, Zhong Shan was dumbfounded. She had never heard of the so-called three laws of merit in all her life. These so-called three laws are completely nonsense. The Fertility Star God has nothing to do with merit, but the problem is that these three laws, it sounds like there is nothing wrong with it. Especially the three members of the Fangsheng Gang who listened from beginning to end, they believed it when Pei Guang said such lofty terms and explanations.

The three members of the Release Gang were shocked by Pei Guang's words. Whether it was the exclusive nouns or the last sentence of "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of the Head, Yuhua Ascension to the Immortal", they were all touched by their hearts and couldn't stop. Pei Guang looked at the three people who were listening to him and were shocked. So he waved his hand: "Looking at you, you haven't absorbed my words yet. Find a secluded place to understand them. When you understand them, come to me. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. Because I have such a good relationship with you, my help this time is free." The three people left here with their eyes wide open. Pei Guang's words seemed to be a revelation, which made them all fall into deep thought. On the contrary, Nan Nan, who withdrew first, didn't understand Pei Guang's words at all. But he was also very simple. Since he didn't understand, he didn't listen. So he also found a place where no one was and stayed by himself. When he walked away, Zhong Shan hooked Pei Guang's neck and whispered in her ear with an extremely excited tone: "Sure! What you said is just like the truth." Pei Guang: "No, no! To be honest, I don't hate releasing animals. I still respect those who choose a suitable environment for those lives in distress and respect life instead of releasing animals for the so-called blessings. But obviously, they are not, they just want to gain merit through releasing animals, and satisfy their own hearts or some desires through merit." Zhong Shan: "I think what you said makes sense, but I also think what you said is very interesting. There are many people like them in this galaxy." Pei Guang: "Yeah~ What a pity! I'm not a star god, otherwise, I would have played with people like this. Let They thought that when they got a certain degree, they told them that these were fake. You were deceived. If you are willing to join the joyful life, you can definitely be a order? I think about the names for you, just take out a few words from the words you just now. When you are fun! "When the two people ridiculed here, the three people who originally thought quietly came to Pei Guang. Dongnia first said:" Sir! Seeing the three people coming over, Pei Guang smiled: "Since you need my help, then I will give you some advice. According to the three laws of merit, you can make a machine to catch fish. It is well known that fish will die if they leave the water. At this time, you can make a machine to release fish and let them return to the area where they can live, so that you can get a lot of merit through the machine."

"But there is a disadvantage to doing this. If one of you is scheming, then the merit you have accumulated may become someone else's wedding dress. Therefore, when you make the infinite merit machine, you must trust each other and cannot have any selfishness. Although the merit you have swiped each time before is not as much as getting it directly from others, it is more stable."

"If you do this, you will definitely get the blessing of the rich destiny walker and keep your body healthy."

"As for how to make the machine specifically? That's your business. I gave you the idea. Please choose the specific execution and where to execute it."

After listening to Pei Guang's words, Zhong Shan asked curiously: "Then what kind of behavior will make our merit become someone else's?"

Pei Guang: "It's very simple! What you have to do is to save lives. tamper with the machine, so that when they save lives, they kill lives. If they hurt lives, the merit will be transferred to the victim. Then, if they take the initiative to release or save the injured lives, the merit will be transferred to this person. "

Zhong Shan: "I see! Master! Thank you for your teaching! But Master! Isn't saving ordinary lives too slow to gain merit?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, but believe me, this speed is slow, but it is stable. Sooner or later, the three flowers will gather at the top of the head and ascend to heaven. As for who to release and how to release, I don't have any good suggestions. I will teach you about this kind of thing, so I will have a share of the merit. I can't bear this kind of merit, so you can find a way to make the machine and choose the target for release. "

Zhong Shan: "Thank you, Master! I learned it."

Pei Guang: "It's good to learn it, um! It's late today. I have taught you how to gain merit. My mission has been completed. I wish you can gain enough merit and live a smooth life in the future~"

After saying that, Pei Guang left without looking back. At the same time, Pei Guang admired Zhong Shan a little bit. He could actually follow his words and even find the pitfalls of his words.

Looking at Pei Guang's back, Zhong Shan shouted in a strange tone: "Master! Goodbye!"

Zhong Shan took the lead, and the other three people who had some insights also bowed to Pei Guang's back. When Pei Guang completely disappeared, Heathman asked: "Master gave us some advice, but we are not specific. What should be released? My words or my opinion, plants should be released!”

Tonya: "Are you still thinking about your crappy plant?"

Bena: "I still think endangered animals should be released!"

The three of them wanted to quarrel, but Zhong Shan, who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, said: "According to the master, you have the most merit because you release animals all the year round. You can build a machine to release each other's animals. Isn't that right?" Can you get a lot of merit? But remember, don’t play tricks, otherwise the merit will belong to others.”

Heathman: "But if we let each other go, what would qualify as a requirement?"

Zhong Shan said with wisdom in her eyes: "Master said that fish out of the water is considered dangerous, so if you build a machine so that you can enter the water, and then fish each other out of the water, wouldn't this be out of danger?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the three members of the Fangsheng Gang showed such expressions, indeed! According to the three laws of merit, they have the most merit by releasing each other.

But while thinking of this, the conversation between Zhong Shan and Pei Guang about the transfer of merit gave them some bad thoughts.

Feeling the changes in these people's hearts, Zhong Shan's smile became even brighter. These three people had already started to have evil thoughts for the so-called merits. Zhong Shan was also curious about what these people would do after listening to Pei Guang's words. situation.

What? dead? You know, the most unhappy people in this world are dead people, and they will not die as long as she is here.

Chapter 233 March 7, Light Cone, Star

In the Linyuan territory, Pei Guang found Bai Lu, who he was seriously looking for.

"Bai Lu~"

Hearing Pei Guang's voice, Bai Lu looked over: "A Guang! You are here, do you have any clues?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, this matter is specifically..."

Pei Guang explained the specific matter. After hearing Pei Guang's explanation, Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay! If it's just those bad guys who let loose, I can feel relieved~"

What Bai Lu fears most is being worried about the thief, but this time the accident happened because it was obvious that some fool believed some nonsense. But now that Pei Guang has said the words to deal with them, these bad guys will definitely be unbearable.

Bai Lu: "Thank you so much, A Guang! I have prepared a great reward for you!"

Since she had entrusted Pei Guang, Bai Lu was naturally prepared to reward her. She looked left and right, and after making sure no one was around, she carefully took out a paper bag from her arms. Inside the paper bag was the most delicious candy Bai Lu had found these days.

"Aguang! Here, this is the most delicious candy I have ever found!"

Pei Guang was not polite and directly picked up a piece and put it in his mouth: "Well~ This candy is really delicious, sweet but not greasy and has a slightly sour aftertaste, delicious~"

Bai Lu chuckled and said, "That's right! I'm super good at eating. I'll come back to you next time I find something delicious."

Pei Guang: "No problem~ You still have tasks here. If there are no tasks, I will go back first~ Qi'er is still waiting for me in the room."

Bai Lu: "No, please go. Remember to come and play with me when you have time~"

Pei Guang: "That's necessary~"

Pei Guang waved to Bai Lu, turned around and left. However, when Pei Guang walked away, Bai Lu suddenly realized something was wrong: "Wait? Her room? Hmm! This is normal. She is young and energetic. Although this kid A Guang He is in good health, but as his friend, I have to prepare some good things for him~ Yes!”

Obviously, Bai Lu thought wrongly.

Pei Guang returned to the train, and during the process of Pei Guang returning to the train, some minor things happened to the Fangsheng Gang.

Zhong Shan just gave these people a little hint when Pei Guang left. As a result, these three people secretly played tricks when they were looking for someone to make the machine. In the end, one person was arrested by the District Hengsi for intentional injury, and the other was tricked by this person and had broken bones all over his body and was waiting for treatment.

But generally speaking, these three released each other and gained a lot of 'merits'.

No one knows whether the merit they gained will be redeemed, but because they caused trouble to the Ming Ming Holy Land, what awaits them are sky-high fines and jail time.

For the sake of merit and deeds, Zhong Shan ended up being physically damaged and facing jail. Only Zhong Shan, who has experienced this process and the result from the beginning, has the most say.

But by the time Pei Guang knew the outcome of this matter, when people from the Diheng Division contacted him specifically, it was already the very last thing.

After leaving Bai Lu, Pei Guang went directly back to the train and arrived outside the door of March 7th.

"Qi'er~I'm coming~"

"Hey! It's coming, it's coming!!"

March Qi in the room was obviously in a panic, but within a few seconds, March Qi opened the door to the room.

"Hehe~ You're finally here, come in quickly! I want to show you a baby~"

March Qi pulled Pei Guang into the room. When entering the room, March Qi closed the door.

Entering the room, March Qi took a deep breath first, then looked at Pei Guang with a sly look and said, "Ah Guang, what I'm going to show you next, you must not show it to anyone else! Dangdang! Look at it. ! These are the two light cones given to me by the Memory Star God.

March Qi did not make any preparations, but directly handed the two light cones given to her by the Memory Star God to Pei Guang. When Pei Guang saw one of the light cones, he also knew why March Qi blushed. .

Because this light cone records the scene of March Seven being sealed in the six-phase ice. There is nothing about March Seven in the six-phase ice~~~, but what is very magical is that every step of March Seven’s body in the light cone is Every part was magically covered.

Pei Guang held this light cone. He looked at March Qi and asked seriously: "Can I look at these two light cones no matter how I look at them?"

March 7 nodded vigorously: "That's right! Whatever you think of A Guang is fine!"

March 7 did not realize what Pei Guang's words meant.

If Pei Guang got this light cone in the past, the first thing he would do would be to check its attributes to see if there was anything special about it. But when Pei Guang saw this light cone, Pei Guang subconsciously raised his light. At the same time, he tilted his head and looked at March 7 in the light cone along the flat surface.

Seeing Pei Guang's actions, March Qi was stunned for a moment at first, but then her face turned red.

"Aguang! What are you doing!!!"

Pei Guang: "I'll just take a look~"

March 7: "Don't look at it!"

Pei Guang: "You asked me to see it, and now you say you won't let me see it?"

March 7: "Don't look! And you can't see anything!"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. Just kick the Paladin in the team and you'll see!"

March 7: "You are perverted!"

Pei Guang: "Am I a pervert? I am lustful! I am honest and worthy of exaggeration."

March 7: "If you are so horny! Why don't you look at me when you look at this!"

March 7 just said it casually, but when she said this, she subconsciously covered her mouth: "What am I talking about?"

Pei Guang recalled seriously: "You are saying, if I am so lustful, why don't I look at you?"

March 7 stretched out his hand and hit Pei Guang's chest with a gentle force: "Damn it! I didn't ask you to repeat this sentence, wait! Ahhhh!!"

March 7 didn't know what she should say at this time. She just felt that she was so shy now. If there was a crack in the ground, she would get into it no matter what.

Looking at the shy March Qi, Pei Guang said slowly: "Light cone, I want to see you! I want to see it too! There is no conflict. But, compared to the light cone that does not move, , in fact, I prefer to see myself alive and kicking.”


March 7 coughed and put her hands on her hips proudly: "That's right!"

Seeing March Qi's proud look, Pei Guang launched a direct attack: "I still feel that you are the most beautiful now~"

I don't know whether it was affected by Pei Guang's words or the temperature of the train had increased. March 7 felt a little hot in his body and his face at the same time.

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