When he heard the words "just", Xing blinked: "Just?"

March 7: "Hey, according to A Guang's experience, this means there is a mission."

Pei Guang nodded and said: "That's right! You can tell from this glance that there is a mission. Miss Pera, just give us orders if you need anything, but only if you give us enough money~"

Pella looked left and right, took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Well, the renovation work has indeed encountered some resistance, and the Silver Mane Iron Guard is trying its best to solve it. That..."

Pella noticed that there were people around who wanted to come to the hot springs, so she whispered: "It's too empty here, and I'm afraid of leaking my words. It just so happens that you are also coming to the museum, so I will take you around the museum and talk about this. thing?"

Pei Guang: "No problem! I can't wait." After saying that, Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Look, what I said before is right. After completing the main line of a stage and returning to the previous map, there will definitely be new ones. Mission, this time we can have a lot of fun again.”

Seeing that everyone seemed very free, Pella smiled: "Then let's go~ Let's talk after we go in~"

Pella took Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 into the museum. After entering the museum, the three of them were attracted by the scenes in the museum.

Pera led the three people to a place where they could see most of the scenes in the museum and introduced: "Welcome, fellow pioneers, this is the Beloberg Museum of History and Culture. As you can see, after nearly a hundred days, The entire museum interior has been completely renovated.”

"The original purpose of building this museum was to commemorate the first Grand Guardian, Alisa Rand, and the martyrs who risked their lives in the battle against the alien invasion. Later, as time went by, the exhibition scope of the memorial also gradually It expanded until it became what it is today.”

After briefly describing the background of the museum, Perla led the three of them into the exhibition hall: "After passing through the reception hall, you will arrive at the comprehensive hall, which is also the largest exhibition area of ​​the history museum. There are various exhibits on display here, from paintings by famous artists to The specimens that reach the core of the earth are enough for visitors to grasp the essence of Belloberg culture in just a few minutes.”

Listening to Pella's introduction, Pei Guang quickly glanced around and nodded: "Indeed, without reading the introduction, just looking at the exhibits displayed here, I can tell that Beloberg has experienced everything in the past six hundred years. What. The seemingly simple exhibits all carry the history of their era. This makes me feel a little emotional. What one generation or several generations have fought for a few years or decades can be recorded in the history books. Just a few sentences, right? Compared with boring words, things are indeed more attractive.”

For players, although sometimes they like to skip the plot and go on a killing spree, they also like to understand the history and culture of a map. Compared with the boring plot, especially the experience of truly understanding the history and background of a story is a temptation that most players cannot resist.

Players are such a contradictory existence. There is obviously very crucial information in the plot, but players just want to skip it and go on a killing spree. However, sometimes players like to carefully consider the plot hidden in the description of buildings or equipment to highlight a rebellious character. .

While Pei Guang was studying the history of Belloberg through the surrounding exhibits, March Qi on the side took out her camera. However, when she was about to take a photo, she suddenly remembered something and asked a little embarrassed: " Excuse me, can I take pictures here?”

Perla: "Of course!"

March 7: "Thank you very much~ Let me take a lot of photos of your museum."

Xing looked around, feeling the historical changes of Beloberg through the comprehensive hall, and said softly: "Is this understanding..."

Pei Guang heard Xing's whispered voice: "Understood? It should be right. Understanding the background of a world is also what players have to do, but why do you feel that there are a little few exhibits here? There are so many showcases and these are the exhibits. Looking at I feel so bad! Wait, you won’t release it to us next..."

Pei Guang didn't finish what he said, but the smart Perla already knew what Pei Guang said. She showed an excited expression. She coughed twice and led Pei Guang and his group to an empty display cabinet: "It's like As you guessed, we are in trouble..."

Xing first looked at Pei Guang, then turned to look at Pella. Her brain was running at the speed of light. She clapped her hands and said solemnly: "I understand! Can't open it? Just leave this matter to us. !”

As he spoke, Xing took out his bat and excitedly raised the bat with blue light, preparing to smash the display case into pieces.

Seeing Xing's actions, Perla's eyes widened: "Stop! Stop! What do you want to do?"

Pei Guang also looked at Xing with a shocked look on his face: "That's right! I don't mean to ask you to demolish it! They want us to have the money and strength to find a way to fill up the exhibition hall!"

March 7 looked at Pei Guang and Xing: "Let me tell you, you two are wrong, right? Why do I feel like Miss Pera asked us to help find the exhibits?"


Pella's expression froze, and she didn't know how to speak.

Pei Guang, on the other hand, waved his hand indifferently: "It's not a big problem! Come on! My lovely Miss Pera, tell me the mission you want to release~"

Pella took a deep breath. She decided to forget what Pei Guang and Xing said before and said to everyone: "Don't scare me... Let me tell you, in fact, the exhibits originally displayed in this cabinet were stolen recently. Here. Originally displayed was a meteor fragment, which is the oldest and most significant piece in the museum. It is said that seven hundred years ago..."

Before Pera finished speaking, Pei Guang directly stopped him: "Stop! After you find this kind of introductory plot, you can send it directly to me via text. Skip! Skip, to put it simply, the exhibit is stolen. We want Help me find the exhibits, right?”

Hearing Pei Guang's stop, Perla looked at Pei Guang with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I'm reproducing my old habit. I'm not here to take a history class. But it's no exaggeration to say that if the meteor fragments are not recovered, The opening of the comprehensive museum will lose half of its meaning,"

Xing asked curiously: "Then do you know who the thief is?"

Pei Guang and March 7 looked at Xing.

Pei Guang: "If she knew about it, would she still give us a mission?"

March 7 nodded: "That's right, but having said that, can you make a fake one and put it here?"

Pei Guang looked at March Qi: "How about that? If she makes a fake one, what will happen to our mission?"

March 7: "Hey! That makes sense."

Pella also nodded and said: "It's because they can't find out the identity of the other party that the Iron Guards have such a headache. But to be honest, the meteor fragments are not the only lost exhibits, but the top priority is to open the comprehensive museum to the public first, and subsequent tracing work can Suspended.”

Listening to Pella's words, Pei Guang fell into thinking: "In other words, except for this, those empty booths are all lost antiques? Is your security...that bad?"

Pera: "This... none of us could have imagined that these things would be stolen..."

Before Pei Guang and the others arrived, Beloberg was a city of the end of the world. Everyone was thinking about whether they could survive the next year. Who would consider these things? Besides, you can't sell this kind of thing if you steal it. There has been no such thing as theft of a collection in the past six hundred years.

Who would have thought that as soon as the doomsday crisis was over here, a large amount of the museum's collection would be stolen over there, and the thieves would succeed after repeated visits.

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. If you could think of it, we wouldn't be able to take on this task."

Perla: "Ahem!"

Pella coughed hard twice to relieve her embarrassment, and then abruptly changed the subject: "Well, I would also like to ask you to help find the missing meteor fragments. Of course, I won't let you search from the beginning, it would be a waste of time. According to the Iron Guard stationed in the lower area, they have often witnessed some suspicious characters meeting in the hideout of the large mining area late at night. Since the Iron Guard has just settled in the lower area, we have not been able to arrest any suspects. "

"I believe that if it were you, you would be able to find the lost exhibits. Are you willing to do this for me?"

Pei Guang: "Yes! Yes! Just remember to prepare the mission reward."

Hearing Pei Guang's promise, Perla breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry about the rewards. I have already prepared generous rewards for you, and I will have a little surprise for you when the time comes~"

Pei Guang looked at Pera's mysterious look and asked directly: "We are not going to be allowed to run this museum, are we?"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Perla's eyes widened: "Huh? How do you know?"

Pei Guang: "Guess!"

Xing boasted from the side: "Do you know who A Guang is? He is a famous pioneer! How can such a thing be difficult for him?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Okay, okay, I'm embarrassed by your boasting."

Looking at the two people playing tricks, Pella asked worriedly: "Aren't you all interested?"

Pei Guang: "Interested! Super interested! Let me tell you, we already have rich experience in operating this kind of thing. Although the properties and uses of snack streets and museums are very different, they are both operations."

March 7 nodded at the side and said: "If it's a business, just leave it to A Guang, he will definitely make this museum make a lot of money."

Pera shook her head and said: "Making money is not the purpose of this museum, but if you are willing to participate, all the net profits during this period can be handed over to you. This is how we express our gratitude."

Pei Guang: "Very good! Then clean this museum and wait for us to run it! Damn it, there are thieves stealing my exhibits? They are looking for death!"

Originally, Pera was very happy to hear Pei Guang's promise, but when she heard Pei Guang tell him about his collection, Pera took a deep breath. Although she knew that Pei Guang would not forcefully take other people's things as his own, wouldn't it be bad to say this directly?

March 7th looked at Pei Guang: "Looking at you, do you have a way to find the lost items?"

Pei Guang nodded: "According to traditional arts, we must go to the designated place to visit, chat with someone, and then find the collection. But this is a real and free world. I feel that doing this is a bit of a waste of this world. The degree of freedom and the favorability and prestige we have gained.”

Pei Guang had an idea. According to the general game routine, this kind of search must be a step-by-step search for clues. But this time, Pei Guang wanted to try what it felt like to hit mosquitoes with a cannon. After all, he had Belloberg's high favor and prestige! It's wasted if not used.

Chapter 237 Sambo is targeted, Sambo is shipped

Seeing Pei Guang's thinking expression, March Qi asked curiously: "Ah Guang! Have you thought of a way to skip class?"

Pei Guang tilted his head, his eyes full of wisdom, and he began to think seriously: "Of course, in fact, when I returned to this planet, I had a goal, and after listening to this, I have I guess who might have done these things.”

Pei Guang's words made Perla suddenly excited: "Who is it!"

Pei Guang looked at a mark on the mini-map: "You may not know him, but he is an old acquaintance of ours. He stole the things in our treasure box back then, I guess! This time he still has something to do with him. But I didn't expect it. , it’s great that he came back.”

The smile on Pei Guang's face was very bright. According to his many years of game experience, if a character like a thief appears in a plot, and the theft plot appears for the first time, there is a high probability that it has something to do with him.

Since he might have connections, it would be right to arrest him first, not to mention that Pei Guang also knew that there was a victims' association in Belloberg composed of people who had been deceived by this blue-haired man.

It's just that after Sangbo was caught several times by Pei Guang, he didn't know where he went. Unexpectedly, he met Sangbo again when he came back this time. From his position, he could tell that he was on the lower floor. district.

Hearing Pei Guang's words, he didn't expect who it was on March 71: "Who is it? Why don't I remember that there is such a person here?"

Pei Guang: "Remember! Lan Mao, weapon special effects. He has given us the most weapon special effects!"

March 7: "Huh?"

March 7th was thinking hard. She had experienced so many things these days that she couldn't remember what they were for a while.

Xing Ze suddenly thought of something at this moment and clapped his hands: "Oh! I remembered, it's him! Huh? He is really here~"

March 7: "Wait? What riddle are you talking about? Oops! If you have something to say, please tell me. Don't make me guess here~"

Seeing the anxious March Qi, Pei Guang smiled and stretched out his hand, flicking March Qi's head gently: "Look at the mini map!"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, March Qi blinked first, and then immediately looked at the small map. When she saw Sambo's familiar mark, her eyes lit up.

"Let me think about it~ Hey, it's him. I didn't expect him to come back again? We have something good to touch again~ Hehe~ I wonder if I can find one that I can use this time?"

After Pei Guang reminded her so many times, March 7 finally remembered Sangbo. She remembered clearly that Sangbo seemed to have stolen the contents of Xier's treasure box?

Anyway, she didn’t remember exactly what happened. She only remembered that Sangbo was a good person, and the things that exploded on him were all good things.

Pei Guang: "You remember it! Someone with special skills like this, I guess! The theft of things in the museum this time is definitely related to him. Even if it has nothing to do with him, he probably knows some clues. Come on, let's go Catch this guy and touch him again to see what he can find."

When he thought of Sang Bo, Pei Guang felt that his whole body was excited from the inside out. This blue-haired man provided Dan Heng with a full set of weapon transformation attack special effects. Who knows if this man can touch some more today? What about the fun stuff?

Xingye took out his bat and said excitedly: "Let's go for a walk. Even if it's not him, we can still get something from him."

Pei Guang: "Let's go!"

Pei Guang took the lead in preparing for action, while Pella was taken away by Pei Guang in a daze.

At the same time, in the lower area of ​​Belloberg, Sambo was looking at the 'antiques' he had acquired.

"Hey, hey, I can see a lot of interesting things this time."

Sangbo came back a few days ago. He did not escape because of Pei Guang. Although Pei Guang and the others always dealt with him, Sangbo, Sangbo also enjoyed it.

What really made Sangbo run away was those colleagues. Did he know that those colleagues did much more than Pei Guang? As long as he did nothing, the most Pei Guang, a player, could do was treat himself to a cup of coffee and wait for him to fall asleep happily. It can also provide the pioneers with some interesting props while sleeping, and these props can even shock more people.

This kind of thing is a very beautiful and interesting thing for Sambo. Not to mention anything else, just seeing the sea water in the Scale Source Realm being separated by cute pink rabbits, and seeing the Lord of Extinction Huanxi being harassed by the pink water dragon , Sambo felt very proud.

No, when Sambo, who was flipping over cultural relics in the museum, thought of this, he couldn't help but get excited: "Oh~ Really, it's a pity that these pioneers are not in Belloberg, otherwise I, old Sambo! I can say anything. Tie yourself up and give it to the pioneers.”

Sambo was talking to himself, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, and a familiar cup of coffee appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the smile on Sambo's face solidified.

At this time, behind him, the familiar voice said to Sambo: "There is no need to tie yourself up, just drink this cup."


Sambo turned his head like a machine. When he saw Pei Guang, a solid smile appeared on his face: "Hey! Hello, Pioneer!"

Pei Guang: "Hello! I really didn't expect to meet you when I returned to Belloberg. Come on! Good guy, drink it. You know me, I just touched your pocket to see Do you have anything good~"

Although Sang Bo is very much looking forward to Pei Guang touching him, what should he say? While looking forward to it, Sang Bo especially wanted to get in touch with Pei Guang. After all, he was hiding in the snowfield waiting for the pioneers to come. Who would have thought that Pei Guang's singing voice was so unpleasant that he fainted while singing to death?

Later, various accidents and coincidences caused him to fail to connect with the Trail Blazers. Now when he saw Pei Guang again, he said that he had to connect with the Trail Blazers, otherwise he would not be able to do anything interesting in the future. Involved?

Thinking of this, Sambo showed a smile on his face: "No problem! Since it's the Pioneer and you invited me to drink, I will definitely drink it, but I guess when you come to me as the Pioneer, you definitely don't just invite me to drink coffee, right?"

After speaking, Sambo also blinked.

Pei Guang: "Ah~ there is indeed something else. Let me ask you something. Something is missing from the Museum of History and Culture. Do you know who is responsible for it?"

Sambo: "Of course I know! Old Sambo's channels are very powerful. Not only do I know who is behind it, I even know some secret contents~"

Hearing Sangbo's reply, Pei Guang showed an excited expression: "That's great, come on! Let's talk about it!"

Pei Guang put away the coffee. Seeing Pei Guang put away the coffee, Sang Bo's eyes lit up: "Then I will start from the beginning."

Pei Guang: "To make a long story short, just tell me how many cultural relics you stole and how much money you made."

Sambo: "Hey, I have been doing cultural relics business for a while, and I have made a few small bucks. If you are interested in the money, I will give you one-third of it~ No! How about I give you one-half? How about it? Just as an exchange. , please be noble and don't hand me over to the Silver Mane Iron Guard, and don't tell the Iron Guard about me. If the Iron Guard finds out what I have done, then I will be in big trouble, old Sambo. Here~"

Sangbo said that he was in big trouble, but he never smiled on his face, because he knew that Pei Guang would never hide it for him just because of your petty profit.

But, wouldn't it be more interesting if Pei Guang was willing to hide it for himself for this little money? Thinking of these two completely different possibilities happening to him, Sambo felt pleasure from the inside out.

But then Pei Guang's words made the expression on the happy Sang Bo's face freeze: "No, you gave me too little. There are only four of us here."

As soon as Pei Guang finished speaking, Xing, March Qi and Pella walked out from behind Pei Guang. As it was the first time for Pei Guang to run away with him, when she saw what Pei Guang had done, she actually had an emotion. Some feeling of tension.

Looking at the three people who suddenly came out, Sang Bo's eyes widened: "How about this? As the saying goes, everyone who meets has a share, how about we each get 20%?"

Hearing Sangbo's suggestion, Pei Guang shook his head: "No, no, no! Sangbo! You made a mistake. It's not 20% per person, but 25% per person."

Xing also nodded at this time and said: "That's right, 20% is too little, 25% per person."

Sangbo counted on his fingers: "Huh? That's not right! Each of the five people present is 25%, so that's still 25% more~"

March 7th pointed at Sangbo: "No! The extra people are right here."


Sangbo was shocked. He had realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape, but unfortunately Pei Guang was faster.

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