In Pei Guang's view, Xing could only do this kind of thing. He could even guess what Xing would change after he went out to play with March 7. He probably changed his name to xxx's xx format.

March 7: "Eh~ Why do I feel like I've been cheated?"

Pei Guang smiled and said: "No, I'm just a little unhappy when I see the two of us playing with other things and can't play with myself, but..."

Pei Guang contacted Bronya alone: ​​"Dear, are you here~"

Bronya: "Yes!!!"

Pei Guang: "Since this is the first festival after recovery, are you short of interesting activities? I have rich experience in participating in activities. Do you need me to help you organize some activities before the festival so that everyone can participate?"

Seeing Pei Guang's speech, Bronya said in surprise: "Is it okay?"

Pei Guang: "Of course no problem~ Xing Xing happens to be playing in the museum. After she finishes playing in the museum, she will participate in the festival activities."

Bronya: "Thank you so much, I didn't even know..."

Pei Guang: "You don't know how to repay me, right? It would be nice if your favorability level increased a little."

After seeing Pei Guang's message, Bronya replied decisively, "I'm sorry to trouble you about the festival. I will prepare a good gift for you!"

Seeing Pei Guang put away his phone, March Qi asked curiously: "How is it?"

Pei Guang: "No problem~ Bronya agrees with my idea, we can start working directly."

March 7th thought: "Since it is a holiday celebration, should I change my clothes then?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "Of course! I'm really looking forward to your other costumes. Of course, if it can be like a light cone, ahem! That would be even better."

March 7's face immediately turned red: "You asked for a beating!"

Pei Guang: "I am honest, I should be praised!"

March 7: "Come here! If you say anything today, I will beat you up! Can you say this in a public place like this?"

Pei Guang suddenly realized: "I understand, let's talk secretly in a private place!"

Pei Guang and March Qi were playing and making trouble, and after the trouble, March Qi gasped and asked: "Phew! After moving for a long time, my body feels warm. But having said that, A Guang, what are you going to do?" "

Pei Guang thought: "Since it is a festival, of course it should be lively. I plan to build a street with snacks and entertainment first. There will be snacks and various entertainment activities in the street, such as target shooting, ring hunting, and fishing. All are arranged. But this is not enough. If we want to be lively, we have to arrange a stage and some singing and dancing performances. We will also find ways to get some game equipment and do a game trial before the festival is over. Have a fireworks show, perfect~”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March 7 took a breath of air: "Thinking about it this way, it seems that we have a lot to do. Can it be done?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "It should be possible, but if it's really not possible, I'll borrow some help. After all, Bronya entrusted us to hold a festival celebration, and it's the first festival celebration since Belloberg recovered. This has a different meaning." . Besides, we’ve got it done, so we can continue playing at the festival after we finish playing there.”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March 7th began to look forward to it: "Okay, I'll give Xing a big surprise then."

Pei Guang: "Then let's do it! Let me get in touch to see if anyone has experience in holding festival celebrations."

Pei Guang is very interested in simulated management, just like the time in Jinren Alley, where an area was created from scratch, from poverty to wealth. This process can give players an unparalleled sense of satisfaction.

As for Beloberg, it meets the conditions for simulation business, but compared with simply playing games in front of the computer, the demand here may be a little more.

March 7 looked at Pei Guang: "Who can I ask for help?"

Pei Guang thought: "I don't know! I'll ask Esta to see who can lend it to a few of me. When you're done with it, return it to them."

While talking, Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and contacted Esta: "Are you there~ I want to hold an event here, something like a festival celebration. Do you know anyone who has experience and is available? Can you introduce me to them? Am I the only one?”

Esta: "Huh? Yes, but I accepted your mission~ What is the reward?"

Pei Guang: "Let me think about it. Yes, how about I help you get some nice attack effects or weapon decorations during the event?"

Esta: "Deal~ Hehe, you have to look good, otherwise I won't let you go."

Seeing Esta agree, Pei Guang smiled: "It's so easy to fool. Weapon special effects can let such an important NPC help with tasks, and it feels like before. But it's not good to fool with just something, right? Forget it. , ask Sangbo to buy some goods?”

Esta looked at Pei Guang's words and thought with some embarrassment: "Isn't this a little bad? A Guang is a very sincere person. I can help him contact him by just saying something casually, but in the end, You must give me such a rare thing..."

Adding special effects to weapons is not a rare thing in the universe. What is really rare are the special effects of weapons created by Pei Guang. There are no requirements for use at all, as long as they meet the characteristics of the corresponding equipment.

Let’s just talk about garbage bags. As long as you think about garbage bags, they can also be equipped with weapon special effects, starships can be equipped with weapon special effects, and the commander’s weapons and equipment can also be equipped with special effects. As long as Pei Guang helps install it, there are no restrictions on its use.

No one can refuse to make their weapons special, especially Esta. What a rich person like her likes most is something that is so special that only she has it.

Maybe in Pei Guang's opinion, this thing is worthless, but in Esta's opinion, it is a priceless treasure. If one day you have to go back to your hometown to attend something, bring this with you to show your taste and style. Whether I have you or not, this is status.

Ever since, both people felt that they had made a profit, and both of them were worried about the other party's losses and tried to find ways to help the other party make up for some losses.

After Esta accepted Pei Guang's request, she immediately thought of someone, so she contacted the person she knew.


In the Interstellar Peace Company, Topa, who had just accepted a new 'debt collection' task, saw the message sent by Esta and immediately replied: "Yes, why do you have time to contact me today?"

Esta: "Are you busy recently?"

Topa: "I just took over a new job, and my next target is Yalilo-VI~ It's very close to your space station. When I finish my work, I will drop by the space station to see you~"

Esta and Topa had a very good relationship, and they even made an appointment to charter a plane together, watch the sea of ​​stars, and chat about company gossip and other things. It's just that the time of the two people has never matched.

After seeing this message, Esta was stunned for a moment, rubbed her eyes and called Topa directly.

As soon as the call was made on the other side, Topa on the other side answered: "Hey~ Why do you have time to call me today?"

Esta: "Topa! You are going to Yalilo-VI next. There is a city called Beloberg on that planet, right?"

Topa looked at the information in his hand and replied: "That's right~ A city that has just escaped from the star core crisis. Is there anything wrong with this city?"

Esta: "Yes, there is a big problem! Who gave you this job?"

Topa: "I saw a debt collector, so I picked it up..."

Listening to Esta's nervous tone, Topa realized that there was a pitfall in this work. When she originally read the introduction to this planet, she thought it was just like the other planets she had dealt with, just a world facing destruction.

However, according to her understanding, the unknown guest from this planet had visited and solved some crises, but she didn't know about other things.

As a member of the company, she also believed in the Amber King, but unfortunately her level was not high enough and she did not have the right to know many things. Because of this, when she saw such a planet appearing, she took the job directly.

But now listening to Esta's tone, she was sure that this planet had pits, big pits. The fact that Esta paid special attention to the pit was enough to prove how deep it was.

After Esta was silent for a moment, she said to Topa: "Topa, I also received a commission. In the city of Yaliluo-VI Beloberg, there is an unknown guest named Pei Guang. I sent a commission, and he wants to hold a festival celebration in this city. You are coming to this city. Can you leave the celebration to you? "

Topa: "..."

When there was no response, Esta continued: "Please don't use the company's tactics on him. I'm sorry, I can't tell you more. As for what Belloberg owes just do what you want, but when it comes to debt collection, you find an excuse to forgive the debt. I helped pay for the money that the planet owes, and it's not much money anyway. "

Topa: "..."

Topa didn't know what to say. Is this the legendary inhumanity? Even if she shelled out such a large amount of money, she would have to break her muscles and bones, but for Esta, it was not much money.

After Topa was silent for a long time, he said in a relaxed tone: "Okay~ I understand. The person who can be specially warned by you must be different. I will pay attention to it when the time comes. But then again, he is What’s your identity?”

Upon hearing the inquiry, Esta didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she held back a sentence: "He has the Amber King's envoy in his hand..."

Yes, according to his status, the golden trash can currently in Pei Guang's hands has reached the level of an envoy in terms of strength and status.

To tell a joke, the unconscious trash can is the Guardian! His unswerving determination to preserve it would have impressed even Cripper when he saw it. Although its status is not that of an envoy, its destiny power has reached the level of an envoy, and its determination to protect is even stronger than that of an ordinary envoy.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one day Clipper is crooked, it is not impossible that the Star God of Destiny will become a trash can. However, judging from the current situation, Clipper cannot be tilted.

What about shortcomings? Maybe it's because it has no consciousness and is just a trash can. Happy Star God Aha is actually very interested in turning the trash can into an envoy. It is estimated that if Aha figures out what is going on, it will not be strange for the Future Genius Club to have an extra trash can.

Although this trash can can be regarded as a guardian, the problem is that it is Pei Guang's trash can, so there is no problem if Pei Guang controls the guardian.

After being stunned for a long time, Topa said: "I understand. I will act carefully. Thank you very much. Otherwise, I might have offended a big shot this time..."

Although her rank in the company is very high, Topa still knows something in her heart. She only has wealth and freedom, but wealth and freedom are still too small compared to those who are the true apex of the universe.

But she was also very curious about what was so special about the person that Esta emphasized so much.

Esta: "Owning a debt is a small matter, but about the event~ I don't know if Topa..."

Topa: "No problem, since you asked, I will definitely do it beautifully. Besides~ I will take this opportunity to get in touch with such a powerful person and see how powerful he is."

While Esta and Topa were communicating, a masked man named Giovanni smiled. He has always been paying attention to the things about the pioneers.

Just like the Lord of Destruction has his own different aesthetics of destruction, as a follower of the Joy Star God, each Masked Fool also has a different joyful 'aesthetics'.

Most Masked Fools can't interact with the pioneers as easily and happily as Sambo, but this time is different. Giovanni can be sure that this is an opportunity for him to pursue his own joyful aesthetics. He can even take a look at old Sambo and talk to Sambo about his feelings this time.

As a small private trader from Epsilon, he already had a way and plan to contact this pioneer, and now Pei Guang was going to hold an event, which was a great opportunity.

The Ether Front was a good opportunity for him to enjoy himself this time. As for how to participate in it without feeling uncomfortable, it was a technical job, but fortunately he was very patient.

Pei Guang had no idea what happened outside of Beloberg.

After he communicated with Esta, he put away his phone and looked at March Seven: "Done! I asked Esta to help us find someone who can understand the event. Before that person comes, let me explore around Beloberg. I feel that there are not enough places to hold the event in the urban area and the lower district." Hearing Pei Guang's words, March Seven thought: "Then which place is suitable? Everwinter Ridge? That place is so cold, ordinary people will be frozen, right?" Pei Guang: "I don't know! Let's ask Bronya. As a great guardian, she must know where the area is large, safe enough and can hold large-scale events, right?" March Seven: "You are right, let's go! Let's go find Bronya." Pei Guang: "Why go find her? It's so easy to just send a message on the phone~" While speaking, Pei Guang picked up the phone again and sent a message to Bronya. Pei Guang: "I want to organize an event. Do you know where in your city there is a large area, not cold, and no one, where I can organize it casually?" Seeing Pei Guang's inquiry, Bronya replied almost immediately: "As for the upper area, there is no place. The rift in the upper area has eroded the urban area. There is not much space to hold large-scale events. As for the lower area... I don't know, Swarovski, it should know where in the lower area there is a suitable place you said?" Pei Guang: "Okay, let's go and ask it." Putting away the phone, Pei Guang looked at March Seven: "Let's go! Let's go find Swarovski. Bronya doesn't have a suitable place, Swarovski should know where there is one." March Seven was curious and complained: "What if Swarovski doesn't have a suitable place, then our event will have no plot?" Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! If there is really no ready-made place, can't we just dig one? Digging a space is very good for me, but it's a pity that there is no redstone, otherwise I can make a world devourer, and I can make it in any space." After complaining, the two came to the mechanical tribe in the lower area. As Beloberg regained hope, the people of the mechanical tribe also regained hope of survival. Now the people here are also carrying out urban construction in full swing, and Swarro and Clara are commanding robots to help people work.

During the reconstruction process, Swarro noticed Pei Guang and March 7 who came here. The moment he saw Pei Guang and March 7, his memory bank couldn't help but call out the scene of the three pioneers standing on the gate and going crazy that day.

Although it was threatened by Pei Guang and had to do something, every time it saw this picture, it could confirm that it did not feel threatened, but instead had an emotion called "happiness" spreading.

"Hello, Wumingke, hello, thank you for your help to Beloberg."

Although Pei Guang threatened it at the beginning, for Swarro, it was grateful to Pei Guang. Because the purpose of its birth was to keep Beloberg alive, and Pei Guang did it. In its calculations, without the influence of human factors, Beloberg can continue completely.

After Swarovski spoke, Clara beside him also politely said: "Big brother, big sister, hello~"

Pei Guang: "Hello Clara, hello Swarovski too. So, we came here to ask for something. Do you know where there is a large enough space to hold a large event?"

Hearing Pei Guang's question, Swarovski's 'eyes' flashed red. Seeing Swarovski's strangeness, Pei Guang said: "Look at your expression, there is~"

March Seven looked at Pei Guang: "Does Swarovski have any expression on his face?"

Pei Guang: "Look at its eyes, the flash of red light proves that it is thinking, thinking proves what? It must have, but it can't say it for various reasons?"

After hearing Pei Guang's words, Shivaro was silent for a long time and then said: "Yes, I know that there is an arsenal somewhere. Due to special reasons, the machinery in the arsenal could not be used, so it was abandoned. Although there is enough space there, Because it’s full of machinery, it’s impossible to carry out the activities you mentioned.”

Pei Guang: "Ah? Is there something? It's not a big problem, as long as there is this place. As for the machinery, I have packed it up and taken it away. It happens that I have a war with the legion in my territory, so I can bring some machinery back for them to study and play with. Thank you very much. Hey Swaro, when the activity venue is built, you and Clara can come and play!”

With that said, Pei Guang was about to go to the so-called arsenal. However, after walking a few steps, Pei Guang came back again: "Where is that arsenal? Qi'er and I don't know the location. Can you take us there?"

Swaro: "..."

Chapter 241: Looting the arsenal and arriving at Topa in Star Orbit

In the lower area, under the leadership of Shiwaro, Pei Guang and March 7 came to the weapons testing site hidden in the lower area.

This place has been eroded by the Rift Boundary before, but generally speaking, the degree of erosion is not high. When the star core disappears, the erosion here has basically receded.

Standing on the highest stand, Swaro pointed to the far wall and said, "It's right here. Those mechs are hidden in the towering rock walls."

"Cool~ It seems that we have a venue, but then again, didn't Beloberg hide such a large number of machines without intending to use them?"

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Swaro replied: "Seven hundred years ago, the company built this arsenal for Beloberg, but after the company employees evacuated the planet, no one knew how to activate these machines. Soldiers. The existing mechs are replicas of the first batch of mechs built by the city builders based on the blueprints left by the company."

Shivaro didn't say more, because these things had nothing to do with what Pei Guang wanted to know.

Pei Guang: "So that's it. This company is quite irresponsible. It left the weapons without telling them how to use them. What's the difference between not leaving them behind?"

At this time, March 7th turned into a great detective and seriously guessed: "Aguang! Will the company be like the villain in some novels, killing people without burying them, selling some arms to the people on this planet, and then running away directly? If you want to use it, you need to pay extra?”

Swaro: "According to records, these are indeed robots that Alissa Rand purchased with a loan from the company. In addition to these robots, many of the original construction materials for Beloberg were also purchased from the company."

Obviously the two people in front of them didn't know the secrets of the past at all, but the results of their guesses were quite different from the real results.

Pei Guang: "Tsk, this kind of problem is a product quality problem. It's really a scam. It's a pity that it's been too long. It's probably that the machine's warranty period has expired. Otherwise, I'd have to pay ten times the compensation."

March 7th looked at Pei Guang: "Do you think it is possible that people from the company will come to ask for Yaliluo's debt in the future? If the company sees that Belloberg cannot pay back the money, let Belloberg What should I do if I force someone to work and pay back the money?”

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