"Am I too tired?"

Topa breathed a sigh of relief, but when she said this and looked at the clean trash can again, the trash can expressed its dissatisfaction to Topa.

No! It expressed its dissatisfaction not only with Topa, but also with everyone around it. It was just an ordinary trash can, but these people didn't put garbage in it. This made the trash can feel that its dignity had been trampled on, and the trash can severely despised Topa and Dimension Bunman. No! The trash can despises everyone equally who does not throw garbage into the trash can.


Not only Topa, but the accountant next to Topa also said "Huh?" when he saw the trash can?

Topa: "Account, am I not dazzled?"

Account: "Hum!!!"

Looking at the state of the two people, Jeppard introduced at this time: "Oh? Miss Topa is really discerning. What you see is the dignity of our Beloberg today, the trash can used by the pioneers! And This trash can is the one that the pioneers coveted on the first day they entered Beloberg, and there are many stories that happened in this trash can.”

Topa: "Ah????"

Topa said that he has been to so many worlds and knows what a trash can is. Indeed, there are worlds where the garbage recycling technology is so perfect that he can complete all garbage recycling at home without the need for a trash can.

But in the final analysis, trash cans are just places to store garbage. Why do pioneers still covet trash cans? Any more stories? Looking at Jeppard like this, this story is quite profound.

Topa: "Haha... I'd love to hear the details..."

This universe is huge, and there are all kinds of strange people and strange things, but you are looked down upon by the trash can, and you can even hear stories about the trash can? Topa didn't know what to say anymore.

Hearing Topa's words, Jeppard's tone changed. He spoke in a deep tone, as if he was narrating a documentary: "This is the magical experience of the pioneers in Beloberg, from Beloberg The trash can provided unimaginable support to the great pioneers, including the Star Destroyer that could easily destroy the planet, the light cone gifted by the Destruction Star God himself, and countless fate materials from the Belloberg trash can. The gift allows the pioneers and the great guardian to save the planet together!”

Topa felt that Geppard's tone was normal at first. After all, many documentary narrations had this tone, but as he listened, he felt something was wrong.

Especially when Jeppard said: "A few days ago! Under the guidance of pioneer Pei Guang, Belloberg's trash can attracted the attention of the Amber King. The Amber King appreciated what the trash can did and gave him With its powerful power, Belloberg’s trash can has also grown!”

Yes, when he heard this, Topa didn't know what to say: "You said...the trash can has been blessed?"

As for the fact that there is an extra trash can on the path of preservation, only the envoys of the preservation order and a very small number of beings know about it. Naturally, Topa's level does not know about it. Because of this, she felt incredible when she heard this sentence.

But for some reason, even though it felt incredible, she still moved closer to the trash can.

Looking at the gap in the trash can where the darkness could not reveal its interior, Topa walked over.

Feeling the approach of the stranger, the trash can hugged its non-existent arms. Its dignity told it to be open to receive all kinds of garbage at any time.

But unfortunately, Topa did not throw garbage into its body, which made the trash can feel very unhappy. It misses the days when the pioneers got into its body. It may never encounter such perfect and big garbage in the future.

Topa didn't know the sadness of the trash can. She just used the formula's equipment to test the imaginary energy on the trash can.

Hell, the imaginary energy of the trash can is much more pure than the many people she has seen who believe in and practice the path of preserving life. Are people inferior to the trash can? ? ? ?

These were the words that suddenly popped up in Topa's mind, and seeing Topa's curious expression, Jeppard continued: "These trash cans actually have some wonderful uses. After being tested by the city builders, Putting these trash cans into buildings can increase the strength of the building. According to the pioneers, no matter what kind of building it is, it can be strengthened. Maybe it is because of the protection of the trash cans. I feel that the walls of Belloberg are much stronger. "

At this time, Topa took out professional instruments and analyzed: "It's true. The strength of the construction around this trash can is obviously many times higher than that of the building materials used. These trash cans... can really strengthen the building... and..."

Topa directly asked the accountant to get some materials, and asked the employees to quickly make a small wall and put it next to the trash can.

Feeling the extra small wall, the trash can is satisfied. There is a wall behind the trash can, which allows more people to throw garbage in more conveniently, which contributes to its dignity!

While the trash can felt the dignity, Topa's expression completely froze after watching the numerical changes on the instrument. Because according to numerical tests, both Belloberg's buildings and the small temporary walls built with the materials he took out have been strengthened. The strengthening value is not high, but it is completely consistent.

This is already the first time Topa has been shocked. Now Topa is feeling very complicated. According to the company's regulations, anyone except the top few who find materials that are helpful for construction must report it. If they find that someone has not reported it in time, , you will be directly fired from the company, and the higher the level, the stricter the punishment.

Topa came up with an incredible answer, and the moment he came up with this answer, Topa took a deep breath. She looked at Jeppard: "Can you wait a moment? You may need to go back to the ship."

Geppard nodded: "No problem." Geppard guessed what Topa was going to do, but this kind of thing... doesn't matter. If the company really needs it, it doesn't hurt to sell some trash cans, because according to current tests, both old trash cans and new trash cans have this effect. It's a good thing that the company likes him. After all, Beloberg relies on the company's channels for development.

Topa returned to the ship.

When the Interstellar Peace Company conducts transactions among the interstellar, the most important thing is building materials. The company's top management collects dusting materials from all over the universe and has continuously provided them to the vicinity of Clipper since the establishment of the company.

Because of this, any employees who discover unknown materials suitable for Clipper's dusting on various planets are required to report them. In addition, Topa, who is in the strategic investment department, also has to report the valuation of Beloberg, because the more valuable a planet’s materials are, the more funds she can apply for, and the more funds she has to rebuild the planet. The faster the speed, taking all things into consideration, Topa uploaded the information he obtained in Beloberg.

"Dear shareholders, there is a special discovery in the city of Belloberg located in Yalilo-VI. Here I discovered a special building material that can greatly enhance the strength of the building..."

Topa uploaded the data he detected, and after seeing this data, everyone at the shareholders' meeting fell silent.

They know what this means, which means that they can provide better dusting materials to the great Amber King! Topa was too lazy to listen to the communication with the shareholders. According to her experience, the shareholders would definitely have to talk for a long time and finally tell her what the purpose was and what to do.

However, this time something was beyond Topa's expectations. She uploaded the information on her front foot, and the information was quickly passed to all members of the company's board of directors.

This kind of thing has happened many times since the company was founded, but this is the first time that Topa, a material that can directly enhance the strength of buildings regardless of the building materials, has been discovered. Although this intensity enhancement is very low, looking at the entire universe, there has never been such an enhancement that completely ignores the strength of the material. Even the company executives saw the possibility of Amber King using this material to build city walls.

The company's executives were excited at the thought that the Amber King could use the materials they found to build a wall to protect the world.

They quickly formulated a plan, and after issuing it at all levels, the order reached Topa's Strategic Investment Department.

Executive: "Toppa, I am ordering you to use any means necessary to gain ownership of the new building materials."

After hearing this order, Topa was silent. If it was a day ago, she would have felt nothing. But after arriving in Yaliluo today, she knew how deep the water on this planet was.

After hesitating for a long time, Topa said: "Sorry, I can't complete this task. The planet Yalilo-VI is too special. After arriving today, I discovered many miracles left by the great Amber King, so I judged that this The task is not something I can complete. I choose to give up this task. I hope that more suitable people will be sent by the senior management to carry out this task. "

As soon as these words came out, Topa's colleagues in the same department who were listening in the conference room were shocked. Topa actually gave up such a lucrative job? This is simply unscientific. They know Topa very well. They are at the top but have a kind heart that this class should not have.

She definitely knows what will happen if this task is handed over to other people or other departments. Compared with the way Topa handles it, the planet Yalilo-VI may be more cruel if other departments handle it.

But even so, Topa still handed it over? This proves that there is a pitfall! As for whether Topa would lie? Absolutely impossible. Those who reach this level will never lie. For their level, company executives will choose to believe first and then reward and verify. Over the years, there have indeed been some mistakes, but overall the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Company executive: "Topa, are you sure to give up this task and hand it over to other departments?"

Topa: "I confirm and at the same time give up the debt recovery work of Yalilo-VI this time. The situation on this planet is too complicated and has exceeded the scope of the Strategic Investment Department."

The main task of the Strategic Investment Department is investment-related matters, from mortgages to debt collection, these are what their department does, and rebuilding the planet is for the planet to pay off its debts better.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for strategic investment departments to discover new building materials. This new building material can provide a better valuation for Beloberg. However, the emergence of this building material and the miracle that happened to Beloberg also destined Beloberg to be a difficult company. Chewy bones. And according to the existing information, Beloberg should have received great support from the Star Dome Train, so it is highly likely that it is impossible to capture this planet.

The people in the company are very clear about the virtues of pioneers. According to their view, these people are nosy people. It will be very difficult to win Belloberg with them. Although Belloberg can't take it, he still has to take the money he owes.

After hearing Topa's affirmative reply, the company's top management was silent for a moment and then replied: "Understood, then this task will be handed over to the market development department. Your work this time will be counted as completed, but this new discovery The rewards and subsequent rewards will belong to the Market Development Department, do you have any objection?”

Topa breathed a sigh of relief: "No!"

Senior management: "Okay, then congratulations to you Topa, the work of Yaliluo-VI has been completed, next..."

The company's top management made a decision. Generally speaking, Topa did nothing. This time, Yalilo-VI's mission was considered completed, and the remaining work would be handled by employees of the market development department.

As for Yaliluo-VI being in debt? It’s not that important now. On the contrary, Yaliluo-VI’s trash can is very important. The marketing department will find a way to take over Belloberg’s trash can, and even talk about taking over all the market trade on the planet Belloberg. , if possible, capturing this planet will also be included in this department's plan.

But this has nothing to do with Topa. After listening to the top management's arrangements, Topa was really relieved.

Only when she came to this planet in person did she know that this planet was Donima. The singing group called Amber King was believed by many people who said it was a homophonic singing group. Trash cans that can be seen everywhere can strengthen buildings. What’s even more outrageous is that trash cans can also be considered as guardians? At the very least, none of the envoys under the protection had been hit by Clipper's hammer.

Coupled with Esta's reminder, Topa completely wanted to get rid of this task. But now that she was able to throw the pot away without danger, she suddenly felt relieved.

As for what the market development department does? It's none of her business. She wants the marketing department to die. Anyway, the marketing department and her are rival departments. The worse the other party is, the happier she will be.

What's more, this time her work is considered completed. She didn't do anything but reported the new findings and received the bonus even if she completed the task. Is there anything better than this? As for whether the marketing department can win over Belloberg or even the trash can industry line, that depends on them. Anyway, Topa knows what the marketing department is and what those radical elements will do. Whatever happens, it has nothing to do with her.

No, after the arrangement, several people in the conference room communicated for a long time, and the meeting ended. However, when Topa was about to exit the conference room, a person contacted her.

"Hey, you're lucky. I found such a good thing in such a place without oil and water. But why would you give up such a great good thing or give it to the market development department? Oh? Those people have already gone offline, so I will leave it to you This garbage pedal is turned off.”

The originally changed voice turned into a male voice with a slightly magnetic voice. Hearing this man's voice, Topa said: "Golden placer? Why are you still here?"

Sha Jin: "Look at what you said, why are you so disgusted? I'm not your superior. But Topa, did you find anything interesting in Yaliluo-VI? Otherwise, according to your personality..."

Topa: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Sand Jin: "Of course not, I just asked out of curiosity, but I have a piece of good news here~ Well, I may have to wait until your affairs over there are over before I can tell you the good news~ I have a hunch that you must be the one this time It really screwed up the marketing department~"

After saying that, Sha Jin hung up the phone, while Topa squinted his eyes, touched his own dimension and fell into deep thought.

"Ha, finally I don't have to offend this person named Pei Guang."

Topa felt her whole body relaxed. Now that the debt collection task was completed this time, she would have a long paid vacation. She planned to use this time to get to know Pei Guang and complete the tasks that Esta entrusted her with. Help Pei Guang complete the task of an event.

Of course, although her debt collection task was completed, in fact the debt collection task was not over. It was just transferred to the market development department to complete it together.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about this anymore. I hope my colleagues in the future can see the difference in Belloberg and don't offend people who shouldn't be offended... I, the person who came first, have no choice but to trust the future generations. Wisdom! Let’s go and experience the difference of Belloberg.”

Chapter 244 Players and Company.jpg

After throwing the pot away, Topa felt fine and light. After going back to find Jeppard, he continued to Clipperburg.

In Clipper Castle, Bronya is working. Today, Beloberg is busy with things to do and prepare. There are so many things to do and prepare that she has no time to rest at all.

In addition to working, she is also waiting for Topa's arrival.

"Great Guardian, I brought the company personnel to see you."

Looking at Jeppard and Topa below, Bronya nodded and said: "Very good, Jeppard, please step back."

Jeppard: "Yes!"

For some reason, Jeppard felt that Bronya's words seemed familiar. If he recalled it carefully, the last time the Great Guardian spoke to him like this was when Pei Guang and the others arrived.

However, compared with last time, Topa did not have the ability to cause trouble in Clipperburg.

Jeppard left, and Topa looked at Bronya and said, "Hello, I am Topa from the Strategic Investment Department of Interstellar Peace Company. Do you already know the purpose of coming here this time?"

Hearing Topa's question, Bronya nodded: "I want to know how much foreign debt Beloberg has owed in the past seven hundred years..."

Topa could clearly feel that Bronya's tone was very...confident, as if she didn't take the debt seriously at all.

This is a misunderstanding. Bronya takes this foreign debt very seriously, but because of the help from Seele, Belloberg is now qualified to repay the foreign debt. The astronomical figure of two cents per week, with this amount With the resources available, she is confident that she can repay the company's debts.

Topa: "Yeah~ I owe a lot. I will send you the specific bill, but~ I am no longer responsible for this matter."


The debt collection task has been completed for her, so she no longer needs to take care of the planet's debts. There will be people from the market development department who will be responsible for this matter.

According to Topa's estimation, even if this planet has special building materials, it is estimated that senior leaders will not be involved. They are probably P45 or P46 level employees of the market development department. After all, in the eyes of these people, this is just a coincidence with the help of the pioneers. Isn’t it easy to figure out how to escape from the doomsday small planet?

If it were an ordinary planet, Topa wouldn't believe that the company could resist, but this planet...

It's really not Topa's nonsense. Whoever comes will be blamed.

At this time, Bronya received the bill from Topa. Looking at the bill, Bronya was silent.

If the two-part component we saw before was an astronomical figure, then this bill is astronomical...nearly fifty times? In other words, Xi'er has to go to Yuxiang Space to get a year's share to be able to pay back the money.

Topa has been observing Bronya's expression. She can see that Bronya only frowned when she saw the number and was not too distressed. Through this, she was even more sure that this Belloberg The debt will definitely be repaid.

Is this a lot of money? In Topa's opinion, it's not much. Although Interstellar Peace Company is a capital company, because of its belief in the Amber King, loans to planets in danger are generally not usury.

The original loan to this planet was for 280 years. According to the estimates of members of the Strategic Investment Department at that time, if it took one hundred years to solve the Legion invasion and leave one hundred years for development, then according to the economic level of the planet at that time, it would definitely be possible in eighty years. Still on.

Although the company pursues profits, the company essentially wants to get enough resources to reward its own Amber King. For the company, money is just a number. As long as it can obtain the resources on the planet, money is not important. After all, the company has mastered the universe. The economic lifeblood of most galaxies, and in this case, money doesn't matter.

But now seven hundred years have passed, and even with the standard interest rate, Belloberg has owed money starting from fifty times the principal over the past seven hundred years.

For Beloberg back then, it may be said that he can still afford it in a hundred years. If today's Beloberg does not have the two-cent share given by Pei Guang, then this money is really a waste for Beloberg. It's an astronomical figure. Maybe based on the current development of Beloberg, it would be a blessing to be able to replace all of them in five hundred years.

But again, this is a debt that can be paid off in one year without Pei Guang. The variable Pei Guang now gives Beloberg a certain say. This makes Bronya look at it. Topa.

Bronya looked at Topa: "It is indeed an astronomical sum of money, but please let Miss Topa pass on the word. We will repay the money as quickly as possible."

Topa stretched out his hand: "Stop, stop, stop, this job is no longer my responsibility. I only come here to invest in this planet. As for the issue of debt collection, I will leave it to the next department to handle it. I will After arriving on this planet, I found that this planet is very valuable for investment. I wonder if you are interested in hearing about my investment project?”

Topa looked at Bronya and continued: "This is just my investment and cooperation with Beloberg in the name of the Strategic Investment Department."

Bronya: "Is Belloberg now qualified to discuss cooperation with the company?"

Topa smiled and said: "Of course! The spirit of the people of Belloberg tells me that it is worth cooperating with you."

As a member of the Strategic Investment Department, how could Topa let go of such a potential planet? Before the marketing department came, she said she would win Beloberg's business no matter what, and even if she couldn't get it, she would still leave a good impression on Beloberg's people.

She knew the virtues of the radical guys in the Marketing Department very well, not to mention that they didn't deal with their department, so how could she provide them with the key information obtained through Esta?

Before the other party comes, cooperate with Belloberg first, seize the opportunity, and then when the other party starts to take action, all you have to do is watch the show and see how the market development department is defeated.

What? How do you know the opponent is defeated? According to the methods used by the market development department all year round, they will use the company's absolute economic strength to destroy the planet's economic system and try their best to get what they need. They will communicate with the leaders of the planet after establishing an absolute advantage. By then, the planet they are targeting will completely become a part of the company. Compared with the planet signed by the Strategic Investment Department, it will have less market development The planet signed by the Ministry of Agriculture no longer has its own economic system.

Although the marketing department knows how to pick up the dishes, judging from her many years of experience in the company, the other party will definitely look down on a planet that cannot even fly out of its home planet.

Thinking of this, Topa smiled. She looked at the puzzled Bronya and said, "I have a project here that is absolutely suitable for Beloberg's current development and can inspire people to survive, learn, and explore." Interested, have you heard of the Aether Front?"

Anyway, I want to help Pei Guang, whom I have never met but heard about all the time, to organize activities. Since I want to do it, I will do it on a big scale. This etheric front is very good. Not to mention the support of investors, if I really start it, I can also do it myself. Belloberg is enjoying himself.

If the Market Investment Department can be taken down during this period, it would be a great blessing. That is, outsiders have no idea of ​​Topa's thoughts. If the Masked Fool knew what she was thinking now, he would definitely go to the mourning and compassionate man to steal a mask for Topa to wear.

What? Topa believes in the Protective Star God? No problem, the Masked Fool who believes in the Protective Star God is the most fun.

But what Topa didn't know was that while she was calculating the Strategic Resources Department, when she said the information about cooperation, Bronya also contacted Pei Guang. Topa said it was very nice to cooperate, but Bronya always felt that something was wrong.

Who to find when you find something wrong? Of course, find Pei Guang. Everyone in Beloberg who knows Pei Guang trusts him.

In the room of Goethe Hotel, three people were sitting on a double bed, holding playing cards in their hands and thinking seriously.

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