And this one-tenth improvement does not only improve this point, it can turn what was almost a win into a sure victory. It can even make the Yunqi Army dance on the spot when General Jingyuan is fighting with Shenjun. The general and the divine king increase in size at the same time.

Precisely because the Divine Lord can also add bonuses, this has led to everyone from the Luofu Immortal Boat to the other five immortal boats to consider incorporating the dance brought by Pei Guang into the required learning content. It is best to make it ten times when fighting on the battlefield. There is always someone within a meter range who can provide this stable one-tenth bonus.

And listening to Yun Qijun's explanation, let alone Jingliu, Jingliu's demonic body almost raised a question mark.

Those with bonus mirror flow can understand, what the hell is this absolute one-tenth bonus!

Even though Jingliu has thousands of years of experience and a goal that she must stick to at all costs, she couldn't help herself when she heard this.

"Huh?" came out.

Jingliu: "As long as it's the Yunqi Army?"

Yun Qi who replied nodded: "That's right! After testing by various departments, as long as they are from the Xianzhou Alliance and have the three characters Yun Qi Army on the head of the department, it will be effective and the effect is very good. And any dance will do, as long as you dance , but again, we feel that after learning from our benefactor, the effect may be stronger. Although it is only 0.1 or 0.2, do you think it will be a little improvement on the battlefield? "

For the Cloud Cavalry Army, fighting against abundant evil creatures is a desperate matter, and it is necessary to improve. Not to mention desperate efforts, even gamers can sometimes do outrageous things for such a small improvement. The liver spends hundreds of thousands of hours and spends millions. This kind of thing does not exist.

After Jingliu was silent for a moment, he asked curiously: "Then the former Yunqi is also considered a Yunqi army?"

Yun Qijun: "Forget it! Several retired old guys have tested it, and retirement counts! Let me tell you, every cave is now considering setting up a special area for everyone to practice. Are there any side effects? Except that it must be the Yunqi Army, it has been tested by Liu Yu. I even heard that our general promoted it so vigorously, maybe he was inspired by Emperor Gong Siming. Whatever the reason, it is easy to use. Used it.”

Xianzhou people are standard pragmatists. As long as it can be used well, many things do not even need to be promoted, and the people themselves may use it.

If it weren't for the ban on the use of Yunqijun in commercial activities, Luo Fu would probably have to put the three characters "Yunqijun" on the front of many store nameplates.

This sentence made Jingliu a little excited. A ten percent increase in strength was a fatal temptation for her. But she couldn't understand, was there no price for such a huge increase in strength?

Jingliu thought there was no price, but in fact the price had already been paid. What Jingyuan paid was his sincerity and the sincerity of Luofu Xianzhou, in exchange for the players' love and favor.

After all, Jing Yuan's 300 draws at that time really almost made Pei Guang surrender Jing Yuan, not to mention that now the various Xianzhou alliances are still working overtime to prepare to send treasures that are useful to the Pioneers and can produce things to Luofu.

It's a pity that the distance between each fairy boat is too far. Although the speed of a few people coming over is very fast, the efficiency is still a little slower when transporting bulk goods. After all, the fairy boat alliance is a long-lasting species. In the eyes of the immortal boat, it is very long to be able to deliver it within a few years. Soon.

Jingliu became curious, and the curious Jingliu leaned closer. When she walked within ten meters, her expression changed, because she really felt the improvement in strength.

She hesitated again and again, and after a moment of silence, she unconsciously stepped forward.

As the former sword leader, Jingliu's talent is definitely one of the best, and the dance taught by Pei Guang is not difficult. Although Bai Lu takes the lead, Jingliu has mastered it after watching it a few times.

Ever since, Jingliu also joined in.

Jingliu, who had just joined, felt uncomfortable all over, but after following the beat a few times, Jingliu's attitude changed.

When personally participating in it, Jingliu discovered that the overall bonus of this dance was not only a bonus in terms of hard power, but also a 10% bonus in soft power.

It sounds mysterious, but Jingliu feels that his will, soul and even his IQ have been enhanced.

Yes, most people in the Yunqi Army are not engaged in research. For them, the most intuitive feeling is that various powers have increased by ten percent. However, only Luofu insiders know the power brought by Pei Guang after testing. Donima is outrageous.

According to crude game terminology, this aura is a 10% bonus to all attributes. However, if this thing is added to the field of intelligence, or even to the field of willpower, there will be a bonus. Although these things are difficult to test, the bonus achievements are already outrageous. .

For Jingliu, the 10% bonus in terms of will and spirit made her feel peaceful from the inside out at this moment.

After all, she was just barely suppressing the demonic body now. If it was stimulated, it would relapse. In addition, Pei Guang coffee provided some relief. With one ebbing and another ebbing, Jingliu felt that her head or her spirit was unprecedented. Relax.

With this relaxation, his body couldn't help but show a brief expression of happiness.

All living beings will show happy expressions when they feel happiness, and at this moment, Jingliu's heart is also changing.

But at the same time, Jingliu became even more confused. She took the sword as her heart and cut herself off. In addition to her own purpose in returning to Xianzhou this time, she also wanted to completely let go of the past and make her heart stronger.

Jingliu understands that this relief is only temporary, but even this short-term relaxation is a rare peace for a person like her who is deeply troubled by demons. In this calmness, Jingliu also beats happily with everyone. got up.

Even if this relief was only temporary, she cherished it especially.

One song, two songs, three songs.

As the number of people increased, everyone became more and more excited. After a long time of excitement, the music stopped. When the music stopped, Bai Lu ran over excitedly: "How are you, Aguang? Did I learn well?"

Pei Guang praised: "Of course! I feel that you are better than others!"

At this time, not only Bai Lu stopped, but the people around him also stopped and gathered around Pei Guang.

"My benefactor! I didn't expect you to come back and forth to the Star Port while on duty?"

"Now Hui Xing Port can work normally. This is a great blessing for Mr. Tuoen!" Because Pei Guang captured the enemies of Hui Xing Port too cleanly, it can work normally after the Star Core incident is over. .

"My benefactor, do you want to come to our cafeteria for a meal?"

Bai Lu and Yun Qijun crowded around, but precisely because no one maintained the buff at this time, Jingliu felt very unhappy at this moment.

Although she has become accustomed to the pain of being haunted by demons, for people who are in deep pain, the feeling of comfort they just enjoyed only to fall into pain again. Even a determined person like Jingliu's face showed signs of pain. A look of pain.

Pei Guang noticed the painful Jingliu, came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jingliu: "Nothing's wrong, it's just the same old habit."

Jingliu's body returned to normal after taking a few deep breaths, and Pei Guang's eyes lit up when he heard Jingliu say the words 'old problem'.

When passers-by or NPCs complain about traditional skills in various games, they must be branch lines or hidden tasks. This is considered a traditional performance in various games, so when Pei Guang heard it, he became excited.

"Old problem? No problem. Leave your old problem to me. I promise to cure it for you. Wait? What's wrong with you?"

Dan Heng on the side looked at Pei Guang's excited expression and said, "The demon's Yin body, I just don't know how she suppressed it."

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng and pointed at Jingliu: "You told me that she is a demon? She danced very energetically just now."

Originally, Jingliu's face was expressionless, but when she heard Pei Guang's words, even she had an embarrassed look on her face. Who knew this halo buff was so exciting that she couldn't help but become addicted to it.

After all, for Jingliu who has been trapped in the demonic pain for thousands of years, this kind of peace is too rare. It is rare that she really wants to experience it for a while, even if it is only for a second.

It's a pity that the price has come now. The extra second of enjoyment will be repaid with more pain. But when it comes to saying that she has no regrets, no regrets in the mirror, and no regrets in the sword, even if it is a short-term feeling of a normal person, she will willing

Dan Heng: "But she has been trapped in the devil's shadow for nearly a thousand years..."

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! With various traditional skills in games, when an NPC needs help, there is a high probability that he can get key props from another NPC, and there is also a high probability that he can find what the NPC needs around him. , there is a small chance that we have this thing ourselves but we don’t know that we need to try it. Now that we have discovered her hidden mission, I think there must be a way to make her normal. "

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Jingliu smiled: "Normal? What a luxury word... You can't do it. This is the curse of the longevity plague ancestor, and you can't solve it..."

Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng: "I finally experienced the traditional skills of players with this person! It's too difficult! Apart from the villain in Novice Village, she is the second one who doesn't believe that players can solve problems. Just say Well, if I solve it for you, what kind of task reward can you give me?"

Jingliu sneered and said: "If you can really make me resist the demonic body and prevent the demonic body from affecting my actions, then when you need me in the future, I will become your sword and kill all me for you. An enemy that can be killed.”

Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng: "Okay! Her mission rewards have been told to me in advance, so this has to be done. But Dan Heng, she's not a villain, right?"

Dan Heng thought deeply: "That shouldn't be the case, right? What she did in Xianzhou back then... was beyond her control..."

Pei Guang: "Does that mean it's similar to you? That's no problem, as long as it's not a villain. I don't want to increase the strength of the villain and make my game more difficult."

While complaining, Pei Guang took out some gadgets, including a headgear similar to the head of the Platinum Son, and equipment made from Fenghuo Xuanlu. These are the few things in Pei Guang's hand that can increase his attributes.

Pei Guang directly equipped the hood transmogrification on a hat made by Fengshenxuanlu, and then handed the hat to Jingliu, who was covering his head in pain: "Take this, go out of the buff range and put it on again. Do you feel if it is useful?" , I’ll know the direction if it works.”

Jingliu: "That's it?"

Pei Guang: "That's it, and I'm just letting you experiment."

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Jingliu hesitated for a moment and then took the hat and walked out of the buff range. After walking ten meters out of the buff range, Jingliu once again felt the feeling of being eroded by the demonic yin. She seemed to hear a sound. Whispering in her ear, the sound destroyed her, destroyed her.

But obviously, Jingliu had long been accustomed to this feeling, but the sudden loss of buff bonus still made her feel a little uncomfortable. While savoring the discomfort carefully, she put on the hat Pei Guang gave her and used it as a hat. The moment you put it on, Jingliu's head turned into the same style as the Ugly Platinum Son.

The moment he put it on, Jingliu felt a sense of relief and his consciousness became a little clearer. Yes, there is only a little bit, but for Jingliu, these little bits of comfort are extremely precious.

After putting this on, Jingliu suddenly felt her head hurt less. She answered seriously like a real patient: "I feel... better."

Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng: "Look! The things she needs are either collected by us, nearby, or from other NPCs. Don't worry about the settings. Since the NPC entrusted it, we must It can be done. It seems that the bonus of spirit and maximum health is effective for you. Since this is easy, please wait for me. "

Pei Guang took out the synthesis pot. According to the characteristics of the synthesis pot, Pei Guang took out half of the basic fireworks special effects he had collected these days. Half of these half were directly synthesized into the same headgear as the Son of Platinum. Counting the previous savings, Pei Guang totaled sixty Pei Guang directly stuffed all the special effects of the Platinum Son headgear into the pot.

The remaining half is a random synthesis of these basic weapon special effects based on feeling.

Along with the crackling sound of the synthesis pot, Pei Guang created two special effects.

The special effects of Platinum Son's headgear are synthesized into a more advanced prop with attributes. These are emojis with a similar appearance (≥▽≤) and have attribute effects.

[Binding props: cute special effects]

Effect: After wearing it, the mental strength will be increased to a moderate extent. After wearing it, the user can't help but show a cute expression. When the user shows a cute expression, the enemy will not regard the wearer as the first target of attack.

When the user shows cute expressions and performs cute actions, he can restore his mental value to a certain extent and strengthen his will. The greater the contrast between the cute expression and the body's attributes, the better the effect.

When the user is confused and in a non-combat state, he can't help but make cute movements and show cute expressions.

Note: Users should pay attention to their mental state to avoid social death.

The other is a prop that looks like a fish

[Props: Weapon Transformation]

Effect: After wearing, the appearance of the weapon will change into various salted fish according to the shape of the weapon.

Note: The person who was beaten will know why it is salted fish after one lick.

Pei Guang's expression became solemn as he looked at the two special effects that appeared in one synthesis. The second special effect was okay, a standard weapon transmogrification, but the first one...

Pei Guang looked at Jingliu's serious but murderous expression and aura, and then looked at the cute special effects in his hands. Pei Guang looked at Jingliu and smiled.

When Dan Heng saw Pei Guang's scornful smile, his expression became serious: "A Guang, what are you..."

Pei Guang: "We've got something good. It's absolutely good, right? Come and try it. If it succeeds, you will no longer be troubled by the demonic body."

For some reason, Jingliu saw Pei Guang's smile, and her expression became serious when she saw the (≥▽≤) and salted fish in Pei Guang's hands.

For some reason, she had a bad feeling, but at this time, Pei Guang said righteously: "Come on! Give it a try! After putting these two on, I think you can Resist your demon body."

It's not just about resisting the demonic body. In Pei Guang's opinion, if this cuteness effect is really effective, the demonic body of Jingliu may not turn into a 'cute body'.

However, Pei Guang doesn't care about the demon body or the cute body. He just wants to complete this mission, because for Pei Guang, a player, he has never seen any big scenes. What he really has never seen is the scene that is about to happen. Blade and Danheng who meet Kagiri...

Chapter 254 The lovely mirror flow~

The two equipment special effects were installed on Jingliu. For Jingliu, she had no feeling at all. The frost blade in her hand still had the same feel and shape, without any change.

But in the eyes of the people around him, everything has changed.

Especially Yanqing, when he saw the big salted fish rolling his eyes in the mirror and could vaguely smell the sea waves, his whole expression was solemn.

This was just the way he saw Jingliu holding a weapon, but when she saw Jingliu's expression, his heartbeat accelerated sharply.

cute! Very cute.

At this time, Jingliu was like an innocent girl, her eyes full of expectation for this world.

The appearance comes from the heart. The original Jingliu had always had a vaguely crazy look on the surface due to his inner reasons, but now there is no crazy feeling at all, and instead gives people a girlish feeling.

Jingliu herself didn't feel it, because what outsiders saw were all fake and pornographic, so she was a little confused. Why did the people around her look at her with an extra... concern?

Guigui, who was almost two thousand years old in all, was actually shown a look of concern by these young people.

"Is there anything unusual?"

A piece of ice appeared in front of Jingliu. Through the ice, she saw her own appearance. She saw a pair of red eyes full of light and hope for the future. These eyes were so cute and attractive.

"Are eyes?"

Pei Guang on the side: "Obviously, yes. The special effects of this equipment are not to make cute expressions out of thin air, but to make cute expressions based on your own conditions. Ahem! It's just cute though. Don't dislike this cuteness. Expression, it can restore your energy and improve your resistance. Even when you lose consciousness, with this special effect, you will not actively attack the people around you, let alone become the target of attacks by those around you. "

This special effect is very powerful. It is so powerful that Pei Guang is planning to make a set and keep it as a backup. But unfortunately, the cost of making this thing is too high. Basically, he put most of the basic special effects he saved into it to come up with such an outrageous attribute bonus. of.

But if there is one, there are two. This is what is unlocked and synthesized, and it is not difficult to synthesize it later.

Jingliu didn't listen to Pei Guang's explanation. She just looked at the face reflected on the ice. This face was her own, but this innocent and cute expression was only shown when she was very young. Bar?

What would I be like if there were no longevity plague and evil creatures? Will you become friends with them? Will he die like a normal life and be memorialized by future generations until he is completely forgotten?

Jingliu subconsciously reached out and touched his face, then blinked and revealed a smile that he hadn't shown in a long time.

??(?? ?? ????)

The cute self in the ice made Jingliu feel like his heart melted.

Seeing this scene, not only Jingliu was struck by how cute he looked in the mirror, but Yanqing's heartbeat, which had been secretly observing Jingliu, also began to accelerate.

"So cute... No, no! How could I have such an idea?"

Although Yanqing was trying hard to stop the thoughts that he shouldn't have, the inexperienced Yanqing still quietly looked at Jingliu's cute expression with his peripheral vision. However, when he looked at Jingliu, he and Jingliu met their eyes.


This is an expression that ordinary people cannot make. It is an expression that can only appear in the second dimension. Logically speaking, it would be a little bit inconsistent to have this expression in the third dimension. However, Yanqing not only does not seem to be inconsistent, but also feels super cute~

"So cute~"

At this moment, Yanqing felt that his whole body was healed. Not only was Yanqing healed, but Jingliu also felt a very comfortable feeling bursting out from the depths of his soul.

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