Huo Huo was still nervous, she didn't know how to face those people.

Pei Guang: "Don't you know what to say? It doesn't matter, just say [Gentlemen, please come in, the lady has been waiting for a long time.]"

Huo Huo: "So simple?"

Pei Guang: "It's that simple, don't worry, these people are bewitched by Sui Yang, and their basic judgment has been weakened a lot. You just need to tell them where the beautiful fox fairy lady is, and they will definitely take the bait."

Huo Huo hesitated: "But this is not good, right?"

Pei Guang could see what Huo Huo was worried about, so he explained: "It's okay, I was also entrusted by someone to let them know that there is no pie in the sky, and the fox fairy lady will not be free. There must be people in this world who do things to help others for their own good. People like this who are free are all ruthless people who cut their kidneys without anesthesia! "

After a pause, Pei Guang continued: "Besides, this time you can also practice how to deal with people who are confused by Sui Yang. I even thought that if the effect of this map is really good, I will give it to you to manage.

Huo Huo probably understood the meaning of Pei Guang's words: "I understand, but I... may not perform well... and leave it to me, I can't do it..."

Pei Guang reached out and touched Huo Huo's head: "It's okay, Huo Huo is so cute, it's okay to do anything. Besides, who said you can't do it? Looking at the entire Luofu Xianzhou, even if it is the phantom of the Lord of Extinction, no one can beat it even at the first stage!"

The unimagined result of defeating the Lord of Extinction for a stage is very encouraging to Huo Huo. Even if she is the real murderer, she has regained a little confidence after this time. In addition, with Pei Guang's boasting, Huo Huo stood up again.

"No problem! You said no problem, I, I believe it will be no problem."

March Seven, who was not far away, looked at Pei Guang's fooling and showed a helpless expression. She always felt that Pei Guang was fooling wherever he went. No, it can't be said to be fooling. Pei Guang at least did everything he said, but he was too much of a fool before he did it. But seeing a beautiful girl fooling another beautiful girl, she had to control it! In addition to Xing, she didn't want another person to compete with her for people.

Now she is miserable enough. Every time she wants to ask Pei Guang out to play, Xing will definitely follow her, and then Xing can always sneak out with Pei Guang when she sleeps. It was just a coincidence that she could go out with Pei Guang because of business this time, but Xing will come again soon. Thinking of this, March Seven felt full of resentment.

After Pei Guang's fooling, Huo Huo agreed to his request, and when Pei Guang was ready, Xing was also ready on the other side.

After communicating with the phone, Xing brought people here. Seeing the sudden change of scene, these people were stunned for a long time.

"Where is this?"

"Is this the Luofu Fairy Boat?"

"Fox Fairy Lady~ Hey? There is a Fox Fairy Lady here~"

There are five people brought by Xing, including Wen Furui. Xing has already given them a vaccination, so they know that it was the pioneer who used the pioneering ability to bring them to the Luofu Fairy Boat in an instant.

After arriving here, they couldn't wait to find the Fox Fairy Lady they had arranged online.

Seeing so many strangers coming, Huo Huo swallowed his saliva: "Um... Can I start eating?"

While Huo Huo was asking, Wei Tail, who had been silent, couldn't help but said: "Good guy, are you going to eat them?"

Pei Guang ignored Wei Tail's complaints and nodded affirmatively. Seeing Pei Guang nod, Huo Huo took a deep breath and walked over.

"Hello! Gentlemen, are you, are you looking for our young lady? Our young lady has been waiting for a long time, please come in~" Huo Huo came to the dungeon entrance and made a gesture of invitation. Hearing Huo Huo's voice, everyone turned their attention to Huo Huo. "Oh oh oh! Is Miss Fox Fairy in there? Miss Fox Fairy! We are here!" "Miss Fox Fairy, please look at me, look at me!" "..." "..." Except for Wen Fu Rui, the other four people rushed in with shining eyes. Yes, Wen Fu Rui stayed, because the moment Wen Fu Rui saw Huo Huo, his eyes were completely bright. "Oh! Beautiful fox fairy sister! I didn't expect that I could really see a fox fairy. It's really, really great!"

Huo Huo was suddenly dumbfounded by Wen Fu Rui's appearance, because she had never expected that someone would actually like her: "That, that... A Guang..."

Huo Huo looked at Pei Guang with pitiful eyes. Feeling Huo Huo's gaze, Pei Guang walked to Huo Huo's side: "That, you may have misunderstood. Huo Huo is not a fox fairy lady. You see, her tail is fake~"

While speaking, Pei Guang directly pulled out Huo Huo's tail. When the tail was pulled out by Pei Guang, it struggled for a while in dissatisfaction, but then thought about how much benefit she had gained from Pei Guang, and her fist was not as hard as the other party, so the tail was honestly let Pei Guang take it in his hand.

Seeing the tail in Pei Guang's hand, and then seeing Huo Huo's clothes with a talisman paper but unexpectedly slippery, Wen Fu Rui felt that the whole person was hit.

"What... Fox Fairy Sister, not a Fox Fairy, wait? That Fox Fairy Sister is also fake?"

Perhaps after seeing the scene where Huo Huo's tail was plucked out, his rationality returned to the top again, and the temptation from Sui Yang's remote distance also loosened a lot at this moment.

Seeing Wen Fului's mood change in front of him, Pei Guang nodded seriously and said, "To be honest, it's a lie. Even the fox fairy lady you mentioned is not a female by biological definition."

The two key words "fake" and "not a fox fairy" made Wen Furui kneel down like a bolt from the blue. Yes, for Wen Furui, not being a woman is not the key point. The first two are the real key points.

If Pei Guang told him directly that it was a lie, he would be skeptical, but now that he has seen with his own eyes that the little sister Fox Fairy has a fake tail, then Pei Guang's words are more credible.

At this moment, Wen Fului felt pain that he had never experienced before. The first time his heart beat, he was hit like this. In the endless sadness, his willpower was improved, and the weak temptation that Tu Tu had left for him was also This moment was completely torn into pieces.

His sanity was restored, but he was even more painful, because from the beginning to the end he was not deceived by beauty, but by the fox fairy. Now seeing with his own eyes that the fox fairy has no tail and hearing that the fox fairy is fake, it was a huge blow to him.

Looking at the suddenly decadent Wen Fului and recalling the difference in his name, Pei Guang spoke to him gently: "Brother, don't be sad. Although the fox fairy is fake, there are indeed many fox fairies on Luofu." Miss?"

This sentence made Wen Fului perk up instantly: "Why is there still a fox fairy lady?"

Pei Guang: "That's right! But if you want to get along with the real fox fairy lady, you need to follow Esta's formal procedures to come to Luofu for a business trip. After all, your current status is considered stowaway. If you stow away, you will be blackmailed by Luofu. , you will never be able to get along with Miss Fox Fairy in this life!"

Wen Fului, who was originally extremely disappointed by Pei Guang's words, became energetic when he heard these words: "I understand, I will apply with the webmaster right now, great pioneer! Please send me back to the space station!" I want to send a formal application to the webmaster to come to Luofu for a business trip, Miss Fox Fairy~ Hey~ Miss Fox Fairy~"

Looking at the excited Wen Furui, Pei Guang patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will take you back together after the four of them see the fake fox fairy lady and come out disappointed. By the way, before going back How about cooling down with a bottle of coffee?”

Wen Fului saw the bottle of coffee handed over by Pei Guang: "Thank you, I really need to calm down now."

Wen Fului didn't think much, took the coffee handed over by Pei Guang and drank it in one gulp. The moment the coffee entered his mouth, he felt the wonderful taste of the coffee.

This cup of coffee seemed to have infinite magic power, causing his mind to fall into the abyss. As he continued to taste it, he found that the bitter taste gradually faded away, and his taste buds took off its veil. He seemed to taste the beauty, gentleness and sweetness from a real fox fairy lady.

Originally he just wanted to take a sip to refresh himself and calm his mind, but the pleasure of seeing the fox fairy made him take a big sip. All the coffee Pei Guang gave him went into his stomach, and he felt as if Miss Fox Fairy was holding his head and shaking it from side to side.

But in fact, Lan Tian didn't pinch his head, and there was no 08 pinching his head. He just shook his head because he wanted to sleep. He lay down, and the moment he lay down, he saw Miss Fox Fairy waving to him.

As for the fox fairy lady in the mobile phone? He had already forgotten all about it. He just wanted to go on a business trip to Luofu as soon as possible. In this case...

He fell into a deep sleep, but the process of his deep sleep made Pei Guang silent. As expected of a person with Furui in his name, even if he fell into a deep sleep, he was thinking about Miss Fox Fairy?

But Pei Guang didn't care what he was thinking. Now Pei Guang just wanted to try it on him to see if he could get more valuable special effects. Compared to completing the task directly, Wen Fului's process was already a bit more complicated. If the previous theory was valid, So…

Pei Guang put his hand in Wen Fului's pocket. After groping around for a while, Pei Guang's expression gradually became serious, because he really found something, and compared with the various special effects of fireworks that he had found before, This time it was really a little better, but only a little better.

[Fireworks sound effects: When equipped to a weapon, the weapon sound effects can be replaced by fireworks sounds. 】

Looking at this sound effect, and then at the ordinary firework special effects he had saved, Pei Guang's expression became solemn.


In the past, only ordinary firework special effects could be touched. When installed on weapons, fireworks can be fired. And with the increase in special effects equipment, there are more and more fireworks. But now there are sound special effects, and the blow becomes a sound?

"This is... great! This is a suit!"

Pei Guang became excited when he saw this sound effect. After a month, he finally saw the possibility of mass-producing sound effects. You must know that from the time when the corpse was touched to the present, only Lao Sangbo provided the sound effects for Pei Guang, and those special effects were given to Dan Heng to play with.

Later, the sound effects were synthesized, but the cost was too high. Running a copy using that synthesis method was enough to install the same special effects on the weapons of several people. As a combination and a team, Pei Guang believes that everyone should have a unique aesthetic. If everyone is the same, it is better to use their own original weapons.

But it's different now. Although what we got out of Wen Furui's body was only the most basic sound effects, which couldn't even make different sounds according to the intensity and mode of attack like a cat's sound effects, but this was a good start. .

If you have one, you can have two. If you have two, you can mass produce them. If you mass produce them, you can use garbage sound effects to synthesize better sound effects.

According to the previous test, it is easier to synthesize appearance effects of weapons and equipment, and it is also easier to synthesize sound effects. Then it will not be a dream for everyone to have a unique sound effect in the future.

Imagine that when others fight, weapons collide to make sounds, and you fight with cute rabbits, fairy sticks, toilet plungers, and big salted fish, and make cat sounds, gasps, toilet flushing sounds, and SpongeBob screams. What a wonderful scene!

As a player, not only should the weapons be strong, but the special effects should also be full. When you are a new baby, you can only use the initial equipment you bring with you. But after the level is improved and the strength becomes stronger, the player must have his own unique aesthetics.

Now Pei Guang feels that he is going further and further on the road of having his own unique aesthetics~

Pei Guang did not enjoy this excitement alone, but told Xing and March 7, and as soon as he finished speaking, Xing took out the bat and the flame gun.

"A Guang! Stop talking, quickly apply the special effects to my weapon. Although it is the most basic special effect, it is perfect to be able to complete the set." Xing also secretly played a lot of games after waking up. Because of this, she also knew a lot of game settings. Although the special effects she got now are the most basic set special effects, Xing also thought that it would be no problem for her to make a set of the same level as Dan Heng in the future.

Pei Guang: "No problem! I'll hit you with the bat first. The bat has good visual and auditory effects, but I'm a little looking forward to whether the remaining four can produce special effects. If they can, it proves that the complexity of the process of knocking these people down has an impact on our shipment." Now think carefully, the enemies that can touch the special effects along the way are basically killed instantly. Except for bosses and elite monsters, it seems that the higher the difficulty of handling, the more special effects will be produced, but this is just an idea after recalling, and Wen Furui's side is just an example. If you want to test whether it can succeed, you still need... Pei Guang focused on the map he edited. When the four people just entered the world he edited happily, Pei Guang transferred them to the Daylight Dead map and prepared to transfer Tu Tu out. What is Tu Tu doing at this moment? Of course, she was running away in pain. At this time, she had run to a dead end. She saw the mask getting closer and closer. As Sui Yang, she experienced what it meant to sweat profusely. Just when she thought she was dead, the surroundings suddenly changed, and she found herself back in reality and in front of Pei Guang.

She looked left and right, and after confirming that only Pei Guang didn't have that scary mask, she almost cried.

"Too scary!"

Tu Tu's trembling voice stunned Pei Guang: "What do you mean too scary? Aren't you Sui Yang? Sui Yang, are you afraid of the dark environment?"

"No! You don't understand, there are super scary guys in there, I, I almost died!!!"

Pei Guang complained: "What are you dying for? There is nothing in the map I made that can kill Sui Yang, let alone kill Sui Yang, ordinary people can't kill him, I added a feature, how can I kill people? You must have scared yourself, but I didn't expect that those ordinary things I made could scare Sui Yang. It seems that my previous decision was right. If there are too many seams, it will be a copy that no one can pass, which is boring."

Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, Sui Yang Tu Tu was confused: "You mean, no one can kill the things in there, and I scared myself? It turns out that I scared myself?"

At this moment, Tu Tu was relieved. She said how could there be a clown that can eat itself in such a map. If everyone can eat themselves, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for Sui Yang? But soon she also found something wrong.

She found that she seemed to have become stronger? This time she became stronger, which was equivalent to the level of her opening a factory with 100,000 people working for ten years.

Originally, she was very scared when she thought of the mask inside, but now she saw that she had become stronger, and she suddenly swelled up.

Looking at Tu Tu who suddenly swelled up, Pei Guang was a little speechless. Sui Yang's personality was really interesting. He was so scared by an ordinary copy. If he really needed to sew more, would Sui Yang scare himself to death?

However, Pei Guang felt that it was unlikely. After all, his copy had the healing property. He used a processed Jianmu fruit as the basis to add the property of complete recovery after injury. This recovery was not just a simple physical recovery. From the body to the spirit and then to the soul, as long as it could be recovered, it could be recovered.

In this case, unless a guy of the level of Star God or Lingshi came here to make trouble, or someone attacked his copy from outside, there would be no problem at all!

But such a copy of his only had a scare effect on ordinary people. Pei Guang was not exaggerating. If someone of the level of Lingshi like Jing Yuan came, he would probably dismantle his copy while eating hot pot and singing songs.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang said directly to Tutu: "Okay, okay, I really don't know what Suiyang is afraid of. Now I have included people in the dungeon. They are ordinary people. These people were used by you before." For the people who have been tricked by Miss Fox Fairy’s account, your task is very simple. Let them understand what the Immortal Jump is and make them not fall for you even if they receive your message again. Can you do it? They are running for their lives. , you are chasing people, I believe that as Suiyang you know how to chase people, and these people are all ordinary people."

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Tu Tu was eager to give it a try: "No problem, isn't it just chasing people? I already have rich experience of being chased, let me chase them next! I experienced it once, and I won't be able to do it again. I’ll be scared!”

Pei Guang: "Very good! Then go in!" As she spoke, Pei Guang once again sent Tutu to the dungeon, but this time she sent Tutu to the dungeon of Dead by Daylight.

Tutu swelled up the moment she entered the dungeon world. As a pursuer, she must learn from the clown who chased her before and make the people here feel pain.

"Jie Jie Jie! Let me show you the skills I just learned this time!"

As Suiyang, Tutu is very willing to learn, and now she will use all the things she has learned to ordinary people.

However, when she was about to use it, she suddenly discovered something was wrong. She found that she seemed to be in a demolished house. The four people who entered the demolished house first were still in a coma, and further away, she She saw a scene that made her feel like the flames were about to go out.

I saw a whetstone not far away. A fox-human girl with a very good figure was sharpening a knife. Next to me, a masked man was lying on the side. If it was just a fox-human girl sharpening a knife, She Tutu wasn't afraid at all. What really made her react was the mask on the face of this fox tribe.

Feeling Tutu's gaze, the masked fox-human turned his head and smiled at her: "Hey hey hey~ Suiyang, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Oh, no~ we just met, how was it? We just played the game Are you happy? Let's play more interesting games next~ You run, I will chase you~ As long as I catch you, you will let me hehehe~"

Just when the 'fox tribe' wearing a clown mask laughed out loud, the four people around him who had been thrown out by Pei Guang in advance woke up. When they woke up and saw Miss Fox Fairy, they were excited, thinking that something was going to happen between them and Miss Fox Fairy.

But when they woke up and saw the masked fox lady, they saw a scene that sent chills down their spines. They saw the masked fox lady holding a knife and digging out a piece of meat from the person next to her. heart.

While digging, they heard the screams of the masked man on the ground. The screams were so real and painful. Just the scream of pain can confirm that this woman is digging her heart out without taking anesthetics.

The four people, Yi Suiyang, all trembled when they saw this scene. Feeling everyone's fearful eyes, the fox girl put her heart into the mask's mouth, and then looked at everyone as if the mask had a smile on her face: "It's so delicious. , the next ingredients are yours~"

At this moment, the four men woke up, and they suddenly realized that this so-called fox fairy lady was just a fairy. She was not a fox fairy at all, but a demon who eats people's hearts without anesthesia!

As for whether the other party eats people's hearts? Of course I didn’t eat it, it’s all fake, it’s all fake and it’s all special effects. As a man of fun, He doesn't take pleasure in cannibalizing people, but if performing such a scene can make the following desserts more delicious, He doesn't mind the trouble at all. Looking at these scared people, He becomes happy .

Then it was time to have fun, they ran, He chased, and He made sure these people had an experience like no other. He was sad when he saw Pei Guang working with Fuli before, but now he is very happy when he sees Pei Guang create this copy.

Because this is a playground where he can play at will and will not be disturbed by other star gods. As for what the playground will be transformed into? As long as Pei Guang doesn't find out, he can change himself into whatever he wants.

From today on, this place will be called Happy Amusement Park~ What? Is this Pei Guang's? It’s not a big problem. When Pei Guang is away, this place belongs to him, Aha~

Not only did he want to play with the people who entered here, he also wanted to play with Pei Guang. He was curious how long it would take for Pei Guang to find out that his mask was playing here?

Chapter 287: The Annihilation Gang on Luofu?

In the space station of the Black Tower, several people who had previously thought about meeting Miss Fox Fairy had been sent back. This time, Pei Guang had a good harvest. The five of them found a total of three firework sound effects and ten ordinary firework special effects. This proves that the complexity of the task has an impact on shipments.

However, studying the specific shipment content will be a matter for later. After finishing their work here, Pei Guang and his team took everyone back to the space station and reported to Esta.

On the bridge of the main control cabin, Esta also listened to the experiences of these people.

To put it simply, these people experienced what is called immortal dance in Luofu. Anyway, according to them, the fox fairy lady they met was not a lady at all, but a heart-eating monster.

Although what they experienced was not the truth, it was not very different from the truth. After all, the fox fairy lady in the dungeon was just tough without anesthesia. Compared with Tutu, this was nothing.

After finishing these things, the three of them went to rest. On the second day, after the trio played in the Aether Front Victory Park for another day, the three of them temporarily disbanded.

Although there is still Aether Front to play, there are still a few days until the Aether Front finals. Beloberg has indeed got a festive atmosphere, but in order to retain the sense of anticipation, Pei Guang has not shopped for holiday-related things.

If you play this thing in advance, the sense of anticipation will be gone. Pei Guang is planning to participate in the festival with everyone on the day of the festival, so knowing it in advance will be boring.

It just so happened that the interior of the Luofu Immortal Boat was in a state of complete ruins, and all the caves were fully opened with the completion of maintenance. Pei Guang decided to take a stroll in Luofu.

In fact, Pei Guang didn't want to just visit Luofu, but the problem was that he had to dismantle the space station from top to bottom, and there was nothing interesting about it. Belloberg has no expectations for going to the festival now, and the Aether Front is almost done. Walking around in the ice and snow outside the city is quite interesting at first, but it becomes boring after a long time. The only place that can be visited and brings freshness is Luofu.

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