After just exchanging a few words with Yin Zhi, he found his life goal? And looking at his posture, it didn't look like he was resigning at all, but like what Pei Guang mentioned before.

"Go burn the company to ashes!"

While everyone was chatting here, Alicia on the earth didn't know what was going on, but she still felt the specialness of the pure knight. When everyone left and Pei Guang was taken to a room alone Finally, Alicia sat on the sofa and looked at Pei Guang with her head tilted.

"Our busy man~How come you have time to come back to see me~"

Pei Guang: "I didn't just come back to see you, I came back by the way. By the way, how is the development of the earth now?"

Alicia: "That's great~ But when I say this, I get angry!"

Alicia muttered unhappily: "You gave up your choice and left, but you made me very busy, you know? I have stayed up late these days!!! Do you know the dangers of staying up late?"

Hearing these words, Pei Guang suddenly became energetic: "Of course I know, Qi'er complained to me that staying up late will cause dark circles under the eyes~ I just asked you why you have such big dark circles on your eyes this time."

"Humph~ You want to lie to me? I slept very well yesterday, and I looked in the mirror carefully before I came out~ But having said that, you came back at the right time this time. Dr. Mei has a new project, It’s just that this project has some…”

Alicia's expression became serious, and she also explained Mei's findings and the projects to be done to Pei Guang.

Previously, the earth had the technology tree brought by Pei Guang. It can be said that it is working hard to climb these technologies. Now many technologies have been unlocked. At the same time, many of the theories brought out by the Black Tower dolls also have the existence of accelerated space, which directly completes the earth's technology. A big outburst.

In the process of continuous research, Mei combined the theory brought by the Black Tower, Pei Guang's technology, and the characteristics of the virtual soldiers to develop a special imaginary number energy conversion technology.

This technology can convert imaginary energy into a special energy that is extremely destructive to living things and can even completely destroy the genes of living things.

However, using this energy also has a very low probability of strengthening living creatures to a terrifying level. After testing, some creatures can passively convert imaginary energy into Honkai energy and gain powerful strength and extremely long lifespan after using this energy. .

After testing, various types of power have been obtained. Judging from the current test results, if humans can master this power, then human strength will be greatly improved. However, so far, no human experiments have been done because of this power. The risk is too great. If the earth today is in a state of life and death, Mei will definitely conduct the experiment directly. But now there are many possibilities in the future of mankind. It would be funny if this experiment caused the internal collapse of mankind.

The shortcomings and advantages are very obvious. The species has changed. If it fails, it will be in vain and may even cause great damage to the surroundings.

Black Tower said that what Mei has developed is a brand new way to use imaginary number energy. There is no such imaginary number in the memory bank of the Black Tower doll in this universe that can use that method, so the way to use this special energy is left to the people on earth. name.

After discussion, this special energy was named Honkai, because any creature using this energy will cause its own genes to begin to collapse, so it is better to just call it Honkai.

The name has been chosen, but the experiment has stalled, because the next experiment to be done is the human experiment. At present, there is no shortage of powerful human beings. Whether it is Destiny Walkers with strong individual strength or technological strength, humans on earth now have the ability to compete with the legion's weak soldiers.

In addition, Mei also discovered that this transformed energy has a very interesting characteristic. It can absorb and transform the imaginary energy brought by destiny to a certain extent, but Mei does not know the upper limit, because her experiment does not To achieve this level, at the same time, the earth's technology cannot detect the extent of the imaginary energy brought by destiny.

As for using Honkai energy to strengthen humans, according to Mei's calculations, the best it could do would be to strengthen humans to Kevin's current level, and the possibility of failure was too high, so it was not done.

But it didn't work out, so Mei still asked Alicia to contact Pei Guang and tell him about it. As a scientist, she wanted to see how much room there was for the development of Honkai Impact.

If the risk is really controllable, then the power called Honkai will have a lot of room for development. It is even said that many weak civilizations will have enough resistance when they encounter powerful enemies like the Legion.

Although the price is high, it is better than not having the ability to resist.

After listening to Alicia's explanation, Pei Guang nodded understandingly: "You just want me to nod and help you by the way?"

At this moment, Pei Guang seemed to have seen some business strategy game NPCs suddenly light up some strange technology tree prompts. Pei Guang didn't know what this Honkai could be, but listening to Alicia's introduction, this thing seemed very interesting. it works.

Although it is uncontrollable now, just because it is uncontrollable now doesn’t mean it will be uncontrollable in the future! When a genius like this appears under him, he naturally wants to support him. What if he can find some wonderful techniques for himself?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang's eyes shone: "No problem, Honkai Impact! Do it! Don't worry and do it boldly, but this kind of experiment is really too dangerous on Earth, so be it! I'll go help get some sponsorship."

Alicia blinked: "Huh? Aren't you curious if Mei has any other plans? Does this power have any impact on you?"

Pei Guang: "Ah? What's the impact? I've been playing games for so many years, and I've never heard of my subordinates turning against me when their happiness level is maxed out."

Pei Guang recalled the many games he had played. Although many of the games were about cunning people this and that, but with so many business games, as long as players played with the idea of ​​winning or clearing the level, Pei Guang had never encountered such a problem. I have seen one of my own men turn against me and kill me.

There is no need to sew for this kind of thing, this is basic common sense for all kinds of games.

Alicia: "You are really~ Never mind, you are the most likeable like this. I will call Dr. Mei here~"

Alicia happily called Mei over. The moment she contacted Mei, Mei came to this room through the time-travel backpack.

After seeing Pei Guang, Mei expressed her thoughts. Mei's idea was very unique. She even wanted to use this power to create a powerful existence similar to the Doomsday Beast or even the Lord of Extinction.

But Mei also knows how dangerous it is to use this power to create such a powerful individual. It is no exaggeration to say that if he goes astray in one step, he will need to be suppressed by at least a powerful being at the level of an envoy.

Mei also thought of a name for her plan to cultivate ultimate combat power, "Final Plan". Through this name, she reminded her that there are still people in the world. Although this power is powerful, it will bring destruction to the world.

Pei Guang didn't even think about it after hearing Mei's idea: "Since you want to do it, let me, the player, think of a way~"

Pei Guang didn't care how dangerous this final plan was. According to Mei's description, no matter how powerful this final plan was, it would have destructive power at the level of a star system.

Thinking back on my experience in playing various interstellar games, I have never experienced the possibility of losing dozens of star systems or even a whole galaxy.

Pei Guang was thinking seriously, and as he was thinking about it, something suddenly came to his mind.

Looking at the Suiyang synthesis skill he had acquired before, at this moment, Pei Guang felt that all the threads were connected.

Sui Yang is synthesized, and 999 pieces are combined into a Sui Yang that is similar to the God King. It has powerful power and can even compete with the God King.

shortcoming! It requires energy, a lot of energy, and the energy of pure emotional transformation is completely insufficient for this big thing. But what happens now? The people under his command actually produced energy.

Pei Guang didn't understand imaginary energy and Honkai energy. He only heard that the transformed Honkai energy was very powerful and destructive. Isn't it impossible to have a very destructive energy combined with the pseudo-god king who is 999 years old and merges into one yang?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang jumped around the room excitedly, and Mei's eyes widened at this moment, because she saw Pei Guang spinning and jumping around the room first, and then Pei Guang came to Mei's side and said with her A strange dance began for the center.

"Great! Great. You helped me solve a big problem. You are really my best NPC! I want to give you a promotion, I want to give you a raise, and I want to give you and Kevin a ten-year break. Marriage leave! Maternity leave!”

Pei Guang excitedly danced around Mei, saying that the dance actually felt like primitive people doing some strange memorial ceremony around a torch.


Alicia looked at this scene and covered her mouth: "Is this the first time you have seen this scene? Ahem! Don't be surprised, our Commander Pei Guang likes to express his happiness through his body when he is excited. , don’t you think it’s interesting?”

Mei: "I don't think it's funny being surrounded like this."

Alicia: "Huh? What you said makes sense~ I had a conversation with Sister Yue Yue. Although jumping around with A Guang is incomprehensible to ordinary people, it is very relaxing. It just so happens that I can try it this time. Try~"

Alicia had seen Xing and March Qi happily following Pei Guang before. At that time, she was embarrassed because there were too many people around, but there were no outsiders here. No outsiders would even come in this room.

Thinking of this, Alicia also followed up. Although the room was not big, it was perfectly fine for two people to jump around in it.

At this moment, Mei felt as if her brain had been shocked, because the two people dancing around her were doing two completely different things.

Pei Guang excitedly rotated his arms, jumped and hit his chest. He was like a throwback to his ancestors. Just watching it made people feel as if his brain had been hit hard.

Looking at Alicia again, she closed her eyes and hummed a little tune, dancing with her body, which made people feel healed inside.

After her brain was first knocked by Pei Guang and then healed by Alicia, Mei wanted to complain about what crime she had committed!

Just when she was thinking about whether to leave, the door to the room was pushed open: "Hey, you, a heartless person, still know how to come back?"

He arrived before anyone else arrived, and the person who pushed in the door was none other than the Black Tower Doll. The Black Tower Doll heard that Pei Guang was coming, so he came over to insult him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came over, he saw Pei Guang taking the lead and Alicia dancing behind Mei.

At this moment, the Black Tower puppet was silent. Looking at the silent Black Tower puppet, Mei discovered the savior: "Master Black Tower..."

The Black Tower Doll ignored Mei, but after thinking seriously for a few seconds, he took out the stereo.

“Dulu, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, I’m playing in the mud in the Northeast.”

The moment the strange music and singing sounded, the Black Tower Doll nodded with satisfaction. As Pei Guang's Black Tower Doll, she has a unique aesthetic ability that the others and even the main body do not have.

The rhythmic music matches Pei Guang's movements, and if you join in yourself, it's simply amazing!

Thinking of this, the Black Tower puppets took action directly. After the savage and the beautiful girl, the rotating puppets joined the lineup.

At this moment, Mei was silent. She felt that her reason had been impacted. This impact made Mei forget about escaping and stopping, and just watched here.

Although her mind had stopped, her body was still trying to save itself. Her body was subconsciously asking for help from her lover.

At the same time, Kevin, who had the day off, was waiting for Mei to come home from get off work. While she was exercising and studying at home, she received Mei's distress signal.

Looking at the location of the distress signal, Kevin was a little confused. Why would Mei send a distress signal in this special place?

But Kevin still rushed here quickly, because he couldn't guarantee whether there were enemies. After all, the battle with the Legion had not stopped yet. Who knows if the Legion would send someone to lurk and assassinate after many defeats?

It was with these considerations that Kevin also put on a time-travel backpack and came here. When he arrived here, he was silent.

He didn’t understand why the music played by the Black Tower Doll was playing mud in the Northeast, let alone why it was played in the Northeast. At the same time, he didn’t understand why Pei Guang, Alicia and the Black Tower Doll used different music. Status bounced around Mei.

Although it was a brain shock wave for May, for Kevin, this level seemed a bit interesting.

The three people jumping around Mei also tacitly gave up one person's position at this moment. Looking at this person's position, Kevin felt as if he saw a light.

look! The position was neither too big nor too small, and it was just right for him to stand in. It seemed to be inviting him.

Kevin didn't understand what this was doing, but seeing the smile that unconsciously appeared on May's face, Kevin decided to join in.

At this moment, Kevin also joined in.

But Kevin didn't know what to dance to. After thinking for a long time, Kevin's eyes lit up, and he turned over and turned upside down with his head on the ground. While spinning upside down, he followed the speed of the other three people and jumped around Mei.

At the same time as Kevin joined, one of the heroes named Su also rushed here with a puzzled look. He didn't understand why Mei would send a distress signal here. Kevin also shared his coordinates during the operation. When they saw Kevin going, everyone just paid attention and did not take action.

But the problem is that after Kevin arrived at Mei's side, he actually started to make regular movements around Mei, which made the other heroes wary. So the nearest Su arrived, and the moment he pushed open the door, he felt a pure spiritual attack.

At this moment, he seemed to see a mysterious being waving to him. He didn't know whether this mysterious being was an enemy or a friend, but Su understood.

"Join or perish, you have no choice!"

There were some things that he would rather die than join in, but looking at Kevin and Alicia looking at the behavior of 'Lord Black Tower', he fell silent. At the same time, when he looked at the positions that the four people had made for him, he had the idea in his heart that "it would be a good idea to give it a try."

Su joined the team. He didn't make any exaggerated steps, he just followed the team with his eyes closed. Although he was just walking in an ordinary way, because there were four people in front of him, his seemingly ordinary behavior seemed so unusual.

After Su, more and more people came here.

Mei sent out a distress signal, and more and more people came here, which naturally attracted the attention of other Yingjie. However, when they arrived, they saw such a harmonious scene and saw everyone making room for them. , they also chose to temporarily join the embrace of Tonghe.

Now Mei has given up thinking, and her body has given up asking for help. Because at first she thought the scene was too shabby, but as more and more people came in, she found it quite interesting.

No need to think, just follow the music to release your nature and do what you want to do.

As more and more Yingjie joined, she also felt the charm of Tongxi, and she also joined. Follow the music, empty your mind, move your body, and release fatigue!

At this moment, she gradually felt that her thoughts were getting clearer and clearer, her body felt more and more comfortable, and it smelled really good~

The reason why everyone follows Pei Guangtiao has nothing to do with Tonghe. It is simply because of the players’ special appeal that people can’t help but join in.

As we all know, in multiplayer games, when you see a passerby doing something, there will always be a passerby who is too idle to do it. From parading on the street to dancing around, there is no need for any power influence. This comes from the unique attraction and cohesion of the players.

As for the charm of the player, the masked star god of Tongxue commented like this: "He has a singing voice that makes robins envious, and a dance that makes thousands of dancers look up to him. I won't talk about it anymore, I'm going to dance with him." "

Chapter 305 Alicia and Bai Lu, Todd and the player

Pei Guang brought Alicia and Mei to the Black Tower Space Station for free through the Aftershock Space. After arriving at the space station, Pei Guang took the two of them to the main control cabin to find Esta.

"This is? A space station? Have we left the earth?"

The moment she left the earth, Alicia looked around excitedly. She never thought that one day she would be able to visit other worlds.

Pei Guang: "Yes, this is the space station of the Genius Black Tower of the Genius Club. Earth's technology is not enough for Mei to do research. It just so happens that I have some good feelings for the director and person in charge of this space station. I guess it will be okay for you to stay. If you can’t stay, I’ll go to Xianzhou and ask.”

Under normal circumstances, there is a Doctoral Society that you can choose from, but Pei Guang's attitude is that the place where the map is not opened is the background board. It makes him feel uneasy to send his character to a place where his favorability and prestige are not improved.

On the way to the Black Tower office, Pei Guang saw a Black Tower villain. When he was thinking about whether to use the villain to contact Heita, the Black Tower villain suddenly stopped Pei Guang: "You! Wait! "

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone looked here, and the first ones to be surprised were Alicia and Mei.

Alicia: "Hey, hey? Master Black Tower, are you here too?"

Heita: "Who are you? Do I know you?"

Pei Guang: "She knows the doll you gave me."

Heita: "Oh? That's it. Pei Guang, right? Don't leave in a hurry, I have a task I want to entrust you with."

Pei Guang: "Took it!"

Heita crossed his arms: "Aren't you curious about what my mission is?"

Pei Guang: "I'm not curious. Anyway, the reward you gave is very exciting. Besides, if I can't do it now, I can put it off until later!"

Pei Guang showed a well-planned expression, and Black Tower said nonchalantly: "It's up to you, our simulated universe has been maintained, and we have made another major transformation of the simulated universe!"

Pei Guang: "Continue with the insect swarm? I now have a unique understanding of the insect swarm!"

Compared with the experience of the memory world, Pei Guang feels that this simulated universe is simpler and more enjoyable, and at the same time, it is not so tiring to play. Looking back on the happy experience in the memory world at that time, the happiness was really happy, and the side effects of the electronic sheep tail after it was over were also really big.

Heita: "No, but you will know when the time comes. I think you are definitely interested, right! That guy also wants to meet you in person. You can meet her in person after we debug the simulated universe. Okay , I’ve finished what I want to say, you can leave~”

Pei Guang: "I can leave, but you can't leave. I have a project and I don't have enough resources in my territory. I want her to work on it here."

Black Tower: "Huh? Do you think anyone can enter my space station? But as for these two, I allow it."

Pei Guang: "Good guy, you gave me permission after just one look? Aren't you curious about what they are doing?"

At this moment, Pei Guang really fell in love with Heita. Although his tone was a bit arrogant at first, he was really good at it. wrong! He likes all NPCs in this world very much. Thinking back to the story in the game that I once played, when my favor and prestige were maxed out, even the dogs on the roadside would come over and bite me.

Looking at it now, I just said what I wanted to do and immediately agreed? This made Pei Guang feel so good, and his favorability towards Black Tower increased significantly.

Heita: "I like them. Is this reason enough? As for the rules of the space station? Let Esta teach them. Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I will continue to adjust my simulated universe. It won't take long for you to It’s time to take a test.”

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