That's right, Tongzi's punch treated the entire space station as a trash can. After all, the space station is a closed space, so in Tongzi's view, this space station is also a trash can. As a trash can, how can it be like a sieve to let garbage in and out?

As a trash can, how can you not protect the garbage inside and let the garbage inside fly around? This goes against the creed of the trash can, and it also goes against the meaning of the birth of the trash can.

Therefore, this space station is restricted from entering and exiting at will. Everyone can only enter and exit through the designated entrance like garbage. Any trash can that comes out randomly is a broken trash can. The trash cans are not allowed to be broken and the garbage will contaminate this space. universe.

If you want garbage to come in and out easily, then kill this bucket! No one can shake Trashcan's will unless he dies. But the question is, who will shake the will of the trash can?

Of course, garbage cannot be taken in and out freely, but the person who throws it out can. Because sometimes life is like garbage and needs a trash can to accommodate it. As a qualified bucket, he will open his arms to anyone who needs a trash can. Even people who are despised by the whole world will use it. The body that protects them from wind and rain gives them a bit of warmth and space to survive.

Pei Guang couldn't tell Tongzi's special ability. He only felt that Tongzi in front of him was very strong and he should be able to hold it on his lap for this mission.

Compared to Pei Guang, Ruan Mei is the most confused, because the opponent's biological information has just been detected to be an ordinary creature, but the punch just now has fully proved that the bucket in front of him is definitely the envoy of the guardian, and it is not that This is not an ordinary level messenger, but one that is paid special attention to by the Star God.

She didn't understand that although the materials she took out were of good quality, it was impossible to create such a powerful being, but now? So where does the problem arise? Even if Pei Guang is unreasonable, he can't be completely unreasonable, right?

Ruan Mei recalled the whole process of Pei Guang's creation of the barrel, but soon she remembered an important piece of information, that is, the materials that Pei Guang poured in. Pei Guang's ability to create the barrel must have something to do with the mysterious black substance.

Thinking of this, she looked around and saw the empty bucket that Pei Guang had just put aside. She could vaguely see that there seemed to be some residue of this special substance in the bucket.

She wanted to see if it was because of this substance that this special life was born. She stretched out her hand and took the bucket over. There was still some black residue in the bucket. She pinched the residue gently with her fingers. Ruan Mei's expression became even more surprised.

Because the information obtained in her mind told her that this substance was called Chemical Substance

However, she still kept this little bit of remnants well. She could bring these things into the next experiment. At the same time, she was also curious about how Pei Guang obtained this seemingly useless thing, but it could be used in life. Something that plays a key role in creation.

Pei Guang has no interest in Ruan Mei's plan at all. Now that he has powerful units to help him complete the mission, Pei Guang feels that this mission is more stable.

He was about to take action, but before taking action, Pei Guang suddenly thought of something and looked at Ruan Mei: "By the way! You haven't said what the reward for this mission is yet. I have to be careful when dealing with a beautiful woman like you. "

Ruan Mei: "Reward? As a reward for this mission, I can give you a reward. I can satisfy whatever you want~"

Pei Guang: "Really?"

Ruan Mei: "It's true. You brought it up, no matter what you ask for."

A smile appeared on Ruan Mei's face. Her appearance paired with her smile was a sure win for anyone. When paired with her carefully selected clothing and jewelry, most people would fall into Ruan Mei's Among the beauty.

But Pei Guang did not fall for the beauty of the other party. Instead, he questioned the other party's reward: "Any reward? Your reward is nothing. You can't do what I want."

Ruan Mei: "Yes~"

Pei Guang: "This is what you said. In order to prevent you from letting me go in the end, I have to make my request here in advance."

Pei Guang wanted to try Ruan Mei's skills first. After all, this kind of mission that meets all conditions is a cheating mission in many games. In the end, he might earn a steamed bun after just one round of work. Even this steamed bun is worth it. Maybe he wasn't given the task but given to someone by a passerby on the roadside looking at him with pity.

Ruan Mei: "You say it! But we have agreed in advance that a few more requests will not count."

Pei Guang took a deep breath. To be honest, he really had a special reward he wanted, so he made a very sincere wish: "I hope that the entire universe will be peaceful, that all civilizations can develop and prosper together, and that no one will go hungry due to lack of food. No one will be bullied, and no civilization will face the destruction of the world, allowing the entire universe to truly be peaceful and prosperous.”

This sentence silenced Ruan Mei Gan. She thought about many possibilities, and even considered many possibilities based on Pei Guang's behavioral logic and habits. She originally thought that Pei Guang would ask him to give him a top-notch prop or ask her to do something special with him, but she never expected that Pei Guang would actually make this request.

Ruan Mei thought about it for a while, and she couldn't fulfill this requirement even if it was the lowest one. Don't talk about this kind of thing to her, not even the Star God can do it.

Ruan Mei: "I can't fulfill your request. Please make a request that I can fulfill."

Pei Guang: "Tsk, it's a pity. I thought you could help me escape from prison and clear the game directly. Forget it, this request can't even meet my other ideas, let alone you. You can wait until the task is completed! Wait! I'll look for you when I need you."

Ruan Mei: "Okay, if you need me and I can still do it, you are welcome to come to me at any time in the future."

Pei Guang: "Okay~ Then I'm going to do the mission~ I'm going to clean up your mess, right? The mission begins, Bucket! Let's go!"

Ruan Mei: "I wish you success. I will wait for you at the platform. Just go find me there after you finish. By the way..."

Ruan Mei took Pei Guang's hand to verify his identity information. When he took Pei Guang's hand, Ruan Mei squeezed it with interest: "I have entered your identity information. When I go there, There will be no gates to hinder you, I wish you success~ dear~”

Pei Guang: "Hey! You are a woman who really knows how to seduce people! But if you act like this, I feel like there is a pitfall in your mission. Although I don't know what the barrel I created is, its birth and specialness Xing Xing has already told me that there is something ulterior in your mission, won’t you tell me? If you don’t tell me, after the mission is completed, I will find out that you tricked me, and my favorable impression of you will plummet~”

Ruan Mei: "I used the data from your last simulation of the universe to create a breeding herald."

Pei Guang: "Oh, it's just the messenger of breeding. What? The messenger of breeding?"

Pei Guang suddenly felt his head buzzing, and he tried hard to recall: "Which messenger? Is it the king insect, the female insect, or..."

Ruan Mei: "The Broken Star King Worm is just a copy, far inferior to the envoy. It is about to break away from the petri dish. After breaking away, it can survive for 56 seconds, and it will dissipate after 56 seconds. And my The purpose is to obtain the data of your battle with it, but this data is no longer important now..."

Ruan Mei saw the barrel. The birth of the barrel had already explained a lot of things. Compared with pure combat data, she was now more interested in Pei Guang.

Pei Guang touched his chin: "Is that so? But how do I feel that there will be problems with your mission?"

Ruan Mei: "It's impossible. It doesn't have such a strong power to survive for a longer time..."

Seeing Ruan Mei's confident look, Pei Guang complained: "Appeared! Appeared. The unique confidence of NPCs in each mission. Let me tell you, I was tricked by an Allied intelligence agent! I am not I’ll be fooled by you! But it’s not a big problem. Since this big baby can be synthesized, it will definitely play an important role in this mission.”

Ruan Mei: "I have given you the trust you want. It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

Pei Guang touched his chin and thought: "I believe it! But whether you believe it or not is one thing. The development of the plot is another matter. The planner absolutely does not want to see the players go through the plot smoothly and safely." Regarding Pei Guang's Aha agreed with the idea.

In Pei Guang's opinion, most games will not release tasks that players cannot complete. Even for background battle tasks, players can get NPC assistance. In Pei Guang's opinion, the synthesized barrels are like this. .

However, Pei Guang also felt that this mission might not be that simple. In the space station, he was given a role to strengthen defense and shield for his own buildings and units, so the enemy he faced this time might very well be able to destroy the space station. .

Pei Guang didn't bother to ask why Ruan Mei wanted to do this in the space station. Anyway, there was a reason for asking. The top priority was to complete this task and prevent Esta from exploding into the sky.

Tongzi felt Pei Guang's thoughts at this moment. His strong hand put on Pei Guang's shoulder. He didn't speak, but Pei Guang sensed his thoughts the moment he saw him.

This was encouragement and affirmation for him. Feeling Tongzi's belief, Pei Guang ignited the player's fighting spirit: "You are right! Let us put our friendship, bond, and belief together! Protect this space station. No Wrong! It’s TM’s ambition to protect you!”

Ruan Mei looked at the interaction between Pei Guang and Tongzi, and her whole body felt bad. Although some creatures have special ways of contacting each other, Tongzi in front of her clearly didn't speak, but Pei Guang's reaction was that the other party said a lot. talk?

In Ruan Mei's confusion, Pei Guang and Tongzi left. Pei Guang took out his weapon and strode forward.

Tongzi folded his arms and followed Pei Guang calmly. He could sense that some garbage in the space station was restless and wanted to do some damage to the black tower's space station brand trash can.

As a qualified trash can, he can tolerate bugs and countless kinds of garbage in his body. He can tolerate people who think they live a garbage life entering the trash can, but he absolutely cannot tolerate garbage escaping the restrictions.

Letting garbage destroy the trash can and break away from the limitations of the trash can is a trampling on the dignity of the trash can. The resources of the trash can must not be trampled on.

Seeing each person leaving with a bucket, Ruan Mei let out a long sigh of relief. Originally, through the simulated universe contact, she thought Pei Guang was ■■, but after contact, she found that Pei Guang was more outrageous than she imagined.

Obviously, the body structure is a common concept for ordinary people, but she can't predict the other party's actions and thoughts from the inside out, and what she does is completely beyond all her knowledge.

But... this is interesting. Although she cannot understand many behaviors and abilities, Pei Guang's appearance further solidified her idea that envoys can be created, but her current ability is not enough. Wait for her to crack it. With Pei Guang's ability, it would not be a problem to create an envoy or even...

Ruan Mei smiled. She found that she was more interested in Pei Guang. This was the first time in her long life that she was interested in someone.

Because of some past events, it is difficult for her to trust people other than herself. As for Pei Guang being an accident... it is because Pei Guang has shown strength that exceeds hers and his own uniqueness, possibility and herself in the universe. curiosity.

She originally thought that she would never be curious about a 'person' in her life, but she didn't expect that today she would really come into contact with a special person who made her curious. Special people are treated specially. She cannot give ordinary people the trust they want. But for Pei Guang, a person she was curious about, she was now willing to give him some trust and tell him what she was going to do in advance.

She understands that among intelligent creatures, curiosity is the most delicious but possibly bitter dessert that brings two people into a relationship, but she doesn't mind tasting this dessert that she has never tasted before. As for what kind of dessert this curiosity will bring to me, it is worth looking forward to.

Pei Guang and Tongzi took the elevator to the most mysterious floor. On the elevator, Pei Guang complained as he felt the increasingly dark environment.

"Good guy, I didn't know there was such a mysterious place in the space station, but then again, it's so dark here, how can it feel like revisiting the old place?"

Cosmic background, space station or spaceship, dark environment, powerful enemies!

At this moment, Pei Guang suddenly thought of a certain horror game: "Hey! It would be more exciting if I could hear little stars here again."

While Pei Guang was complaining crazily, the elevator reached the lowest floor. Looking at the dark environment outside the elevator, Pei Guang sighed, took out his weapon and started exploring.

"Barrel! Be careful! There are probably some enemies in such a dark environment!"

While Pei Guang was analyzing based on his own experience, he suddenly discovered that the bucket was missing.

"Huh? Where's my bucket? Where's my big bucket? In such a terrifying scene, you took away my only teammate! What a fool I am!"

Pei Guang turned around and realized that the bucket that had been following him in the elevator had disappeared. But now that it was here, Pei Guang decided to seriously experience the terrifying atmosphere this time.

Pei Guang thought carefully about the horrors of horror games, such as the dark environment, monsters that suddenly jumped out, and the fear of being chased by monsters but unable to fight back.

The last one, Pei Guang, is not worried. He now has enough firepower and there is no possibility that he will not be able to fight back. So wouldn’t it be enough to solve the first two by yourself?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang took action. It took Pei Guang half a minute to arrange it, and half a minute later, a dazzling light flashed in the dark cabin. At the same time, the light was accompanied by the lively sound of firecrackers and the singing voice engraved in Pei Guang's DNA.

"Good luck~ I wish you good luck~"

In the dark environment, the song "Good Luck Comes" appeared with the light, and with the sound of "Good Luck Comes", Pei Guang also took out the fireworks he bought from Louvre and set them off.

In the fireworks, singing and bright environment, Pei Guang felt that he was celebrating the New Year. When he thought about the New Year, Pei Guang suddenly remembered that counting the days he traveled through, it should be the Gregorian New Year in his own world in a few days?

Although Pei Guang mainly celebrates New Year's Eve and New Year in the lunar calendar, there are holidays in the solar calendar, which are also New Years. Besides, they are in another world. Regardless of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, it is over.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang directly decorated it here. Since the Chinese New Year is coming, it is necessary to have a Chinese New Year atmosphere and dress the place festively to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

We have good luck, fireworks, and lighting, but what if we don’t have a New Year’s Eve dinner? Must be arranged! Thinking of this, Pei Guang happily began to decorate the place, and even brought out some of the delicacies he had gotten at the Luofu Fairy Boat.

At this moment, Pei Guang completely forgot what he came here to do. This is also an old tradition for players. After taking the task, he suddenly thought of something interesting or wanted to do, and ended up forgetting the task. Anyway, the task Even if it's there, it won't disappear.

Pei Guang arranged the layout along the corridor. In Pei Guang's opinion, as long as he dressed up the place to be particularly festive, he wouldn't be afraid of any monsters or monsters with protruding faces.

Although I encountered a few ambush bugs on the road, it was not a big problem. With the three flavors of real fire, this year's New Year's Eve dinner included an extra dish of grilled real sting bugs.

While Pei Guang was making arrangements, the gears of fate also began to turn. The elevator that originally went up came down again, and this time the person who came down the elevator was none other than Xing.

Xing received a commission from the Black Tower to find the lost strange object. According to the description of the Black Tower, the last location where the strange object appeared was in a certain room in this cabin. Since Xing Xunsi wanted to find a strange object, he naturally had to start looking for it from the missing location.

As for calling him Pei Guang? Xing Xun thought for a while and felt that the task would not be difficult if he named Pei Guang. It would be too late to find Pei Guang when his own wisdom could not find this strange object. So she took on this task for fun.

No, when he first took the elevator and it was getting darker and darker, Xing was scared in his heart.

But the moment the elevator door opened, looking at the bustling scene in the hall, and listening to this song of good luck that she had never heard before, Xing swallowed in fear.

The red color, light and music extend towards one end of the corridor, and following this weird light and music, the red carpet on the ground is like an invitation from hell, inviting the star to come and participate in the event. Along with this invitation, the star seems to hear the painful cry of the creature. , this cry is as painful as being thrown on a fire.


Xing swallowed, took a deep breath and looked at the passage on the other side that was not arranged by Pei Guang. Considering the possible rewards from this task, Xing's heart skipped a beat! Follow the road that has no red extension.

After all, one side is an area that looks lively but has monsters roaring in pain, and the other side is quiet. There may be enemies, but they are definitely known enemies that can be dealt with. I know how to choose stars.

But when she first walked into this passage, Xing's heart was suddenly tugged, because she vaguely seemed to see some monsters hidden in the air.

Looking at these monsters, Xing became even more frightened, but then her heart shook because she saw something that made her feel at ease.

It was a walking trash can. The trash can had reassuringly strong limbs. The pink and white gradient color bucket walked to the air where the monster was hidden. It rotated 360° and then kicked the monster hidden in the air. The bugs kicked out.

With this big step, the seemingly hard insect shell was easily torn into pieces like a piece of paper, and the moment it was torn into pieces, all of the insect entered the body of the bucket.

Garbage must go into the place where garbage should go. As a bucket, you must say no to littering!

At this moment, Xing's eyes filled with tears: "Family! My family!" She was sure that this was the right path to take. She didn't expect that she would encounter a living trash can here. No matter how scary the monsters and monsters are, there are trash cans. Don't be afraid, because she can get in!

But what Xing doesn't know is that these two roads will lead to the same direction in the end...

Seeing this bucket, Xing felt like she was about to burst into tears. At this moment, she really wanted to hold the bucket and listen to some toilet stories.

Tongzi rejected Xing's idea. Although feces can be thrown into the trash can, the trash can is not a toilet, so he cannot tell a story about the toilet. He can only tell a story about the trash can.

Chapter 313 Ruan Mei: “Where did the breeding envoy come from!!!”

Xing and Tongzi formed a team. Because she came here accidentally, Xing didn't know there was a huge petri dish here, let alone what she was going to face here.

Xing just wants to happily find the place where the strange object last appeared, and then help Heita find the strange object and complete this simple and happy little task.

While following the barrel, Xing couldn't help but complain: "Hey~ It seems that Aguang is right. The reward of the task is proportional to the complexity. I just help find the lost rare objects, how can you give me too much?" A difficult battle~”

Xing watched the bucket kill all the bugs hiding in the dark while talking and laughing. She didn't know why there were bugs here, but no matter what, it was nice to have her legs to hug her and complete the task happily.

Soon Xing followed Tongzi to the testing area, and the dark environment completely disappeared after entering the testing area.

"This is where the strange objects were lost. Let me investigate what's there!"

Xing was about to investigate the surroundings, but when she was about to investigate, she suddenly saw a very cute little creature. This little creature has a shell like a plum blossom, and inside is a... cat?

This little guy also saw the star. The moment he saw the star, he looked at the star with an aggrieved voice: "Meow~".

"so cute!!!"

The moment he saw this little creature, Xing felt like he was cute by the little creature in front of him: "I didn't expect such a small task to have such a cute little animal!"


Xing understood the meaning of the voice of the little creature in front of him. It called itself the gray bean paste smell. It looked at Xing expectantly with its little hands and cried sadly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I am not... a work approved by Ruan Mei... Wuwu! There is too much negative energy. I don't like eating with negative energy. Wuuuu, Ruan Mei, why, I... am a failure."

Just when Xing was about to comfort her, Tongzi walked over with his arms folded. He was not afraid when he saw the gray smell of Tongzi's bean paste coming over, but just meowed.

Hearing the meowing little guy, Tongzi shook his head, and at the same time stretched out his hand and clenched his fist!

Today's star can also understand part of this completely cross-species ideological exchange.

The gray bean paste tastes: "Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei, you smell like Ruan Mei~ This is the smell that makes you recognized! Woohoo, please teach me how to get Ruan Mei's approval."

Tongzi did not reply, but folded his arms. He showed his elegance in silence, letting the created life in front of him understand the meaning of life.

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