While these cat cakes were attracting attention, Pei Guang also used the last ingredient. The Star God cat cake did not appear in the last ingredient, which made Pei Guang a little regretful.

"Hey~ It looks like we can only make four star-god cat cakes of the same style. Don't tell me, these cat cakes are quite cute!"

Mao Gao, who was regarded as a god in Mao Cao's eyes, was hugged by Pei Guang and Xing, one on the left and one on the right. Facing Pei Guang's embrace, these star gods, Mao Cao, meowed affectionately.

Xing: "They are cute, but these cat cakes... what should I do?"

Pei Guang: "Of course I am raising it~ But it makes sense! When I used to play games, this kind of training was just a setting. This is really raising me... I really don't know what to do..."

For the player, when he saw the cute creatures that he had drawn out personally, he felt his whole heart melt. Especially the way these little guys meowed, it triggered Pei Guang's pink and tender girl's heart.

He decided to raise these cat cakes, whether they looked like Star Gods or not, whether they were golden five-stars or white two-stars. Although I don’t have many resources, I can do more tasks and get more resources.

What's more, I just completed Esta's mission today, and I haven't asked for the mission reward yet. Why don't I want some good things for my cute cat cakes? Thinking of these, Pei Guang started to take action.

He contacted Esta first: "Are you there? Can I request something as a reward for this mission?"

Looking at Pei Guang's speech, Esta replied directly: "No problem! What do you want?"

Pei Guang took a set of photos of cat cakes: "That's it, I created some cat cakes using the things Ruan Mei left behind. I want to raise these little guys here, is that okay?"

Esta: "Since you brought it up, leave this kind of thing to me. By the way, Aguang, this! This cat cake looks great, can you send me another photo?"

Esta drew the amber cake among a group of cat cakes. Among the group of cat cakes, the amber cake had a very special aura. When looking at the amber cake, Esta always seemed to see the Amber King. a feeling of?

Looking at Esta's reply, Pei Guang quickly replied: "Okay! It's an amber cake, ahem! It's a cat cake that I synthesized to have the appearance of the Amber King. By the way, it seems to still have a little bit left. The power of protection?”

Pei Guang's reply stunned Esta. As a person from the company, Esta also had a very pure belief in Amber King, but some people in the company and family... she really didn't like it.

Because of this, when Esta saw the amber cake, she felt excited: "Really? It's a little guy who looks like the Amber King. Can I take a photo with it?"

Seeing this request, Pei Guang looked at Amber Cake: "There is someone who wants to see you or even take a photo with you. What do you think?"

Upon hearing Pei Guang's question, Amber Cake cried out: "Meow~meow~"

After receiving Amber Cake's reply, Pei Guang quickly sent a message to Esta: "It said there is no problem, but it thinks the space station is too fragile. As a condition for being hugged and photographed, it must be allowed to make the space station more fragile." Stronger.”

Yes, Amber Cake discovered that although the space station is reinforced with barrels, it is not enough. This space station is not safe enough. It needs to strengthen the liner of the trash can inside the trash can to prevent bad things from damaging it.

Nanu Cake expressed opposition to Amber Cake's idea. It believed that the space station should be destroyed and then a new space station should be built on the destroyed space station.

Medicine cake means that what you said is right. If any of you ask me for help, I will help.

Faced with the quarrel among the cat cakes, Bozhigao, the wisest of all the cat cakes, gave the answer.

"Meow~" Boshi Cake said that it had calculated the truth of the space station, and the space station could be directly strengthened.

At this moment, the cat cakes screamed excitedly. After all, the cat cakes are not star gods. Although their will will allow them to gain the attention of the star gods, generally speaking, the cat cakes are still reasonable.

Watching the quarrel between the cat cakes, Xing Ze said with some emotion: "As expected of the Star God Cat Cake, he is really similar to the Star God in some aspects! But why do these cat cakes become destiny walkers?"

In addition to the happy order, Bo Shigao Alien discovered that other cat cakes seemed to have become destiny walkers, because they had powers that only destiny walkers could have.

This is because she didn't realize that these cat cakes had been watched by the Star God, and she didn't realize that these cat cakes were following their own destiny and using the power of joy. Otherwise, Xing, a baby who was only a few months old, would have doubts about life.

Pei Guang: "After all, they are synthesized with special materials. Isn't it natural to become a destiny walker? By the way! We want to send this good news to Ruan Mei. Although no new messengers have been synthesized, these ones with the same appearance as stars She is definitely interested in Cat Cake, who has some resemblance to God and has the power to correspond to his destiny.”

So Pei Guang took a video of these cat cakes and sent it to Ruan Mei. Pei Guang noticed that Ruan Mei had read the message, but Ruan Mei, who saw these Star God cat cakes, did not reply to Pei Guang. information.

Chapter 324: Medicine Cat Cake entrusted by Marshal Xianzhou

Ruan Mei has read and cannot reply.

Pei Guang obviously made a Boshi Cake not long ago, but now he made a bunch of them again? Although there is no envoy, what the hell is it that everyone is a follower of destiny? And those ordinary cat cakes have become destiny walkers.

After all, Ruan Mei has lived in this world for so many years. From a cosmic perspective, there are many Destiny Walkers, but when looking at a planet, a star system, or even a galaxy, there is only one Destiny Walker who can be favored by the Star God. Counting one, that's a very small amount.

Why did Pei Guang do it so quickly? Or use the things you left behind to create something that you didn't even bother to create?

She had already begun to doubt the world after meeting Pei Guang. Now she not only doubts the world, she even has a tendency to doubt herself.

This feeling is like a biologist who has worked hard for a year and failed in research. He obviously provided a better environment and better raw materials, but in the end, what he wanted to study was something others just put aside and jumped on. come out.

This speechless feeling can no longer be described with adjectives. Even Ruan Mei herself had the idea of ​​doubting whether her experiment was completely wrong...

But fortunately, her will was strong enough, and although her defenses were somewhat broken, she quickly adjusted back.

"It seems that after this trip, I need to go back to the space station in the Black Tower..."

Ruan Mei originally didn't want to go to the Black Tower's space station again in a short time, but after reading Pei Guang's message, she felt that she needed to go, but this time she had to avoid Pei Guang and this crushing thing. .

Pei Guang didn't know what Ruan Mei was thinking. Seeing that Ruan Mei couldn't read it back, he and Xing Ye continued to do what they were supposed to do.

No, when Ruan Mei broke her guard and cheered up, Pei Guang saw that she didn't reply to the message and was too lazy to wait. Instead, he focused on his cat cakes.

Because he had been trying to synthesize the best cat cakes before, Pei Guang paid less attention to ordinary cat cakes. After Pei Guang showed off and satisfied the player's vanity, he found out that he and Xing had synthesized these cat cakes. It seems a bit interesting. Besides Star God, there are people they are familiar with?

For example, the cat cake with blue crust and pink filling lying quietly not far away looks like the seventh day of March. Look at the cat cake in the other corner that looks like Dan Heng, plus the A garbage can cake that looks like a star, and all the good guys are alive? But why not myself? ?

Xing also noticed Pei Guang's gaze. She glanced at the three-queen and one-cat cake set, and then looked at Pei Guang who had nothing. She puffed up her chest proudly.

Junk Cake felt Xing's emotions, and it was obviously not the same creature. It jumped up proudly, and even got closer to the two cat cakes beside it.

"Aguang! Quick! Get yourself out too!"

Xing's tone was filled with excitement and excitement, and when Garbage Cake felt Xing's gaze, it meowed with its little hands.

"Three are missing one~March 7, you are the only one missing from three."

Although it was just a cat meowing, both Pei Guang and Xing understood the meaning of its words, and Xing was excited at this moment.

However, when she was excited, Pei Guang pulled her: "Don't worry, since we already have you and Qi'er, let's try and see if we can gather more people we know? As for me, it's not a big deal if there's no problem. If it doesn’t work, I’ll get some materials and try to synthesize it.”

Pei Guang could finally see that this synthesized cat cake was not just for fun. The mere fact that it could be synthesized into golden light proved that this cat cake must be of great use.

But Pei Guang couldn't figure out the use for a while. He had no mission guidance. These cat cakes, including the first batch of cat cakes taken away for travel, didn't show anything special.

But at this moment, Pei Guang grasped the key point: "Wait...travel?"

Pei Guang seemed to have caught something. He thought of something familiar at this moment, but because it was so familiar, he couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

It feels like holding a mobile phone in your hand to find it, but you are sweating profusely looking for it when it is in your hand.

While Pei Guang was thinking, Xing, who was communicating with Jun Gao, nodded seriously: "Huh? Do you want to explore? Want to explore the world but don't know what to do? Have no goals in life? Do you want me to recommend you? What can I do to explore or achieve self-worth? I can’t do it, but we have the invincible A Guang! ”


The cat cakes surrounding Xing shouted excitedly: "The invincible A Guang."

Pei Guang, who was thinking, was shaken by this voice: "Stop! I'm not invincible. Wait, what were you talking about just now and suddenly he said "invincible"..."

Xing: "It's like this. These little guys don't want to live here all their lives. They want to explore the world. For example, the cat cake of the same style as Bo Shi Zun wants to get out of here and explore more truths in the world. And the amber cake, It believes that the materials of the space station are not enough to strengthen the space station and wants to obtain more materials..."

Pei Guang nodded: "Oh! Is that so? Do they also want to do missions? Then let them go on an expedition, do some simple basic work, get rewards and walk around at the same time, and explain the situation to them if entrusted by acquaintances. …Yes.”

As he was talking, Pei Guang suddenly remembered what he had just been thinking about, which was the expedition system. Most games with pets or similar pet settings have expeditions or trips?

The so-called expedition is a function in the game that allows you to harvest materials after a certain amount of time after accepting a request from a certain character. When he was exploring the world, Pei Guang was thinking about when to turn on the expedition function. Unexpectedly, it seemed that it would be turned on this time. ?

Then I thought about the golden cat cakes among the cat cakes I synthesized. Who knows what goodies the golden cat cakes can bring out during the expedition? Thinking of this, Pei Guang became excited.

"I have an idea here. Little guy, I know some people. These people live on different planets. They have such and such needs on their own planets. How about you help them complete their commissions?"

"As a price for completing the commission, they will take you to explore and play in the areas of your respective planets. If you encounter some unowned objects on the road, you can bring them back if you think they are valuable. I will collect as much as you bring back!"

"If you find that you cannot complete the commission, reject it decisively. Accept those commissions that you can complete, and do so within your ability."

In response to Pei Guang's proposal, the newly born cat cakes meowed. Because there were too many words, it was difficult for the cat cakes to understand.

But fortunately, among the cats, there is the smartest messenger of joy, Bo Shigao, who understands Pei Guang’s meaning, and tells everyone Pei Guang’s proposal in a way that the cats can understand.

It's okay not to tell. The cats were excited when told. Although they had to work before they could play, it was much more interesting to them than staying in this one-third of an acre of land.

As for danger? It sounds scary, but after Doctor Cake told everyone what to do in case of danger, everyone praised their gods one after another. Even the knowledgeable commander took the initiative to become the team leader and wanted to lead everyone to explore the universe together.

Of course, they just want to go out and explore the world instead of becoming stray cat cakes. Bo Shi Gao tells everyone that the universe is very dangerous. If no one protects them, cat cakes will be eaten by two mouthfuls. In order to be happy Returning from the earth, Bo Shi Gao is using the power of destiny to teach the cats how to survive, how to escape, and how to develop.

Because of this, under the leadership of Dr. Gao, the cat cakes agreed to Pei Guang's proposal. When they saw the cat cakes agreeing, Pei Guang, who was extremely active, immediately took out his mobile phone and established a group called [Commissioning Group].

All the people Pei Guang met along the way, including Esta, Heita, Ruan Mei, Screw Gum, Bronya, Jeppard, Jing Yuan, Jackdaw, etc., were all drawn into the group.

Pei Guang brought in all the people he could think of who had some ability and could entrust others to the cat cakes. Although the entrustments given by some people might be dangerous, Pei Guang thought that it would not be a big problem for him to choose as a middleman as a player. .

Some expeditions or commissions in some games are dangerous if the character level is too low. Therefore, Pei Guang will accept everyone's commissions in this group, and then assign tasks to the cats based on their specific performance.

As for danger? Pei Guang thought that among the cat cakes he synthesized, there were at least four golden cat cakes. With these four golden cat cakes taking the lead, the danger should not be great.

Well, Pei Guang has regarded these golden lights, namely the Star God Cat Cake, as a guarantee role for things like commissions and expeditions. It is the kind of setting that will never overturn with this character card.

Pei Guang in the group also made an announcement about his purpose of establishing this group and posted it on it.

"Accept the commission, any commission will be accepted. If you can accept it, you will accept it. If you can't, you will not accept it. Professional team. Remember to provide food, accommodation and entertainment during the commission. Remember to reward when the commission is completed."

Pei Guang thought for a long time but couldn't think of any elegant words. At the same time, Pei Guang wondered what he should do if he was so formal when accepting a commission and it was misunderstood.

As soon as this announcement came out, everyone who saw it was a little confused. Everyone knew that Pei Guang would look for tasks, especially Jing Yuan. He also knew that Pei Guang would do his best to accept some commissions from the Ten Kings. When Pei Guang agreed, he said that he had Time will accept the task.

As a general, he was the one who had the best mind and understood Pei Guang best among all the generals. He vaguely felt that this matter was not as simple as imagined, so he decisively pulled Marshal Yunqi of the Immortal Boat Alliance into it. in the group.

The first moment he entered the group, Marshal Hua Fa of the Immortal Boat Alliance Yunqi said a simple sentence: "The evil things will not be eliminated, but they will be hunted endlessly. The Immortal Boat Alliance vows to eliminate the fertile evil things in the star sea that wantonly poison all worlds. We need your help. help."

Everyone in the group did not expect that the Immortal Boat Alliance's hand speed was so fast. Seeing so many strangers, everyone was ready to secretly ask Pei Guang what was going on, but the marshal of the Immortal Boat Alliance spoke directly.

Although Marshal Yunqi of Xianzhou did not say what the rewards were, everyone knew that the Xianzhou Alliance would never be stingy with rewards. Unfortunately, hunting for abundant evil creatures was not something that ordinary people could participate in. The Black Tower only provided some Technical support cannot support the Fairy Boat Alliance's hunting behavior for a long time.

With the commission from the Marshal of the Fairy Boat Alliance, no one released any content for a while. Some of them didn't see it, some were waiting and watching, and some were still calm about breaking the defense.

Looking at the commission issued by the Xianzhou Alliance, Pei Guang felt that this commission was really exciting!

"How can I get such a big commission when I go out?"

This kind of commission level is no less than that of a player who has just left the Novice Village, and the first task is to go to the Demon King's City three kilometers away to kill the full-level Demon King.

Just when Pei Guang was thinking about whether to refuse, Yaoshigao jumped on Pei Guang's shoulder and saw the commission. The moment he saw the commission, Yaoshigao shouted softly.


"Huh? You mean you can do this commission? Do you know about the evil creatures of fertility? Those guys are ruthless people who eat without shitting!"

Yaoshigao nodded vigorously, and its little hands that were kicking had some expectations at this moment.

As a player, Pei Guang felt that Medicine Cake was different. It had golden light, and it seemed to be a traveler on the path of abundance. There seemed to be no problem in letting it participate in the crusade against the evil creatures of abundance.

Pei Guang could feel that Yaoshi Cake was not ignorant and thought he could do it. He thought about it and agreed after carefully reading the commission.

This is also true. The moment Yaoshi Cake saw this commission, it seemed that it felt a magical destiny. Maybe it was because it was using the power of joy to walk on the path of prosperity. It felt like it when it saw the four characters "Plenty of Evil Things". disgust reaction.

As a cute cat cake created by Pei Guang, it wants to destroy them on behalf of abundance! Well, the joyful power that mixes with the players represents the user of Abundance, accepting the commission of hunting to destroy the evil creatures of Abundance.

Looking at the serious Yaoshi Cake, Pei Guang nodded, "Okay, since you think you can do it, go ahead. Remember, if you are in danger, contact me. Who dares to hurt you and you? Their household registrations are waiting for you." "

Listening to Pei Guang's domineering speech, the cats' eyes shone with excitement.

"Invincible~Pei Guang~"

The cats meowed, but everyone called them by that name.

Pei Guang: "It's okay if you say I'm invincible. Remember, you can never call yourself invincible outside, because invincible people will die in the end!"


The cat cakes responded excitedly. Pei Guang respected the choice of pharmacist cake.

Pei Guang in the group replied to Hua's commission: "No problem! This little guy will accept your commission. During the commission, remember to take it to know and explore the world, and it will help you eliminate the abundant evil creatures. Oh, by the way, it He also told me that he needs to go home to rest for a few days from time to time, and if this is okay, he will accept the commission. "

Looking at Pei Guangfa's words, Marshal Yunqi felt that there was nothing abnormal, but when she saw the guy who accepted the commission, she fell silent. Not only was she silent, but Jing Yuan and Ruan Mei were also silent.

Everyone doesn’t know what to complain about, where is the cute version of Fengrao Pharmacist? There’s more! Is it really okay for such a cute little guy to go to the battlefield?

Originally, the existence of Pei Guang made everyone feel that the world was absurd enough. When they watched Pei Guang make medicine cakes, they felt that the world could be even more absurd.

Especially Jing Yuan, he has seen Pei Guang's awesomeness, so he believes in this possibility, but just because he believes in him, he feels too bad.

Just imagine, on the battlefield against the evil monsters of abundance, Medicine Cake stands at the front of the battlefield with its little hands. At this time, do these evil creatures of abundance want to shout: "Medicine King's mercy!" Kneel down and worship it directly, or fight with it?

You can beat it! Shameful. But it's obvious that if Pei Guang dares to confess, he won't be able to defeat him!

As for whether he can survive the fight? Pei Guang didn't know, but Aha definitely knew. Because when Aha saw Yaoshi Cake accepting this commission, the whole thing was overjoyed.

Is Fengfeng Medicine Master’s cat cake going to kill Medicine Master’s followers? Isn't this the happiest thing? The happiest thing is that this cat cake with a rich destiny has to fight with the power of joy? When put into the game, the settings are rich, the display is joyful, and the damage is destructive. Did you see the green dewdrops? That is not the blessing of the abundant medicine man, that is the joy of the joyful Aha.

However, this was just the beginning. After a cat cake accepted the commission, everyone in the group quickly hung up the commission. Even the patrolling rangers who didn't know how to join the group came to join in the fun.

Patrol Ranger said: "We don't know who Pei Guang is, and we have never heard of Pei Guang's legend. We just heard that there are people here who can help solve difficult problems, so I came in to take a look."

After all, Hua had made a good start. The title of Marshal of the Yunqi Army could be said to be a living advertisement. In addition, everyone in the group knew how powerful Pei Guang was, so everyone also posted their task entrustments in the group.

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