Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! Look at me!"

I saw Pei Guang taking out a garbage bag in his hand. The moment he opened the garbage bag, Pei Guang shouted excitedly: "Start! Super transformation form!"

Along with Pei Guang's shouting, the tank truck assembled from various damaged trash cans made a harsh sound. With the harsh sound, the trash can truck suddenly fell to the ground, and the drill bit above its head flew away. go out.

The four wheels suddenly stretched out at this moment, and the wheels turned into arms and legs assembled from several trash cans.

This assembled broken trash can flipped over and stood up. As it stood up, it assembled the trash can lid with its left arm and a drill bit with its right arm. The original location of the drill bit became a hollow, which seemed to be just right for a person to stand in.

The one with the allotment did not hesitate and jumped directly into the inside of the bucket. At this moment, these trash cans seemed to become an extension of his body. When Pei Guang acted, he waved a shield with his left arm and pointed the drill at the sky drill with his right arm. He walked over, and Pei Guang's head was covered with a trash can lid firmly on his head.

However, Pei Guang controlled his strength and did not push the drill to the ceiling. If he pushed it to the ceiling, he would definitely be lectured by Pam!

Pei Guang: "This is it! Trash Can Ares!"


At this moment, Xing's eyes shone with light, and she finally understood what imagination was.

The moment the Trash Can War God appeared, these old trash cans made a raging sound, they were cheering, and they were jumping for joy. As trash cans that have been damaged or even abandoned, they can still clean up the world's garbage before completely disappearing from this world, which makes their already cold hearts become hot.

This is the last trash can! ! !

These shabby trash cans have merged into one, and they have found their own sublimity! At this moment, the real king of the trash can gave them a thumbs up, and Yitongxia, who was traveling with the cat cakes, also crossed his arms at this moment.

This is a 'mecha' made entirely of tattered trash cans. This thing is so abstract that it would shut down most people's computers when they see it, but Xing feels the charm of it.

"It's beautiful, it's so beautiful! Woohoo, Aguang! I want one too."

Pei Guang shook his head: "I won't make it for you yet, because you have to create with your own imagination. There are no waste parts in this world, only waste players. Let me see what you can do with these barrels." What a success! Accept their final ripples!”


Her three exclamation points expressed her heart, and inspired by Pei Guang, she knew what she should do.

I saw Hoshiya taking out various damaged trash cans from the trash can. She accepted the last will of these trash cans and accepted the hymn from the trash cans.

Compared with Pei Guang's chariot, Xing's assembly was simple and rough. She got a bucket with the largest diameter and added wheels to the bucket. These wheels were not wheels but wheels to facilitate the movement of the bucket.

There are densely packed small barrels around the barrel, and each small barrel is filled with various kinds of garbage, and the center of the trash can is filled with the largest garbage.

The small-diameter trash can is pointed at the rear. These are power devices designed by Xing. She named these devices: "Antimatter Engine". Just like Pei Guang's nitrogen propulsion, this thing has nothing to do with the antimatter engine, or even It is said that there is no antimatter in it, but it can be activated and can push this trash can cannon flying all over the sky.

Also affected by the same cognitive influence as Pei Guang, the fastest moving speed of the trash can cannon she designed is the normal speed standard of the cargo star. There is no acceleration method, but it can fire.

That's right, what Xing made was a simple and crude trash can cannon. The barrel body with a diameter of more than one meter showed the world the terror coming from the trash can.

Surrounding the trash can are floating trash can fragments with matching stars. These fragments come from a complete trash can, but this trash can was broken into pieces during the war, and the garbage it contained was scattered throughout the world.

But as a trash can, its final noble will makes it fight to the last moment to contain garbage even if it is broken.

These fragments become the floating fragments of the trash can cannon. According to Xing's idea, this trash can fragment can withstand attacks from garbage, and can even clean up all garbage within a certain range.

It can instantly form an entire trash can to resist enemy artillery, and it can also use fragments to turn enemies into harmful garbage for better containment.

Although it looked simple and crude, Pei Guang was shocked by his imagination. The more complicated the thing, the better, but the more practical it is. Pei Guang saw the practicality of Xing's trash can cannon.

Feeling Pei Guang's shocked gaze, Xing proudly puffed up his chest: "Hmph! Mine can also transform, garbage cannon! Transform!!!"

Along with Xing's shouting, the garbage cannon also made a crunching sound, and with the sound, the garbage cannon deformed. The fragments of the floating trash can were split and assembled. One part was assembled into a huge propeller, and the other part was assembled into a gun.

While Xing was performing a simple and rough transformation of the trash can cannon, she collected all the garbage in the cannon and got in. The trash can fragment spear appeared in Xing's hand, and the trash can lid was covered on her head.

She entered the trash can and prepared to fight.

Her transformation was not into a mecha, but into a faster and more lethal floating garbage can spear. In Xing's imagination, this huge thruster can provide this star ship with super fast speed, and she will charge into the enemy mindlessly with a gun.

When Xing thought of driving this garbage cannon to charge and harvest among the enemies, her body trembled with joy.

Pei Guang: "Okay! Simple and rough, but it looks very practical!"

This is a sincere compliment. As a player, I never regard complexity as beauty. On the contrary, if someone's simple and rough stuff can be more useful than others' complicated stuff that they have spent a lot of time to make, everyone will prefer this simple and rough stuff.

Xing shook her head: "No, no, no! You look better, more imaginative, A Guang." Pei Guang also shook his head: "There is no such thing as who is better than whom in imagination. As long as we use our imagination, it will be fine. But at this moment, I want to sing a song to vent my emotions." Xing: "No problem! I like your singing the most, A Guang!" Xing gave Pei Guang a thumbs up. Although Pei Guang's singing is deadly, she has a long life. Seeing Xing agree so much, Pei Guang was moved: "You are so nice, don't worry, I am also making progress. I used to be deadly in singing! Now I...! Even more deadly!" Pei Guang took out the speakers, and with the passionate voice, Pei Guang seemed to have returned to the era of driving mechas to fight. Although the trash can war god armor on his body is not handsome, and may not even have any practicality, what combat effect is needed in the non-mainline state? Just have fun. When Xing heard the exciting music, she was excited. She knew that Pei Guang liked to sing a few songs when she had nothing to do. But because it was too difficult to sing with Sanyueqi, and there were too many outsiders, Pei Guang restrained himself. After all, he couldn't sing his teammates to death, but now there were no outsiders, and he had the power of protection and destruction. What was the difficulty in resisting Pei Guang's killing song? "In this turbulent battlefield, the storm boy appeared~" Pei Guang sang the Reverse War, which was once popular among students before the Lone Hero appeared. It was also a song that Pei Guang almost engraved in his DNA. Wearing armor, he pioneered in the universe for the peace of the universe. If there was no Reverse War, Pei Guang felt something was missing. As the Reverse War sang, Pei Guang's body controlled the Garbage God of War to move. Although Pei Guang's singing was unpleasant, his singing was full of emotion. The garbage cans didn't care whether the human voice was good or not. They only felt Pei Guang's hot emotion as if he wanted to take them to conquer the garbage in the universe. At this moment, these broken garbage cans were red and warm. The garbage drill bit started to turn, and the nitrogen jet emitted a blue flame. The combination of garbage cans and Pei Guang was very excited at this moment.

Not only did the garbage cans become red, but Xing also felt red when listening to it. This was the charm of Pei Guang's singing, and it was also the reason why Sanyueqi and everyone else wanted to stop Pei Guang when there were outsiders.

Singing is one thing, after all, it is not so deadly as Pei Guang keeps practicing. He is not a singing genius, but he can still reach the level of ordinary people after practicing.

What is really deadly is the emotion in Pei Guang's singing. This emotion that seems to be empowered by harmony will affect others unconsciously. Sanyueqi almost instinctively stopped Pei Guang outside, but the reason was that it was unpleasant to listen to. Because she knew she had to stop him, but she didn't know why. It happened that the singing was a bit unpleasant, so it was unpleasant.

Pei Guang himself didn't care, because he knew that his singing was unpleasant, so he was willing to listen to everyone when there were outsiders. If there were no outsiders, in fact, whether it was Sanyueqi, Xing, or everyone, they would not dislike Pei Guang's singing.

The situation is the same now. Because of the emotions in the song, Xing couldn't help but sing along, especially when it came to the climax. Xing, who could sing on time, was led astray by Pei Guang.

"Reckless, reckless, fight against the enemy, let off steam when playing cards! Travel the universe and settle the world."

Accompanied by the sound of two people howling and the roar of the trash can, everyone on the train was attracted.

March Seven's room: "Xing! Guang! What are you doing again?"

Hearing the roar, singing and roar of the trash can, March Seven immediately reacted that Pei Guang and Xing were doing something weird again. How could they be so excessive? They did something that sounded fun on the train without taking her with them?

March Seven walked angrily to Xing's room. At the door of Xing's room, she heard clearer sounds of howling. At this moment, her thoughts returned to the snow in Beloberg, where Pei Guang was singing wildly.

It was still so bad, but it still made people feel excited, and even wanted to find two Doomsday Beasts or Extinction Lords to fight.

At this moment, she opened the door.

However, the moment she opened the door, Sanyueqi was silent. She looked at the duo dancing crazy in the room with trash cans in their arms. She felt her heartbeat speed up and her blood pressure soared.

She quickly closed the door and took a deep breath.

"It's terrible... It's really terrible..."

At this moment, Sanyueqi once again faced the choice question that had appeared many times before. If she had a choice before, now she chose to join.

She is the first in the universe to help relatives and ignore them. A Guang and Xing are her family and partners. Even if the scene inside is shocking, she will go in and have fun with everyone.

Without thinking at all, March Qi opened the door again, but this time she gave up thinking and went directly into the room and closed the door.

Back to a few minutes ago, Dan Heng, who was sorting out the think tank when he heard the excited duo on March 7, also heard the familiar voice.

Originally, he wanted to use headphones to isolate the sound and continue organizing the think tank, but Pei Guang and Xing's voices seemed to have penetrating power and made him unable to calm down. He took a deep breath and stood up, deciding to go out and see what was going on.

When he arrived at the door of Xing's room, he happened to see March Qi opening the door and closing it. He wanted to go over and ask, but then he saw March Qi giving up thinking and entering the room directly.

The way he gave up thinking at the end of March made Dan Heng silent. After experiencing two planets with Pei Guang, Dan Heng had a very deep understanding of Pei Guang's ability to lead people astray.

But at this time, Dan Heng was also more curious about what was going on in the room. Out of curiosity, he walked to the door of the room. What was originally Pei Guang and Xing's ghost crying and wolf howling was now an additional March Seven.

Normally, March 7th's singing is very nice, but sometimes it does go out of tune, but she has the foundation of being a beautiful girl, so even if she sings out of tune, it still sounds nice.

But now March 7 in the room is not only out of tune, but even keeping up with Pei Guang's rhythm. This is very scary.

But because of this, Dan Heng became even more curious. He was curious about what happened here. So he took a deep breath and opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Dan Heng felt that his brain was hit again.

Although he held the pink cute rabbit and poked people all day long, the abstract scene happening in the room still had a great impact on his brain. Pei Guang, who was using a trash can as armor in the room, shook his head, and Xing was in the room. The trash can was spinning, March 7 was okay, but her happy look had nothing to do with a beautiful girl.

This scene made Dan Heng silent and quickly closed the door. At this moment, he felt that his brain was shaking, as if a voice was inviting him to join, but Dan Heng's last reason stopped him.

Dan Heng, who had been somewhat normal these days because he was far away from Pei Guang, now felt that another world was waving to him.

However, while he was silent, Walter, who heard the noise here, came over curiously: "What happened inside? Is it so noisy?"

Walter opened the door curiously. The moment he opened the door, Walter's eyes lit up, but as an elder, Walter still showed a little dignity of the elders.

"So it's young people having a party? It looks interesting, huh? Why does this trash can look like armor? It's interesting."

Walter pushed up his glasses, then walked into the room openly and closed the door.

At this moment, Dan Heng was shocked! He didn't expect Walter to go in like this? No hesitation?

For Walter, he really had nothing to hesitate. He was happy to participate in such a happy gathering of young people. If Pei Guang wasn't here, he would have considered the dignity of his seniors a little, but with Pei Guang there, he was thinking nothing of it.

Don't ask, if you ask, you will be misled by Pei Guang, laugh~

Walter's joyful entry broke Dan Heng's last sanity, and he finally opened the door and entered the room.

It was originally just a simple carnival for Pei Guang and Xing, but as more and more people gathered, it turned into a KTV. For pioneers, singing karaoke on the Star Dome Train is not a kind of pioneering?

As for Ji Zi? Because Jizi was in the lobby, she didn't even hear the disco dancing going on here, so Jizi missed this interesting event by chance. On the contrary, Pam knew that after the disco, she gave everyone drinks and juice.

Everyone played this disco for several hours, and finally the impromptu party ended because March 7 was exhausted.

March Qi, who was exhausted and ready to go back to rest, panicked about his sore shoulders and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I can't do it anymore, I can't stand it anymore, I'm going back to rest first~"

Pei Guang: "Go, go! Xing and I will continue to study here!"

Pei Guang didn't know how his and Xing's self-pleasure turned into a disco, but as the saying goes, let nature take its course. It's over when everyone is happy together.

Walter and Dan Heng also left. After relaxing for such a long time, both Walter and Dan Heng felt a lot cooler inside, and their spirits also relaxed a lot.

When the two people left, Pei Guang and Xing put away the trash can equipment they made. They had gained something today and had a lot of fun. The use of the trash can can wait.

But just when the two were about to go back to rest, Pei Guang received a message on his cell phone.

The person who sent the message was a girl from the fox tribe named Qing Ni. This person was none other than Yu Kong's daughter. Although they were not biologically related, the relationship between mother and daughter was that of a real biological mother and daughter.

Qingni: "Hello Pioneer, I have something to ask for..."

Just when the crisis of the Luofu Fairy Boat was over, she once secretly opened the Xingcha to help her mother solve some problems in the sky, but who would have thought that when she opened the Xingcha, she would see Pei Guang driving the Xingcha while turning and dodging while moving forward quickly.

This experience made Qingni's Taoist heart somewhat damaged, but after a while, her condition adjusted. At the same time, she also heard some news through her colleagues in Tianbo Division, about... the pioneers.

These messages let her know one thing, that is, the person who opened the Star on that day was none other than the famous pioneer. She originally wanted to contact the Pioneers, but she didn't know how to contact the Pioneers, let alone how to contact them.

These days, she got Pei Guang's contact information by chance. Her broken Taoist heart has been restored these days. At the same time, she knows the ghost-like operation method of the pioneers. She really wants to learn how to drive the Xingcha from the pioneers. . Although her mother Yu Kong doesn't allow it, she really wants to touch the sky...

By chance, Qing Ni contacted Pei Guang today.

Qingni: "I have heard that you are very good at piloting a starship. I wonder if you can teach me how to fly a starship? I want to become a pilot."

Looking at this message, Pei Guang replied directly without any hesitation: "No problem! Drag racing, I am professional! When, where and how can we meet?"

At the same time, in Sichen Palace of Tianbo Division, Qingni became excited after seeing this message. She had heard the names of the pioneers these days.

The unknown guest who saved Luofu Xianzhou from the water and fire helped Luofu Xianzhou solve the Annihilation Gang, and was the great benefactor of the Xianzhou Alliance who turned countless demons into normal people. She had a feeling that if Pei Guang had taught her how to fly the Xingcha and learned it, then her mother... wouldn't have stopped her from becoming a pilot.

Qingni may not know what a wrong and correct decision she made. Asking Pei Guang for help is destined to become a pilot, but what kind of pilot she becomes is no longer under her control.

In the room, everyone became energetic after seeing Qingni's commission.

Xing: "What's wrong? Is there a new mission?"

Xing's mood was also up at this time. When she saw that there was a mission, she immediately wanted to take out her trash can cannon and go for a walk! This is a good thing that I spent countless brain cells to come up with. It would be a waste if I didn't go out for a walk.

Seeing Xing's excited look, Pei Guang replied with wisdom in his eyes: "That's right! We have a new mission, and this mission is also related to the reward the bucket gives us. Let me just say, since we are here Got new props, there must be corresponding tasks!”

Xing: "Then what is our mission?"

Pei Guang: "I am a person who wants to become a pilot. I know a little bit about pilots."

Pei Guang has specifically learned about some of the settings of the Immortal Boat Alliance. For example, most of the flying warriors are held by the fox tribe. As for what this thing is? Pei Guang understands that he is a pilot, but in the context of the Cyber ​​Immortal Cultivation of the Immortal Boat Alliance, the pilot that Pei Guang understands should not be an ordinary pilot, and should have more requirements.

Xing: "That's right! But Aguang, will you train people to become pilots?"

Pei Guang stared at Xing with wide eyes: "Of course. Even though I have never been a pilot, I am still very confident in training pilots. The people I train are all talents!"

As a player, playing a development game is a daily routine. As long as the character is developed by Pei Guang, there is nothing impossible, unless it is blindly raised.

In this world, Pei Guang has also experienced the feeling of training several times. Pei Guang, who already has experience, feels that training a pilot is not difficult.

It was even said that Pei Guang already had some ideas in his mind at this time. He looked at the bucket where parts of trash cans from various worlds appeared, and then looked at the special trash can made by himself and Xing, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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