Pei Guang: "Look, if they forget everything, then there is no point in brushing up our favorability. It is better to ask some questions that will reduce favorability. If they answer, we will make a lot of money. If they don't answer, we will not lose anything by resetting the favorability."

Xing's glasses glowed: "As expected of A Guang with amazing wisdom!"

Looking at the two people in front of them, Huang Quan and Robin looked at each other, and the emotions in their eyes were self-evident.

This is a look of mutual appreciation. In such a dream, strangers have this feeling because of strangers. Fate is really wonderful.

While the two people here appreciate each other, Pei Guang on the other side suddenly remembered something. He remembered that Xing said Huang Quan used a long knife.

Long knife...

Pei Guang imagined the appearance of the long knife in his head. Pei Guang, who began to imagine, suddenly had a bold idea. He silently took out his white food stall chair and put it in the corridor.

The moment he saw this chair, Xing's eyes became solemn. She felt that the thing that Pei Guang had forcibly engraved into her DNA was shaking.

However, before Xing could act, Huang Quan sat down with her weapon in her hand. Huang Quan stuck her unsheathed knife into the ground, and her whole body showed a serious and... puzzled expression.

Yes, she was wondering why she sat on it. It looked like an ordinary chair, but it seemed to have a magical power to attract her.

Not only was she attracted, but even Robin felt that this chair was full of power when she saw it. Even she wanted to sit on it, but seeing Huang Quan sitting on it, she temporarily suppressed this idea.

Huang Quan: "It's a magical chair. Sitting on it makes me feel full of strength..." Pei Guang affirmed: "It's not that the chair is magical, but that you hold this kind of knife and sit on this kind of chair, which will make you powerful. Believe me, before fighting in the future, take a similar chair and sit with your back to the enemy. In this way, you will feel unprecedented strength, and this strength can make you do anything." Listening to Pei Guang's words, Huang Quan thought about it. This kind of thing sounds incredible, but the problem is that after sitting on the chair, she really felt that her strength became stronger. This kind of strength is completely controllable and will not hurt the body at all. It is because of this real feeling that she remembered Pei Guang's words. If she can still remember these words after leaving here... When Huang Quan was sitting on it, Pei Guang silently took out his pink camera to record such a beautiful scene. Looking at Pei Guang's behavior, Xing asked in confusion: "Will you lose your memory if you leave here? Why do you have to record it?" Pei Guang: "Amnesia is a game setting. The CG recorded by us as players will not disappear because of the amnesia in the setting. And do you think this scene is great?" Looking at Huang Quan sitting on the powerful chair, Xing nodded involuntarily: "It is indeed full of power! Full of pava, at this moment, I want to sing a song!" Pei Guang clapped his hands: "You don't say, there is really a song suitable for this situation!" Xing: "Sing! Anyway, we are in a dream, let's sing to our heart's content!" When she heard that Pei Guang was going to sing, Robin felt a sense of anticipation for some reason. It might be affected by Pei Guang's wonderful harmony power before. She was a little curious whether Pei Guang's singing could make her feel a different harmony. Looking at the state of Pei Guang and Xing, Huang Quan was silent. Logically, she should take these two people away, but after sitting on this chair, she didn't know why she didn't want to leave. Seeing the two people who were so healthy that they could even spiral up the wall, Huang Quan was sure that they would not be affected by this dream world. Since they would not be affected, it was acceptable to waste a little time.

When he heard that there was music that matched this chair, even Huang Quan was looking forward to it.

Pei Guang took out his small speaker, found some music and clicked the play button. As the bgm played, Robin and Huang Quan listened carefully.

It was amazing. It was just bgm but it made people feel full of power. Even Robin couldn't help but want to hum along with the music, but...

Although it was a dream, the body in the dream was a true copy of the real body. Robin, whose body was abnormal in reality, could not speak in the dream. At this moment, she showed a complicated expression.

Pei Guang noticed Robin's complicated expression, but he didn't speak. Instead, the careful Xing spoke first.

"Hey? What's wrong? Are you embarrassed to sing along? Don't be embarrassed, our A Guang will sing even if he wants to. Do you have a bad voice? It doesn't matter, if your voice is not good, just hum along, it should be okay for you to talk and hum, right?"

Robin: "I..."

Robin had a complicated expression, Pei Guang turned off the speakers and said: "That's right, you can make a sound now, so if you want to sing along, just follow along, it's not a performance outside, it's just a carnival in a dream, if you really can't, just clap and whistle, it doesn't matter if you use a machine to make sound, your stomach or your butt, just follow along."

At this moment, Xing was shocked: "Can the butt make sound?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Of course, we can make the desired sound by controlling the rhythm of the fart, but I can't do this."

Players are not omnipotent. There are some things that only funny characters can do. Players most likely cannot do them. Those who can do them are basically players of funny games.

But it's obvious that Pei Guang doesn't think he is a comedy game player now.

Xing: "I see, I learned it."

The robin always feels that this is not something he has learned, but something he has failed to learn.

Regarding Pei Guang and Xing's proposal, Robin shook her head. Although she was a little regretful, she could only take a look at it in her current mood.

Sensing the robin's mood, Pei Guang had a wicked smile on his face.

If it was a straightforward rejection, Pei Guang would not continue to pester, but seeing the complex emotions on the robin's face, Pei Guang, as a player, wanted to do something.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang changed the BGM. The power ditty was not important. Now he was curious. Will the robin involuntarily vibrate or sing along with the music he plays next?

Music started playing, and as the cheerful music started playing, Pei Guang's body began to stand still.

This cheerful music made Huang Quan, who was sitting in the chair, a little confused, but the chair was so comfortable, and Pei Guang and Xing didn't look like they were leaving, so she decided to sit on the chair temporarily and see what would happen.

Robin's side was even more ruined. As the music played, her body reacted. It's amazing that the intro of this song alone makes the robin feel like he is standing in a busy square.

"The vast horizon is my love~ The flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills~"

"What kind of rhythm is the most swaying~"

"What kind of singing is the most joyful~"

Pei Guang sang along with the singing in the music, and as Pei Guang sang it himself, the robin took a breath of air. Perhaps because of the dream world, this breath of air-conditioning made the temperature here rise a bit.

What Pei Guang sings is the most dazzling ethnic style that is well-known to every household. This song is one of the few songs that Pei Guang has not learned but can sing. This is also thanks to the uncles and aunties who danced in the square. Thanks to them, he was able to engrave this song into DNA.

As for what Pei Guang was dancing about? Square dancing of course! As a dance art with a wide audience in Pei Guang’s hometown, square dance has the lowest threshold. Although some people do not have the quality to dance square dance and disturb the public, more people enjoy the art of dance at the right time and in the right place. Physical fitness.

And this most dazzling ethnic song can be called the most popular square dance. This song is so popular that it is well-known in the world where Pei Guang lives. Although he has now traveled through time, it has a refreshing rhythm and simple and meaningful lyrics. The robin was attracted in an instant.

At this moment, the robin also understood how unpleasant Pei Guang's singing was. In the robin's opinion, being able to sing a song completely out of tune was a talent in a certain way.

This is not to deliberately sing out of tune, but to be immersed in it and express one's feelings while uncontrollably singing out of tune. Compared with deliberately singing out of tune, this level of singing is more unpleasant and more lethal.

But at the same time... Although it felt unpleasant physically, Robin felt mentally at peace like never before. At the same time, she seemed to see the same star god singing with Pei Guang, and saw countless people following the same song and doing the same thing.

When she listened to the song for the first time, her body trembled a little. When the song was played for the second time, the robin took a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter whether you can speak out or not..."

This idea came to the robin in the dark. The robin was already showing signs of giving up resistance. Although she could not sing, her mouth could move and her body could move.

She opened her mouth, and although there was no sound in her mouth, the voice in her heart was conveyed. The voices of the soul and the voices of reality sing an impossible ensemble in dreams. Different worlds, different races, and different painting styles play the same voice at this moment.

Huang Quan was silent as she watched this scene. She vaguely thought of something, but when she thought of these contents, she felt her head hurt and her body started to heat up.

She rubbed her head while sitting on the chair. Since she couldn't remember it, she didn't plan to continue thinking about it, but the dream was quite interesting.

At this moment, a perfect picture formed in the dream. Pei Guang, Xing and Robin performed a square dance in the most dazzling ethnic style and sang the same song.

In front of the three of them, Huang Quan was sitting on a chair, holding a knife and watching this scene with an expressionless face. While dancing in the square, he felt the power and Pava.

Huang Quan, who was sitting on a chair and feeling the power, cast her eyes on the square dance!

At the same time, Black Swan, who felt that something interesting had happened in the dream world, cast her eyes towards this dream. She thought that this time she would just see interesting memories like before.

But when she saw what happened here, she fell silent.

For ordinary people, leaving here is like a dream and forgetting what happened, but for those who remember, retaining memories is very simple.

She would naturally keep such a beautiful scene well. She didn't know how Robin and Huang Quan were forced to go astray, but she knew that not only she was happy to see this scene, but others were also happy to see it.

At the same time, she was also curious about the expressions on Robin and Huang Quan's faces when they kept this memory and let them see it.

Of course, this kind of thing is at best a dessert before a meal. What Black Swan is really looking forward to is what the arrival of the pioneers will bring to Pinoconi, which has become a muddy water.

Compared to other forces, Black Swan, who is the Yi Ting Yi Yi, still knows some information about Pei Guang. Just because he knows that she has completely changed her original plan, no Yi Yi Yi can refuse a truly unique memory.


But these are all things for later. Black Swan looked at the scene here with a smile on her face. Looking at the interesting scene here, she didn't mind making it more interesting. This kind of scene is not easy to see.

And this memory can not only be used for collection, but also used to amuse the interesting fool.

Chapter 349 Mockingbird: "I'm so beautiful~"

In the dream world, Pei Guang and Xing, who were completely happy, were ready to leave under the leadership of Huang Quan and Robin, but compared to before, Robin now had a smile on his face.

Although this dream was absurd and abstract, it was indeed a rare moment of relaxation and happiness.

But the robin knows that he can no longer stay here and be happy. This is not a beautiful dream, but a deeper and more dangerous dream.

It's okay to stay for a while, but no one knows what will happen if you stay for a long time.

Robin: "You two, I am very happy to meet you, but after all, this is not a place to stay for a long time. Please leave this dreamland with me and Huang Quan."

Huang Quan stood up silently at the side. This chair was very exciting to sit on, but now is not the time to feel the power. Letting these two people leave... is the top priority.

Listening to Robin's words, Pei Guang sighed: "It seems I can't stay on this map any longer! Okay~ I'll bother you~"

Led by Huang Quan and Mockingbird, the group left the corridor and came to the hall. As soon as they arrived at the hall, Pei Guang and Xing were attracted by the scene in the hall.

Pei Guang: "Isn't it interesting? An upside-down world?"

When entering the room, there are halls above and below. The one below looks like daytime, while the one above looks consistent with the background of the corridor, like night.

Pei Guang and Xing were observing. While they were observing, Huang Quan stood in a place with golden liquid and said to them: "This way."

Pei Guang and Xing came over and looked at Huang Quan's intention. Xing asked curiously: "Are you asking us to walk towards the wall?"

Robin and Huang Quan nodded, while Pei Guang complained at the side: "Look! I just said that the skills and props obtained before the new map will definitely be helpful for our next map exploration. "


Robin and Huang Quan were a little confused about Pei Guang's words because they didn't understand what Pei Guang said, but then the actions of Pei Guang and Xing reminded them that these two people were not ordinary existences even in dreams.

Because Pei Guang went up the wall, he didn't go up the wall through the special mechanism of the dream, but he put his back against the wall and climbed up the wall with his back.

Pei Guang: "I'm on the wall and I feel good! Everything is flat everywhere!"

Xing followed behind Pei Guang and twisted his body back and forth: "Friction, friction~"

Pei Guang: "On the smooth ground, rub~"

Star: "Friction~"

If it were in the game, the back and forth friction between these two people would definitely make them achieve an achievement.

This scene made Robin and Huang Quan cover their heads at the same time. Even in the dream, Robin had the urge to have sex.

Although they had not known each other for long, the two of them had quickly learned how to get along with Pei Guang, which was to ignore him. Just ignore anything that is unreasonable or makes your brain itch. Isn’t it okay if you don’t ignore it? No one in the dream world can do this kind of thing, but these two things did it.

This kind of thing is no longer important, the most important thing now is to send these two things back.

Under the guidance of the two people, Pei Guang and Xing went to the exit. However, on the way to the exit, several combinations in the hall attracted Pei Guang and Xing's attention.

Xing sat on the ground and looked at the memory projection of the Star Core Hunter not far away and said excitedly: "Look, it's the Silver Wolf! The Silver Wolf is following? Is it the Star Core Hunter? Wow~ It's kind of cool~"

The 'mechanical' next to Silver Wolf caught the attention of Pei Guang and Xing. The two swung their butts and came over happily. When they got close, Pei Guang looked at the mecha and stretched out his hand: "Okay! This outfit is quite handsome.”

When Pei Guang was admiring it, he touched the projection with his hand. Pei Guang's hand passed through the projection. Seeing this scene, Pei Guang felt a little regretful. He thought these people could touch it just like the previous furniture, but it turned out to be really pure. projection.

Xing's eyes carefully appraised it and said: "He is very handsome, but not as good as a trash can."

Pei Guang agreed: "Indeed, this kind of thing is too common. On the contrary, our trash can is the only one in the entire game. But if you like it, I will try to see if I can get one for us. Such a cool thing.”

Pei Guang has also played some abstract games, but he is still convinced about things like trash cans. In this world, Pei Guang even feels that the trash can is omnipotent. He will not be surprised if a trash can star appears later.

Of course, facing such an abstract world, Pei Guang can still accept it quickly. He has watched Tom and Jerry, Spongebob Squarepants, and Garden Babies. He has seen even abstract scenes. Crickets and trash cans cannot affect him at all. state of mind.

Hearing Pei Guang saying that he also wanted to get a set, Xing became happy: "Great~ But Ah Guang, I'm suddenly curious about something..."


For some reason, Pei Guang felt that Xing in front of him seemed to be getting perverted, but it was not a big deal, as Pei Guang was not a serious person.

Xing said mysteriously: "Look, that is the memory projection of the robin, right? Do you think the underwear of the robin and the memory projection are the same?"

Robin on the side: "?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know? Let's take a look."

Robin: "???"

Before the robin could speak, the two men ran to the projection of the robin and Sunday like a gust of wind. By the time the robin reacted, it was too late.

Xing bent down and looked over openly, while Pei Guang sat on the ground and found a very good angle to look up.

Xing: "You can't see inside like this, right?" Pei Guang: "What's there to see inside? Isn't it just bitter tea seeds? White legs with bitter tea seeds of various colors? At most you can see three points through the bitter tea seeds? Tsk tsk tsk, I'm still not interested in this kind of thing. Come! Let me teach you how to appreciate beauty!" Pei Guang thinks he is not a good person. Because he is not a good person, if he really wants to see it, he likes to be direct. If he can't be direct, he likes the hazy feeling instead. What players expect the most is what they want but cannot get. In fact, players are not very interested in things that can be seen or obtained directly.

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