Yes, Pei Guang is so gentle now. Maybe in some games and animations, the word "gentleness" appears too much, which makes people feel disgusted, but Pei Guang's gentleness is definitely better than any protagonist in any animation.

In Pei Guang's eyes, it seems to be the most perfect thing in the world. It is Pinoconi's trash can.

Compared with Beloberg's trash can, it is small and cute. It can't hold much, but it carries the garbage in the dream.

If Beloberg's trash can shows you the dignity of the trash can, then Pinoconi's trash can shows the petiteness and cuteness of the trash can. Remember! Never let priests or nuns get close to them. No one knows what abominable things they will do to them, such as forcing very large garbage into the body of this small trash can.

Pei Guang has come to Pinoconi's trash can. Will the trash can dream of black garbage bags? Pei Guang doesn't know, but Pei Guang knows that various weapons, equipment, and materials appear in the trash cans and express boxes in the game. This is common sense for players.

Although the trash can of Pinocchio is small, it is also cute. Facing such a cute trash can, Pei Guang stretched out his hand and gently stroked its body.

In the dream, it has no traces of time. It is as clean as before and feels warm and silky. This touch! This appearance is the most beautiful among the trash cans, but unfortunately, because it is too small, it cannot accommodate the huge trash can.

But even so, when it feels the touch from the pioneer, it also shows the cuteness and cuteness of the trash can.

The interaction between Pei Guang and the trash can is seen by Liuying, and she is shocked in her heart!

Some things sound interesting when you hear them, but when you see them with your own eyes, she only feels her brain trembling. It seems that there are 10,000 alpacas running back and forth in her mind, more like a wild horse running free. Although Pei Guang's previous behavior was very strange, I don't know why, when she saw the trash can and approached it, she felt that the trash can was saying hello to her? It's really weird...


Liu Ying swallowed her saliva. She wanted to say something, but what happened next disrupted her thinking.

When she saw Pei Guang open the trash can, a blue light came out of the trash can.

At this time, Pei Guang looked at the inside of the trash can excitedly. There was a gear and a movie ticket lying quietly in the trash can. Pei Guang picked up the gear and the ticket.

[Emotional Representation: It can be used to make up for people's mood dials and help them find missing emotions]

[Double Movie Ticket: Abandoned double movie ticket. Use this movie ticket to enter the Clark Film and Television Park to watch the movie "Mint Galaxy". The remaining usage time is six system hours. ]

Pei Guang looked at these two things and began to wonder what the use of these two things was. First of all, this emotional representation can actually help people find real emotions? I can only say that it is worthy of being a dream world. This setting is very interesting.

As for the movie ticket...

Pei Guang first thought of March 7, but March 7 was shopping in another dream. He might not be able to come in six system hours? Or maybe a star? But the question is, a star? Pei Guang feels that a star is a very good choice.

According to Pei Guang's analysis, this movie ticket should be a limited-time dungeon exploration qualification. Which player would go to the cinema to watch a movie? Aren't they all going to buy goods?

Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction for the two new things he got. One is a prop that has not yet been used for new functions, and the other is a dungeon opening qualification.

Pei Guang was satisfied. Liuying on the other side saw this scene and came over and whispered: "Is there anything special in this trash can?"

Pei Guang nodded and said, "That's right! But this is not a trash can, it's my treasure chest! Hey? Don't show that expression, how about this, I'll let you open the next trash can, you can't guarantee what you can open."

"No! It looks... so strange~"

"What's so strange~ I tell you, I've also encountered a trash can's guardian."

"Liar, how can a trash can become a guardian~"

"It appeared! Classic plot, no one believes what you say, hey."

Listening to Pei Guang's slight unhappiness Liuying muttered, "I believe it~ I believe it, but it sounds strange that the trash can becomes the guardian..." Pei Guang: "Strange? I don't think it's strange. After all, what the guardian star god does is no different from the trash can. Look~ He is building a wall to surround the universe. The trash can uses the barrel body to surround the garbage. Rounding up, the trash can is equal to the Creper." Liuying: "Pfft~ If the people in the company hear your remarks, they will be very angry." Pei Guang and Liuying chatted while heading to the square where Liuying was going. Time flies, and good times always end. Even if Liuying deliberately slowed down, the two still reached their destination. Looking at the familiar shop, Liuying happily introduced: "Have you heard of this saying? In dreams, hunger is the most precious spice. The shop I took you to has most of Pinocchio's specialties, such as clock pizza, oak cake rolls, alfalfa salad and... the most classic Sulada~"

Liuying happily shared the food of that shop, and while she was sharing, the two had already arrived at this shop.

"Welcome, is there anything you want?"

When Pei Guang and Liu Ying sat down face to face in the store, the waiter came over with a smile and a menu. Liu Ying pushed the menu to Pei Guang and said with a hint of pride: "Just order it! I'll treat you!" Even a budget for each item is enough.”

Liu Ying felt a little proud at this moment. For her, this was the first time she had experienced the feeling of inviting others to dinner. How to describe this feeling? Very happy.

Although Pei Guang had just met, their previous experiences had brought them closer. Although she didn't have much money in the dream, she still hoped to let her new friend taste the food from her favorite store. Food~

Seeing the happy Liu Ying, Pei Guang felt happy all over, but while looking at the menu, Pei Guang also noticed what Liu Ying was staring at. The way she pursed her lips unconsciously showed that she was looking forward to a certain food.

Pei Guang also looked at the menu, but he was stunned when he saw the menu because the food on the menu was too expensive. It's just a pre-dinner snack at Belloberg or Luofu Xianzhou. A portion of it costs three times the price of the main course at Luofu, and the portion looks very small judging from the picture.

But after thinking about it, Pei Guang felt that the price was not outrageous. Eating and drinking in the dreamland was not necessary, but enjoyment. Pinoconi is also a famous tourist attraction in the universe, so it is normal for these things to be expensive.

If a tourist attraction does not rip off customers, then what is a tourist attraction?

Looking at the food on top, Pei Guang nodded: "Oh? You're welcome then~ But..."


Pei Guang sighed: "I'm sorry, I have difficulty choosing, so be it! What do you like best? I can have the exact same one as you."


Pei Guang: "Could it be that..."

Pei Guang said mysteriously: "Could it be that the food you like to eat is very expensive and you don't want to treat me to it?"

"No, no, I...I just..."

Liu Ying shook her head vigorously. Just as she was about to explain, Pei Guang interrupted her explanation: "Since it's not the case, then just be exactly the same as you. You don't know, for people like us who have difficulty in making choices, , how difficult it is to choose something. The most important thing about eating together is not to eat the most expensive thing, but to eat something that each other thinks is delicious.”

Pei Guang did not deceive Liu Ying. He did have difficulty in choosing. Usually when he had to do multiple-choice questions, he most wanted to want them all.

Pei Guang could also see that Liu Ying's financial situation was indeed not very good. She kept looking at the menu and hesitating about something, and then recalled what Liu Ying said before: "One portion of everything is enough for the budget~" From this sentence, In just one sentence, you can probably tell that the financial situation of the girl in front of you is not very good.

If it were a normal game, Pei Guang said he wanted to collect all the plots and see if the girl would show aggrieved expression.

But in real experience... Pei Guang prefers to see the happy expressions of others, especially the happy faces of beautiful girls. Pei Guang likes it the most. Instead of guessing by yourself, it is better to let Liuying make the choice and let yourself try it out to see what this girl's vision is.

Liu Ying looked at Pei Guang with some embarrassment: "Really? My favorite is the oak cake roll in this store. I eat one every day~ This cake is so delicious~"

Pei Guang: "One every day? Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Liu Ying: "This is a dream world. You won't get fat no matter how much you eat. It's just that I don't have much money, so I can only eat one thing a day..."

Liu Ying's tone was a little cheerful. This was the first cake she had eaten, and it was also her favorite.

While Liu Ying was happily introducing her favorite things, she suddenly thought of one thing. There was only one cake roll... Wouldn't it be too stingy?

Thinking of this, her expression changed. Originally, she was a little worried about whether her budget was enough. If it was the same as usual, one portion for each person would definitely be enough.

But when it came to ordering food, Liuying hesitated. Wouldn't it look too stingy if he only ordered his own? After all, I usually order the cheapest oak cake roll...

While she was thinking, Pei Guang nodded and said, "Okay! Then let me taste how you like it~ But the cake must be paired with a cup of coffee, right?"

Liu Ying: "Huh? But there's no coffee here..."

Pei Guang took out two cups of coffee: "I don't have it here, I have it~ Since you treat me to cake rolls, I'll treat you to coffee~ Trust me, I guarantee you will fall in love with this taste."

This is the coffee that Pei Guang pours every day, but the characteristic of this coffee is that the last sip in the cup will accumulate a certain amount in a certain period of time before he will fall asleep.

What Pei Guang took out was enough for one drink, but not enough to make people fall asleep.

After using coffee for so long, Pei Guang has become very good at it. Pei Guang likes this coffee that he can knock down his enemies and enjoy himself.

The oak cake roll was served quickly. The moment she saw the oak cake roll, Liu Ying's eyes lit up.

"You should eat too, this cake roll is delicious~"

Pei Guang nodded and imitated Liu Ying in tasting the cake. The moment the cake entered his mouth, Pei Guang tasted it carefully.

"Hmm~ It deserves to be called oak cake roll, it perfectly restores the flavor and texture of wood."

High emotional intelligence, restoring the flavor and taste of wood.

Low emotional intelligence, just like wood.

At this moment, Pei Guang stared at Liu Ying. He couldn't understand why Liu Ying liked such unpalatable food. The taste of this cake can be said to be exactly the same as that of a tree. Eating this cake is not even as good as taking a bite of white sugar.

But looking at Liu Ying happily sipping her food, Pei Guang didn't feel like it was fake.

At this moment, Pei Guang's brain was running wildly, and he began to use his existing experience to analyze the situation at the scene.

Liu Ying's situation is not difficult to analyze. Either she deliberately led Pei Guang to eat such a terrible cake roll, pretending to be delicious, just to tease him.

In the second case, she really thinks this cake roll is delicious. The person who can have this taste is either because her body is different from ordinary people, or she has never tasted any cake. In this case, she is Really sharing my favorite things.

Pei Guang also thought of some other possibilities, but no matter which possibility, Pei Guang wanted the subsequent events to develop as he expected.

If you want to live up to your expectations, you need to search for more resources on the map as the plot advances. Sufficient resources and adequate preparations can ensure that all the plots in the following plots develop in the direction you like.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang became much more serious.

Liuying didn't know what Pei Guang was thinking. Seeing Pei Guang's serious expression, she became a little nervous: "That...isn't it enough?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No! That's enough. By the way, how does the coffee feel?"

Liu Ying took a sip of coffee and praised happily: "It's delicious, this is the taste of coffee..."

Liu Ying was a little immersed in the bitter yet mellow taste of coffee, especially the cake rolls paired with coffee. The combination of the two gave her a different experience.

But Liuying soon realized something was wrong. He was clearly inviting the other person to dinner, but he ended up enjoying it himself?

Liu Ying felt embarrassed at this moment. In order to relieve her embarrassment, she looked at Pei Guang and asked: "Well... is there anywhere you want to go next? Or should I take you around?"

Pei Guang: "Don't tell me, I really want to go somewhere. Do you know how to get to Croaker Film and Television Park? There was a ticket for that film and television park in the trash can just now. I'm going to go in and see what's inside~ "

Liu Ying: "Is it a film and television park? No problem~"

Today I ate my favorite cake rolls, drank coffee I had never tasted before, saw things I had never seen before, and experienced things I had never experienced before. Liu Ying is very happy now. At the same time, she also wanted to thank Pei Guang. If it weren't for Pei Guang, she would at least not be able to drink such delicious coffee.

As for Pei Guang's strange behaviors, just be weird! In this dream world, most people are strange. They can experience things in dreams that they cannot experience in reality, laugh loudly, and share their favorite food. She feels that these are enough.

She was already very happy, and because she was happy, she couldn't forget Pei Guang who brought her this moment of joy.

But obviously, the road to the film and television park was not so smooth, because when the two people walked out, they found that there were many members of the hound family on the street.

The two who have become four-star good citizens still need to work hard to get through the blockade of the hounds.

Chapter 358: Taking Liu Ying to racing and discovering an abnormal Sunday

Pei Guang and Liu Ying spent some time eating and drinking. During this time, a large number of people from the hound family came to the dreamland of the golden hour to look for Pei Guang and Liu Ying, the two unforgivable stowaways.

But the problem was not big. Pei Guang looked at this group of people very calmly. As we all know, when a player is wanted, as long as he does not walk in front of the patrol, they will never find him.

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, as long as the two of us stay a little further away from these people, they won't be able to see us~"

Liu Ying: "Okay, let's go to the film and television city~"

To be serious, Liu Ying still had some small expectations in her heart. She vaguely guessed that Pei Guang took her to the studio to... watch a movie? It is also her dream to go to the studio to watch movies with her friends, and this is indeed a world of beautiful dreams, and this dream is about to come true.

As for what she wanted to do...she didn't forget what she wanted to do, but there was still time. Before the agreed time, she wanted to experience this thing in her dream that she could never experience in reality, even if it was only for one day. Or...just these few hours.

Pei Guang and Liu Ying set off~

Pei Guang's plan was perfect. According to the normal process, he and Liu Ying could bypass the blockade of these people and get to where they wanted to go with a little more caution.

joke? wanted? For players, being wanted is a common occurrence. The difference is that the plot setting is dead or alive. Now in this completely open situation, even Pei Guang feels afraid of himself.

But if there is no accident, the accident happened.

Just when Pei Guang and Liu Ying were preparing to go to the film and television city, Xing ran left and right relying on the mini map and found Pei Guang.


Across the street, Xing saw Pei Guangbing waving his hands excitedly.

Hearing this shout, Pei Guang turned his head subconsciously. The moment he saw Xing, Pei Guang also waved happily: "Yes~"

At this time, Xing noticed that there was a cute girl beside Pei Guang? At this moment, her eyes widened: "Aguang! You are hooking up with girls again!!!"

Liu Ying looked at Pei Guang with a complicated expression: "Again..."

But before Pei Guang could say anything, the three of them felt that something was wrong with the surrounding situation at the same time, because just when Pei Guang shouted that voice, all the members of the surrounding hound family turned to look at Pei Guang.

In the game, this voice successfully caused red exclamation marks to appear on the heads of all enemies in an area.

Doesn't this voice sound exactly like a wanted criminal? Turning around, I saw that these two gangs of good guys were still so interesting in crossing the road together? Are you treating them as part of your fun? ? ?

Pei Guang shouted: "You exposed us!!!"

Xing shouted in confusion: "What was exposed?"

Pei Guang shouted a reminder: "We are lurking to avoid their search, and your voice has exposed us."

Xing shouted louder: "Sorry! Let me keep my voice down!"

Pei Guang and Xing shouted across the street, while the members of the Hound family watching this scene had twitching expressions on their faces.

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