"What happened?"

Sunday investigated the specific situation, but when he saw that Pei Guang was designated as a stowaway, he became even more confused.

Pei Guang is a stowaway? He remembered correctly that he helped Pei Guang and Xing get the qualifications to move in. How could they become stowaways? Which masked fool is trying to get in the way of Pinoconi's fun?

Sunday took a deep breath. He was extremely prepared but failed to guard against these masked fools! He wanted to contact the people in the hound family urgently, but when he was about to contact him, he suddenly found that the message could not be conveyed.


Sunday suddenly discovered that in addition to the Masked Fool, there seemed to be people with memories who were also causing trouble. Although Pei Guang is a bit special, so special that even his own sister treats him differently.

But he couldn't understand why the Rememberer wanted to get involved... Is there any memory in Pei Guang that would allow the Rememberer to help the Masked Fool to play with it?

Chapter 359 Banana Peel and the Fool

On the streets, drag racing continues.

Liu Ying stood on her seat with her arms open, feeling the feeling of this real dream.

But the wonderful time eventually came to an end. When she was enjoying this rare happiness, the sound of hot weapon attacks interrupted her enjoyment.

Following the sound, I saw that the pursuers from behind had already begun to use weapons.

Liuying hurriedly sat back in her seat: "They used weapons, what should I do?"

Pei Guang: "Huh? With weapons? Item competition? It's not a big problem, I specialize in item competition! But I can't spare any time now, so I leave these to you!"

As a qualified player, Pei Guang is not only good at racing racing games, but also at prop racing games.

While talking, Pei Guang placed a large amount of food and props from the boss between himself and Liu Ying, such as bananas, watermelons and other fruits.

Looking at the things Pei Guang made, Liu Ying's eyes widened. Although she had never eaten these, she could tell that these should be food?

Liu Ying picked up a handful of bananas and asked curiously: "Can this... stop them?"

Pei Guang: "Of course. Once you eat the banana and throw away the peel, you will know how awesome the banana is! Do you know? I once played a props competition and threw bananas all the way~"

Liu Ying: "Then what?"

Pei Guang, who was driving, fell into memories at this moment: "It was a lap race. I was the first for two laps, but in the last lap, I stepped on the banana peels I threw twice in a row, and then I was hit by missiles three times. , and then I lost."

At this moment, Pei Guang's face was filled with vicissitudes of life.

Liu Ying: "That's it... Then how do you eat this?"

Liu Ying picked up a large handful of bananas. She felt the banana peel, but it didn't feel like it was edible.

Pei Guang: "Have you seen the black tip? Just start from there and eat the soft pulp inside."

Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, Liu Ying subconsciously looked at the banana in his hand, broke off one and peeled off the skin as Pei Guang said.

She carefully took a bite of the banana. When the banana entered her mouth, she narrowed her eyes in happiness.

"Woooooooooo~ delicious~"

Because the car was now open, the people following behind saw Liu Ying eating on the spot. At this moment, these people were very angry.

Can you give me some face? Are you being hunted? How can you still eat so arrogantly when being hunted?

At this moment, the angry hounds took out their long-range weapons and opened fire on Pei Guang.

However, the blow did not hit the car. Instead, it missed Pei Guang's car and flew out.

Seeing this scene, Pei Guang hurriedly reminded: "Now is not the time to taste it. Throw it away! Throw it away! Remember, throw away the skin and not the pulp. The pulp can still be eaten."

"Huh? Oh!!!"

Liu Ying shoveled all the pulp into her mouth, then aimed the banana peel at the chasing car and threw it out.

The thrown banana peel felt the call from the vehicle at this moment. Although the cars chasing Pei Guang were all floating, who said that floating cars couldn't step on banana peels?

The moment one of the cars passed by the banana peel, the car began to spin. The driver and his companions were confused. This was a dream. Can a car in a dream slip?

But the fact was happening before their eyes, and they had no choice but to believe it.

Liu Ying became excited when she saw the car skidding and flying away: "Really?"

Pei Guang: "That's right! This is a classic prop in the prop competition. It is effective not only on cars, but also on people. It has no skid resistance and is forced to skid! Come on! Enough with bananas and watermelons! Let's leave it to the enemy to deal with it. is you."

Liu Ying: "No problem! Leave it to me. I won't get tired of such delicious food no matter how much I eat. What's more... I can't get enough in my dreams!"

Liuying happily took the fruit and ate it. It was the first time for her to eat these fruits, but after eating them in her mouth, she couldn't help but be immersed in the beautiful taste.

Now a banana peel, now a watermelon peel, the two kinds of fruit peels are mixed, and the car chasing behind has become a mess.

Even in the dream world, she had never experienced the feeling of eating with open mouth, but this time, she could actually eat with open mouth? And they're all so delicious.

She couldn't describe the taste and texture of fruit because she had never eaten it, not even normal food.

She could only say the adjectives "delicious, delicious", but it didn't matter, as long as it was delicious, that was enough.

Liuying threw the bananas while eating, and the cars chasing behind them suffered. One after another, they skidded and flew out. Some crashed directly into the wall, while others knocked the cars behind them away.

Liuying never stopped smiling while eating and watching this scene, but she suddenly thought of something while eating.

She turned and looked at Pei Guang who was racing, then looked down at the various fruits in her arms. After hesitating for a moment, she carefully opened a banana,

"Would you like one?"

Hearing Liuying's words, Pei Guang smiled and said, "I don't have hands~ I have to pay attention to the road conditions~ You know, you can never leave your hands on the keyboard in a racing game."

When playing a racing game, you can be distracted and not look at the road, but you can never leave your hands on the keyboard. Although you can play with one hand, Pei Guang is not a one-handed party. He prefers to use one hand to take care of one game.

Liuying: "Well... so you want to eat it too?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, I do~ Delicious things are only delicious when eaten together~"

"Then I'll feed you~"

Before Pei Guang could react, Liuying grabbed the banana and poked the peeled banana into Pei Guang's mouth.


Pei Guang was stunned by the sudden poking. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Liuying. Liuying's face was slightly red as she explained: "I ate a lot and I'm a little full. Do you want one too?"

Looking at Liuying's pure eyes, Pei Guang suppressed his desire to race. At this time, Pei Guang wanted to complain but didn't know how to complain. He really didn't expect that one day he would be poked into the mouth by a beautiful girl he just met.

As for what's wrong with such behavior? Because Pei Guang has seen many car articles posted on serious platforms, they all use this kind of descriptive words to circumvent review. Although he doesn't need to circumvent review, no one will care even if he really does something, but thinking about being poked in the mouth by a beautiful girl with a banana still has a subtle feeling.

However, Pei Guang ate all the bananas in a few bites, but his expression was a little melancholy.

Liuying: "Is there anything wrong with this... fruit?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No problem, I hope you will never know what I think in this life."

Looking at the very pure girl in front of him, Pei Guang decided to suppress these vulgar jokes that were born to circumvent the review in his heart, and just complain about himself, and forget about the others.

Liuying blinked, not understanding what he meant, but her intuition told her that Pei Guang definitely had something bad in his head.

"Okay, don't look at it, we can go to the film and television city soon."

Pei Guang glanced at the small map. At this time, they were very far away from the film and television city. At the same time, the pain along the way can be said to have led everyone to the border.

Liuying: "How to go back? The enemies behind us... are getting more and more."

Liuying looked behind her. Although she solved many pursuers by throwing banana peels and watermelon peels, they were also catching up quickly in the dream world.

When the car they were driving was about to reach the border, a spaceship appeared in the sky. After so many years of dream construction, no one had forced the Hound Family to use a spaceship to capture people. Pei Guang and Liuying were the first pair.

Liuying was still playing happily. Although there were more and more enemies chasing her, her accuracy was very good.

She took a banana in one bite and a piece of watermelon in two bites. She aimed at the enemy and threw it. The car she stepped on started to slide directly, regardless of whether it was floating in the air. The aircraft she hit was also spinning in the air unscientifically.

Eating and playing at the same time, for Liuying, this was really a feeling that could only be experienced in dreams.

While she was having fun, Pei Guang took a look at their position. After feeling that the position was about the same, Pei Guang looked at Liuying.

"Now, we are out of their pursuit~"

"Is it over?"

Liu Ying's tone was a little regretful, but soon she looked at Pei Guang with more expectation: "Next, what should I do?"

Pei Guang: "Next? Hold me, I'll take you away~"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Liu Ying reached out to grab Pei Guang's clothes, but just when her hand was about to touch Pei Guang, their car was attacked by the people behind because of Pei Guang's distraction.

This attack directly made Liu Ying in the car stagger, and she put her hand on the back of Pei Guang's hand.


Liu Ying was stunned at this moment, she subconsciously wanted to retract her hand, but Pei Guang didn't care where Liu Ying grabbed it, and after confirming that he and Liu Ying had touched each other, he teleported back to the film and television city.

Pei Guang and Liu Ying disappeared instantly, and the hounds were dumbfounded when they saw the two people who suddenly disappeared. Did they exit the dream world or escape by special means? The hounds were confused.

On the street of the film and television city, Liuying stared at the surrounding environment with wide eyes. The sudden scene change made her heart nervous for a moment, and because of the nervousness, her hand could not help but exert some force.

But with this force, the hand that was originally on the back of Pei Guang's hand suddenly became holding Pei Guang's hand.

Liuying stared at Pei Guang with wide eyes. Feeling Liuying's gaze, Pei Guang looked down and explained: "Do you want to touch something else?"

Liuying quickly let go of her hand and looked at Pei Guang embarrassedly: "That... I'm sorry..."

Pei Guang: "It's okay, I forgive you, remember to tell me next time you want to touch me, don't be sneaky, like you, a beautiful girl, I am very happy to let you touch me."

Looking at Pei Guang's righteous words, Liuying always felt that something was wrong.

Pei Guang didn't give Liu Ying a chance to feel something was wrong. He took the lead directly to the film and television city: "Let's go~ Let's enter the film and television city. I don't have much time left on this ticket~"

Liu Ying nodded and followed Pei Guang, but because of her previous experience, Liu Ying subconsciously looked at Pei Guang's right hand.

Looking at Pei Guang's right hand, Liu Ying couldn't help but think of a lot in her heart.

"Is this what a handshake feels like?"

"Do you think I'm very..."

"What am I thinking???"

The more Liuying thought about it, the more she felt like she was going to be broken. Compared to Liu Ying, who was thinking wildly in his heart, Pei Guang discovered something was wrong as he moved forward. There were temporarily marked enemies on the mini-map? Or did it appear suddenly?

This made Pei Guang interested.

While she was thinking wildly, Pei Guang and Liu Ying had arrived at the entrance of the film and television city.

After the ticket inspector checked Pei Guang's two-person ticket, he glanced at Pei Guang and Liu Ying warily.

"I wish you two guests a happy time, but as a friendly reminder, there are surveillance cameras all over the studio. Please do not do inappropriate things in the studio. We will not be held responsible for any privacy leaks caused by your own actions.

Hearing the ticket inspector's reminder, Pei Guang felt a little emotional. In reality, there are people who are causing trouble in the cinema. But in the dream world, there are still people who are causing trouble?

However, when the two of them walked into the film and television city, Liu Ying suddenly discovered something. Just when she was hesitating whether to tell Pei Guang, Pei Guang spoke first.

"We are being targeted~"

Liuying: "Did you find out?"

Pei Guang, who was next to Liu Ying, nodded and said, "I have temporarily marked all the enemies we encountered along the way. When we got here, there was no one around, but just now, a person suddenly appeared outside the film and television city. , and always keep the same distance from us.

Liuying: "Then...what should we do?"

Pei Guang: "Simple! No matter who he is, if he is marked by me, he is an enemy, haha! We have all entered the new dungeon and he still bothers us tirelessly. We must let him see how powerful we are."

Pei Guang started to make preparations. He didn't know who was coming, but no matter who it was, since he was chasing him here, he could only catch him to prevent him from hindering his actions.

He took out a white plastic chair and put it on the ground. Then he took out a banana and started eating the banana and throwing the peels.

Seeing Pei Guang's actions, Liu Ying, who was already very skilled, also helped to remove the banana pulp and threw the banana peels on the ground.

But looking at this scene, Liu Ying asked with some confusion: "Does this have any effect? ​​Do you want people to step on the banana peel and throw it on the way to sit on this chair?"

Looking at Pei Guang's preparation, Liuying gave her own thoughts, and Pei Guang nodded: "You guessed it right, don't worry! The person who comes will not be able to stand the temptation of this chair. She will want to get on the chair, But before he gets on the chair, he will be taught how to be a man by a banana peel.”

Originally, Pei Guang wanted to use a classic coffee set, but he saw Liu Ying throwing banana peels very interestingly before, so he planned to make a simple trap using banana peels and a powerful chair that made him want to sit on it.

Although this trap is simple, it is full of characteristics. Pei Guang feels that non-boss units should not be able to avoid the trap he has set.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he escapes, he has a backup plan. But before using the alternative plan, he was going to try this first. He was curious whether the person following him would step on a banana peel and fall down.

At the same time, not far from Pei Guang, a girl named Hanabi came over disguised as Sambo.

Hua Huo has been following Pei Guang and Liu Ying. When the two returned here through teleportation, she also used her own method to return here instantly and followed Pei Guang.

Seeing Pei Guang and Liu Ying entering the film and television city, she also disguised herself as Sang Bo and prepared to have a chance encounter with Pei Guang.

Because she had been away from home, she did not see the live broadcast in the tavern today, so she got a lot of information from Sambo. Although Sambo seems a bit frivolous, he is actually very reliable.

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