But the problem is that this watermelon bar is the special effect of Xing's weapon, and the main body is a stick. They can't grab Xing's stick and play with her stick, right?

Pei Guang and Liu Ying suppressed the idea of ​​​​doing it themselves, while Xing Ze looked at the bat in his hand and kissed it fondly: "Okay! I like this special effect, woo woo woo! It's finally my turn to have a decent special effect. "

At this moment, not only Pei Guang and Liu Ying were silent, but the Yi Zhe and other beings who were watching the excitement here were also silent.

Indeed, being attacked by this thing will either cause you to lose your mind or directly enter a violent state.

Compared to everyone's silence, Xing was really happy. Ever since Dan Heng got the cute pink rabbit, she had been looking forward to having special effects on the same level as Dan Heng.

This stick of mine follows me from beginning to end, so it’s worth it to add interesting special effects.

Unexpectedly, she actually got it today, and she got it thanks to Pei Guang. If Pei Guang hadn't caught such a lucky star, she might have to make do with ordinary fireworks special effects now.

At this moment, Xing really fell in love with Pei Guang.

Xing, who had the good stuff, pounced on Pei Guang. She hugged Pei Guang like a koala and rubbed her head hard: "Ah Guang! Oh my God, Ah Guang~ You are so good! I feel like I am now Full of motivation!”

As he spoke, Xing took out his bat and started swinging it, while Pei Guang yelled: "Get down! Get down here and don't get close to me with your bat."

Xing hugged harder, let go? How could it be possible to let go! This is my own treasure house, and I won’t let it go even when March 7 comes. Besides, March 7th is currently shopping and won’t be able to come.

At this moment Xing showed a proud smile, but soon she noticed Liuying who was watching silently not far away: "Hey? What's the name of that one over there?"

Pei Guang introduced: "Liu Ying!"

Xing: "Oh! Liu Ying, come here quickly! While A Guang is doing well now, let's suck in A Guang's luck together."

Liu Ying: "Is it useful?"

Xing nodded: "Of course it works! Those who have come into contact with A Guang are very lucky~ Any difficulties they encounter can be solved with A Guang's presence, and any danger they encounter can be turned into good fortune. This is the invincible A Guang!" "I don't know why, but Xing felt a familiar feeling when he saw Liu Ying. In addition, the other person looked very good-looking, and Xing's lust aroused, so he called Liu Ying up to suck Pei Guang's luck.

Liuying was a little hesitant, but looking at Xing's appearance, she took a deep breath and walked to Pei Guang's side and leaned against him.

"I'll take a breath too~" Liu Ying was a little moved by Xing's words. At this moment, she just wanted to take advantage of Pei Guang's good luck and had no other thoughts at all.

Looking at the two people in front and behind, Pei Guang was speechless. Are these two succubi? Still sucking from here. Also, is it necessary for me, a normal person who always loses every time I gamble, not to gamble, to suck my luck?

But seeing them happy, Pei Guang didn't disturb their happiness. However, Pei Guang still emphasized one point: "Forget about sucking my luck. Don't poison your milk and I will be invincible. Remember?"

Xing: "Remember! The invincible A Guang!"

Liu Ying: "Remember! The invincible A Guang!"

Pei Guang rolled his eyes. Liu Ying was clearly a serious girl, but he was led astray by her just after he had known Xing. He was really heartbroken.

The three of them were playing around here, and Hanabi, who was lying on the ground, had a dream, a terrifying dream.

In her dream, she was sleeping with the purple preserved egg. As she slept, she suddenly heard a very mean voice in her ears.

"Who in the family understands?"

"I'm really speechless."

"The masked fool who has no fun."

"The girl with leftover fabric."

"I don't look like who I am pretending to be."

Various sounds lingered in her ears. She had been sleeping so comfortably, but she finally couldn't bear the ridicule and opened her eyes suddenly.


At this time, Hanabi saw the black sky in the dream world. Her whole body seemed to have been soaked in water, and her clothes were wet. She was sweating so much that her clothes were wet in the dream even though she was in a dream.

However, when she got up, she saw a scene that made her silent. Not far away, Xing was holding a watermelon stick and hugging Pei Guang. The watermelon stick in Xing's hand had a pair of eyes and a mouth, looking at him with eyes that she wanted to poke. she.

Looking at the cucumber strips, she thought: "My family, who understands this? It really makes me speechless." These strange voices came to her mind.

Hanabi already wanted to poke out the eyes, sew the mouth shut, throw the watermelon strips to the ground and stomp on them.

Pei Guang and Xing both noticed Hanabi waking up in anger. Staring at Hanabi waking up, Xing took out a cup of coffee and said, "Hey! I was so happy after touching the body that I pushed the pacifier back."


Hanabi subconsciously looked to her side. She saw a trash can not far away. There was a bottle next to the trash can, and the bottle was not connected to a needle but a pacifier.

At this moment, Hanabi's expression twitched slightly. She had always been playing tricks on others. She never expected that she would be played by others today.

It's not the most uncomfortable thing to be played with. The most uncomfortable thing is that you don't have the ability to fight back against Pei Guang? How does this work? If other Masked Fools knew about this, the joke would last for dozens of Amber Ages.

While she was thinking, Pei Guang and Xing both took action. Looking at the two people taking action, her pupils shrank.

Chapter 362: Hanabi: "I'll show you something for adults."

Hanabi clearly saw the three people who were still going crazy, and suddenly their eyes were focused on herself.

Xing walked over with his own bat and a confused smile on his face, while Pei Guang held a cup of coffee in his hand that made people tremble just by looking at it, and said scary words in his mouth.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, come on! Drink this, you will experience unprecedented happiness after drinking it!"

Xing stood by and waved the bat: "Coffee or bat, you have no choice."

Unprecedented happiness? I'm afraid I'm really cold after drinking it. There’s more! Why choose between coffee and baseball bats? Could she choose nothing?

As for Liu Ying? Although she didn't say anything, she had a wonderful feeling standing next to Pei Guang. This wonderful feeling made her put her hands on her hips proudly.

Three people versus one person, Pei Guang was not so proud that he thought it was a sure win. For Pei Guang, who truly experienced the world, a group of people could be a little indulgent, but when facing an enemy, they had to be fully vigilant.

At the same time, looking at the surrounding scene, Pei Guang felt that what he had carved into his DNA moved.

"Auntie, press it"

When Hua Huo was silent, an exciting BGM sounded in the air. It turned out that Pei Guang couldn't help but take out the stereo after seeing the strange scene.

At this time, Pei Guang's body was turned sideways towards Hanabi, his clenched fists were placed on his waist, his legs were crossed and he looked up at Hanabi with a slightly majestic look.

The stereo played the familiar BGM played by the aunt. Although Liu Ying has not been baptized by this BMG, Xing has experienced it!

That was the lower area of ​​Beloberg. At that time, she, Pei Guang and March 7 were standing on the gate of the lower area. At that time, this BGM was still playing.

It's just that March 7 was replaced by Liu Ying, and the boss Shiwaro became Hanabi. But it's not a big problem, as long as the core of the team, Pei Guang, is here.

Compared with before, Xing Xing has grown a lot now. She looked at the bat in her hand and had an idea in her head.

In an instant, she began to hit wildly with her bat. As she continued to hit, Hanabi could clearly hear the taunts coming from Watermelon Tiao.

"Who in the family understands?"

"I'm speechless."

"Put aside the facts!"

The constant sounds made her eyes widen and even became a little bloodshot. She found the familiar taunting voice in her dream. At this moment, she wanted to eat the stars alive.

But Xing looked at her with a disdainful smile, as if provoking her.

Compared to these two, Liuying was much more honest. Looking at this scene, she didn't know what to do. This was her first time experiencing such a scene.

Liuying: "Well...what should I do?"

Pei Guang: "Do whatever you want to do?"

Liuying: "What I want to do..."

Liuying took a deep breath. She was always a little embarrassed, but seeing Pei Guang and Xing acting like this, she followed suit.

Her body was half crouched, and her right arm was put forward to make a gesture of accumulating energy. With this move, no one was surprised that Yingying jumped up and kicked her.

Seeing this action, Pei Guang's eyes lit up: "Okay? He looks very handsome. If you can wear a suit of armor and do this action, it will be perfect."

Xing nodded: "That's right!"

Compared to the trio who were bragging about each other, Hanabi in front of her was dumbfounded. She was considered a maverick among the Masked Fools, but when she saw Pei Guang, she always felt that sometimes what she did was... Too conservative.

Hanabi took a deep breath in front of the trio, who was holding her aunt down and posing possibly to start a fight with him at any time.

"My dear, I am not your enemy~"

Pei Guang: "I don't believe it! Why would you be marked as an enemy by me if you are not my enemy? You even pretended to be Sambo to get close to us? Let me tell you, you actually took advantage of our friendship with Sambo and tried to use his identity to get closer. We, pretending to be close to us, are still enemies, so we can only..."

Star: "Enemies, fight!"

Pei Guang: "Yes! Enemy, fight."

Liu Ying: "The enemy... fight?"

Seeing that the three people in front of him were about to start a fight, Hanabi raised her hands directly: "Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, I'm not fighting with you. I'm pretending to be Sambo~ to invite you to experience some content that only adults can experience~ but you don't know it. Hey, he can only pretend to be someone you are familiar with. As for Sambo, he is not only your friend, but also my friend."

A smile appeared on Hanabi's face, but Pei Guang's words made her expression freeze.

Pei Guang: "You are not Sangbo's friend. If you were, Sangbo would definitely say that I am responsive to all requests. Since you want to invite me to experience something, why do you pretend to come to me directly? The fact that you are pretending proves that you have something evil in your heart. If there is a ghost, if there is a ghost in your heart, you are the enemy, the enemy, fight!”

Hua Hui hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, you said I have a ghost in my heart? No, the person next to you is the one who really has a ghost in my heart~"

This sentence made Liu Ying, who was originally happy, feel nervous for a moment. Her meeting with Pei Guang was really unexpected, but the deeper contact with Pei Guang did make her have some... other thoughts.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "You actually have something in your heart! Xing, I treat you badly, and you treat me like this! Tell me, how many treasure chests did you secretly open by yourself? There are so many good things out there, but if you don’t tell the truth today, you won’t get any good results.”

Hoshi glared at Hanabi: "How do you know there's something wrong with me?"

Hanabi: "Huh?"

Xing then turned to look at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang! We can't keep this person, she can read minds. Hey, you are so good to me, how can I hide good things secretly? I have opened it three times in this dream world. Eleven treasure chests, all of them are rubbish! You are the only one who shipped them to me!”

Pei Guang: "? Okay! I'm just saying, how come I've been shopping here for so long and I met someone who is really good at shipping? I even cut it off with you. Tell me! Are you really opening thirty-one? Fake thirty-one?"

Xing: "It doesn't matter, we need to beat that guy up first!"

Pei Guang: "Don't change the subject! You actually stole my thirty-one treasure chests?"

Xing took out the chair from the food stall and put it in the middle: "What do you call yours? That's mine! The treasure chest belongs to those who are capable."

Pei Guang took out his weapon and looked at Xing: "Xing! Your days of opening my treasure chest everywhere are over."

A big question popped up in Hanabi's head. She was obviously talking about Liuying. Why did Pei Guang look at Xing? Forget about looking at Xiang Xing, why would she admit it?

So smooth, so natural, not like acting at all?

Just when she was wondering, she saw Xing take out a chair. The white plastic chair seemed to be the most perfect thing in the universe, tempting her.

At this moment, hearts appeared in Hanabi's eyes, and she wanted to continue trying to warm the cold plastic chair with her little butt.

How perfect and attractive it is, how could there be such a perfect chair in this world?

She took five steps forward, and just when she was about to approach the chair, she suddenly realized something was wrong! I was caught after being attracted to this chair before. There is something wrong with this chair!

She came back to her senses, but when she came back to her senses, she saw a scene that made her suffocate.

On her left, Xing, who was arguing with Pei Guang, was looking at her head with a watermelon stick smiling at her, and on her right, Pei Guang was holding a mediocre cup of coffee.

And above her head, a holy light shone on her body. Before this holy light took effect, she felt like she couldn't control her body.

Her left hand was destroyed, and her right hand was nothing. Being happy, she wanted to overturn the table, but she believed that if she wanted to overturn the table, the price would be something she couldn't afford.

The watermelon stick on the left, just recalling the disgusting words before, she didn't want to be hit by this thing again.

The coffee on the right, she didn't know whether it was the coffee that made her whole body suffer after drinking it or the coffee that made her sleep peacefully after drinking it. This is like farting when you have diarrhea. No one dares to bet whether it is a fart or something else.

Finally, the holy light above her head was what she found most troublesome. She didn't dare to bet on whether she would be embarrassed and thrown into the entire universe after this was activated. ,

The Masked Fool likes to have fun, and she is a more extreme existence among the Masked Fools, but because of this, she understands what can and cannot be provoked. At least she couldn't dance in front of the Lord of Extinction, feed him garbage and beat him up at the same time and capture him as an energy source.

This process is indeed quite enjoyable, but if you put it on yourself, there is only...

Hanabi definitely didn't want to go through this, so she hurriedly spoke: "Wait a minute! I'm not an enemy, I really am not an enemy~ Wuwuwu, I just want to remind you two~ I don't mean any harm. Let's do it~ I'll lead you How about you go to the most fun place in the dreamland and experience some fun things that only adults can experience~ If it’s not fun, you can do whatever you want with me~”

The two people who were about to take action suddenly stopped.

Xing turned to look at Pei Guang: "She said she wanted us to watch some adult content."

Pei Guang took a deep breath: "Adult content? How adult?"

Hanabi said mischievously: "Be more adult, how adult you are, it will definitely open your eyes~"

At this moment, Pei Guang and Xing Zui had perverted smiles on their faces. Xing then imagined extremely adult content, such as ordering a fried rice in a bar.

The content Pei Guang thought about was more adult, such as scenes of battles between various mechas, Gundams, and monsters, with arms and legs flying all over the place, and tomato juice spreading all over the universe.

Although the two of them were not thinking about the same thing, they both gasped at the thought of such adult content.

At this time, both Pei Guang and Xing put away the things in their hands, and Pei Guang looked at Hanabi in front of him with a serious face: "Ahem! We are not interested in so-called adult content, but looking at your sincerity, then Let’s go and see it with you!”

Liuying: "Ah? Are you going to let her go now?"

Pei Guang: "Since she is so sincere, it's natural to go take a look. Do you know? There is a very good thing about Masked Fool. These guys don't tell the truth, and some even do whatever it takes for fun, but they don't bother to lie. Yes. If they say there is adult content, it must be adult content.”

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