Games come to all worlds

Chapter 143 Dark history exposed

By mid-drinking, everyone's interest was fully aroused.

When the educated people got drunk, they were reciting poems, singing and dancing. The fifteen-year-old Cao Zhi was standing among the ministers, showing off his literary talent, which attracted a lot of applause.

When people with force are drunk, they all compete in strength, especially when the three parties gather together, no one wants to lose face.

Arm wrestling was no longer enough to suppress the lively atmosphere. As the song ended, Xiahou Dun walked out with a blushing face, cupped his hands and said:

"Prime Minister! I have watched a lot of dance music. I am very happy today. Can you let me show off my skills and help your majesty!"

"Of course you can."

When Cao Cao agreed, the two people around him didn't object. They must have known that these generals were dissatisfied with each other, and if they got drunk and got drunk, they would definitely have a fight.

Rather than letting them fight in private, it is better to put it on the table and it will not easily hurt the harmony.

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Cao Cao agreed, and the two lords acquiesced, and all the generals became excited and stood up to prepare for the battle.

However, Guan Yu Lingtong and others did not get up, but continued to drink.

Seeing this, Xiahou Dun walked up to Guan Yu with his hands raised. Thinking of the Battle of Hanzhong, he turned to Zhang Fei next to him and said solemnly:

"Please enlighten me!"

Zhang Fei was overjoyed and just as he was about to stand up, Guan Yu raised his hand to stop him and said, "Meng Qi, you can practice with General Xiahou."

Although Zhang Fei went to the game house very late, he was not a presence that Xiahou Dun could resist. He could bully the weak with force and win without force.


Ma Chao is very obedient now, because after he entered Hanzhong from Xiliang, he immediately saw the traces of the battle and respected Guan Yu more than his father.

Yes, he came here and saw that his father was still alive, and he was happy for a long time.

The soldiers around him didn't know what was going on, but looking around, they also discovered something strange.

Xu Chu and several generals were all sitting and did not stand up. In fact, it was a bit obvious that they could only choose from those who were standing.

Xiahou Dun had seen Xu Chu practicing martial arts on weekdays. His eyelids twitched and he understood something, so he started fighting with Ma Chao in the middle.

With each punch and kick, everyone cheered.

As the saying goes, the boxer is afraid of the young and the stick is afraid of the old man. Ma Chao and Xiahou Dun echoed this sentence.

If weapons were used, the experienced Xiahou Dun would still have an advantage, but if it was just fists and feet, he would not have much advantage, not to mention, he was missing an eye.

But even so, the two of them fought for dozens of rounds. Although there was a decline, there was no winner.

Seeing that his brother was about to be defeated, Cao Cao gave Liu Bei a look, and the two stopped them at the same time, saying: "That's enough, we will only fight fifty rounds, and we must leave some time for other generals."

"As you command!"

The two surrendered, and other soldiers came forward one after another, arguing, and they all wanted to compete with the generals on the opposite side!

On the complete opposite side, Wen Chen was very harmonious, and even if there was any conflict, it was not shown.

Xu Shu pulled Zhuge Liang and asked anxiously: "Kong Ming, why did you bring your lord here? Tell me quickly. I'm almost dying of anxiety!"


You don’t avoid people anymore, right? You Xu Yuanzhi.

"Brother Yuan Zhi came just in time!" Zhuge Liang's cheeks turned red. He did not answer his question, but pulled him to Li En and said, "Store manager, this is Xu Yuan Zhi!"

"Oh!" Li En walked away from Cheng Yu, holding a glass of lemonade and said, "I have admired you for a long time, let's have a drink!"

Xu Shu was confused and asked, "What's your name?"

"Uh, do you want to hear it?"

Xu Shu nodded, and soon he regretted this nod.

Li En patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Xu Shu entered Cao Ying without saying a word. I'm here to tell you all..."

"Store manager!" Zhuge Liang quickly interrupted and said, "Tang Huang sent a barrage and wanted to see Mr. Wen He."

He didn't want his friend's deeds to be exposed now. If he didn't reach an agreement today, there would be some trouble.

"Really? Okay then! Fengxiao, where are Jia Wenhe?"

"The one in the corner on the right"


Halfway through the words, everyone's appetites were whetted. The words just now are worth pondering.

As for Jia Xu, he complained secretly and didn't understand why this strange person came to him, but everyone could tell that Li En's status was not low, so he didn't dare to retreat. He could only laugh and drink, hoping to fool him quickly.

But at this time, Guo Jia suddenly became very interested and began to shout: "Store manager, who else would you like to see who is famous in history?"


Wen Chen was silent for a few seconds. Will his name go down in history? Why?

Yang Xiu rolled his eyes and asked directly: "Brother Fengxiao, what do you mean by this?"

In this era, both civil servants and military generals want to be famous for generations and have a name that goes down in history. Those who are indifferent to fame and fortune will not become officials at all.

But now, Guo Jia actually said that whoever this person drinks with will be remembered in history, how can he not let them care.

"Hahaha!" Guo Jia imitated the heroic manner and laughed, and said while drinking: "The secret must not be revealed!"

At this moment, the person who felt embarrassed was not Guo Jia or Li En, but Jia Xu.

He was originally a demoted general with a low status, so he just wanted to live his life quietly and quietly, but now he was put under the spotlight, which made him a little confused as to where to go.

Li En knew that Guo Jia wanted to make a fire, but he didn't care. Anyway, the fire couldn't burn him.

So, he admitted directly and generously: "That's right! You may not know this Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe beside me!

His plans can endanger the country, his words can bring chaos to the world, he can harm the peace of the world, but he cannot harm the peace of the people. Let me tell you in detail how he stirred up the storm in Chang'an. "

"No, no, no! I'm not, I didn't!" Jia Xu quickly stood up, smiled bitterly, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Li, Immortal Li! Spare your life, Xu will punish himself with three cups."

"Hiccup~ Then forget it."

If the person involved is not willing, Li En will not force it. He puts his arm around his shoulders and asks with a smile: "Then point to a person and we will tell his story."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stared at Jia Xu again, which made him feel very uncomfortable, because he couldn't afford to offend everyone here, so he directly chose Xun Yu, the least likely to offend anyone.

"Okay! Then let me talk about Xun Lingliu..."

"Wait a minute!" Xun Yu looked helpless as he stood up and said, "I will also punish myself with three drinks. I hope Mr. Li will be merciful."


This time, everyone took a breath and seemed to have realized it. There was no fool among the civil servants and counselors. They all understood what Li En said about being famous throughout the ages. It seemed...

Black history!

Although Li En didn't say anything, it seemed like he had said everything. With just a few words, everyone could roughly guess what happened to Xu Shu, Jia Xu and Xun Yu.

For a moment, everyone was avoiding Li En's eyes, not daring to look at him, and could only look at Guo Jia resentfully.

If one of his deeds is exposed, how can he still survive in the future?

But Yang Xiu thought it was a good opportunity. He believed that all his previous deeds were aboveboard and there was nothing untoward to say, so he took the initiative to stand up, cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"My name is Yang Xiu, whose name is Dezu. I wonder if Mr. Li has ever heard of it?"

Li En smiled slightly. He was worried that no one could say it, but someone jumped out. This was not what he wanted.

"Mr. Dezu, if you don't mind, I would like to tell you something."

Yang Xiu was overjoyed and nodded quickly: "Sir, please give me some advice!"

Others also listened attentively, wanting to know what weird experiences Master Yang had.

However, when Li En told the allusions about tasteless ribs, word puzzles, and one person and one person, everyone did not hear anything strange. Instead, they seemed to be praising Yang Xiu for his wit.

Even Yang Xiu didn't think anything was wrong, and it seemed like something he would do. When Li En stopped, he still had some unfinished questions:

"Sir, what's behind?"

"Uh... there is no more behind. You guessed what Prime Minister Cao was thinking and you were beheaded."


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