Games come to all worlds

Chapter 174 If you don’t want to play today’s chess game, you have to play it!

Bile was bubbling, and everyone present was very quiet. Even Ding Chunqiu's screams in the distance became faint.

Mr. Congbian Su Xinghe, who has been pretending to be deaf and mute for decades, couldn't hold back today. He pointed forward and said tremblingly: "Quick... go and see! Is old thief Ding dead?"

"It's master!"

After a while, Su Xinghe's disciples brought Ding Chunqiu back. The scene was extremely bloody. If the clothes and hair were not still there, they might not have recognized that this was the famous Xingxu Old Immortal Ding Chunqiu!

After everyone present actually saw the corpse, they couldn't help but take two steps back. They didn't expect that this ordinary person with no inner strength could really kill Ding Chunqiu.

Sure enough, there must be a master behind him!

Su Xinghe's eyes widened, and he didn't feel disgusted at all. He stepped forward to identify the body, and cried as he looked at it.

Li En didn't care about other people's reactions and quickly gave Duan Yu a wink and asked him to bring Xu Zhu over quickly. This time it was a bit big.

"Mr. Su, stop crying and play chess first!"

Su Xinghe was stunned, turned around quickly, knelt down and kowtowed, "Su Xinghe would like to thank my benefactor for eliminating the great trouble in the martial arts world! Dare I ask my benefactor's name?"

"Uh... no need to pay such a big courtesy, my name is Li En, come and play chess!"

"No need to stop, little brother Li, I will take you there."

The Zhenlong chess game was originally set up by Wu Yazi in order to find a successor and let him kill Ding Chunqiu.

But now, Ding Chunqiu is dead, and there is no point in playing chess anymore.

"No!" Li En said seriously: "The rules cannot be broken."

"This... little brother Li is so righteous!" Su Xinghe's eyes lit up. This must be the great talent that Master has been waiting for.

He looked up and looked around and asked, "Is there anyone else trying to crack it?"

Jiumozhi raised the corners of his mouth, shook his head and said, "This is a dead game with no solution. Unless Mr. Congbian intends to give in, no one can break it."

The implication is obvious, that is, Li En killed Ding Chunqiu, which means that the quota has been predetermined, and there is no point in them fighting again.

"If you don't accept it, you can hold the black man." Li En said calmly.

The smile on Jiumozhi's lips disappeared. He didn't expect Li En to be so unforgiving. He was about to step forward, but when he saw Ding Chunqiu's miserable condition, he just snorted coldly, turned around and left the place.

Seeing that no one dared to go, Duan Yu pushed Xu Zhu and whispered: "Go quickly, follow the steps I just told you, and you will be able to pass the level."

"But...I don't want to play chess."

"Oh~ don't be so impatient, I have to play today's chess even if I can't help it!"

"Why does it have to be me?" Xu Zhu was very distressed, Duan Yu already knew how to crack it, why didn't he do it himself?

Seeing that he was really going to do something bad, Duan Yu was a little anxious and said in a low voice: "Let's go and break the chess game, and I will tell you who your biological parents are."

Xu Zhu's mouth opened wide in disbelief.

Thinking back to Duan Yu's words about predicting the future, I actually wanted to believe him.

Besides, I am a young monk and he is the prince of Dali, so what can I do to lie to myself?

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Zhu took a deep breath, strode forward, clasped his hands respectfully and said, "Little monk Xu Zhu, I am willing to give it a try."

"Okay!" Li En smiled and said, "Come up quickly! Mr. Congbian, come here too!"

Su Xinghe looked at it and asked, "Brother Li, won't you crack it yourself?"

"He is more suitable than me, so just rest assured."

Hearing this, Su Xinghe said nothing more, walked up to Xu Zhu, and said seriously: "I will not be merciful. After all, this is the chess game left by the ancestor."

"Young monk understands, please give me advice from the elders."

For the sake of his parents, Xu Zhu became a little bolder and rushed towards the chessboard with a white chess piece in his arms.

But his first move stunned everyone.

"Isn't this a stupid move? Even if I'm not good at chess, I can still see that it's a bad move."

"Yes, I guess Mr. Congbian intends to let him go, but he has no idea what to do."

"Stop arguing and let's see how that man ends up."

Su Xinghe was also frightened by his move, but after all, Li En helped them kill Ding Chunqiu, which was a great kindness, so...

"Ahem! Are you anxious, little master? Do you want to start over?"

"No need, old-timer, I'll just stay there."


Seeing him like this, Su Xinghe had no choice but to think about taking him down quickly, and then let Li En come on to break the chess game.

With a few clicks of his fingers, the black chess jumped over. Xu Zhu didn't think about it, and immediately held the white chess and placed it on the flat 28th road.

This move allowed some people who knew how to play chess to see the clues. Su Xinghe also noticed something and immediately became interested. He showed no mercy in every move.

The two of them played chess. After a few back and forth, Su Xinghe laughed in relief and said, "It turns out that the young master is also a genius!"

"I don't dare to accept it, this..." Xu Zhu glanced at Duan Yu, and finally did not forget his instructions, bowed in shame and said: "Amitabha."

Su Xinghe glanced at Li En, and Li En smiled helplessly: "Mr. Congbian, if you want to see what I'm doing, take him over, and give him a ride by the way."

"I don't understand a little bit, but my little brother is right about what he said. The rules cannot be broken. I will take him there right away."

Su Xinghe used his strength to send Xu Zhu into the secret room where Wu Yazi was. Seeing this, most of the people outside also dispersed, preparing to spread everything they saw today.

Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing were also preparing to leave. This Zhenlong Chess Game Conference was a bit strange. They didn't know who this man who appeared out of nowhere was and killed Ding Chunqiu casually. Before they could investigate clearly, they had no idea. I won't take action rashly.

"Wait!" Duan Yu suddenly said sternly: "You guys can't even think of leaving!"

The two groups were stunned on the spot. When they turned around, they found that Duan Yu's eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to fight them to the death.

Duan Yanqing was not surprised, because there was indeed a conflict between them and Duan Yu, but Murong Fu was a little surprised and asked:

"Master Duan? Is there any grudge between us? Don't think that having someone to support you means you can be lawless!"

Wang Yuyan on the side also stood up and said: "Yes, Mr. Duan, may I ask where my cousin offended you? I will apologize to you on his behalf."

"Miss Wang." As soon as she came out, Duan Yu's eyes softened a bit. Although he hadn't figured out Li En's question yet, he knew that he liked Wang Yuyan very much.

After hearing this, Duan Yu suddenly softened a lot, turned around and waved, "Forget it, let's go!"


Just as the group was about to leave, Duan Yu suddenly shouted again: "Slow down!"

This has really pissed them off. Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing are not good people. They come and go immediately after being summoned like this. The Clay Bodhisattva still has three points of fire.

The two looked at each other and immediately attacked Duan Yu.

At this critical moment, Duan Yu's Lingbo Weibu also took effect. He kept dodging while shouting: 'Store manager! Help! ’

"Ha! You caused the trouble yourself, deal with it yourself!"

Seeing that he couldn't die, Li En didn't care about him and asked Su Xinghe to help take care of him so that he wouldn't die.

Turning to look at Ah Zi, he waved and said, "Come here!"

"Oh." Azi approached cautiously. She didn't know why, but she was a little afraid of Li En.

"You know the people of the Xingxiu Sect best. Take good care of them. Your eldest brother and sister may be back in the next two days."


Azi's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought of something. The sudden appearance of a character like Li En in the world must be unusual. She thought that it was not surprising that her sister and brother-in-law suddenly disappeared that day.

"Really, I'm too lazy to educate you and let your sister come back to deal with you."

"Take care of me?" Ah Zi was a little confused and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

"Think for yourself!"

At this time, Su Xinghe took action and saved Duan Yu who was about to be injured.

Murong Fu and the others did not continue to take action, but looked at Li En carefully. He had the final say here today.

"Let's go. This kid has been a little irritated. Don't worry about it. By the way, please come over to Miss Wang and Ye Erniang. I have something to say."

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