Games come to all worlds

Chapter 343 Pain! It hurts so much!

At night, Chenxiang did not go to the game house to rest, but fell asleep on Xiaoyu's bed.

It wasn't that he was really sleepy, but that he was very sleepy after drinking Grandma Fox's special soup.

"Agarwood, agarwood? Are you asleep?"

Grandma Fox walked in quietly, and Xiaoyu beside her looked very guilty and timid.

"Grandma, let's not take his things. He is quite pitiful."

"Xiaoyu!" Grandma Fox held her hand and said earnestly: "Your enemy is Sun Wukong. Even if you practice step by step for another thousand years, you still can't be his opponent."

Turning to look at Chen Xiang, he said: "But as long as you can eat the wick, find a place to practice quietly for a few years to gain ten thousand years of mana, practice the God Splitting Palm, and avenge your parents!"

"Besides, look at him like that. A few wolf monsters can chase him. Can he keep the lotus lantern? If we don't take it, other monsters will snatch it away and even kill him."

"We only want the lamp, and it won't harm his life. Grandma will send him home well tomorrow, and give him a large sum of money to make him live a wealthy life, which will be considered compensation."

Patting Xiaoyu's hand, Grandma Fox immediately stepped forward and looked for the lotus lantern.

Xiaoyu looked very sad. Stealing other people's things was a bad behavior and she didn't like it, but there was no way to stop her grandma.

"Strange, lamp? Where is the lotus lamp!"

After looking through it for a long time, Grandma Fox looked up and down, but could not find the lotus lantern.

"Xiaoyu, are all his baggage here?"

"They're all...all here."

"Then after he came in, did he go anywhere else?"

"No, I fell asleep after drinking the soup."


Grandma Fox frowned and formed a bundle of ropes with one hand, ready to go forward and tie up Agarwood. When Xiaoyu saw it, she quickly stepped in front and asked:

"Grandma, didn't you say you wouldn't kill him~"

"I just want to tie him up and ask him about the whereabouts of the lotus lantern. You get out of the way."

Pushing Xiaoyu away, Grandma Fox tied Agarwood with a strong rope condensed with magic power, which was not so easy to untie.

After confirming that it was tied up, Grandma Fox took out another pill and put it into Agarwood's mouth before using magic power to wake him up.


Chenxiang felt someone beside her, woke up faintly, and suddenly found that her hands and feet could not move. She opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief:

"What are you going to do!"

"Agarwood!" Xiaoyu said nervously, "Don't move, we won't hurt you."

"Then why are you tying me up!"

Grandma Fox stretched out her hand to stop Xiaoyu and said seriously: "Agarwood, if you hand over the lotus lantern, we will let you go. We will not hurt you, and we will give you..."

"Bah!" Chen Xiang's eyes turned red, he spat, and shouted: "You want the lotus lantern, right? Wow!"

"Three thousand souls!"

A lotus lantern suddenly appeared in Chen Xiang's tied palm. Before Grandma Fox could be happy, she found that the lotus lantern was emitting silver light.

Her expression changed, and she hugged Xiaoyu and moved away.

Sure enough, a violent explosion occurred the next second, and the entire cave shook several times.

The rope on Chen Xiang's body was naturally shaken open. He turned around and flew away without hesitation.

Seeing that he was about to run away, Grandma Fox moved her fingers, and Chen Xiang's face became very ugly.

pain! It hurts so much! Why does my stomach hurt so much!

Chen Xiang immediately took out the elemental bottle, which was the blood medicine in Black Soul III, took a sip, slightly relieved the pain, and successfully flew out of the hole.

Grandma Fox didn't expect this, so she quickly chased after her and shouted: "Agarwood! If you eat my Fire Fox Pill, if there is no antidote, you will spontaneously combust and die! Stop it!"

But when she chased him out, she found that there was no agarwood around at all.

"Impossible, he doesn't have this speed, he must still be nearby!"

However, Grandma Fox and Xiaoyu searched the entire mountain and found no trace of Chenxiang, so they could only accept the fact that he had run away.

In the playhouse, Agarwood came in lying on her stomach.

He clutched his chest and felt very uncomfortable. The place that hurt more than his stomach was his heart!

In one day, he was deceived by women twice, twice!

Suddenly, a pair of familiar feet appeared in front of her eyes. When Chen Xiang raised her head, she saw that it was Erlang Shen. She immediately stood up and left, not wanting to be laughed at by him.

"Have you been tricked by a monster?"

"How do you know? Are you following me?"

"Haha." Yang Jian laughed disdainfully and said, "I'm very busy and don't have time to catch a small character like you. Just let Roaring Sky Dog go."

"As for why I know it, isn't it obvious?" Yang Jian pointed to his head and said, "You are too stupid."

"Agarwood, it's okay if you die, but nothing will happen to the Lotus Lamp. It belongs to your mother. Once the wick disappears, the Lotus Lamp will become a useless lamp, worthless. Do you understand?"

With that said, Yang Jian stretched out his hand and said, "If you don't want to be chased by monsters, give me the lotus lantern."

"Hmph! Go ahead and dream!"

Chen Xiang was not in the mood to chat with him any more, so she said something casually and walked straight to the box on the second floor, preparing to be alone.

When he went upstairs, Yang Jian let go of his smile, looked at Mei Changsu, and cupped his hands.

The latter understood it, nodded in agreement, and then walked to the second floor.

Entering the box, Chen Xiang raised his head warily and saw that it was Mei Changsu. He then really relaxed after thinking that this was a game room, but his expression was still not very good.

"Are you in trouble today?"

Chen Xiang did not answer the question directly, but asked instead: "Brother Mei, tell me, why are monsters so deceptive? They can even hide the lotus lantern!"

"Baolian Lantern will not be deceived." Mei Changsu sat next to him and leaned on the sofa and said, "It's just that the definition of good and evil is not that obvious."

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiang asked, tilting her head.

"Let me ask you, Yuwen Tuo defeated the demon world and saved the world. Is he a good person?"

Chen Xiang did not hesitate, nodded directly and said: "Of course!"

"So, what about the 100,000 soldiers he killed? You know, there are 100,000 families behind him."


Chen Xiang was speechless for a moment, a little puzzled. Mei Changsu continued: "It is difficult to distinguish a person by good and evil. The same is true for demons. Your sister Ning Ke is still a demon. Aren't they bad?"

"Then how do I tell who is a good guy and who is a bad guy?"

Mei Changsu smiled, pointed at his chest and said, "Look carefully! It will tell you who is truly good for you."

"When I was educating Jingtian before, I told him that to distinguish a person, you should not only look at what he said, but also what he did."

"You are still young. It will be good for you to suffer more of this kind of disadvantage. It is not terrible to fall in one place. What is terrible is to fall two, three or even more times."

After listening to Mei Changsu's words, Chen Xiang fell into deep thought.

Mei Changsu put his hand on his head and rubbed it twice, and said: "When you have nothing to do, you can chat more with everyone, which will help you gain more knowledge. There are many friends of the same age outside, so try to make friends with them."


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