Games come to all worlds

Chapter 447 It would be strange if he didn’t get beaten when he called his brother by his name.

"You can actually write their two names?"

"Is it weird?"

"A little bit. I thought you would be very angry if they teamed up with outsiders to beat you."

"I am indeed angry, but to be honest, I was really shocked when I saw my eldest brother transforming into three things in one breath that day."

On the day when the game house was preparing for the invitation meeting, it calculated that there would be three more invitations, and the leader of Tongtian asked for two.

The names are, of course, his two brothers.

Red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaf, the three religions are originally one family.

Since he knew that the teacher had the means to kill them, how could Tongtian not be prepared when he came to the game house.

After entering here, Li Encai is the way of heaven.

Although the red pill cannot be taken out, it will not be triggered. No matter how slow the saint is, he can open the game house and enter this place before the attack occurs.

That day the Four Saints broke through the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, which actually lifted Tongtian.

Before the Four Saints gathered, Laojun took the initiative to walk into the sword formation. As if he was in a deserted place, he even took the time to hit the sky with a pole.

When his Qi transformed into the Three Pure Ones, Tongtian would be even more miserable.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation must not be broken by the Four Saints, but... it is actually okay if it is not broken.

However, Laojun wanted to educate his younger brother, so he called the other three saints to take the initiative to break the formation.

As mentioned in the book, Laojun felt that Tongtian only practiced Taoism and did not cultivate his own body. As a result, he had a bad temper and disrespected his elders, and called him by his real name several times.

It would be strange if he didn't get beaten when he called his brother by his name.

After the Battle of the Gods, Tongtian also grew up and realized that the disciples in the sect were uneven and committed crimes outside.

So after looking back, he immediately recalled all the Jie Jiao disciples, and he didn't want any of the unruly disciples.

The palace was sealed for three thousand years not only to protect the disciples, but also to educate them.

However, Tongtian didn't say anything about all this, because... he wanted to save face.

If Laojun and Yuanshi knew his little thoughts, they would definitely tease him.

"Oh, Brother Tongtian is also starting to educate his disciples? Do you need Brother Tao to teach you?"

When he thought of this scene, Tongtian could only clench his back teeth and feel aggrieved.

So these two invitations were his capital to "turn defeat into victory".

When the day comes when his two brothers risk their lives and fight him desperately, he will slip the invitation letter to them.

After arriving in the game room, he said in a preaching tone: "Two Taoist brothers, it's immature to kill each other over a small conflict~"

"Look at me, I have already prepared a way out for you, what about you?"

Every time I think of the scene at that time, Tongtian's face can't suppress the corners of his mouth.

Of course, the prerequisite for completing this plan is that he cannot take the initiative.

Outside Kunlun Mountain, Laojun and Yuanshi were still reminiscing about Tongtian's words, and did not pay attention to the imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth and the twitching of his brows, as if he was saying:

"Brothers, come and beat me up. Don't I deserve a beating now?"

After a long time, Sun Wukong's magic, heaven, and earth could no longer be maintained and changed back to his original form.

Only then did Lao Jun say: "Then according to what you said, the saint will not take action this time to become a god, so let the disciples below have their own way."

"As for the magic weapon...just don't go too far."

This sentence is very important. If Yuanshi lent the Three Jewels Ruyi and Pangu Banner to his disciples, Laojun lent the Heaven and Earth Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda and Tai Chi Diagram.

The scale of this God-conferring War is too great.

Tongtian was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his raised mouth dropped.

Since when did eldest brother become so easy to talk to? Do you agree to this?

After recalling his past experiences, Tongtian found that this seemed to be the first time that his proposal was affirmed by his two brothers.

Like before, I practiced sword formation and was preached, I established Jiejiao and was preached, I tried to rebuild earth, fire and feng shui, but I was beaten.

This feeling of being affirmed, hiss~ why is it so refreshing?

Yuanshi did not object to Laojun's proposal. Although he was the leader of the Chan Cult, the two of them had always been in charge of the internal affairs of the Cult.

In the original work of Fengshen, Laojun did not establish a sect, but was in charge of the teachings together with Yuanshi Tianzun, and the disciples in the sect also called him the Great Master.

"Blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes come from blessings. Let the disciples deal with the calamity by themselves."

After saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun returned to Yuxu Palace. Laojun glanced at Tongtian and left on his ox.

Leader Tongtian, who didn't know whether to be happy or sad, was left stunned in mid-air.

"What is this?"

After muttering something, Master Tongtian also left.

At this time, mourning was everywhere outside Sishui Pass. Guangchengzi and Cihang returned, but they did not dare to take action at all, even if Sun Wukong was not in good condition.

The gap between a saint and a saint is really too big. Resisting one blow is the limit. What's more, Sun Wukong also used the golden hoop to block another blow, and now his palms are a little numb.

"Ahem! Tao... Fellow Taoist, I see you are also injured. How about a truce today?"

"Give me back my grandson's diamond, and let's call it a truce!"

King Kong Zhuo?

Guang Chengzi looked down. Jiang Ziya walked out with the support of Yang Jian, coughed twice and said:

"Yes, but you have to return the magic weapon and the treasure money that you took away."

"make a deal!"

Sun Wukong did not hesitate. In his opinion, the few magic weapons taken away could not be compared with the importance of King Kong Zhuo.

Jiang Ziya didn't feel any loss. Jingang Zhuo and the others couldn't use it for the time being, so they might as well exchange Yang Jian's weapons and two flying swords to ensure his side's combat effectiveness.

In addition, with the treasure money in hand, they will not be too afraid of King Kong Zhuo in the future.

Both parties were very satisfied with the exchange, and there were no mistakes in the process. Both parties left peacefully.

Seeing Sun Wukong disappear, the two people in the sky landed in Sishui Pass.

"Two uncles, can't you subdue that monkey?" Yang Jian asked.

Guangchengzi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you know who he attacked just now?"


"My master is also your master."


Yang Jian's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. Jiang Ziya looked solemn and asked, "Senior brother, if the monkey head commits another crime again, how will we deal with the enemy?"

"Don't worry, I think that monkey was also seriously injured and won't be able to recover for decades."

Hearing this, Yang Jian and Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, the state they saw Sun Wukong in just now was indeed wrong.

"In addition, Nezha has been born and has retained his memory. His strength will recover quickly."

Nezha was born in the ninth year of King Zhou, and now it is the seventh year, and Mrs. Yin has been pregnant for more than a year.

Lei Zhenzi is not good yet, and he still doesn’t know who his parents are.

The news of Nezha's imminent arrival gave everyone present a little confidence. Guang Chengzi continued:

"Don't worry about defeating Zhou. Conferring gods is the general trend. Many people are watching. If anything happens, we will rush to support immediately. We will leave now."

The two of them were still in shock and went back to calm down. After Yang Jian and Jiang Ziya saw them off, they also had to prepare for the attack on Chuanyunguan Pass.

After all... Sishui Pass is gone, they can't live in the ruins.

On the other side, inside the playhouse.

Sun Wukong was indeed a little injured, but he didn't care at all. He briefly chatted for a few words and returned to his own world.

Go to Taishang Laojun to get some elixir for healing, repair the golden cudgel, and then return to the tree house to recuperate.

Tang Sanzang didn't say much, but judging from his expression, he was not in a very good mood. He turned around and asked about the achievement progress to see how many people were still missing.

As for the task of changing defense, it fell on Nezha and Ao Bing.

Tomorrow they will go to Chuanyunguan to defend the formation!

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