Games with fairies

Chapter 207 I’m going to swell your ass

"You have your way to go, and I have my obsession to fulfill."

"This is the end of our casual marriage."

"If there is a chance in the future, we will continue our relationship..."

After Yan Xiaoru finished speaking, she looked away indifferently and stopped looking at Li Muyang.

The air in the camp suddenly became a little stiff.

It was obviously charming and warm just now, but in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere turned cold.

Everything is moving too fast.

Whether it was the Demon Sect disciple who suddenly emerged from the ground or Yan Xiaoru's decision.

Everything happened so fast.

It wasn't until Yan Xiaoru finished her last words of coaxing a child that Li Muyang shook his head and said: "If there is a chance in the future... you will treat me like a child."

Li Muyang looked a little hesitant, as if he wanted to say something.

But Yan Xiaoru didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

She directly clenched the Moon Shuttle in her hand, not knowing what she did. The next second, the translucent light blue Flying Moon Shuttle emitted a bright blue light.

Seeing this scene, Li Muyang was shocked and spoke quickly.

"Yan Xiaoru!"

Why don’t you listen to me!

I still have a trump card!

But Yan Xiaoru just looked at him indifferently, and the bright blue light of the flying moon shuttle enveloped her whole body.

The next second, a bright blue light pierced the tent, rushed into the night sky, and disappeared into the dark night in the blink of an eye.

Everyone on Pingyang Post raised their heads curiously and looked at this scene in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

Only Li Muyang stood in the tent with a painful face and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Damn Yan Xiaoru!"

You will die if you listen to what I say!

You dumped me so decisively... Damn it!

Can you stop running away in such a hurry and wait until I finish speaking?

This disobedient childish ghost, after I kill you, I will definitely swell your butt!

Li Muyang was indignant.

I don’t want to join the Blood Lotus Sect! I don’t want to give up everything I have.

Why did the Blood Lotus Sect come over and ask me to surrender by name? I had to surrender!

I have traveled through time for more than a year, and finally I have familiar friends, playful and sinister relatives, and even a childish elder with a protruding front and back... Why should I give up!

Li Muyang gritted his teeth and became more and more angry.

And the scene of that blue light rushing into the night sky instantly alarmed the Demon Sect monks on Pingyang Gang.

There were constant anxious footsteps outside the camp, and everyone was panicked and confused.

"Elder Yan! What happened?"

Now the two people in this camp are the backbone of all the monks on Pingyang Gang.

Neither of them can have any accidents.

The one at the forefront was the aloof young man Cheng Feiyang.

However, when everyone came outside the tent and asked in panic, the door of the tent was opened, and the burly Li Muyang walked out with his upper body bare.

"Elder Yan ran away!"

Li Muyang looked indifferent and said to all the remaining Demon Sect monks present: "The sect leader sent someone to deliver a magic weapon, but that magic weapon can only lead one person to escape."

"Now that Elder Yan has left, we are the only ones left on Pingyang Hill. The Demon Sect will not send any more reinforcements to rescue him."

Li Muyang informed everyone of the current situation in a concise and concise manner.

Originally, everyone had no hope for reinforcements. After all, they had been holding on for so many days, but there was still no whereabouts of reinforcements.

But guessing is one thing, hearing the news with your own ears is another.

Then I heard Li Muyang say that Elder Yan had left...

The demon cultivators who gathered in a hurry outside the camp were all confused.

They stood there blankly, as if they had lost hope, and their eyes turned completely gray, without any light left.

"The Demon Sect abandoned us..."

"Elder Yan abandoned us..."

Although in the demonic world where profit is paramount, this kind of thing is not surprising.

But as the parties involved, the Demon Sect disciples on Pingyang Gang were still desperate and angry.

Looking at the gloom in the eyes of the demon cultivators on the hill, Li Muyang said coldly.

"Since there is no hope anymore, it is better to risk your life and give it a try."

"Anyone want to rush down the mountain with me?"

"We have never used those two Xiang Master hostages from the Blood Lotus Sect."

"This time push them forward to see if the Blood Lotus Sect will attack their incense master."

"Even if you are going to die, you have to drag a few more people to support you!"

"Is anyone with me?!"

On Pingyang Post, Li Muyang roared angrily.

That vicious and angry roar immediately ignited the resentment in everyone's hearts.

Everyone clenched their fists and shouted loudly towards Li Muyang.


A quarter of an hour later, the fire on Pingyang Hill was extinguished, and the poisonous mist used to drive away the Blood Lotus Sect followers at the foot of the mountain quickly dissipated.

However, when the followers of the Blood Lotus Sect began to form a formation, preparing to rush forward and continue the attack, a thundering roar suddenly sounded on the mountainside.


The next second, the ground shook wildly.

Hundreds of demon cultivators from the Demon Refining Sect roared and rushed down the mountain without caring about their own safety.

And those pushing the front were the two incense masters from the Blood Lotus Sect.

Nangong Ting, and Liu Hucheng!

The fighting on Pingyang Hill lasted the whole night.

It wasn't until the morning sun rose and pierced the darkness that Shen Yan in Tianjiao City received a strange battle report.

"The demon cultivators on Pingyang Hill suddenly started a fight with the trapped beasts, rushed down the mountain, and broke through Master Xie's military formation?"

After Shen Yan saw this strange battle report, she was immediately speechless.

"Master Xie is underestimating the enemy again..."

But it doesn't matter if you underestimate the enemy.

A mere hundred people on that mountain could not escape far even if they broke through the military formation.

Shen Yan continued to look through the battle reports.

"A disciple of the Demon Sect named Li Muyang dragged two incense masters to the back of the palace, threatening the lives of the two incense masters and delaying time so that his companions could escape?"

"One hundred demon cultivators from the Demon Refining Sect fled and disappeared into the wilderness. Now only thirty of them have been captured..."

Seeing this, Shen Yan was a little surprised and a little appreciative.

"This Li Muyang is brave, resourceful, and not afraid of life and death. He sacrifices himself to delay the escape of his companions. He is really a talented person."

Shen Yan sighed and continued to scroll down.

"Master Nangong Xiang and Master Liu Xiang were rescued safely. Demon Sect disciple Li Muyang surrendered after resisting for an hour?"

This is not surprising. No matter how powerful the Martial God is, he can't defeat Xie Shanhai's half-demon army.

But something suddenly went wrong in the next battle report.

"After capturing Li Muyang, Captain Xie sent 300 people to escort Li Muyang to Tianjiao City, but on the way... the 300 people mysteriously disappeared? Li Muyang was nowhere to be seen?"

Looking at the content of this battle report, Shen Yan was stunned for a moment, almost suspecting that she had read it wrong.

Around Tianjiao City, which has been completely controlled by the Blood Lotus Sect, three hundred people can be made to disappear without leaving any trace...

Shen Yan, who had always been strategizing, showed a rare expression of surprise.

"Am I having a nightmare?"

How could such a ridiculous thing happen!

In a land where everyone has been stripped of their cultivation, who can wipe out three hundred people in one breath?

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