Games with fairies

Chapter 242 Devouring

" it again."

Li Muyang closed his eyes and reentered the game.

He read the archive and returned to the silent yamen with the open door of Qintian Prison again.

The dark night shrouded this street.

At night when the entire Sanhe City was noisy and lively, the street outside the Qintian Prison Yamen was completely silent. There was no one in sight, not even any lights.

The night sky was covered with dark clouds and there was no moonlight.

The lanterns hanging on the gate of Qintian Prison were also extinguished, and the entire Yamen was shrouded in darkness.

Li Muyang relied on the zombie's night vision ability to step into the open door of the yamen.

There was no one in the empty courtyard of the government office, which was extremely strange.

What about those magicians in Qintian Prison? Where have they all gone?

Who killed him last time?

Li Muyang stepped into the yamen and shouted.

"anyone there?"

All processes are the same as before.

Even the steps I take are trying to restore the previous save.

Finally, when Li Muyang walked to the area where the previous one died, a cold light flashed and Li Muyang's head flew up.

The exact same way of death as last time.

But this time he was well prepared. The moment the cold light appeared, Li Muyang locked onto the direction in which the cold light was coming.

Under the empty eaves, a dark red blood bar appeared quietly.

【Magic Warlock】

The moment he saw this dark red blood bar, a failure prompt popped up in Li Muyang's field of vision.

[You have died, the game has failed]

"... Demonic Warlock? Someone from Qintian Prison?"

Li Muyang frowned slightly, realizing something was wrong.

In the last glance before his death, he could clearly see that the man was wearing the warlock robe of Qin Tianjian, but he didn't even have a name. The ID on his health bar looked like the kind of mass-produced soldier in the game.

Could there be some kind of evil disaster in this Qintian Prison Yamen? The magician in the yamen was killed?

According to the story of Liuli Fairy Chu Qingxue, pollution disasters often occur in the land of Tianyuan Dynasty, and living beings will be contaminated by evil spirits and turn into strange evil things.

But the magicians of Qintian Prison are experts in dealing with strange disasters.

Will the home base of these experts be contaminated?

After Li Muyang thought for a moment, he read the file again and entered the game.

In the empty yamen, Li Muyang stepped directly in.

"anyone there?"

Li Muyang reproduced the exact same rhythm process as last time.

The demonized warlock hidden in the darkness also took action at the same time. A red blood bar suddenly appeared in the darkness, and then a cold light struck Li Muyang.

But this time Li Muyang was prepared. The moment the cold light appeared, he avoided it without warning.

At the same time, the zombie's body jumped suddenly, roaring and flying towards the demonized warlock in the darkness.

It was pitch dark in the empty yamen, but with the zombie's night vision eyes, he could clearly see the warm flesh and blood on the demonized warlock's body, and could even hear the beating heart beneath the flesh.

Li Muyang flew three meters away and knocked down the demonized warlock who was caught off guard.

[Swallow!] popped up in the field of vision. ]'s skill bar, Li Muyang immediately activated it.


The crazy roars of zombies rang out in the yamen of Qintian Prison.

The moment the extremely powerful zombie threw down the demonized warlock, it immediately bit up with blood-red eyes and bit the warlock's throat in one bite.

With the sound of blood splattering, the zombies fell on the warlock's body and bit wildly.

Every tear is a piece of dripping flesh and blood.

The ferocious-looking magician tried to struggle at first, but soon fell down.

The crazed zombie roared, and its sharp nails clawed open the warlock's chest crazily, biting out the weakly beating heart in the warlock's chest, chewing it and swallowing it.

[Blood energy +30%]

It wasn't until the zombie swallowed the whole heart that Li Muyang regained control of his body.

That [Swallow! 】Skill, once used, the zombie fell into violent mode and easily killed the magic warlock instantly.

Now looking down at the corpse on the ground, Li Muyang wiped the corners of his mouth subconsciously and murmured: "So this swallowing skill is so bad..."

This time the zombies have only one skill, which is to devour.

However, this skill cannot be activated until it is close to a living creature within a certain range.

This was Li Muyang's first time to use it. He didn't expect it to be so powerful, killing the demonized warlock instantly.

Li Muyang got up from the corpse of the demonized warlock and walked towards the depths of the Yamen.

"anyone there?"

Anyway, there is a magic power to protect the body. Li Muyang's main one is without any taboos, and he is not afraid of other demonic warlocks inside jumping out.

However, he walked around the entire Qin Tian Prison Yamen and opened every room to check, but he didn't even see a single magician.

There is none alive, and there is none dead.

In this yamen, it seems that only the demonized warlock from the beginning remains, and everyone else has left.

Li Muyang walked around the yamen and returned to the corpse of the demonized warlock, slightly surprised.

"The Yamen is empty?"

This is so strange. There is so much chaos in Sanhe City now, and the magicians in the Yamen are not involved in countering the rebellion... Where can they go?

Li Muyang jumped hard and jumped directly to the eaves. He jumped to the highest point of Qintianjian Yamen, overlooking the entire Yamen.

"Is there anyone there?" Li Muyang stood at the highest point of the Yamen and shouted arrogantly: "Is Shan Xiaolian here? I have something to ask you!"

Li Muyang almost wrote the word "seeking death" on his forehead, not polite at all.

However, after he finished shouting so arrogantly, the empty Qin Tian Prison Yamen remained silent and there was no response.

However, in the dark night sky, a harsh sound suddenly broke through the air.

The next second, a dark red blood bar suddenly appeared above Li Muyang's head.

【Magic Warlock】

Still the same health bar, but this time the demonized warlock jumped out of the night sky with a pair of bat-like fleshy wings where his arms originally were.

It had three semicircular fangs and mouthparts on its face. It roared and rushed towards Li Muyang, its pale green eyes glowing with a cruel and strange light.

Li Muyang was startled by the appearance of this monster.

The main reason is that this kind of sudden, ghostly attack is the kind of appearance that Li Muyang hates the most.

He jumped up in annoyance, not avoiding the monster at all, but frantically clicking [Swallow! 】Skill.

When the monster flew towards Li Muyang's head, Li Muyang's [Swallow! 】Skills are also activated.

Under the night sky, the terrifying howls of zombies sounded.


The zombie jumped up and accurately bit the demonized warlock's throat. The stiff hands with sharp nails stabbed into the monster's chest like two sharp swords.

Blood exploded on top of the zombies' heads.

This monster was directly torn into three halves by the rampaging zombies, and warm blood spilled all over the zombies.

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