Games with fairies

Chapter 252 Shameful Execution

Listening to Sword Spirit's explanation, Li Muyang sighed.

"This can be considered because of me. In short, just defeat the inner demon, right..."

With a thought in Li Muyang's mind, the flying sword suspended beside him immediately evolved dozens of sword energy and shot out vertically and horizontally.

The moment the swords of both sides collided in the void, there were continuous waves in the air, and then the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The originally barren hills and the battlefield filled with the remains of magical weapons suddenly turned into a thatched cottage in the mountains and forests, with a stream as clear as a jade belt flowing in front of the door.

The Glazed Fairy Chu Qingxue, dressed in a plain white dress, stood in front of the thatched cottage with a happy smile on her face.

"Husband, go early and come back early."

This was the first time that Li Muyang saw such a happy and gentle smile on the face of the aloof Liuli Fairy.

I was a little dazed for a while.

The sword spirit on the side explained expressionlessly.

"This is the deepest world in Chu Qingxue's heart, and it is also the real scenery in her mental world."

"Your battle with the inner demons will continue to transcend these false illusions until you see her sleeping soul in the deepest part of her heart."

Sensing that something was wrong with Li Muyang's expression, Sword Spirit said coldly: "It's just some false illusions, don't worry about it."

"These are just Chu Qingxue's wishful thinking and fantasy scenarios."

Amid Sword Spirit's indifferent explanation, the inner demon in front of him attacked with his sword again.

The flying sword activated by the Jinghong Sword Technique swung out huge sword energy.

Li Muyang also urged the flying sword to resist, but his expression was a little strange.

Don't care... don't care about it!

Who the hell can see such a scene and not care?

On the mountain road not far away, there was a man who looked exactly like Li Muyang, carrying a bamboo basket and a gentle smile. He was clearly the husband who was called by the Glazed Fairy in front of the thatched cottage.

"Xue'er, please go back," the man who looked exactly like Li Muyang waved to his wife very gently with a smile on his face.

Hearing this voice and seeing this scene, Li Muyang, as the real master, suddenly panicked, and the sword energy he activated suddenly became chaotic.

What the hell!


What a disgusting name!

How could I shout so disgustingly!

Obviously this was the illusion of Chu Qingxue's mental world, but when he heard his own voice speaking such disgusting words, Li Muyang was inevitably affected.

A feeling of blood rushing to his cheeks made Li Muyang feel hot and inexplicably ashamed.

This Fairy Chu is usually so aloof and cold, but she has something going on in her heart!

You have the courage to think about such a boring interaction, but I don’t have the courage to listen!

This was the beginning of the first fantasy, and I was shouting at my husband in such a disgusting way.

The scale of the illusion we see next is so big...

It's indescribable...

Li Muyang was in a state of confusion, and there were flaws in his sword-controlling skills. He was immediately seized by his demons and forced to retreat.

After a dozen breaths, Li Muyang, who was unable to advance or retreat, was stabbed through the chest with a sword and died on the spot.

[You have died, the game has failed]


In the private room of the restaurant, Li Muyang opened his eyes and covered his forehead speechlessly.

This inner demon of Chu Qingxue captured his essence.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this kind of fighting feeling is simply adding insult to injury. One of Li Muyang's flaw was to pursue him fiercely, expand his advantage in an instant, and quickly break down Li Muyang's defense.

For the first time, Li Muyang discovered that he was so fierce.

Moreover, the difficulty of dealing with inner demons is secondary. What hurts Li Muyang the most is the illusion in the world of inner demons.

It was clearly Chu Qingxue's inner demon, but why did Li Muyang, who was in the midst of it, feel like he was being shamefully executed when he heard his familiar voice and said those disgusting words?

The sense of immersion is inexplicably strong.

This Fairy Chu is simply amazing.

Such a cold-blooded fairy, I thought she was the type who was devoted to the Tao and ignored the love between men and women.

As a result, she is such a small woman in her inner world?

Nasty, sweet... To Li Muyang, the little woman in the fantasy seemed to have a sense of absurdity that her character had collapsed.

It was hard for him to believe that the charming little woman in the fantasy world could be the aloof fairy from before who was still indifferent in the face of life and death.

This Fairy Chu has a lot of inner drama!

Li Muyang sat in the private room of the restaurant, rubbing his face hard, calming down for a while before mentally building up, and took a deep breath.

"It's okay, it's okay, that's not me, that's not me, no matter how shameful and disgusting it is, it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me..."

Li Muyang prepared himself mentally, loaded the game again, and faced Chu Qingxue's inner demons.

The inner demon phantom that activated the Jinghong Sword Art was used to kill Li Muyang with his flying sword.

As the two sides fought, the time and space where the inner demon and Li Muyang lived once again transformed into the inner world of Fairy Liuli.

The woman in front of the thatched cottage had a gentle voice and hugged her husband.

She gently pressed her face against her husband's chest and told her sweet and sensual words of love.

Li Muyang tightened his face, trying his best to ignore those disgusting love words and constantly resisting the attacks of his inner demons.

He originally thought that he had done a good job in psychological construction, but the sweet love words spoken by the Glazed Fairy Chu Qingxue next to him kept drilling into his ears like magic sounds filling his brain.

Obviously he knew that it was just an illusion and not real at all.

But those voices kept coming, but Li Muyang felt as if he was immersed in the scene, inexplicably having a strong sense of immersion.

It seemed that he was really holding the fairy in his arms at this time. He even felt the temperature and touch of the glazed fairy Chu Qingxue in his arms, and even smelled a faint fragrance in his nose...

The sword spirit on the side noticed something unusual about Li Muyang and immediately warned him.

"Hold your mind! Ignore those disturbances! That's not the real you! Everything you feel is an illusion!"

But she said it easily.

When Chu Qingxue in the illusion hugged Li Muyang sweetly and buried her face in Li Muyang's shoulder and neck, Li Muyang clearly felt the woman's warm breath gently spraying on his collarbone.

The numbing feeling spreads along the collarbone and throughout the body.

Li Muyang's sword power became chaotic again.

[You have died, the game has failed]

"..." The game failed prompt popped up again, and Li Muyang opened his eyes in the private room of the restaurant.

"What the hell..."

Li Muyang sat upright and subconsciously touched his collarbone.

Although it’s a bit shameful to say this,’s a bit memorable!

Although he is no longer the young boy that the girl never touched, and he even bullied Yan Xiaoru wantonly, squeezing and rounding him wantonly.

But Elder Yan always sat there passively and stiffly, letting Li Muyang bully him without any response.

But in the fantasy world, it was as if I was actually there with the aloof glass fairy Chu Qingxue. That feeling...

"This inner demon is terrifying!"

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