Games with fairies

Chapter 260 The yearning of the infant spirit

The Blood Lotus Sect can develop and grow, relying on the miracle of the Sifang Ding to bring its followers back to life.

This is the core competitiveness of the Blood Lotus Sect.

But the Sifang Cauldron brought its followers back to life because of Shen Miao, the infant spirit trapped in the cauldron.

When this little girl was born, her father sacrificed her blood to the Sifang Cauldron, and she was trapped in the cauldron and isolated from the world. She was even given a certain spell to make her always optimistic and happy, and work for the Blood Lotus Sect without any regrets.

But now with the spiritual energy storm sweeping the world, Shen Miao inside the Sifang Cauldron could actually become angry.

He even took the initiative to ask Li Muyang for help.

If this little girl could be brought out of the Sifang Cauldron, then the Sifang Cauldron with its sleeping spirit would no longer be able to activate its power, and the miracle of the Blood Lotus Sect's believer's resurrection from the dead would no longer be possible.

The Blood Lotus Sect’s strongest support will also disappear completely!

When Li Muyang thought of this, he no longer hesitated and directly accepted Shen Miao's commission.

The next second, the system loading bar popped up in Li Muyang's field of vision.

[Accepted Yingling’s commission]

[The fun game "Endless Evolution" is being upgraded...]


The progress bar in the field of view loads rapidly.

This is the fastest time Li Muyang has ever loaded a new game.

After waiting for less than three minutes, the new game was loaded successfully.

When the progress bar was loaded, Li Muyang's eyesight went dark and he was forced to be ejected from the game "Endless Evolution" and returned to the main interface of the system.

A broad picture emerged in Li Muyang's field of vision, and in the upper left corner of Li Muyang was a list of system games.

"Tutorial for Beginners - The Mystery of Loushan City" (closed)

"Deadly Weeds" (4/5)

"Three Kingdoms: The Heaven Conquers Demons" (closed)

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" (closed)

"Call of the Mountains" (Closed)

"Endless Evolution" (closed)

"Fall of the Fairies" (closed)

"The Yearning of the Infant Spirit" (New)

The original fun mini-game "Endless Evolution" was closed and replaced by a new game "Yingling of the Infant Spirit".

Li Muyang selected a new game and entered "Yingling's Yearning".

The familiar picture scroll unfolds in the field of vision, and endless ink flows on the picture scroll.

But this time when the ink on the scroll was flowing, there was a crisp sound of water splashing.

Finally, amid the sound of splashing water, those vast ink flows converged into a crying baby in red swaddling clothes.

The baby's cry sounded in the painting.

The baby's cries are mixed with the man's deep voice-over.

"...Born with twins, yin and yang, madam, this is a gift given to me by God."

The next second, the ink in the painting scroll changed.

The baby in the red swaddling clothes is surrounded by flames and burning. Against the black and white background, the blood-red swaddling clothes and the hot and beating flames are extremely bright and dazzling.

The baby cried out in pain, and the flames licked her greedily and crazily.

The man's deep voice-over continued.

"...Blood sacrifice to my blood, sacrifice to my veins."

"May my daughter enjoy eternal happiness and no more pain in this life!"

The blazing flames suddenly exploded, burning everything on the scroll.

Black and white ink flowed on the blank scroll, and a baby in blood-clothed clothes lay confused and confused in the deserted city, its chubby little hands crawling forward instinctively.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

The cries of children echoed in the deserted ghost town.

In the mist-shrouded ghost town, there was no response.

The ink on the scroll continues to flow, and the baby in the ghost town grows up rapidly.

She learned to walk, learn to speak, and could see the world.

"elder sister!"


The happy Yingling clapped her hands and shouted to the two people in her field of vision, but the two people in her field of vision were not aware of it.

The ink and wash continued to flow, and the infant spirit in blood-clothed clothes grew taller and taller, and the smile on its face became happier and happier.

She turned around in the city, flying in the shadows, alone.

Until she heard some kind of movement outside the city and jumped up to the city wall, she was surprised to see a huge, ferocious creature peeking out of the gloomy ghostly mist outside the city.

The long and narrow body, as jade-like as jade, appears like a mountain in the gloomy ghostly mist.

Heavy fog came in, even being disturbed by this huge thing.

The giant mantis head, which was bigger than the city tower, was looming in the mist.

The giant object looked down at the girl on the city wall. The thin girl was made extremely small at this moment.

But there was a happy smile on the girl's face.


She raised her head happily and looked directly at the terrifying giant in front of her.

In the void behind the huge and ferocious terrifying mantis, a face with strong lines can be vaguely seen looming in the sky. With slightly closed eyes, he looked down at the ruined land like a god from the sky.

The opening CG scene is frozen at this moment.

The looming face in the sky has its eyes slightly closed, and lines of black and white subtitles appear on the side.

[Holy fire is fierce, burning all things]

[Blood sacrifice to my blood, yin and yang accompany each other]

[The twin sisters born into the world are regarded by their father as a gift from God because of their special blood bond]

[They were separated forever as soon as they were born into the world]

[One person’s blood sacrifice cauldron can awaken the power of the immortal weapon]

[A person born with one person in the world can consolidate the soul of an infant forever]

[The fetters of blood relatives have become the most terrifying shackles]

[But at a certain moment, Yingling suddenly felt angry]

[She is tired of this lonely life of being enslaved by others. She wants to leave this prison and escape to the outside world]

[Even if the outside world is dangerous and broken, she will not hesitate...]

Li Muyang was slightly startled by the opening CG and the information revealed in his field of vision.

This opening CG... is getting more and more cool!

Last time there was just background sound, but this time there was even CG animation, explaining the cause and effect.

Although from Shen Miao's narration, we can roughly think of the life she experienced since childhood.

But when this lonely and desperate life experience was transformed into the opening CG, Li Muyang was still deeply shocked.

Especially in the empty ghost town, the baby was crying and crawling in the fog while looking for his parents... This scene, Li Muyang admitted that he was shocked.

——This is so terrible!

Sister Shen Miao's father is simply a scumbag!

The overly cool opening CG brought a huge spiritual shock.

Li Muyang slumped on the recliner. It took him a while to recover from the shock of the opening CG.

But I still couldn't help but curse.

"Damn, you scum!"

He took a deep breath and entered the game.

The next second, a huge ghost town appeared in the field of vision.

The huge green sword mantis stood outside the ghost town like a mountain. On the wall was a girl looking up at him.

The new game "Yingling's Yearning" is officially launched!

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