Games with fairies

Chapter 270 Goodbye Xiaoru

Cheng Feiyang whispered the rescue plan.

Nowadays, fighting continues in the city and the battles become increasingly fierce. The situation seems to be getting out of control.

Yan Xiaoru was worried about Li Muyang's safety and decided to rescue him from prison first.

Li Muyang felt a little warm in his heart after hearing the news and plan.

But after thinking about it, Li Muyang shook his head: "Go back and tell Elder Yan that you don't have to come to rescue me. Even if someone comes to rob the prison tomorrow night, I won't go with them."

The situation in Tianjiao City is now chaotic, and both sides are about to fight.

At this time, the undercover agents of the Demon Refining Sect were almost forgotten, and not many people still cared about this matter.

If Yan Xiaoru rashly robs the prison, success will be nothing more than success. What if it fails?

Once the Blood Lotus Sect discovered that there was already a large-scale undercover Demon Sect lurking in the city, the two sides, who were originally fighting fiercely and red-eyed, calmed down because of the external enemy of the Demon Refining Sect, and the gains outweighed the losses.

This reckless prison robbery might even expose the Demon Refining Sect's long-hidden plan.

Yan Xiaoru has been avoiding him, refusing to come to see Li Muyang even after entering the city, seemingly calm and restrained.

But it just happened at this time...

Li Muyang sighed. Although his heart felt warm, he still rejected the rescue plan.

"You must report back to Elder Yan and never come to rescue me. Nothing will happen to me in prison."

"Shen Yan sent many people to protect me secretly. Now that both sides are jealous, basically no one will waste their energy on me anymore."

Those scumbags from the Blood Lotus Sect and Li Muyang are nothing but personal enemies.

And their fight with the Blood Lotus Cult Leader is related to the entire sect and even their own future.

In this intense stage of fighting and fighting between the two sides, it is impossible to waste manpower and material resources on Li Muyang.

After all, it is more difficult to enter the Tianlao to attack Li Muyang, the Martial God, than to attack Ruan Mei.

Li Muyang's refusal made Cheng Feiyang a little at a loss.

He obviously did not expect that Li Muyang, who had always been cautious, would dare to disobey Elder Yan's order.

——Isn’t this kid afraid that Elder Yan will punish him in the future?

After Cheng Feiyang failed to persuade him several times, he could only leave in frustration.

He was just a jailer who came to deliver meals and couldn't stay too long.

After Cheng Feiyang left, Li Muyang sat in the dark prison and thought for a long time, and finally sighed and shook his head.

"Yan Xiaoru..."

This stinky woman, they haven't seen each other for almost half a year since they parted ways at Pingyang Gang.

Li Muyang is busy playing games and punishing prisoners on weekdays, but he doesn't feel much yet.

Now that he has heard the news about Yan Xiaoru in a hurry, he realizes that the other party has been quietly taking care of him...

At this moment, Li Muyang suddenly couldn't stop missing him.

He remembered the childish little woman in Wuliu Alley who pretended to be a senior and looked cold and arrogant, but was actually happy for a long time because of the snacks he gave her...

"Oh... half a year," Li Muyang sighed softly, looking a little disappointed.

Originally, his life was stable and practical, hanging out in the Demon Refining Sect, playing games, and interacting with the cute and childish elders.

But the turmoil of the Blood Lotus Sect struck, completely turning his life into a mess.

"Blood Lotus Sect, Blood Lotus Sect..."

Li Muyang murmured softly. After a while, he calmed down and closed his eyes to enter the game.

He had already broken two corners of the Four Elephant Formation.

Next, as long as the remaining two corners of the formation are broken, Shen Miao can be rescued.

By that time, the turmoil in the Blood Lotus Sect had probably been put down, and he had returned to the Demon Refining Sect.

This was the first time that Li Muyang found that he actually had a sense of belonging to this annoying demonic sect.

He had some feelings of not wanting to separate from certain people in the sect...

Time passed quickly.

While Li Muyang was busy playing the game and switching back and forth between the two games, the heavy rain continued in reality, but the sky was getting late and the earth was plunged into darkness.

In Sky Horn City shrouded in darkness, the sound of pattering rain seemed to become more harsh.

Even Li Muyang, who was deep in the prison, could vaguely hear the sound of rain hitting the walls and tiles.

In the second half of the night, there were even fewer guards in the prison, and it became extremely deserted.

The depths of the dark prison where Li Muyang was located were so quiet that even his breathing could be clearly heard.

But in such a dark silence, Li Muyang in the game suddenly noticed something, quit the game suddenly, and opened his eyes.


The piercing thunder echoed between heaven and earth.

The roar of thunder and lightning echoed in the dark prison passage, making it dull.

Neither the thunder nor the rain outside could be seen.

But outside the dark prison, a dark figure stood quietly in the shadows.

It seemed like she had been standing there for a long time, and it seemed like she had just arrived.

There was no light, but the powerful vision of the God of War allowed Li Muyang to see her face clearly.

The familiar aloofness and indifference, the familiar three-nothing coldness.

The Demon Sect elder named Yan Xiaoru stood in the depths of the Blood Lotus Sect's dark prison without any cover-up and disguised himself, quietly looking at Li Muyang in the dark chamber.

The moment the two sides' visions intertwined, Li Muyang jumped up like an electric shock and hurriedly approached the solid steel fence of the black cell.

"You...why are you here?"

Li Muyang's eyes were shocked, and he looked around in a panic, fearing that followers of the Blood Lotus Sect would rush in the next second and find an elder from the Demon Sect hiding here.

Faced with Li Muyang's panic, Yan Xiaoru remained slightly silent.

Then he said: "Cheng Feiyang said that you refused to be released from prison, so I came to see you in person."

Yan Xiaoru's cold voice was as cold as ever, with a life-or-death tone, as if she didn't care about anything in the world.

Seeing Yan Xiaoru like this and hearing her familiar tone, Li Muyang also relaxed.

He sat lazily in the dark cell and raised his eyebrows at Yan Xiaoru.

"I didn't expect you to care about me. You haven't come to see me after being in the city for so long. I thought you had forgotten me..."

There was a bit of resentment in Li Muyang's words.

In this regard, Yan Xiaoru remained silent.

Faced with Li Muyang's frivolous words with a hint of complaint, she was not angry. She didn't even have the indifference and passivity of the past, nor did she have that desperate, stiff and reluctant reaction.

Her eyes softened, and her tone was gentler than Li Muyang had ever seen before.

"Are you... vindictive with me?"

Although the gentle tone was slightly stiff, it was obvious that being gentle was too forced for Yan Xiaoru.

But hearing her stiff tone still shocked Li Muyang.


Li Muyang, who originally spoke to her in a provocative and frivolous tone that Yan Xiaoru hated, and wanted to stab her, was immediately confused by her gentle tone.

He scratched his head and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But seeing Yan Xiaoru, who had always been reluctant in the past and let him bully her as if she was being forced, she spoke softly and softly.

"If you are fighting with me, then I apologize to you. On Pingyang Post, I shouldn't have abandoned you for my own sake..."

At this moment, Li Muyang was really confused.

He looked at Yan Xiaoru in front of him in shock and surprise. Seeing this woman whose attitude had completely changed, who no longer had any reluctance, but who was sincere and gentle, Li Muyang suspected that he was dreaming.

Is this still the awkward and childish Yan Xiaoru?

At Pingyang Gang, Yan Xiaoru, who had opened her heart to him, but had always been stiff and reluctant towards him because of some knot in her heart, was now a different person.

I felt pity for her gentle apology in a soft voice and her completely unpretentious apologetic look.

As beautiful as a dream.

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