Games with fairies

Chapter 324 Does she have anything to do with me if she falls in love with Mr. Wuming?

Regarding Li Muyang's feelings, Long Nu, as a bystander, was actually more excited than Li Muyang himself.

When Chu Qingxue suddenly spoke and mentioned the matter again, her sharp and excited explosion made Li Muyang worry that she would faint from excitement.

Now the voice of the dragon girl keeps echoing in my ears.

This handsome bitch actually went crazy to tease Li Muyang and made Li Muyang say that he liked Chu Qingxue.

Li Muyang was speechless.

He looked at Fairy Chu who was facing him with an indifferent expression, waiting for his response quietly. He thought for a while before speaking.

"Of course there is no trouble."

Li Muyang looked at Chu Qingxue frankly and said, "To be honest, I am flattered to be favored by the fairy."

"I believe any man in this world would be tempted by a fairy."

Li Muyang smiled and said: "I am also a man, but I am still a vulgar man. It is human nature to love beauty."

"But I may not be able to give you the kind of life that fairies expect in the world of inner demons."

Li Muyang pointed to the heavy fog outside the pavilion and said: "This heavy fog was temporarily summoned by me using my magical power. It can only block the vision."

"But on the sea outside this continent, there is a white mist that cannot be crossed by practitioners."

"And I live on another continent on the other side of that misty sea."

Li Muyang did not hide it, but directly confessed: "The sea of ​​mist blocks everything. Even I can't cross it. I can only use special means to incarnate in the Tianyuan Dynasty."

"But this kind of descending technique is extremely restrictive, and it's not something I can do if I want to."

Li Muyang sighed and said: "So even if I want to respond to the fairy's love, I can't do it, let alone stay with you forever as the fairy expects in the world of inner demons."

"And every time we met in the past, I came in my incarnation in a hurry, met in a hurry, and left in a hurry."

"To be honest, Fairy, you still lack understanding of the real me."

"The real namelessness is likely to disillusion you..."

Li Muyang is extremely candid and does not put a high hat on himself at all.

The sea of ​​mist is indeed the biggest obstacle.

Barred by this heavy fog, he was unable to respond to Fairy Liuli's love.

But apart from the foggy sea, too little contact between the two can also be fatal.

From Chu Qingxue's perspective, Li Muyang is a hero with mysterious origins, noble aspirations, and no fear of life or death.

But for Li Muyang, he didn't think he was a hero at all.

He is just an ordinary man.

He has a little quirk, some bad taste, and occasionally wants to be lazy. He is just a salty fish without much ambition.

The real him is completely different from the Wuming in Chu Qingxue's imagination.

Although he could take advantage of Fairy Chu's affection and admiration for him and eat up the Liuli Fairy, the worst he could do was to be exposed afterwards and break up...

But Li Muyang disdained to do such a thing.

He is not a good person, but he is not a dirty person either. He is even a bit mentally hysterical when it comes to emotional matters.

Otherwise, Li Muyang would have slept with the beautiful maids who served him in Tianjiao City.

Li Muyang smiled and confessed his details, and then waited for Chu Qingxue's answer.

But unexpectedly, after hearing Li Muyang's answer, Chu Qingxue did not react too fiercely.

Her expression remained indifferent, as if she was not surprised by Li Muyang's response.

Even after hearing Li Muyang's frank rejection, Chu Qingxue's brows relaxed slightly.

She looked at Li Muyang quietly, and the two sides looked at each other. This cold and indifferent fairy actually had a smile on his face.

"...It's pretty much the response I guessed."

Chu Qingxue smiled and said: "Master Wuming, you are really easy to understand."

"Always so sincere and kind, and totally disdainful of lying."

"Although there is another continent outside the fog, it is really unexpected..."

Chu Qingxue murmured, and after being silent for a while, she said: "Actually, my thoughts are similar to Master Wuming."

She looked at Li Muyang quietly and said: "I do admire Lord Wuming, although I don't think that what I like is a false image. But as Lord Wuming said, before I really saw Lord Wuming's true form, I I can’t really express my feelings.”

"I originally wanted to see Mr. Wuming's true appearance. I wanted to shamelessly visit him and spend some time with Mr. Wuming."

"But it's a pity that the foggy sea blocks everything, and Master Wuming is actually on the other side of the sea..."

Chu Qingxue sighed quietly and said: "But I will not give up. I will find a way to cross the foggy sea and go to the other side of the sea to meet the real unknown master."

"At that time, I will seriously express my feelings to Mr. Wuming."

Chu Qingxue said: "Master Wuming, do you welcome me to come over?"


After Li Muyang heard Chu Qingxue's indifferent but straightforward answer, he subconsciously fell silent.

Although reason and common sense told him that the foggy sea could not be crossed, and Chu Qingxue would never have the chance to see his true form in this life.

But for some reason, when Chu Qingxue said these words, he suddenly had a strong intuition - if he agreed at this time, Chu Qingxue would really cross the sea of ​​fog to see him!

Li Muyang hesitated for a moment.

Chu Qingxue said in surprise: "Um... inconvenient?"

She looked at Li Muyang curiously and guessed: "Master Wuming over there...has a family? Is his wife jealous?"

"Uh...ahem...not really a family," Li Muyang almost choked to death on his saliva.

Is this Fairy Chu so keen?

Li Muyang thought of Yan Xiaoru and sighed: "But there is indeed a woman I like, and she should also like me. Although due to various reasons, my relationship with her is now a bit stiff."

Li Muyang couldn't explain it for a while.

But after hearing his answer, Chu Qingxue reacted unexpectedly coldly.

After hearing that the man she liked already had someone in her heart, Chu Qingxue was not excited at all.

She nodded and said: "In that case, Master Wuming welcomes me."

"She is in love with Master Wuming, but it has nothing to do with me."

Fairy Liuli looked at Li Muyang seriously and said, "I like Mr. Wuming, but I don't like her."

"As long as Lord Wuming welcomes me, I will cross the sea of ​​mist and meet Lord Wuming."

Fairy Liuli's serious nonsense instantly burned up Li Muyang's CPU.

This fairy's thinking logic... is so out of the ordinary!

But before Li Muyang could speak, Chu Qingxue whispered again.

"But even if Master Wuming doesn't welcome Qingxue, I will still cross the sea of ​​mist to meet Master Wuming."

"No matter what, I must meet Mr. Wuming at least once in this life."

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