Games with fairies

Chapter 440 Triggering the Easter Egg

Li Muyang's request alone made Mahakala Buddha furious.

"You want the White Bone Tai Sui from my Buddha Temple?"

That is one of the foundations of her Buddha Temple.

The meat of the White Bone Tai Sui is an excellent bait for catching heartworms.

Without the meat of the White Bone Tai Sui, the effect of other baits will be much worse.

But seeing the Buddha's anger, Li Muyang raised his eyebrows and smiled, raised the scabbard and shook it: "Senior, don't get excited."

"Aren't we discussing it? I've said that everyone is not a three-year-old child anymore, and we can all talk and compromise."

"Look, you've given the scabbard, so can the White Bone Tai Sui be more precious than the scabbard of the Immortal Sword?"

"If you regret it now, I'll make it clear that I won't give you this scabbard."

Li Muyang smiled brightly while holding the scabbard, but the viciousness in his eyes made Mahakala Buddha grit his teeth.

"Good boy, you actually have such a side..."

Being deceived by the image of the magnanimous hero in the perspective of his daughter Chu Qingxue!

This kid is not a hero who cares about the people and is upright. This kind of insidious and vicious person who eats people without spitting out bones is clearly an evil existence of the same kind as them!

Looking at the scabbard in the other party's hand and feeling the eagerness of Shanyang Bo behind him, Mahakala Buddha Mother finally closed her eyes in anger.

"Okay! I can give you the White Bone Tai Sui!"

"My Buddha Mother Temple will also obey the rules you said in the future."

"My daughters will no longer harvest the lives of ordinary people in the future!"

The scabbard, such a precious magic weapon, was given away. It would be too uneconomical to turn against a white bone Tai Sui.

Mahakala Buddha Mother was resentful in her heart, but she could only bury this resentment in her heart.

Fortunately, Li Muyang stopped when she saw the good and did not continue to force it.

After getting the scabbard and making a blood oath with the Buddha Mother, and the Buddha Mother sent the white bone Tai Sui to the Dragon Palace of Yushui River after the matter was over, Li Muyang was satisfied.

It looked at Shanyangbo: "Shanyangbo, go in quickly. The real body of the Bodhi Venerable is in this air gate."

"I have taken away the fairy flesh and dragon spine sword that it hid in the tree body to nourish its body."

"And the remaining tree body belongs to you."

Li Muyang smiled: "This is our agreement, you can use it to refine the ghost marrow pill."

Hearing Li Muyang's words, Shanyangbo looked at Mahakala reluctantly: "Are you really not going to kill this old witch... She wants to eat you..."

Shanyangbo still wants to kill another one.

But its words were exchanged for the angry glare of Mahakala.

"Old monster! My Black Stone Mountain will never coexist with you in the future!"

In response, Shanyangbo just said disdainfully, said nothing, and went directly into the air gate.

It went to take the tree body of the Bodhi tree demon. The flesh and blood of this top evil creature will be an important medicine for it to refine the ghost marrow pill to prolong its life.

As Shanyang Bo entered the air gate, only Li Muyang and Mahakala were left in the garden.

The two were silent for a long time, and Mahakala suddenly spoke.

"... Li Muyang, the Bodhi tree demon has been killed by you, and the wandering gods in this Bodhi tree world will quickly die out."

"And once they die, those southern demons that are rampant in the Bodhi tree world... how do you plan to deal with them?"

Mentioning this, Mahakala's eyes showed a trace of worry.

"Those demons rushed to the north and killed wantonly, it seems that they are coming for us. The Bodhi tree demon is dead, and they are afraid that they will attack us next..."

The demons from the south are too powerful and evil, which makes Mahakala feel uneasy.

Although the evil creatures in the north are powerful and the mountains are complex, if they are found by these demons... a single mountain is simply powerless to fight against these monsters.

As soon as Mahakala finished speaking, Li Muyang was thinking about how to phrase it, but suddenly a strange voice came from afar.

"… Mahakala, don't worry. We are heading north with no intention of offending our northern neighbors."

"All of this is for the sake of bringing back the body of our founder."

"We are demon cultivators from the Shiwan Mountains. The body of our founder was held hostage by the Venerable Bodhi. We are heading north only to bring back the body of our founder."

"Once we bring back the body of our founder, we will immediately head south and will not stay in the north any longer."

As the voice sounded, several demonic monsters with a sinister aura appeared in Li Muyang's vision.

They were half human and half demon. They were obviously powerful monsters that could transform into humans, but they deliberately maintained their half-human and half-demon forms, as if to prove their identity as a demon.

The four monsters came together and fell into the vision of Li Muyang and Mahakala.

They bowed to Li Muyang and Mahakala at the same time, with a very humble attitude.

"Congratulations to the Dragon Goddess for killing the tree monster and getting rid of the evil spirits in the north."

"I wonder if the Dragon Goddess can give us the body of the ancestor of our demon cultivation lineage?"

"The body of the ancestor should be in the space behind the goddess..."

The words of the four monsters made Li Muyang frown slightly.

"Your ancestor?"

He looked at the head of the temple lord in his hand expressionlessly.

The four monsters bowed again and said, "Yes, the head in the goddess's hand is our ancestor."

"We are ordered to go north to bring back the remains of the ancestor and bring it back to the south for burial. I hope the Dragon Goddess can help us."

The four monsters looked sincere, polite and respectful, giving Li Muyang enough face.

But Li Muyang frowned and was speechless.

Miao Fengjun... how did you get involved with the demons again?

The magician of the Imperial Observatory is your inheritance.

Your body and brow bone are in the north.

Now even the demons in the south are your inheritance... On this Tianyuan Continent, only the inheritance of Miao Fengjun and his group of demons remains, right?

Why is Miao Fengjun everywhere?

Li Muyang hesitated slightly, but a system prompt suddenly popped up in his vision.

[Trigger special easter egg - "Demon Mist Emperor Capital\

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