Games with fairies

Chapter 450 Is your sister here too?

"... Immortal, do you know this King Lingyu?"

After leaving Qiuye Villa, the little girl sitting on the shoulder of the burly stone statue hesitated and asked the white-robed immortal beside her.

"Why is there a monster in Jigong Mountain so close to the capital?"

The girl was a little scared: "This monster lives in Jigong Mountain. Doesn't the Xuanjian Sect know? Or is it very powerful? The immortals of the Xuanjian Sect can't do anything to it?"

As for the Imperial Observatory, Nie Yubing didn't mention it at all.

After all, the Imperial Observatory is famous for dealing with evil spirits. If it was just demons causing trouble, the magicians of the Imperial Observatory would probably turn a blind eye.

Fortunately, Master Qingye pacified the demons in the world, and this land has not seen demons and demons for thousands of years.

But now the little girl has to go to a mountain near the capital to kill monsters... This makes her feel scared.

Li Muyang looked at the fear in the little girl's eyes and shook his head: "I haven't heard of King Lingyu."

"But now is different from the past. There are a few monsters near the capital now, so don't be too surprised."

After all, judging from the opening CG, the entire palace may be full of monsters.

Even the emperor himself is in collusion with the monsters.

These monsters are rampant and occupy the mountains in the pass, which is not surprising.

Li Muyang comforted: "If this monster is really strong, the Sixth Prince will not let you die."

"Since you are asked to find it, it means that the Sixth Prince thinks you can defeat it."

I didn't expect that this little girl's ability is really to control puppets.

After giving up the previous ten corpses, Li Muyang immediately realized that his combat power was much stronger with the Huangtian Lishi given by the Sixth Prince.

If nothing else, the consumption rate of spiritual power is more than ten times that of before.

In Li Muyang's opinion, this Huangtian Lishi is not much different from the combat power of the Earth Lishi he summoned with the middle-grade spiritual talisman before.

The little girl can control it easily - provided that Li Muyang's spiritual power is provided.

This kind of puppetry is something Li Muyang has never heard of.

According to common sense, if you want to control a puppet, you have to open an altar and have a complicated process.

But the little girl can get started seamlessly and control it easily... This little girl's ability is quite strong.

After saving, exiting, and closing the game, Li Muyang opened his eyes in the cabin.

Nie Yubing can seamlessly connect to the new puppet, so this game should not need to be upgraded.

The way to improve combat power is to find various powerful puppets?

If you can escort Nie Yubing out of the Black Abyss Pass and walk outside the pass, you can go to find Chu Qingxue and the Xuanjian Sect's large army.

While Li Muyang was thinking, the voice of his younger sister came from outside the door.

"Brother! We are at Wangxian Valley! Come out quickly!"

The sect's flying boat arrived at Wangxian Valley and docked outside the valley, but Li Yuechan couldn't wait to run to call Li Muyang out.

Wangxian Valley is a peculiar area. It is called a valley, but it is actually a vast plain between two mountain ranges. The plain has beautiful scenery and lush grass and water.

But flying is prohibited in this land.

Whether riding a flying boat or flying with a light, as long as you are more than three feet above the ground, you will be entangled by an inexplicable curse.

This place is an important pass, so practitioners from the south and the north have to walk on the ground or change to other means of transportation when passing through Wangxian Valley.

Li Muyang walked out of the cabin and came to the deck with his sister.

The disciples of the Demon Sect had already lined up and gathered. After everyone had gathered, Yan Xiaoru walked out of the cabin and led the crowd off the flying boat.

After counting the number of people, Su Yi, the maid beside Yan Xiaoru, stepped forward to cast a spell.

It took a full ten minutes to refine the huge flying boat into a palm-sized model and put it into the Qiankun Ring.

The disciples of the Demon Sect raised the flag of the Demon Sect and lined up in an orderly manner.

A direct disciple like Li Muyang naturally had a carriage to sit in.

But the other disciples could only walk to protect the carriage.

The entrance of Wangxian Valley was quite lively, with many practitioners walking around the market at the entrance.

As soon as the team of the Demon Refining Sect appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the practitioners.

"... It's the disciples of the Demon Refining Sect in the north."

"Hiss... The Demon Refining Sect in the north..."

"The one that was beaten up by the Blood Lotus Sect?"

"Shh... Keep your voice down, don't let your blood splash on me when you die later..."

"I heard that a disciple named Li Muyang from the younger generation of the Demon Refining Sect was invited by the Hehuan Sect this time."

"Yes, as long as you are invited to participate, you can get a Rejuvenating Pill... Envy..."

"If I can become the protector of the young master of the Hehuan Sect, I will be willing to be a Purple Mansion Great Power!"

"Shh... You are so ugly..."

There are many practitioners in the market, and everyone talks about the disciples of the Demon Refining Sect.

In addition to envy, most people are wary and afraid. After all, the Demon Refining Sect is the leader of the demon path and has a bad reputation.

There were even hostile and hateful looks in the dark.

And in the midst of these discussions, Li Muyang heard some unexpected voices.

"... Tsk... the demon from the Demon Refining Sect..."

"What a grand show..."

"The man surnamed Li is in there, right..."

"I heard that he used some evil magic to kill Fairy Mo Bai from the Taichang Pavilion not long ago, and Fairy Mo Bai is still being poisoned by the evil magic..."

"Tsk... Fairy Mo Bai has always been arrogant, and this time she hit a wall."

"I heard that Fairy Mo Bai invited friends to go with him to find the demon surnamed Li and give him a lesson!"

"Wow... Then this discussion conference is interesting."

"It's just the beginning, and you're already so angry... Hehe..."

"It fits my stereotype of Taichang Pavilion and the Demon Refining Sect..."

There was a lot of discussion outside, and Li Muyang heard it clearly with the powerful perception of the Divine Wandering Realm.

This included the discussion of several independent cultivators with higher cultivation in the teahouse.

It turned out that the person who released the thunder talisman on my younger sister was Fairy Mo Bai from Taichang Pavilion?

I haven't heard of it, but it seems that the other party is not convinced.

While Li Muyang was thinking, they left the entrance of Wangxian Valley and did not delay here.

But they walked along the vast plain of Wangxian Valley. After walking for more than an hour, Yan Xiaoru suddenly ordered the team to stop.

They came to an ordinary mortal town. Yan Xiaoru took Aunt Su away to visit a friend here.

Li Muyang and others stayed in the small town with low city walls, waiting for Yan Xiaoru to return.

Li Yuechan yelled that she wanted to go to the city and ran away with Ning Waner.

Li Muyang rejected their invitation and sat down alone in a secluded place, ready to continue playing games while waiting.

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Wow! Brother-in-law!"

The ghost girl Shen Miao, who had not been seen for a long time, suddenly jumped out of the shadows and jumped in front of Li Muyang happily.

"Are you here to find my sister too? What a coincidence!"

The first sentence the ghost girl said scared Li Muyang so much that his hair stood on end.

"Ah? Your sister is here too?!"

Damn it!

Li Muyang, who heard the trace of Shen Yan, subconsciously felt a chill on his back.

He had made great contributions to the destruction of the Blood Lotus Sect!

Now that Yan Xiaoru has left, Shen Yan and the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect... are actually in this city?

Damn it!

Could it be that they are gone?

There are many masters among the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect!

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