Games with fairies

Chapter 500 Greetings to the Ascended Immortals

In addition to the book that the monster returned, the two books that the monster took away this time were all ancient books related to prophecy.

Yan Xiaoru looked very carefully while hiding aside.

This monster was carefully selecting, not taking it at random.

Why was it interested in the prophecies that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Tianji Pavilion?

Where did it come from?

Yan Xiaoru's mind was full of questions and thoughts.

But no one could answer her at this time.

She was also knowledgeable and had read many ancient books that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Tianji Pavilion since she was a child, and her knowledge was far beyond that of ordinary people.

But such a strange monster had never been recorded in the ancient books that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Tianji Pavilion.

There was no breath, and the appearance was ugly and evil, but it gave people a sacred feeling like the Holy Spirit, making people want to worship.

Now standing in the starlight of the library, Yan Xiaoru looked at the book that had just been returned on the bookshelf and was silent for a long time.

Finally, she sighed.

"...It seems that I can't come here often in the future."

Although she didn't plan to come back often.

For her, this island was not a hometown of beautiful memories.

But now this island is occupied by a terrifying monster, which she did not expect.

Thinking of how she flew in so blatantly during the day, Yan Xiaoru could not help but feel scared.

If she happened to run into this monster coming back to get the book when she flew back during the day...

Yan Xiaoru did not dare to think about that scene.

Now standing in front of the bookshelf, staring at the ancient book that had returned on the bookshelf, Yan Xiaoru sighed faintly.

At least this book was found.

She reached out and took the book that the monster had returned not long ago, and opened it carefully.

On the mottled pages, there are many prophecies of the Tianji Pavilion.

The Tianji Pavilion deduced the great way of heaven and earth, calculated the fate of the world, and constantly tried to glimpse the future.

In the long years, the Tianji Pavilion left many prophecies.

Most of these prophecies were gone with the wind and did not come true, but only recorded the possibility of a certain historical trend.

Like those ordinary prophecies, they are not qualified to be recorded in this ancient book.

The prophecies that can appear in this ancient book are all derived from the calculations of the descendants of the Tianji Pavilion. Everyone deduced the same result and believed that this matter is very likely to be realized in the future and involves a wide range of people.

The descendants of the Tianji Pavilion in each generation will leave their own calculation process and results in this book and explain it to future generations.

Yan Xiaoru looked through it carefully, and with her past memories, she quickly found the prophecy.

"... When the remains of the immortals appear in the world and the eternal evil gods descend to the world, there will be evil spirits ascending to immortality, foreign demons realizing the truth, and the resentment of living beings being charred."

This earliest prophecy was engraved on the pages of the book with a sharp pen and was imprinted in Yan Xiaoru's eyes.

Behind the prophecy, there are the results of the deduction and verification of the descendants of the Tianji Pavilion in each generation, as well as many conjectures.

The scenes seen by each descendant of the Tianji Pavilion when they deduced may not be the same.

They can vaguely see a corner of the future image and possibility, and try to use these broken clues to depict the future scene.

Under the current prophecy, there are texts written by the past Pavilion Masters and other descendants of the bloodline.

There are many pieces of information related to this prophecy, which makes Yan Xiaoru look more and more solemn.

Among these numerous and messy text descriptions, there are many descriptions of future scenes, which look more and more like Li Muyang, a little man!

The ancestors of Tianji Pavilion actually saw the future scene of this little man refining the remains of the immortals to make puppets...

Seeing the horrible scenes described in the ancestors' texts, Yan Xiaoru muttered to herself.

"Stinky boy, you really know how to cause trouble..."

You can find such a horrible thing as the remains of the immortals!

Staring at the text on the page, she memorized all the related texts and pictures in her mind.

Yan Xiaoru suddenly closed the book and put it back on the bookshelf.

Then she quietly left the library and ran towards the beach without looking back.

This time, she came back just to check the ancient books, and she didn't think of returning to her hometown to recall her childhood.

Now that she knew there were terrifying monsters on the island, Yan Xiaoru was even less willing to delay.

After finding what she wanted, she turned around and left.

Using the most concealed escape technique, she carefully crossed her homeland like a sneaky thief, and finally quietly came to the beach where the starlight fell.

In the sea, the white bone ship quietly floated on the boundary between the fog and the sea, looming.

Yan Xiaoru walked directly on the water, not even daring to fly, and returned to the bone ship with the most cautious steps.

The moment she stepped on the bone ship again, feeling the fishy and salty sea breeze, Yan Xiaoru breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked back at Tianji Island under the starlight.

On the island where the starlight fell, everything was silent and silent.

The giant creation standing on the highest peak slowly rotated under the starlight, mysterious and shocking.

The entire Tianji Island seemed to be no different from when she first came, and the weird monster did not return.

Yan Xiaoru stood at the junction of the fog and the sea, and took a deep look at the island of her hometown before turning around and urging the bone boat to leave.

The oars on both sides of the bone boat moved out of thin air, carrying Yan Xiaoru's thin figure into the fog.

The white fog surged in front of Yan Xiaoru, quickly submerging her figure.

The island behind her quickly disappeared in the fog.

Soon, only pale fog remained in Yan Xiaoru's world.

Even in the middle of the night, the night did not fall on this foggy sea.

These white fogs seemed to be eternal and would never change.

The oars of the bone boat kept sliding in the water, and the sound of water spread far in the sea.

But this time, strangely, there was no strange black shadow following under the water.

Those underwater black shadows that followed Yan Xiaoru all the way, no one knew where they went at this time.

Just when Yan Xiaoru was confused, a tall black shadow suddenly emerged in the fog in front of her.

——The monster appeared in the fog elegantly and calmly.

As Yan Xiaoru's bone boat approached, its shadow gradually became clear in the fog.

Yan Xiaoru's pupils suddenly contracted at this moment.

Her heart stopped beating instantly.


She stared at the monster in front of her in disbelief, watching the elegant but ugly giant insect dragging black gauze and slowly appearing in the white fog.

She was caught off guard.

This monster!

Why did it appear here?

Is it here to kill me?

Yan Xiaoru was tense, and a trace of fear emerged in her heart.

The white bone boat continued to move forward as if it had not noticed anything, carrying Yan Xiaoru past the giant insect.

And this ugly and terrifying monster just appeared there quietly.

When Yan Xiaoru floated past it, it did not make any attacking moves.

Instead, it smiled, bowed, and bowed to Yan Xiaoru in a strange way with a smile - yes, it was smiling.

At this moment, Yan Xiaoru actually saw a smile on a bug.

This giant bug-like monster was waiting for her here and seeing her off!

Yan Xiaoru's whole body was submerged in the cold chill.

At the last moment, when the monster's figure disappeared in the mist, Yan Xiaoru heard an elegant chuckle in her ears.

"... Please say hello to the Ascending Immortal for me."

That... I can only update twice today. Although my condition has recovered, my physical strength has not recovered. I slept for a long time during the day.

The update I owe will be postponed to tomorrow, and I will make up for it tomorrow

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