Games with fairies

Chapter 502 Am I going to turn evil?

On the deck of the flying boat, the wind was fierce.

Dozens of disciples of the Demon Sect were fighting and competing with swords on the deck, laughing as they competed with their own magic and magical powers to seize the pot of spiritual wine that Ning Wan'er took out as a prize.

Every disciple who won the cheers of the crowd could drink a cup of sweet spiritual wine with abundant spiritual energy.

In such a lively atmosphere, Yan Xiaoru descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone with a cold expression, and the cheerful atmosphere on the deck suddenly choked.

The people who were originally laughing continuously immediately bowed and saluted in unison.

"Welcome the elder back!"

"Welcome the master back!"

Amid the respectful and nervous shouts of the disciples, Yan Xiaoru looked indifferent and gloomy.

She looked coldly at the people who were drinking and having fun on the deck, and then looked at Aunt Su who was watching everything quietly not far away. She was obviously in a bad mood.

But fortunately for the disciples, Elder Yan did not reprimand the people for drinking and having fun together.

She just looked at Ning Wan'er, the disciple who came forward respectfully, indifferently, and asked expressionlessly.

"Where is Li Muyang? Where did he go?"

Yan Xiaoru's tone was very bad, which made the disciples' hearts jump.

- Is Elder Yan going to vent his anger on Senior Brother Li? Or did Senior Brother Li do something to make the elder angry?

The disciples of the Demon Sect on the deck all lowered their heads to look at their feet, not daring to make any extra moves.

Face to face the cold question of the master, Ning Wan'er's expression froze. She hesitated for a moment and said carefully.

"...Reply to the master, Junior Brother Li has been practicing hard these days, and has been shutting himself up in the house to practice seriously. He never causes any trouble. His duty..."

Ning Wan'er wanted to say a few good words for Li Muyang indirectly.

But before she finished speaking, a cold wind blew by her side.

Yan Xiaoru actually abandoned everyone present and went directly into the flying boat.

She went to find Li Muyang who was practicing hard behind closed doors.

As Yan Xiaoru left, all the disciples on the deck breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the air here became much more relaxed as Yan Xiaoru left.

Everyone was carefully discussing whether Senior Brother Li had done something wrong.

In the quiet cabin, Li Muyang, who was playing the game, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked up and found that Yan Xiaoru had come to his side without knowing when, and was sitting quietly on the mahogany chair by the window.

The two looked at each other, and Li Muyang was a little surprised.

"... When did you come back?"

Yan Xiaoru in front of him had a cold expression and gloomy eyes, and an uncomfortable devilish aura emanated from her whole body.

Although Yan Xiaoru has always been aloof and cold, this state is extremely rare.

It seems that her mood has reached an extreme, and it is like a cold volcano that may erupt magma at any time.

Li Muyang asked: "Do you know the news that the sect master has broken through the Tianheng realm?"

This should be the thing that can make Yan Xiaoru feel so bad, right?

Or... is it related to the prophecy she found when she went back?

Seeing Li Muyang asking, Yan Xiaoru did not keep him in suspense.

She looked at the worried eyes of the little man, took a deep breath, and finally let go of her cold and gloomy expression, revealing a strong sense of fatigue.

"... I know, but Gong Yanghong's breakthrough to the Tianheng realm is not particularly bad news at this time."

Yan Xiaoru raised her hand and threw out several formation flags, temporarily setting up a magic circle to isolate this room from the outside world and prevent the possibility of eavesdropping.

She looked at Li Muyang in front of her, recalling everything she saw when she returned home this time, fatigue and worry, as well as a trace of cold fear, surged in her heart.

After thinking about the wording, Yan Xiaoru said.

"I found that ancient book when I went back this time."

"The ancient book records many prophecies derived by the successive masters of the Tianji Pavilion and the outstanding descendants. One of the prophecies seems to be related to you..."

Yan Xiaoru said, sighed softly, and narrated the content related to the prophecy.

Including the content of the prophecy, and the future fragments that the ancestors of the Tianji Pavilion saw when they deduced and calculated this prophecy...

As Yan Xiaoru told the story, Li Muyang's face gradually became serious and solemn.

"... When the remains of the immortal appear in the world, when the eternal evil god descends, there will be evil spirits ascending to immortality, foreign demons realizing the truth, and the resentment of living beings being destroyed."

He murmured and repeated the content of this prophecy, listening to Yan Xiaoru's description of the future fragments.

Although those future fragments may not necessarily come true.

But judging from these fragments alone, he did appear in the prophecy and played a very important role.

After releasing the remains of the immortal in the Qiankun Ring and looking at the calm facial features of Fairy Mo in front of him, Li Muyang suddenly felt like he had a hot potato.

"So this immortal's body can't be revealed?"

Li Muyang was a little confused: "If I take her out in front of the world, will it trigger the content of the prophecy?"

No matter how you look at it, this prophecy is referring to the group of ancient evil gods in the ancient well of resentment.

But what about the evil spirit ascending to immortality, the outer demon enlightenment... you are not talking about me, right?

Now Li Muyang is particularly sensitive to the word [ascending to immortality].

Especially in this game, he was identified by the system as [ascending immortal, outer demon].

If the evil spirit in the troubled times referred to in the prophecy is him...but I am not dead yet, how can I become an evil spirit?

And I am crazy, why do I want to cause trouble in the world?

Li Muyang couldn't understand, looked at Yan Xiaoru in front of him, and asked: "Is there any way to avoid this prophecy? If I hide the remains of the immortal and never let her appear in the world, can I prevent the prophecy from coming true?"

According to his understanding, the prophecy of this world is just a possible calculation of some external factors.

If you avoid it in advance, you can change the future.

But Yan Xiaoru looked at him speechlessly and shook her head.

"Maybe it can be avoided, but the probability is high..."

She looked at the remains of the immortal beside Li Muyang and said: "The prophecy says that the remains of the immortal will appear in the world...Strictly speaking, when she was discovered by you and taken out of the secret realm by you, she had already appeared in the world."

"It may be too late for you to hide now."

"And the future deduced by this prophecy is too terrible. Even if it has not come true, you can't hide the remains of the immortal."

Speaking of this, Yan Xiaoru withdrew her eyes from the remains of the immortal and looked at the little man in front of her.

The two looked at each other, and Yan Xiaoru said calmly: "This is a powerful killing weapon rarely seen in the world, enough to sweep away most of the world's enemies."

"If there is really a demonic world in the future, it will be very important for you to have the remains of an immortal to protect your body."

"With such a powerful fighting force, how can you easily give up the preservation because of a prophecy?"

Li Muyang was speechless.

Is the prophecy really going to come true?

Will he completely turn evil in the future, become an evil boss, and kill people by nature?

This is pure nonsense!

Although he is not a good person, he is not a crazy demon. Why would he kill innocent people?

This prophecy of Tianji Pavilion is slander, a complete slander!

There are two more chapters later, which should be posted before one o'clock, but I suggest you go to bed early and get up tomorrow morning to read

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