Games with fairies

Chapter 534: Eliminate one correct answer first

The bells outside the Buddhist temple are melodious and simple, floating among the mountains, with an ethereal and mysterious meaning.

Everyone who hears this majestic bell cannot help but stop and listen.

Only Li Muyang was indifferent to the sound of the bell. He stepped into the courtyard with an indifferent expression and looked directly at the old monk in front of him.

Next to the huge Hong Bell, the old bell-ringing monk in cassock saw the appearance of Li Muyang and the others. He stopped ringing the bell and turned to look at the three people.

"...I am the Buddha who is compassionate."

The old monk who rang the bell spoke with compassion, clasped his hands to the three of them, and said, "If the three benefactors leave now and flee to the north, they can still avoid the catastrophe and escape the bad luck of death."

"Now that the catastrophe has arrived, the three of you should not stay in this land for a long time."

The old monk clasped his hands together, looking like a compassionate and enlightened monk, persuading the lost world.

——If the demonic energy on it was not so violent and strong.

Li Muyang narrowed his eyes as he stared at the old bell-ringing monk with violent demonic aura and more powerful strength in front of him.

This old monk is much stronger than the colorful centipede guarding the door.

And it is the BOSS of the second level.

Without saying a word, Li Muyang raised his hand to activate his skills and attack the old bell-ringing monk in front of him.

There is nothing to think about and nothing to hesitate about.

Although the tragic scenes he saw in the water mirror just now were too shocking, Li Muyang quickly adjusted his state of mind and was not at all frightened by the terrible world that was approaching catastrophe.

At this moment, when I saw the second level BOSS, I raised my hand to attack without any hesitation.

After the bells in the Fodong Temple stopped ringing, they were replaced by the deafening whistling of sword energy and the pitiful sigh of the old monk who rang the bells.

"Lost people, alas..."

The old monk who was ringing the bell clasped his hands together and stood motionless.

However, the cassock on its back suddenly expanded, and pale arms emerged from its back one after another, densely grabbing at the sword energy swept by Li Muyang.

These pale arms were so strong that they actually resisted the sword energy swept down by Li Muyang, crushing every sword energy accurately.

The two girls behind Li Muyang, one big and one small, also took action at the same time, coming from the left and right from behind to protect Li Muyang who was attacking from the front.

Li Muyang has the strongest combat power among the three, so he is the core.

This was the tacit understanding reached by the three of them during the previous battle with the Colorful Centipede.

Now facing the powerful bell-ringing old monk, the three cooperated again.

The endless torrent of sword energy surged in front of the Buddhist temple.

Accompanied by the chanting of the Buddha's name by the old monk ringing the bell, the silence in the Fodong Temple was replaced by fierce explosions.


"...The sect leader is about to fight with Old Man Tianxin."

Li Muyang, who had just walked out of the quiet room, took the handkerchief handed by the maid and wiped his face.

In front of him was Yan Xiaoru with a cold expression.

Yan Xiaoru, who had been designated as the next sect master, came to his residence at this time, forcing Li Muyang to stop the game and return to reality.

After wiping his face, Li Muyang handed the handkerchief to the maid.

The two maids retired respectfully, and only Yan Xiaoru and Li Muyang were left in the reception room.

The cold expression on Yan Xiaoru's face disappeared and became much softer.

Looking at the little man in front of him who was practicing hard every day, Yan Xiaoru smiled and said, "You are very diligent. In a few hours, there will be an unprecedented battle between two Tianheng realm monks."

"Now the entire Demon Refining Sect and even Yunxiao City are extremely lively."

"Everyone is rushing to see the fun."

"But you are still practicing in the quiet room. Don't you look forward to this unprecedented battle?"

Yan Xiaoru's eyes were full of curiosity.

Li Muyang shook his head and said, "Look forward to it, but cultivation is the most important thing."

Although the game time is relatively ample this time, the difficulty becomes higher as you go forward.

He wants to pass the level as soon as possible.

There was not much chatting. Since Yan Xiaoru took the initiative to come to the door, it proved that there was something about what Li Muyang asked her to investigate.

Li Muyang asked directly.

"...Is there any result for the investigation I asked you to investigate?"

Li Muyang looked at Yan Xiaoru and asked: "Why did Ta Xuefeng focus on Yuechan? Has the descendant of Corpse Jie Xian come to the sect?"

The incident of Yue Chan being searched by Ta Xuefeng two days ago made Li Muyang worried.

He asked Yan Xiaoru to help her find out the situation, at least to know the cause and effect.

All in all, why would the disciples on Xuefeng focus on Yuechan?

And Yan Xiaoru didn't show off.

After Li Muyang asked, she nodded calmly and said, "I've asked. The reason is very simple."

"The descendant of the Corpse Execution Immortal has been hiding near Yunxiao City, hunting down the demonic monks who appeared in Yunxiao City."

"This is normal. After all, Yunxiao City is bustling and lively. Countless demon monks pass by from north to south every day. It is the best place for the descendants of the Corpse Execution Immortal to hunt."

"But the other party has been hunting near Yunxiao City and stirring up trouble on the Demon Sect's territory. The sect will naturally have to respond."

Yan Xiaoru said, shaking her head: "In the beginning, our Law Enforcement Hall was responsible for this matter, and we did track down some traces and clues related to the successor of the Corpse Execution Immortal."

"But as the successor of the Corpse Execution Immortal becomes stronger and stronger, she has now begun to hunt demon cultivators in the Immortal Ascension Realm."

"Faced with a demon with this kind of cultivation, the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall are no longer able to fight against it, so the matter of tracing the successor of the Corpse Execution Immortal has been handed over to the lineage of the Sect Master of Taxue Peak."

"Not long ago, the worshipers in the sect traced the traces of a hunt by the descendants of the Corpse Execution Immortal based on clues."

"The clue was vague, and the heir of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal's hiding technique was very powerful, but he was still found by the sect's priests."

Yan Xiaoru said here, looking at Li Muyang: "The traces found by the sect's priests showed that the heir of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal hid in the suspended island of the Law Enforcement Hall. The last area where he disappeared was in the bamboo forest behind your little sister Li Yuechan's bamboo house..."

Yan Xiaoru shook her head and said: "Fortunately, the heir of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal no longer looked down on low-level cultivators like Yuechan, so he did not attack Yuechan."

"But this little girl was suspected by the Snow Peak It is reasonable to search for it. "

"In the past two days, the sect also sent worshippers to follow Yuechan, but nothing was found. Instead, there was another incident of the descendant of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal attacking the demon cultivators outside Yunxiao City."

"And in the past two days, Yuechan has been under the eyes of the sect worshippers and has not left the Demon Sect."

"So now Yuechan's suspicion has been cleared."

Yan Xiaoru comforted: "You don't have to worry too much. With me here, the sect will not wrongly accuse Yuechan."

If it were an ordinary inner sect disciple, he would probably be directly dragged to search his soul at this time, and would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

But because of Li Muyang's existence and Yan Xiaoru's secret support, Li Yuechan was not embarrassed.

Now that he heard that his sister's suspicion was cleared, Li Muyang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"... It's good that this girl is not the descendant of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal."

If Yuechan is really the descendant of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal, then it will be a big trouble.

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