Games with fairies

Chapter 538 I am waiting for your arrival at the Demon Refining Sect

Li Muyang was filled with endless horror and astonishment.

A stinking corpse came on the clouds, and the corpse was covered with strange maggots.

This scene was horrifying and creepy.

However, the spectators present, including the leader of the Demon Refining Sect in front of Elder Tianxin, did not notice it!

Li Muyang stared at the corpse of Elder Tianxin, trying to identify its identity from the face and facial features of the corpse.

No one could have imagined that the leader of the Qingyang Society was actually a corpse.

And it was the remains of an immortal!

Only the remains of an immortal can show the power of the Tianheng Realm.

No wonder Elder Tianxin was promoted to the Tianheng Realm as soon as the seal of heaven and earth was broken.

It was not a promotion in cultivation, but the power of the immortal corpse was once again enhanced as the seal of heaven and earth was unlocked!

Li Muyang stared at the stinking corpse in his field of vision, trying to identify the identity of the corpse and find out the puppeteer who secretly controlled the corpse.

In this world, besides him, there are actually people who have turned the remains of immortals into puppets!

And the other party's puppetry is obviously more profound than the one Li Muyang learned through the system.

Even Li Muyang, who was in the state of ascending immortals, could not see the operator of the corpse puppet.

He could only see invisible threads flying into the distance, and finally disappeared at the end of the horizon.

——The puppeteer who controlled the old man Tianxin was hiding so far away.

What a terrible puppetry!

Even though they were separated by such a long distance, they could still exert the power of the corpse puppet...

Li Muyang tried to float higher, wanting to float above this planet and overlook the entire continent in the universe.

This might help him find the position of the puppeteer.

However, this time the state of ascending immortals lasted very short.

Like the situation when he first saw the mountain gate of the Demon Refining Sect, the extremely mysterious state of ascending immortals lasted only a few seconds.

Li Muyang tried to fly higher, but a huge gravitational force came from below him.

Li Muyang was caught off guard and was dragged back into his body, completely out of the extremely mysterious state of ascension.

At this time, he looked up and looked into the distance. The old man Tianxin, who came on the clouds in the sun, had become immortal and smiled brightly.

It was not a corpse at all, let alone the strange maggots crawling on it!

Li Muyang on the flying boat fell silent.

He stared at the old man Tianxin in front of him, who was laughing and chatting with the leader of the Demon Refining Sect.

But Li Muyang was not interested in their conversation.

He just wanted to know who was the manipulator behind the old man Tianxin!

In this world, besides him, there are actually people who have obtained the remains of an immortal.

And Li Muyang has never seen this immortal's remains!

The face of the corpse seen in the state of ascension kept surging in Li Muyang's mind.

He recalled quickly and compared it with the immortals who participated in the group of immortals in the ancient times.

However, after the comparison, Li Muyang failed to find the same face as the corpse in front of him in his memory.

This corpse was not among the ancient immortals!

On the contrary, the style of the robe on the corpse was somewhat similar to the Netherworld gods that Li Muyang repelled in the underground foggy world...

An inexplicable uneasiness suddenly emerged in Li Muyang's heart.

Who on earth dug up the corpse of the Netherworld gods?

And refined it into a puppet?

The corpse of the Netherworld gods in front of him, although it was just the first meeting, gave Li Muyang an extremely dangerous and disgusting feeling.

But at this moment, the old man Tianxin, who was talking with the leader of the Demon Refining Sect in the distant sky, suddenly glanced at the direction where Li Muyang was.

Although the two sides were very far apart, when they looked at each other at this moment, Li Muyang still saw a cold and strange smile on the face of the corpse.

——The puppeteer behind the corpse was watching Li Muyang!

An inexplicable chill and a strong sense of disgust rose in Li Muyang's heart.

He frowned and stared at the other party, and was not scared away by this strange sneer.

But the old man Tianxin no longer looked at Li Muyang, but turned his head to continue talking to the leader of the Demon Refining Sect.

But a low and hoarse call suddenly sounded in Li Muyang's ears.

"... Jiang Xiaoyu, I can feel you."

"You are Jiang Xiaoyu... right?"

"Brother of Qinghe Fairy Jiang Zhiwei, you really escaped the dark catastrophe and were reborn after ten thousand years."


The low and hoarse call was mysterious and distant, as if it was echoing among the mountains, and it seemed to sound in Li Muyang's ears.

It directly exposed Li Muyang's other identity, causing Li Muyang's face to change slightly.

He instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

But before he could react, the scene around him had been submerged by the tide of darkness.

Li Muyang was very familiar with this scene that looked like a scene switching in a game.

But at this moment, he was not in the game.

After the darkness submerged him, it quickly faded away.

Soon, the scene around Li Muyang had changed drastically.

He was no longer standing next to Yan Xiaoru, nor on Yan Xiaoru's flying boat, but standing in a dilapidated and decaying ancient village.

Bloody corpses were spread in every corner of the village.

The air was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, as well as a cold and terrifying evil spirit.

This was actually the Black Cloud Village!

Li Muyang was very familiar with the place!

Li Muyang's face changed drastically - I was under an illusion!

This is the fact he realized instantly.

But he had the passive [Pupil of Spiritual Vision] given by the system, which made him immune to all illusions.

Logically, he shouldn't be under illusions!

Li Muyang stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed the one beside him.

He grabbed Yan Xiaoru beside him, and the touch was the familiar touch of Yan Xiaoru's palm.

This made him feel relieved.

Although his vision was confused by the illusion, fortunately, the touch of his body was not confused!

The passive of [Pupil of Spiritual Vision] still worked.

Holding Yan Xiaoru tightly beside him, Li Muyang tried to warn.


However, the moment the sound was made, the touch of Li Muyang's palm changed.

What he grabbed with his right hand was no longer Yan Xiaoru's hand, but a more slender and more familiar hand.

Li Muyang turned his head suddenly and looked beside him.

An extremely familiar and beautiful profile appeared beside him.

"...Big brother."

The woman, who was seriously injured and covered in blood, looked at him weakly and said faintly: "Run! The things underground are coming out!"

Xiaoyecao shook off Li Muyang's hand and rushed towards the village in front.

"Big brother, run! I'll help you hold them back!"

However, the next second, the Black Cloud Village in Li Muyang's vision collapsed and fell into the ground.

In the dark and deep underground pit, countless ancient evil gods emerged.

The figures of evil gods one after another completely submerged Xiaoyecao's thin and helpless figure.

The whole earth was completely overturned!

Li Muyang, who witnessed this scene, felt a tearing pain in his heart.

And that low and hoarse voice sounded faintly in Li Muyang's ears.

"...This scene is real."


The voice let out a strange and harsh low laugh: "Fairy Qinghe died in Heiyun Village, her original home."

"The evil gods from the underground swarmed out and took away the fairy's last chance of life."

"Jiang Xiaoyu, you shameless escapist."

"You clearly have a secret technique to escape the dark catastrophe and hide for thousands of years to avoid disaster, but you didn't teach it to Fairy Qinghe, nor to us."

"You used this secret technique alone, We were abandoned in the dark catastrophe... You shameful and selfish escapist, your Qinghe Fairy trusted you until the last moment before her death!"

"But you failed her! You shameful and selfish coward!"

"You failed everything! You betrayed us!"

"You should die in Heiyun Village, among those evil gods!"

"You evildoer with evil blood!"

The low and hoarse voice kept ringing in Li Muyang's ears, trying to confuse and confuse Li Muyang's mind.

Li Muyang clearly felt a strange and extremely cold power, which was constantly disturbing him.

But the power of [Spiritual Vision Eye] that was immune to psychedelic techniques finally showed its power at this time.

Li Muyang remained unmoved by the low and hoarse voice that disturbed his mind.

In Heiyun Village, he not only did not get angry, but instead raised his head indifferently and stared at the dark sky.

There seemed to be a pair of invisible giant eyes, staring at him coldly.

Li Muyang stared at the giant eyes and said coldly.

"...Are you the puppeteer behind the old man Tianxin?"

"Or, are you the real old man Tianxin?"

Staring at the giant eyes in the sky, Li Muyang said coldly.

"Since you have such a big opinion about me, then come to the Demon Refining Sect to kill me!"

"I'm in the Demon Refining Sect, waiting for your arrival!"

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