Games with fairies

Chapter 542: Harbouring Evil Intentions

"Buddha's enemy?"

The monk in white clothes under the bodhi tree had a smile in his eyes, shook his head and chuckled, "What the nameless layman said is wrong."

"Buddha has no form, so he is naturally invincible."

"As for what the poor monk did, he was worthy of his heart and worthy of the Buddha."

"Buddha said, if I don't go to purgatory, who will?"

"If this disaster in Tianyuan Continent is to begin, it can naturally start from this Buddha Cave Temple."

"Just like what the layman said, hundreds of millions of creatures on this land will die tragically in the disaster."

"Who deserve those people? They live a cautious and cautious life, walking on thin ice. Countless innocent people will die tragically, so why should I, the monks of Fodong Temple, be an exception?"

The monk in white smiled and shook his head: "Since the monks of Fodong Temple are no exception, they should also die in this catastrophe."

"Everything is destiny."

After the monk in white finished speaking, he continued to chant Buddhist scriptures.

Li Muyang's sharp and cold questioning not only did not disturb Monk Mingxiu's mind, but made his Dharma even more powerful.

The Buddha's light condensed under the bodhi tree was bright and sacred, and it constantly relieved the resentment on Li Muyang's corpse.

Li Muyang watched the blood bar disappear little by little, and even in a special state where he was absolutely rational and would not lose control of his emotions, he still felt troubled.

[Nie Yubing is dead and the game has failed]

Another failed CG picture popped up, but Li Muyang opened his eyes in the black fog and was not surprised.

He sighed quietly and closed his eyes.

This monk Mingxiu is simply terrifying.

He single-handedly suppressed Li Muyang and the three of them almost the entire time.

When Li Muyang's white-clothed Sword Immortal corpse was unable to exert its full combat power, the trio's offensive was immediately frustrated.

After all, the glass fairy Chu Qingxue and the little girl Nie Yubing had played support roles in the previous battles.

The main force in the battle is still Li Muyang, and the remains of the Sword Immortal controlled by Li Muyang.

At this time, Li Muyang, the main force, was frustrated, and the remaining two assistants were naturally unable to make any trouble.

Feeling the suffocating pressure of Monk Mingxiu and the despair of being unable to resist, Li Muyang frowned extremely.

This demonic monk has a firm mind and is unmoved by external objects.

Even if he did something evil, killing innocent creatures, or even killing his fellow monks.

Any person with a conscience will feel uneasy if he does these things, even if he has a great reason.

But Monk Mingxiu had a firm mind and did not waver at all.

"...This monster monk has gone astray completely."

Li Muyang murmured to himself.

Although I don’t know what made Monk Mingxiu become like this.

But a demon monk who has entered the demonic path is still a demonic monk with a firm Buddhist heart and a Buddhist magic that has not been affected by the demonic path, but has become stronger.

At this moment, Li Muyang was not in a hurry to return to the game and die.

This kind of meaningless death with no hope of breaking the situation, no matter how many times you die, it will not have much effect.

This BOSS cannot be solved by being familiar with the opponent's skill style and release timing.

Li Muyang needs to find another way.


Twelve hours later, the door of Yan Xiaoru's quiet room was pushed open.

Yan Xiaoru walked out with a tired look, followed by Li Muyang.

At this time, Li Muyang had broken away from that absolutely calm and rational state and returned to normal.

He opened the system interface, checked the mission status bar, and after confirming that the cursed debuff disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Xiaoru's Nether Demonic Skills are indeed unique, and she can get rid of such difficult spells.

Although the cost was that she consumed a lot of mana, and she looked much haggard to the naked eye.

"...I will rest peacefully for a few days. I will recover in about three to five days."

Yan Xiaoru was a little weak even when she spoke.

Li Muyang was about to speak, but Aunt Su's figure quickly appeared.

"It's not good, Miss..."

Before Aunt Su could finish her words, there was an exclamation like a mountain roar and a tsunami at the mountain gate of the Demon Refining Sect in Li Muyang's field of vision.

The next second, a vast demonic energy suddenly appeared in the direction of Taxue Peak and shot straight into the sky.

But it only lasted a few seconds before the demonic energy collapsed.

Then the entire Demon Refining Sect once again let out exclamations and screams like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

It seems that all the disciples are sad.

Yan Xiaoru immediately looked in the direction of Taxue Peak, frowning and asking.

"What happened? The dissipated demonic energy seems to be the sect master?"

Aunt Su looked solemn and said: "It is indeed the sect leader. He was extremely seriously injured."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Su looked at Li Muyang aside, but hesitated to speak.

But after looking at Yan Xiaoru beside her, Aunt Su said: "Six hours ago, the battle between the sect master and Old Man Tianxin ended. Both sides were injured, and the injuries were extremely serious."

"At this moment, a huge lion with nine heads suddenly appeared and took away the old man Tianxin in one mouth, and the battle was terminated."

"The sect leader rushed back to the sect urgently and returned to Taxue Peak to recuperate."

"But it is said that the injury is extremely serious and his life is on the verge of death."

Aunt Su said in a low voice with solemn eyes and uneasiness: "Not long ago, news came from Taxue Peak. While the sect master is recovering from his injuries, he asked me to urge you, Miss, to go to Taxue Peak and prepare to take over the sect's affairs."

"If he fails to survive tonight, Miss, you will immediately ascend the throne, inherit the position of the sect leader, and become the master of the nine-story black tower of Xuefeng!"

Su Yi's words made Li Muyang and Yan Xiaoru's faces change greatly.

According to their guess before the battle, Gong Yanghong could not lose.

After all, the real Gong Yanghong was dead, and the leader of the Demon Refining Sect in front of them was the old monster Demon Refining Ancestor who had survived for thousands of years.

This old monster who had survived for thousands of years could not accept the challenge of Elder Tianxin without the certainty of victory.

But he accepted the challenge in public, and finally fought to a situation where both sides were injured, and even died soon...

Combined with the fact that this old monster suddenly promoted Yan Xiaoru as the designated leader before the war, and that this old monster suddenly died of serious injuries after the war and sent people to urge Yan Xiaoru to take over...

Li Muyang muttered with an ugly face.

"This old monster has taken a fancy to your body and plans to abandon Gong Yanghong's identity and take over your body?"

The Demon Refining Ancestor's thoughts at this moment are already clear at a glance.

Li Muyang and the other two knew the details of the Demon Refining Ancestor, so they could see the evil intentions of this old monster at a glance.

Yan Xiaoru also had a cold look in her eyes, and murmured, "It seems that this old monster has been eyeing me from the beginning."

"When I was in the Divine Wandering Realm, he made an exception and promoted me to an elder... Could it be that this old monster saw the blood of the Tianji Pavilion in my body?"

The Demon Refining Ancestor actually set his eyes on Yan Xiaoru, and even couldn't wait to take over Yan Xiaoru's body.

In an instant, Yan Xiaoru, the glorious elder of the Demon Sect, fell into a desperate situation.

Aunt Su whispered, "...Miss, are we going to escape?"

Li Muyang frowned, "This old monster was fine before, why is he so impatient to change his body all of a sudden? Does he need to use the blood power of the Tianji Pavilion to predict something important?"

Yan Xiaoru's face changed slightly, and she murmured, "...Although I haven't learned the art of divination, I can vaguely feel that the Demon Refining Sect and even the entire cultivation world will undergo some kind of drastic changes in the future!"

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