Games with fairies

Chapter 549: World-destroying tragedy

Demon spirit...

Is this what Monk Mingxiu and Emperor Lu in front of them called those strange, breathless demons that were transformed from living beings?

Now the emperor has an army of two million demon spirits by his side...

Looking at the spectacular scene in the water mirror, Li Muyang looked solemn.

One million demon spirits have already wiped out the Soaring Army. The Soaring Army, which was protected by ancient immortal weapons, was retreating steadily, allowing the emperor to run rampant in this land.

Now the emperor actually has an army of one million more demon spirits...

And the birth of an army of millions of demon spirits means that the emperor has slaughtered tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of innocent people.

Even though Tianyuan Continent has a vast territory and a large population, the catastrophe of hundreds of millions of casualties is enough to shock the world.

I don’t know how many states and counties the emperor slaughtered, and how much land he turned into a scorched earth with bones exposed at night and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles.

The expressions of everyone around Li Muyang changed greatly.

The little girl Nie Yubing stared at the picture in the light screen, her face pale and her body trembling. She was obviously frightened by this horrifying picture.

The emperor had just defeated the Soaring Army not long ago, but now he has slaughtered tens of millions of mortals... What a terrifying killing speed!

The three female sword cultivators from Xuanjian Sect looked extremely ugly.

"...The Lu dynasty, which has produced generations of wise kings and saints, has produced such a tyrant!"

"If I had known that this tyrant was so cruel, I should have rushed into the imperial capital and killed him!"

The sword cultivators of Xuanjian Sect and the little girl Nie Yubing all reacted fiercely.

After all, they live on this land and have personal pain.

As an outsider, Li Muyang was horrified by the emperor's cruelty, but after all, he was from the continent next door, and after all, he was in a virtual game, so the sense of immersion was much worse.

He did not lose his composure, but frowned at the white-robed monk under the bodhi tree.

Monk Mingxiu, whose health bar was empty, had not yet died.

But the system has already pronounced its death.

[All the foundations of the Nine Nether Soul Summoning Formation have been cut off, mission: Heaven is Dead ⑦——Completed]

[New mission: Heaven is Dead⑧Unlocked]

[Task content: Go to Guyuan County and kill the emperor]

The system tasks refreshed in the field of vision indicate the final BOSS.

Killing the emperor is the final battle of this game.

But Monk Mingxiu, who had been sentenced to death by the system, was still sitting under the bodhi tree with a smile.

Although his breath disappeared and the Buddha light in his body was completely dimmed, he did not fall.

Looking at the people who killed him in front of him, Monk Mingxiu had no hatred or resentment in his eyes.

He just accepted his death calmly and said to everyone with a smile.

"Now that the Nine Nether Soul Summoning Formation has been broken, all those who broke the formation will be hated and treated with hostility by the Emperor."

"With the Emperor's temperament, I will definitely not let you go."

"Even if you all flee to the north now, it's too late."

"The army of demon spirits sent by the emperor to hunt you all should be on the way."

"But you laymen probably won't run away."

Monk Mingxiu smiled and said slowly: "You will stay to fight against the demon spirit army, and you will even take the initiative to go to the ancient wall to fight the demon spirit army there."

Having said this, Monk Mingxiu sighed and said quietly with emotion.

"I hope that all laymen...will come true."

"If you can defeat the emperor, or if the emperor destroys you... no matter which outcome it is, it will be a good thing for the world, haha..."

After saying these sighing words, Monk Mingxiu finally slowly closed his eyes.

He seemed to have let go of something.

The monk in white seemed to feel relieved after witnessing the emperor once again transforming millions of demon spirits and gaining an invincible army.

Although Li Muyang was a little confused, he didn't know what peace of mind this monk had.

The rest of the people had no time to understand the profound meaning of Monk Mingxiu's words.

For the creatures of Tianyuan Continent at this moment, the top priority is to immediately rush to Guyuan County where the emperor is located and kill this tyrant who kills creatures.

If this tyrant is left alone, I don’t know how many innocent mortals will suffer in the catastrophe!

It happened that Monk Mingxiu had already given the emperor's location, and the picture that appeared in the light screen was indeed near Guyuan County.

Everyone under the Bodhi tree immediately reached a consensus.

"Qingniao sent a message to other sect members, and we rushed to Tiandu Mountain near Guyuan County to meet up."

"After gathering the strength of the sects in Tiandu Mountain, let's go together to stop the evil tyrant of the Lu Dynasty!"

"Now that Master is no longer here, it is up to us to kill the evil heretics in Tianyuan Continent! We must not tolerate evil spirits!"

A blue bird carrying a message was released by Fairy Liuli's senior sister and flew into the distance.

This blue bird will inform other people in Xuanjian Sect and gather everyone to rush to Guyuan County and Tiandu Mountain.

Li Muyang and others flew up in the escape light and flew towards Tiandu Mountain.

The biting wind roared around everyone as they left the Fodong Temple in Xianfeng Mountain, leaving the temple that had turned into a dead ruin.

A huge demonic mist appeared in front of everyone, but soon they flew out of the scope of the demonic mist and arrived on the plain outside the Black Abyss Pass.

The people flying rapidly high in the sky overlook the earth from a very high perspective.

However, what I saw was devastated and heart-wrenching.

On the broken land, streaks of gunpowder smoke rose at the end of the horizon, and countless cities turned into ruins.

The crisscrossing roads on the earth, on the roadside and in the middle of the road, were all covered with corpses.

When the disaster came, innocent civilians fled to the distance with the elderly and children.

But the monsters behind them easily caught up with them and slaughtered them one by one on the road.

The corpses on the avenue and on both sides of the road were all incomplete, and the corpses were covered with bite marks left by the sharp fangs of monsters.

The scene that came into view was like a monster kingdom in a nightmare.

It was also like a messy eating place where the demons used the sky and the earth as a table.

These shocking tragedies made even Li Muyang, an outsider, look ugly and deeply touched.

With his excellent eyesight, he looked down at a mutilated body of a woman, who was waving her arms and running towards the distance, and lost the lower half of her body below the waist.

It was as if a huge beast suddenly jumped out and bit half of her body when she was running and waving her arms.

At this critical moment of escaping, the reason why the woman was so ostentatious was that there was a swaddle hanging on a big tree on the roadside in the opposite direction of her running.

The swaddle was looming among the branches and was hidden very well.

But Li Muyang's strong eyesight could see that the swaddle was empty.

There were only a few small but dazzling bloodstains on the empty swaddle...

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