Games with fairies

Chapter 553: Classic Love Story

Soon, Li Muyang met Guan Xiaoshun who came to visit.

After the two met, Li Muyang was surprised to find that this simple border town boy was a little embarrassed.

He sat on a chair, but he was fidgeting as if he was sitting on a charcoal fire.

His face was full of guilt.

Li Muyang was a little curious: "Xiaoshun? What's the matter?"

When the two were outer disciples in the outer sect, they had a good relationship.

In that outer sect with sinister hearts, two people with good natures had a wonderful mutual attraction.

Li Muyang was not polite to anyone, but he was friendly to this simple boy.

This simple border town boy can be said to be Li Muyang's only friend in this world.

At the critical moment when his sister Li Yuechan was attacked and injured and her life was in danger, it was Guan Xiaoshun who was busy leading the way and helping, and instructing Li Muyang how to buy affordable spiritual objects.

Later, he even spent all his money to support Li Muyang.

In the demon sect where people's hearts are evil, such pure friendship is extremely precious.

Li Muyang will always remember those past experiences.

Although the boy is simple, he is not stupid. He knows clearly about the ways of the world and the dangers of the world.

Therefore, his sincere heart, which he still maintains despite knowing the dangers of the world, is even more precious.

Although Li Muyang quickly became successful after entering the inner sect, the friendship between the two sides has not changed.

Although the boy is cautious, he will not be overly restrained, nor will he be arrogant and domineering and use Li Muyang's name to flaunt outside.

Whether Li Muyang is an inner sect disciple, a direct disciple, or even now promoted to a sect worshiper, the friendship between the two is still the same as it was at the beginning.

Like today, Li Muyang has never seen a boy with a guilty face and fidgeting.

He is very curious.

——Has this kid got into trouble?

It is the first time I have seen this kid so uneasy.

He knew that Guan Xiaoshun had been doing business. When he was in the outer sect, Xiaoshun made a lot of money by selling spiritual rice and reselling spiritual objects.

This kid has a very high business talent.

Not long after returning from his hometown to visit relatives, the boy learned alchemy from somewhere and could make pills of excellent quality.

With these pills, Guan Xiaoshun could live very well even without Li Muyang's care.

But doing business as a dealer, dealing with all kinds of people, there will always be some difficult monsters.

Could it be that Xiaoshun is in trouble?

Li Muyang kept guessing in his heart, and at the same time looked at Guan Xiaoshun with interest.

After hesitating for a while, Guan Xiaoshun finally gritted his teeth and said.

"... Senior Brother Li, I want to ask you for help with something."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Li Muyang responded, the boy quickly added another sentence.

"And Senior Sister Yuechan, I also need her help."

"I have a very, very important matter, I want to ask you and Senior Sister Yuechan for help."

After the boy finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Li Muyang would not agree.

He stood up solemnly, bowed and bowed to Li Muyang.

"This matter is extremely important, please agree to me, Senior Brother Li!"

The boy's big gift shocked Li Muyang.

He immediately stood up and supported Guan Xiaoshun, saying: "Why do you have to be so polite? If you have anything, just say it directly."

At this moment, the boy seemed to have given up everything.

The determination to gamble everything surprised Li Muyang and made him even more confused.

I don't understand what it is that can make this boy care so much.

After the boy was helped up by Li Muyang, he dodged for a moment when facing Li Muyang's curious eyes.

Then, the young man lowered his head and said, "Brother Li, I met a woman in Yunxiao City last year and got to know her."

"To be honest, since I met her, I have lost my appetite and her eyes are full of her."

"As long as I close my eyes, her face will always appear in front of me."

"Since she left, I miss her even more often, and even the taste of food has lost its taste."

"I want to marry her home, but she is the daughter of the Lu family in Jiezhou, and her family is noble, unlike me, a country bumpkin."

"She told me in the letter that if I want to marry her, a big man with a noble status and good strength must come to propose marriage, and then I can get the permission of her elders."

"Or let me practice hard, if I can become a direct disciple of the sect, then I can marry her openly."

When the young man said this, he seemed to gradually gain confidence.

It seemed that he had opened the conversation, and the words became more and more natural.

He looked at Li Muyang sincerely and said, "I wanted to practice hard, and when I become a direct disciple of the sect, I will go to her house to marry her."

"But not long ago, she sent me a letter with a blue bird, saying that a young disciple from a noble family in Jiezhou City wanted to marry his family, and her elders seemed to agree with this marriage."

"She was powerless to disobey her elders, so she wanted to break off contact with me, not to meet again, and not to send me letters with a blue bird."

"The letters I sent to Jiezhou City with a blue bird in the past few days were all rejected by her..."

The young man said here, a little depressed and lost.

Blue bird letter transmission is a quick spell for practitioners to communicate with each other.

Using magic power to condense a blue bird, you can send letters to designated people across thousands of miles.

I didn't expect that Guan Xiaoshun, a border town boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would hook up with a lady from a noble family, and even to the point of privately betrothed...

Li Muyang looked at Guan Xiaoshun in surprise, somewhat amused and somewhat surprised.

"...So you want me to propose marriage to you, right?"

Although I have never heard of the Lu family of Jiezhou, it is just a family under the rule of the Demon Sect.

With Li Muyang's current reputation and power, it is more than enough to help Guan Xiaoshun propose marriage.

Li Muyang smiled and patted Guan Xiaoshun's shoulder, and relaxed.

"It's just a small matter, I thought it was something else. You are so nervous."

"This is a good thing, you should have told me earlier."

"If I had proposed marriage to you earlier, there would be no matter today."

Li Muyang sat down with a smile and said, "But there is no problem with the proposal, but there is one thing I want to confirm."

Li Muyang looked at Guan Xiaoshun curiously, half joking and half serious.

"You asked me to ask someone else for marriage. Are you really in love? Is the girl willing to marry you?"

"Also, is this girl really... um... suitable for you?"

Li Muyang coughed and said, "You are honest and simple, don't be fooled by bad women."

"What kind of person is this Miss Lu?"

Although Guan Xiaoshun understands the ways of the world, he is not a fool with zero emotional intelligence.

But he is only 16 years old.

When Li Muyang was his age, he could get excited for half a night after seeing a few erotic pictures on the Internet.

At this age, it is easiest to be confused by love.

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