Games with fairies

Chapter 556 Seven Hundred Years of Resentment

The mysterious woman's voice was filled with confusion.

"After the Age of Dharma Ending, such large-scale dragons traveling in the clouds and causing rain...are rarely seen in the world."

"I only remember that thousands of years ago, a group of dragons rose up and dominated an area. When those dragons traveled, they liked to summon wind and rain to accompany them."

"But that lineage of dragons perished seven hundred years ago."

"Since then, there have been no more swarms of dragons in the world..."

The mysterious woman was confused.

The clouds and rain spread over such a large area, and I don't know how many tailed dragons are behind it.

So many dragons are displaying their magical powers. What are their intentions?

The mysterious woman murmured.

"...Since the spiritual energy of heaven and earth revived, this world seems to be becoming more and more unstable."


Heavy rain washed away the vast lake.

One hundred and seven thousand miles south of the Demon Refining Sect, there is a large lake named Qingmu Lake.

In the past a long time ago, this was a demon cave where dragons were entrenched and flourished.

At that time, the Qingmu Jiao clan dominated all directions, how glorious it was.

However, the turmoil seven hundred years ago turned this Qingmu Lake into a pool of stagnant water.

The rotten black air that persists all year round floats on the lake.

In the rotten and stinky lake, all fish and shrimps were extinct, and all life was extinct.

The most daring mortals would not dare to get close to the surroundings of Cyanwood Lake.

Legend has it that the evil spirit of a dragon roars in the lake and devours every living person who dares to approach Qingmu Lake.

With Qingmu Lake as the center, there is no human habitation within ten miles.

Even the wild beasts in the wilderness fear and avoid the ominous lake here.

But today, after the downpour came to the world, a thin figure suddenly appeared in the wind and rain.

He was wrapped in a thin gray robe. He didn't know how he appeared. He seemed to have been standing there from the beginning, with no footprints in front or behind him.

The violent wind and rain in the sky seemed to be avoiding him. Although he was in the middle of a heavy rainstorm, his gray robe did not get a drop of water wet.

This mysterious thin man just looked at the Aoki Lake in front of him quietly, at the putrid black air floating on the lake, and at the calm, stagnant lake surface.

There was a hint of sadness on the man's face.

The next second, a bolt of thunder pierced the sky above his head.

The roaring thunder echoed, and the blazing white light illuminated the sky.

In the dark clouds above the man in gray robe, he could vaguely see a terrifying black shadow ten thousand meters long swimming in the dark clouds.

That black shadow looks like a dragon!

The man in the wind and rain whispered.

"...Aoki Lake, I'm finally back."

He raised his hand and stretched it towards the lake in front of him.

The strong wind roared past his body, making the gray robe on his body rustle.

The pale face under the torn gray robe can be vaguely seen, as well as the body that is riddled with holes, mutilated and rotten.

Where are the living people here!

The mutilated and rotten body looked more like a corpse that had been rotting for several days!

As the man stretched his right hand forward, the dark clouds above his head suddenly rotated and became violent.

A huge black shadow of a 10,000-meter-long dragon appeared in the dark clouds.

Blazing white lightning continued to pierce the sky, and finally the dragon could be seen clearly.

But the dragon's body was covered with stab wounds and sword marks, and dark, putrid blood was dripping from the broken dragon scales.

As it flew and swam, blazing white lightning illuminated its head. It was revealed to be a mutilated dragon head, missing one of its horns and a third of its head.

The rotten and stinky brain and brain cavity were exposed to the air without any cover.

Jiaolong's intact left eye was empty and dim, without any aura.

This 10,000-meter-long dragon is the real corpse!

It has completely lost its breath and is completely controlled by the man in gray robe below.

Strong winds, heavy rain, lightning, thunder... Aoki Lake, which had been silent for hundreds of years, was rioting at this moment.

Under that pool of stagnant, rotten and stinking lake water, there seemed to be terrifying black shadows wandering around.

The man in gray robe standing in the rainstorm raised his right hand high and roared to the sky.

"...Everyone, my Qingmu Jiao clan's hatred for annihilation is about to be repaid!"

"Mother! I finally did it!"

"I have lived up to your expectations and perfected your technique with my broken body!"

"The entire Demon Refining Sect will have to pay the price with blood!"

"Our people are dead, but their corpses will slaughter the entire Demon Refining Sect!"

As the gray-robed man roared, the huge dragon corpse above him suddenly flew down and rushed towards the Aoki Lake below.

The 10,000-meter-long dragon corpse passed over the vast Qingmu Lake.

The giant mouth of the dragon's fangs that had grown corpse spots suddenly opened, and beams of dim blue light flew out of the dragon's mouth and fell into the large lake below.

Every time a ray of green light fell into the lake, a dull roar came from the lake below, and a huge dragon corpse would wake up from the lake.

By the time the 10,000-meter-long dragon corpse swept across the entire Cyanwood Lake and returned to the gray-robed man again, the black-filled Cyanwood Lake had completely rioted.

The stagnant water that had been dormant for many years was rolling and surging crazily.

Huge and long black shadows swam underwater, and shrill and dull dragon roars sounded in the black mist.

Immediately afterwards, huge black shadows appeared in the stagnant water.

A pair of huge, empty, dead eyes with no focus appeared in the black mist.

All the dragon bodies that had been sleeping and rotting under Qingmu Lake for hundreds of years were awakened at this moment.

With their last unwillingness and last resentment in life, they roared towards the sky.

In an instant, the violent wind and rain spread in all directions at a very fast speed.

The dark clouds quickly covered the land.

The entire land under the rule of the Demon Refining Sect was covered by these dark clouds and violent wind and rain!

In the cabin of the flying boat flying at high speed in the storm, Li Muyang suddenly opened his eyes.

A trace of inexplicable horror flashed through his heart.

"... What's the noise?"

He suddenly got up and walked out of the cabin, came to the deck and looked to the south.

Just now in the game, he suddenly felt a tightness in his heart and inexplicably felt a chill coming from the south.

Indistinctly, he even heard some kind of shrill shouting.

However, when he got up and came to the deck, he found that all this was his illusion.

No one except him heard the strange scream.

And Li Muyang looked to the south, and everything was normal.

The rainstorm and wind in that direction were no different from those in other directions.

This world seemed to be completely covered by the rainstorm and wind.

Li Muyang and his companions had already flown thousands of miles out of Jiezhou City, not far from the sect.

But they still had not flown out of the range of the rainstorm and dark clouds.

On the deck, watching the heavy rain in the sky and the white lightning that cut through the sky.

Li Muyang's face was gloomy, and he murmured.

"... Seven hundred years of resentment."

"It seems to be getting closer."

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