Games with fairies

Chapter 578 My friend is an ancient swordsman

Li Muyang has always been cautious and low-key. He rarely causes trouble and is unwilling to cause trouble.

But if he has to do it, he must do it thoroughly.

He will never leave trouble for himself!

Looking coldly at the Demon Refining Ancestor in front of him, since the moment he killed Gong Yanghong and this old monster appeared, Li Muyang knew that he was forced into a dead end.

This old monster is hiding deeper than imagined.

Li Muyang did not hesitate at all and played all his cards.

It happened that Ziwei Heng, a Tianheng Realm, was on his way. After knowing the chaos in the Demon Refining Sect, this revengeful Qingmu Jiao survivor immediately rushed here at the fastest speed.

With the combat power of the two Tianheng Realms of the corpse of Fairy Mo + Ziwei Heng, and the power of two ancient immortal artifacts, it is enough to tip the balance of the battlefield.

Even if the revived divine corpse of the Demon Refining Ancestor has supreme power, Ziwei Heng is followed by countless dragon armies!

Once those dragon armies rush into the battlefield, everything will be a foregone conclusion.

Ziwei Heng was confident that he could wipe out the entire Demon Refining Sect with his own strength.

Now with the addition of Li Muyang, there was no possibility of failure!

Under the moonlight, Li Muyang looked coldly at the Demon Refining Ancestor in front of him, watching the sand and gravel collapse and rubble collapse on the suspended island under the moonlight, revealing the truth of the hidden corpses of the gods.

Watching the corpses of the gods appear in the moonlight, along with the appearance of the corpses of the gods, the cold, dull, and dead strange atmosphere spread to the entire gate of the Demon Refining Sect.

Even the Demon Refining Sect's protective formation had some strange changes at this time.

Cold howls and painful screams kept appearing in the protective formation.

In the void, one transparent figure after another appeared in the dark night, howling continuously, rolling in pain in the air, struggling for mercy.

A scene of doomsday despair.

These horrifying death scenes seemed to be a scene from ancient times being repeated here.

A kind of shuddering despair spread in the air.

The disciples of the Demon Refining Sect were infected by this despair, and they knelt on the ground one by one, their eyes became empty and fearful, as if they had returned to the desperate dark age of ancient times.

Li Muyang looked at these strange changes with cold eyes, and there was no ripple in his eyes.

He knew that this was the last scene the god saw before his tragic death.

This god's corpse, which died in a very miserable state, must have suffered some kind of terrible disaster before his death, and saw the disaster scene of blood flowing like a river, which would have such a gloomy and dead resentment.

He looked at the Demon Refining Ancestor who was holding an invisible chain in the void and sneered at him, and shook his head.

"... Old thing, do you think you won?"

The power of the god's corpse is indeed far beyond the remains of the immortal.

A revived god's corpse can at least reproduce more than 70% of its power before its death.

But the upper limit of this world is now only the Tianheng Realm.

Even if you are a real god, you only have the power of the peak of Tianheng Realm at most!

Want to crush Li Muyang with a corpse of a god?


Stepping on the green blade mantis and dragging the unconscious girl in his hand, Li Muyang came directly to the corpse of Fairy Mo.

At this moment, he stood with Fairy Mo and looked coldly at the magic cultivators of the entire Demon Refining Sect.

As the corpses of the gods in the suspended islands revived, the prisoners in the Black Prison who were struggling to death had died one after another.

Only the two prisoners with full cultivation broke through the blockade and escaped in the chaos at the cost of serious injuries.

And the elders of the Demon Refining Sect did not chase these two people.

They quickly gathered the demon sect cultivators under their command, and gathered with more than 300 demon cultivators in the Shenyou Realm, forming a large formation in the night sky, blocking all the directions of Li Muyang's escape.

Coupled with the constantly revived corpses of gods in the Demon Refining Sect...

At this time, Li Muyang was completely trapped.

All eyes in the entire Demon Refining Sect fell on him.

The Demon Refining Sect, the first sect that swept across the world and the leader of the demon path, all gathered to surround and kill Li Muyang.

In his vision, the sky was full of dazzling escape lights, all of which were figures of demon cultivators.

And he was alone, standing in this void full of evil spirits, and it seemed that he had reached a dead end.

But Li Muyang's face showed a sinister sneer.

"... Do you think you have won? A sure win?"

Looking at the demon cultivators in the sky and the constantly resurrecting corpses of gods, Li Muyang took a deep breath with cold eyes.

"Your corpse of a god has supreme power, but my friend is an ancient sword fairy!"

He pressed one hand on Fairy Mo's shoulder and looked coldly at the demon cultivators in the sky.

Without the slightest fear, he took the lead in launching an attack.

The cold and pale sword energy rose again under the moonlight and slashed directly at the nearby Stepping Snow Peak!

And the strange blood-colored pupil of the god on the Snow Peak!

The torrential rain washed the land under the rule of the Demon Refining Sect.

In the mountains hundreds of miles away from the gate of the Demon Refining Sect, on a lonely mountain top, the white-haired Ghost Su Qi Xie Liuyun stood in the rain, quietly looking at the gate of the Demon Refining Sect in the distance.

Liu Lian'er, the young leader of the Hehuan Sect, stood beside him curiously and asked.

"…Senior, why did the water mirror suddenly disappear?"

They had been using the water mirror to watch the battle in the gate of the Demon Refining Sect from afar.

In the water mirror, she saw with her own eyes the tragic death of the leader of the Demon Refining Sect, Gong Yanghong, and the horrifying scene of the appearance of the Demon Refining Ancestor.

These were scenes she had never imagined.

But what surprised her even more was Li Muyang, who had been unwilling to leave with her and wanted to stay in the Demon Refining Sect...

The power that Li Muyang showed tonight made her look up to him and difficult to reach.

But as the battle became completely intense, the Demon Refining Ancestor, who was forced into a desperate situation, did something unknown. The soil on the Snow Peak collapsed, and then a huge blood pupil seemed to appear.

Then, the water mirror image was broken.

Liu Lian'er, who could not watch the battle, was anxious.

"What on earth is that huge eye!" Liu Lian'er asked.

But Xie Liuyun had no time to answer her at this time.

Xie Liuyun looked into the distance with a solemn expression, trying to feel the battle situation hundreds of miles away.

After a long while, he muttered to himself.

"...The body of the god has really revived."

He closed his eyes, and his soul gradually floated away and came to a mysterious dark space.

In this dark space, several black shadows sat upright.

Each black shadow had a vast and powerful aura like the abyss and the sea.

But at this time, these masters of immortal weapons were rarely anxious and out of control.

Seeing Xie Liuyun return, they immediately asked.

"Gui Suqi, what is the situation in the Demon Refining Sect?"

"Which god's corpse is hidden in the Demon Refining Sect?"

"Do you recognize his name?"

All the masters of immortal weapons are extremely concerned about the corpse hidden in the Demon Refining Sect.

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