Games with fairies

Chapter 584: The Demon Refining Sect is over

In the Demon Refining Sect, blood-red eyes opened in the darkness.

In an instant, the gate of the Demon Refining Sect seemed to be filled with blood-red eyes.

From a distance, the world was full of eyes, which made people shudder inexplicably.

The army of dragon corpses that had been rampant and killing in the Demon Refining Sect was suddenly blocked in their offensive.

After the red eyes opened, a brutal and violent evil spirit floated in the entire Demon Refining Sect...

On the top of a mountain far away from the gate of the Demon Refining Sect, Xie Liuyun, the ghost who had been watching the development of the battle, saw the blood-red eyes opened in the Demon Refining Sect from afar.

The ancient immortal sword on his back was shaking restlessly.

As the master of the immortal weapon, Xie Liuyun's eyes turned cold, and he subconsciously protected Liu Lian'er beside him.

But after watching for a long time, he did not suffer any attack.

The eyes that opened in the Demon Refining Sect only glanced at this side and ignored him.

At the same time, the battle situation in the Demon Refining Sect changed in some way.

The group of demon cultivators who originally wanted to escape and retreat actually flew up one by one and flew towards the huge blood pupil in the sky.

These demon sect disciples howled and cried, trying to beg for mercy from the sect master.

The howling and screaming resounded in the wild for a while, which was even more piercing than when they were killed by the dragon corpse before...

Looking at the scene in the distance, Xie Liuyun's body stiffened slightly.

But after a few seconds, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and let down all his defenses.

It was just a whisper in the night wind, with an extremely complicated sigh.

"... Demon Refining Sect, it's over."

Xie Liuyun muttered to himself.

Liu Lian'er behind him looked confused: "Senior? What happened?"

Xie Liuyun looked at the chaos in the Demon Refining Sect from afar and sneered: "The Demon Refining Ancestor should be able to survive tonight, but he is the only one who can survive."

Who would have thought that the corpse of the god in the Demon Refining Sect was actually the cruel and violent Thousand Eyed Blood God.

No matter what the Demon Refining Ancestor chose, when a pair of red eyes opened in the void, it meant that the power of the Thousand Eyed Blood God was reviving.

All living creatures in the entire Demon Refining Sect will become sacrifices to the Thousand Eyed Blood God from this moment on!

...In the rainstorm, "Li Yuechan", who had already left the gate of the Demon Refining Sect, suddenly noticed the change in the breath behind her.

She turned around suddenly while flying, frowned and looked at the gate of the Demon Refining Sect filled with red eyes.

At this moment, "Li Yuechan" had an ugly expression on her face.

"...The divinity of the Thousand Eyed Blood God actually remains on the corpse?"

"Li Yuechan" had cold eyes, as if thinking about something.

But suddenly, she sensed a certain breath, and suddenly raised her head and looked coldly at the void in front of her.

"Who is this?"

In the dark night sky with heavy rain, the sound of silver bells rang.

Two girls wearing shiny and gorgeous skirts jumped out of the void with a smile.

The moment they appeared, the dark night sky seemed to be brighter.

Looking at "Li Yuechan" in front of them with a smile, the two beautiful and gorgeous girls saluted in unison and said.

"Ark of the World, sisters Yinqing/Yinling, meet senior corpse-reincarnation fairy."

"By the order of the leader, I specially invite you and sister Yuechan to the Ark of the World to avoid disaster."

"Ark of the World is independent of the cultivation world and is not disturbed by the world. If you enter my Ark of the World, no one will come to disturb you."

The two beautiful girls in gorgeous clothes are like exquisite puppets on the stage.

Their skin is fair and delicate, and their smiles are gentle and amiable. Even the most hard-hearted people will soften their hearts when they see these two delicate and playful girls.

"Li Yuechan" looked at them coldly and sneered: "I heard Yuechan say that the Ark of the World is absolutely neutral and never gets involved in worldly affairs."

"I didn't expect that you would also go out because of my immortality method... Hehe..."

"Li Yuechan" sneered and sneered twice and left directly, saying: "Go back and tell your leader that I will go to the Ark of the World. After all, my disciple's parents are still with you, and Yuechan will go to visit them sooner or later."

"But I still have things to do now, and I don't have time to go so far."

"If your leader wants the immortality method, let her wait with peace of mind. Don't have any bad thoughts!"

"When I feel better one day, let Yuechan go to the Ark of the World to find her!"

After that, the figure of "Li Yuechan" disappeared directly into the void, and she escaped from this place in an instant.

Witnessing such a powerful and mysterious escape technique, the two girls suddenly widened their eyes.

"Wow! What a powerful escape technique!"

"As expected of a corpse-reincarnating immortal!"

They didn't care about the corpse-reincarnating immortal's departure.

It seemed that they had expected it.



In the misty Netherworld, Li Muyang stood on the head of the Emerald Mantis and stared coldly ahead, frowning.

He was not unfamiliar with the situation in the Netherworld.

So he controlled the Emerald Mantis to walk in the Netherworld, avoiding those powerful and terrifying corpses of gods, and there was almost no danger.

But the cold and dead air in the Netherworld was eroding his magic power all the time.

And the body of Fairy Mo guarding him was indeed as the crazy woman behind "Old Man Tianxin" said, it was impossible to control it all the time.

In the system interface, Li Muyang only had 16 hours left to control the body of Fairy Mo.

The combat power of Fairy Mo's body is indeed unrivaled in the world.

But at this time, there are not many enemies in the netherworld for Li Muyang to fight, and there is no need to fight.

After the crazy woman dragged him into this place, she really did not appear again, but let him fend for himself in the netherworld.

Such crazy hatred made Li Muyang unable to understand, and he could not figure out the identity of the other party.

Now Li Muyang can only save himself.

He can't stay where he is and wait for death, he must save himself.

It just so happens that he knows that there is a passage in the netherworld leading to the outside world.

Although that passage will lead him away from the land where he lives and arrive at a dangerous continent where demons are dancing.

But at least Tianyuan Continent is the land of the human world, without the cold and dead air.

As a living person, if he stays in the netherworld, there is only one way to die.

But how to get to the passage to Tianyuan Continent in the netherworld still needs to be found.

After all, he only knows that there is such a road, but he doesn't know how to go.

Besides, at this moment, Li Muyang was also concerned about the situation in the human world.

He was suddenly dragged away by the crazy woman behind Tianxin Elder. Would Ziwei Heng, who was left in the human world, fight alone and die violently?

And Yuechan...

Yuechan was also left in the human world.

What realm is Yuechan in now?

She should still be alive, right?

As the descendant of the Corpse Reincarnation Immortal, no one would kill her before taking away her inheritance.


Li Muyang covered his forehead and muttered to himself.

"This damn crazy woman..."

Disrupted all his plans!

Originally, his plan was perfect. He had waited for Ziwei Heng to kill him. He could completely take his sister out of the Demon Refining Sect and even severely injure the Demon Refining Ancestor.

But the appearance of this crazy woman made all his plans go down the drain. Now he is trapped in a dead end and has no way to move forward or backward.

He also lost the information of the human world.

Li Muyang, who was in the netherworld, found that he could not speak through the chat group.

All the words he sent in the chat group were stuck in the chat interface and could not be sent out at all.

It's like the network is down.

Looking at the fog surging in his vision, Li Muyang gritted his teeth and said.

"Damn crazy woman, I will definitely skin you alive!"

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