Games with fairies

Chapter 589 Guyuan County

The blood-soaked Tiandu Peak was in a mess.

The fierce battle finally ended at this moment.

The unparalleled sword intent and violent blood of the two sides in the battle rushed straight into the sky, even shaking off the demonic clouds in the sky.

Now that the battle is over, the entire Tiandu Peak is silent and silent.

The Tiandu Peak, which was originally lush with vegetation and towering ancient trees, is now bare without any vegetation. All you can see is the devastated loess and sand.

The huge Tiandu Peak was a lot shorter after the war, and a layer of soil on the entire mountain was shoveled away.

And this is just the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle.

Wuxin King Lu Chen, with his blood-depleted and emaciated body, is now sitting stiffly in the ruins of the battlefield on Tiandu Peak.

At this time, he has exhausted all his blood and energy, and he can't even move a finger.

However, Li Muyang and the other two are still hovering in the distance and watching, not approaching.

Watching the three people in the sunset, Wu Xin Wang Lu Chen squeezed out a helpless bitter smile on his old face.

"Heh... As expected of the legendary immortal Wuming."

Wu Xin Wang closed his eyes weakly and murmured: "Every punch and every kick of my old man were predicted in advance and then resolved."

"Even if I burn my blood and fight for my life, and show my skills, every blow seems to hit cotton, with no feedback and results."

"As expected of the mysterious immortal who can escape from the ancient well of resentment full of evil gods."

Wu Xin Wang murmured: "... Your Majesty, this old minister is incompetent and cannot protect Your Majesty to complete the remaining half of the journey."

With a bitter sigh, Wu Xin Wang exhaled a heavy turbid air from his chest.

And this exhaled turbid air also took away all his breath.

When the turbid air was exhaled from his chest, Wu Xin Wang Lu Chen's head, which was held high, drooped weakly.

This old prince, who was notorious for his fierceness and made great contributions to the empire's wars, actually lowered his head and sat on Tiandu Peak.

The setting sun fell on the old prince's body, his pale silver hair fell, and his wrinkled face was no longer majestic.

Like a statue without breath, it merged with the blood-red sunset.

Seeing such a scene, the little girl Nie Yubing and the glass fairy Chu Qingxue couldn't help but be moved.

"Old prince..."

"Senior Lu..."

The two people under the setting sun had a little sadness in their expressions.

Although he was a powerful enemy blocking the road, Wuxin King Lu Chen had a high reputation in the entire Tianyuan Continent.

He was a rare loyal person in the court.

Now seeing the old prince exhausted and died in battle, they were all a little sad.

Li Muyang, who was standing aside, didn't change his mood.

He was not from Tianyuan Continent, and he didn't have any emotional filter for this old prince.

Moreover, the old prince said it lightly, as if Li Muyang had eaten him to death and crushed him easily.

But this "easy" crushing was obtained by repeated tragic deaths and reloading.

Now that the powerful BOSS, Wuxin King Lu Chen, has finally been defeated, Li Muyang sighed and said, "Let's go, let's go to Guyuan County to kill the emperor."

The final mission of Cangtian Yisi is to go to Guyuan County to kill the emperor.

Wuxin King Lu Chen is just a BOSS guarding the gate, and the emperor is the real boss.

Li Muyang got up directly and flew towards Guyuan County in the distance.

Now all the demon army under the emperor's command have been assigned to resist the sword cultivators of Xuanjian Sect, and the defense force around the emperor is extremely empty.

It is a good opportunity for Li Muyang to kill the BOSS.

Otherwise, the group of demon army will rush up, with a number of millions, and I am afraid that even if Qingye Zhenren comes, he will have to flee.

It is difficult for cultivators in this world, even the top cultivators, to be unrivaled among millions of demons - even though most of these demons are not strong.

In such a situation, it is very important to seize the opportunity to carry out the decapitation operation.

Li Muyang and the other two flew into the sky and flew towards Guyuan County.

This place was originally a county town, but when Li Muyang and his companions flew over the county town, they found that the huge Guyuan County had disappeared.

The original location of the county town is now a huge bare loess platform.

The loess platform with a radius of dozens of miles stands on the plain, like a mountain rising from the ground, and the scene is spectacular.

On the platform, there are densely packed ancient talismans.

One by one, black formation flags are arranged on the platform. From a distance, the rows of formation flags swaying violently in the wind under the setting sun are like ferocious guards, waiting for the arrival of the enemy coldly.

"...This is the magic circle that the emperor uses to transform mortals into demons."

The Glazed Fairy, looking down from above, frowned and said, "The emperor is going to perform evil magic here to transform demons again!"

As Li Muyang and the others flew to the depths of the platform, they saw mortals locked in cages with numb expressions.

Groups of demons, holding paper and pens, kept shuttling between these cages, constantly recording and counting something.

Li Muyang and Nie Yubing looked a little confused.

But the Glazed Fairy knew more about the situation.

She looked at the chaos below and said expressionlessly.

"Except for the one in the capital, the emperor carefully selected the transformed people for the second demon transformation."

"A long time ago, he ordered people to register and register the citizens who were qualified to transform into demons and go to his demon country on earth."

"The people in the cages below were not recruited at random. They were basically recognized by the emperor and were taken hostage with their families."

Chu Qingxue's words made Li Muyang speechless.

Looking down at the chaos below, he shook his head speechlessly.

"...This dog emperor is still a particular person."

"But what's the point of his selection?"

Although the people who were transformed into demons still had their former memories and bodies, their inner personalities had completely changed, their spirits had also changed, and their personalities had become cruel and bloodthirsty.

These new demons were just a group of monsters with human memories.

The human part had died the moment they were transformed into demons.

The emperor's behavior seemed a bit unreasonable to Li Muyang.

He, Chu Qingxue, and Nie Yubing flew over the platform, drove straight into the center of the vast platform.

All the demons they saw along the way, no demon attacked them or stopped them.

The group of demons on the ground who were busy registering and counting seemed not to see Li Muyang and the other two flying through the air.

Just like that, Li Muyang and the other two landed in the center of the high platform.

This is the core of the entire formation. The emperor, wearing a royal robe and with demonic energy all over his body, is standing here at this time.

He stood on the high platform, staring coldly at the uninvited guests below, and said.

"Finally we meet, the legendary immortal Wuming..."

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