Games with fairies

Chapter 602 Another one dies

In the shadows, Li Muyang listened to the discussions in the inn with a cold face.

The messages conveyed by those practitioners were all within his expectations.

He knew from the beginning that after the ancient immortal sword appeared in the world, the entire cultivation world would go crazy.

That's why he has been hiding the Jinghong Immortal Sword.

What he couldn't imagine was that after he returned to the human world, he actually came to the current human world...

"... Entering a two-year-old corpse, isn't it going back to the past?"

Li Muyang muttered to himself as he raised his pale and thin hands.

He originally thought that this time of returning to the human world was like the situation of Xiao Yecao, where the system threw him to more than ten years ago and asked him to revive the dead Li Muyang.

But the reality was not like that.

There was no time travel, he just came to the human world and used a corpse that had been dead for many years to return to the human world.

And this corpse was 100% compatible with him, and his name was Li Muyang.

In the memory of the original body, this small grave existed from the beginning.

This is fucking…

“This is weird,” Li Muyang frowned tightly: “Two-year-old Li Muyang is dead, so who is the Li Muyang who is alive now?”

Could it be twin brothers?

But Li Damu and his wife are not big shots, and there are no secrets among neighbors in a small place like Jiuyuan City.

If the original body had a twin brother who died young, there would be no way that there would be no rumors among the neighbors.

Li Muyang stood in the shadows and frowned for a few seconds, instinctively feeling that this matter was very important.

He wanted to ask Li Damu and his wife in person.

But before that, Li Muyang had to meet Yan Xiaoru.

The changes in the Demon Refining Sect have affected the entire cultivation world.

Now Yan Xiaoru actually wants to integrate the remaining forces of the Demon Sect. This behavior is a bit presumptuous, and in Li Muyang’s view, it is no different from suicide.

It is impossible to do it with Yan Xiaoru’s strength alone.

After the death of more than a dozen elders of the Demon Sect and the tragic death of all the inner white-robed disciples who were the foundation of the sect, the Demon Refining Sect has been in name only.

Li Muyang didn't understand why Yan Xiaoru stood up and took the lead at this time.

She didn't have any feelings or sense of belonging to the Demon Refining Sect, so she shouldn't be so foolish.

In the shadows, Li Muyang stood up and left, heading quietly towards the outside of Jiuyuan City.

From the discussions he just heard, he knew Yan Xiaoru's current location, which was in Yunxiao City.

The road from Jiuyuan City to Yunxiao City was a little far away.

Li Muyang's escape light rose and flew away.

However, as soon as his escape light left Jiuyuan City, he noticed that many people in the shadows were looking at him.

Apparently, in the dark night of Jiuyuan City, there were still some powerful cultivators lurking and hiding.

Li Muyang's escape light in the Divine Wandering Realm rose to the sky, which immediately attracted attention.

But those dormant people only observed Li Muyang for a while and then looked away.

After all, Li Muyang's appearance as a child was too confusing, and the appearance of a child + the cultivation of the Divine Wandering Realm... it was evil no matter how you looked at it.

The cultivators hiding in the shadows did not come out to disturb him, and let Li Muyang, the mysterious cultivator, leave.

Li Muyang drove straight into the land of the Demon Refining Sect, unstopped.

But the scene he saw had changed drastically.

In the past, under the rule of the Demon Refining Sect, the demon allies and the Demon Sect had reached an alliance, and their strength was strong, and no one dared to make trouble under the rule of the Demon Sect.

But now on the way to Yunxiao City, Li Muyang encountered several chaotic scenes of demons coming down the mountain to eat people.

The demon cultivators guarding the city relied on the Demon Sect array on the city wall to resist the monsters coming out of the mountain with difficulty.

The destruction of all the high-end combat power of the Demon Refining Sect made the old demon allies begin to stir.

And this was just the prelude to the storm.

In addition to these demons, the big sects of the immortals and demons outside were also rubbing their hands to divide up the vast land of the Demon Refining Sect.

The former largest sect of the Demon Path collapsed overnight.

The collapsed legacy of the Demon Refining Sect was enough to satisfy every faction that joined in the feast.

In this increasingly chaotic situation, Li Muyang flew away, getting closer and closer to Yunxiao City.

Occasionally, he would stop in the vast city to inquire about the latest intelligence from the cultivation world.

In addition to knowing that Yan Xiaoru was still staying in Yunxiao City, trying to sit in Yunxiao City and unify the remaining forces of the Demon Sect, the cultivation world also had big news one after another.

Since the demise of the Demon Refining Sect, in just half a month, seven great cultivators at the peak of the Purple Mansion have successfully broken through and reached the Tianheng Realm in the cultivation world.

Almost all of them are the helmsmen of the two major sects of the immortals and demons.

The impact of the breaking of the seal of heaven and earth finally benefited this group of great cultivators at the peak of the Purple Mansion.

Listening to the news that was spreading outside, Li Muyang's mood became heavier.

The Demon Refining Ancestor only took the first-mover advantage. Now, as time goes by, there will be more and more cultivators who can achieve the Tianheng Realm.

In such a world, Yan Xiaoru, who only has the cultivation of the Purple Mansion Realm, is no longer worth mentioning.

She still wants to integrate the remaining forces of the Demon Refining Sect... What on earth is this woman thinking!

Is she crazy!

Li Muyang became more and more anxious and wanted to rush to Yunxiao City as soon as possible to see Yan Xiaoru.

But at this moment, the chat group that had been silent for a long time suddenly moved.

Amid the harsh beeping sound, Li Muyang frowned and entered the chat group interface.

But he found that the person who was talking was Xin Sulu, who had been offline for a long time.

This saint of the Blood Demon Dao of Tianyuan Continent was very busy before.

Even during the battle that night when the Demon Sect was destroyed, when all the masters of the immortal weapons were online in the entire chat group, she didn't say much.

Perhaps the rebellion has reached a critical moment.

Now, after being silent for a long time, she suddenly spoke. Could it be...

Li Muyang's heart moved slightly, staring at the avatar of Xin Su Lu in the chat group.

Sure enough, Xin Su Lu was unusually anxious.

[Xin Su Lu: Everyone! Not good! Something has happened here]

[Xin Su Lu: The emperor of the Lu Dynasty, who learned the evil magic from somewhere, transformed hundreds of thousands of living people in the capital into some strange monsters]

[Xin Su Lu: This monster has no breath and seems to not exist in the world, but has powerful power, and the emperor of the Lu family actually has powerful combat power]

[Xin Su Lu: I fought with him with the Three Immortal Towers, but was defeated by him! There are people in the world who can rely on flesh and blood to fight against immortal weapons! 】

Xinsu Lu was extremely panicked and wanted to seek help from the masters of the immortal weapons.

Li Muyang, who saw the news, had a flash of understanding in his eyes.

Sure enough...

As he cleared the game, the story of Tianyuan Continent also developed according to the plot in the game.

The emperor broke out of the Black Abyss Pass, defeated the Chongtian Army, and wantonly killed the people outside the pass...

Thinking of this, Li Muyang sighed, but he could only sigh.

The story of the game was the best he could do.

Although he felt a little sorry for the tens of millions of people who died tragically, Li Muyang was unable to save everyone.

Li Muyang was about to close the chat group and continue on his way.

But at this moment, Xinsu Lu's avatar in the chat group suddenly turned black and went offline instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Xinsu Lu's avatar disappeared from the group member list.

It was the same as Ziwei Heng who died before.

This scene stunned Li Muyang.

The Saint of the Blood Demon Dao... is dead? !

In the later stages of the game, there was almost no role for the Chongtian Army, so he had no idea about this.

The demise of Xinsulu caused even greater reactions from the masters of the immortal weapons in the chat group than Li Muyang had expected.

"... Another one died!"

"Not good! Extremely not good!"

"We don't have enough people!"

These masters of the immortal weapons were actually a little panicked.

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